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03-15-2006, 12:33 PM
Since the patch I’ve found soloing much more challenging. When roots break or a snare is resisted mobs warp right to me and hack away. Even snared mobs don’t slowly walk my way rather they seem to make a few jumps an are on me in no time. I could see how this might be helpful to pullers but I figure its either a bug or a problem with my connection. Is anyone else having this experience or has this been reported as a problem, could this be a feature to discourage soloing?

03-15-2006, 12:41 PM
Is anyone else having this problem? (And lets see if anyone else posts saying they have this issue, before we jump to conclusions and cry foul)

03-15-2006, 02:31 PM
What zone(s) was this happening to you in? Sometimes zone geometry causes this.

03-15-2006, 03:16 PM
My good friend Darkiggy, a necromancer, pointed out new warping to me while we were running the kiting mission in the Hive last week. When we had kited here before, the spiders did not warp at all, but last week they teleported onto us with uncanny accuracy. It seemed to me that if I stayed close, barely outside melee range, they did not warp. But once I got too far ahead, they would pounce.

I have not noticed this in any other zones, but don't solo or kite very much.

03-15-2006, 03:46 PM
I also had this problem in 69.1 mission. Kiting there has become difficult, especially on the first 3-spawn in the valley.

03-15-2006, 04:16 PM
mobs are warping badly and have been since PoR release, its especially bad if the mob is above or below your z-axis at time of pull...a quick test, go to arcstone and hand of ro one of the undead mobs on the hill, start running down and within a second or two the mob will warp to you and stick that awful snare. The only real benefit ive noticed is it makes pulling some named mobs alot easier, since it warps right on top of you, you dont need to worry about near as many adds.

03-16-2006, 01:56 PM
I believe this issue is known and being worked on.

03-16-2006, 02:19 PM
I've confirmed the increased warps due to Z-axis differences are an indirect result of this bug. The (current) pathing logic has a slight bias towards finding a route that is flat, and it is enough to cause the pathing system to run out of budgeted search time sooner than if you were on the same plane as the NPC because it's searching the pathing space a little differently than when you are at the same level. This is one of the things I have been revisiting as I continue working on pathing system enhancements.

from the pathing issues thread (

Grumbuk has a few posts on that thread, it's a good read about the current pathing issue; problem with the z-axis.

03-17-2006, 09:33 AM
If you are in the WoS murk caves, sit up on the wall and root rot. If the murk breaks root they usually get stuck on the toward you giving you plenty of time to re-root.

03-17-2006, 05:38 PM
Gotta love the warping for pulling the named in arcstone, tag with snare, then run up the cliff, whamo solo pull no clearing. Rooting por mobs sucks though, dont think i had a root last longer then 30s yet. We just get the shammy to ghetto cc, somehow vp isn't affected like our mr based roots.

Hmm, maybe asked for a chromatic or fire based root?

03-18-2006, 12:42 AM
Gotta love the warping for pulling the named in arcstone, tag with snare, then run up the cliff, whamo solo pull no clearing. Rooting por mobs sucks though, dont think i had a root last longer then 30s yet. We just get the shammy to ghetto cc, somehow vp isn't affected like our mr based roots.

Hmm, maybe asked for a chromatic or fire based root?

are you using spore spiral ( its chromatic, and for me at least it rarely breaks before it refreshes. It seems to last the extended duration more often than not as well.

03-18-2006, 03:43 PM
About 2 months ago is when I first started kiting the 69.1

I died before I knew there was bad warping. :bs:

However once I got my rez I did some checking around and got the advice: "Stay off the walls."

Then through playing around, I noticed when I was higher or lower than the mob...warp.

Low and behold I have a new pulling tool. I used to wait till the mob was relatively close to camp before snaring to save my party time (pulling from three floors down in a tower and back out is time consuming).

Now I snare, run like mad, climb the side of a wall and poof my mob is snared, in camp and we're killing it already...At least that's what I was doing until the patch that just happened.

With double xp weekend, decided to head here, and I can still use the walls to poof them on me for speed, but if the mob and I are in the open, it will now "pop" straight up, stagger ahead about 10 feet, stop, pop up, stagger ahead... until it can find me.

I'd love to see the warping disappear all together personally, but we do as druids do best, adapt.

03-21-2006, 04:26 PM
Yea, its fixed. Life is much safer now. Thanks all for confirming that it was not just me.