View Full Forums : Where is the Druid Gear ?

03-16-2006, 08:16 PM
ok for the past 2 years, Leather classes have been screwed on Fabled Gear, chain had legs and a bp, casters had a BP, plate classes had a TON of Fabled Bp's. But nothing for leather classes. sure there was fabled fungi but everyone could use that not just leather and it wasnt up to par with the other classes rewards. from what i am see'ing this year. i see a TON of chain, silk and Plate gear, even seen a couple nice monk, beastlord BP's but still NO Druid items, so where are they or did sony screw druids yet agiain for the 3'rd year in a row ? i;m not talking about the all/all gear, just the druid,monk, beast, gear, there is none . just monk and beastlord. =/
anyone feel like people at sony do not like druids ?

03-16-2006, 10:33 PM
Sony imo hates the druid class. They constantly give stuff to all the other classes to make them better and keep them in line with the new mobs and levels that they make but when it comes to the druid thier excuse is that they dont want to make us to powerful. They made soloing almost worthless to do any more by making more and more mobs unsnareable/unrootable and able to summon. Then they make it so we are second string in everything we do in groups because the claim we can solo. On top of that they give us charms that wear off at the drop of a hat and are only useful on animals way lower than most of the mobs in zone and when they wear off that animal comes at us with a vengence. They also slaped us in the face with bobo, the biggest joke in the game. All of the other classes that can make a pet get ones that can accually hang with most mobs in the game at their masters level. Yet when we ask for a little more they scream that we are too powerful as it is and it would be unfair to the rest of the classes.
Sorry for the rant but I love playing as a druid and I am tired of hearing sony and other classes state how overpowered we are.

03-16-2006, 11:24 PM
Sony imo hates the druid class. They constantly give stuff to all the other classes to make them better and keep them in line with the new mobs and levels that they make but when it comes to the druid thier excuse is that they dont want to make us to powerful. They made soloing almost worthless to do any more by making more and more mobs unsnareable/unrootable and able to summon. Then they make it so we are second string in everything we do in groups because the claim we can solo. On top of that they give us charms that wear off at the drop of a hat and are only useful on animals way lower than most of the mobs in zone and when they wear off that animal comes at us with a vengence. They also slaped us in the face with bobo, the biggest joke in the game. All of the other classes that can make a pet get ones that can accually hang with most mobs in the game at their masters level. Yet when we ask for a little more they scream that we are too powerful as it is and it would be unfair to the rest of the classes.
Sorry for the rant but I love playing as a druid and I am tired of hearing sony and other classes state how overpowered we are.

We've gotten several spells to keep us inline with what we do in reguards to current mob power. Low Resist Check Snares, Root, and Group Heals, along with Spells like Skin of the Reptile are good indicators of this.
There are a number of mobs over the last several expansions which are able to be soloed. Mobs in Stoneroot and The Hive are perfectly soloable and provide decent experiance.
We are not second string in everything we do. This is esp try in reguards to Attack Reduction.
Necromancers face the same issues with Charm, but they are limited to Undead.
Finally, the Pet is a gag, a joke, non viable and for roleplay purposes only. The AA verison is actually very respectable.

03-17-2006, 12:44 AM
Velious seems like a very caster heavy expansion, I've seen a ton of robes already and not many druid wearable BPs. There's a lot of all/all items available from high end fabled this year.

This might change with Luclin round fabled, with Fabled Elysian for example (you just know they're going to do it).

03-17-2006, 09:03 AM
1. I havent seen any difference in my snare and root spells they get resisted about the same amount of the time, as for the group heal what is the name of it cause i havent seen a group heal for druids, Ill give you skin of reptile as a nice improvement.
2. can those mobs be soloed by a 65 druid with only 30 aa?
3. yes we can debuff the ac and attack on mobs but at my level the only time i am asked to join a group is if there are no clerics available.
4. Necromancers get a nice pet so who cares if they cant charm
5. You said it it was a joke that sony only played on the druid. Let me ask you this if you had your choice would you rather have a joke of a pet for roleplaying or would you rather have a pet that was useful as a shamans pet?

I dont mean to sound like I am attacking you so I hope you dont take it that way. It is just that I have been playing my druid since i started 5 yrs ago and I have a family and a job so I cant play every min of the day. It just seems that most of the stuff that we have been getting are either for level 70s or require alot of AA to get. Why cant sony improve the class through out all the levels instead of just when you reach the end. Dont get me wrong I still love playing a druid, Its just I read alot of forums that spout how sony cant do anything to the druid cause it would make us way to powerful. Well if we are on the verge of being overpowered why dont people fall all over themselves to get one in thier groups.

03-17-2006, 09:42 AM
Moonshadow is the name of the group heal.

oving this to Unkempt since it's a rant.

03-17-2006, 10:01 AM
1. I havent seen any difference in my snare and root spells they get resisted about the same amount of the time, as for the group heal what is the name of it cause i havent seen a group heal for druids, Ill give you skin of reptile as a nice improvement.
2. can those mobs be soloed by a 65 druid with only 30 aa?
3. yes we can debuff the ac and attack on mobs but at my level the only time i am asked to join a group is if there are no clerics available.
4. Necromancers get a nice pet so who cares if they cant charm
5. You said it it was a joke that sony only played on the druid. Let me ask you this if you had your choice would you rather have a joke of a pet for roleplaying or would you rather have a pet that was useful as a shamans pet?
1. Chromatic resist snare from DoN does indeed get fewer resists, same with Spore Spiral (chromatic root from DoD). You might just be unlucky with the use of those spells.
2. If you can root and have a dot spell, you can solo in stoneroot.
3. Druid group desirability is somewhat lacking. As is mentioned elsewhere on the site in several places, you have to prove yourself to have individual desireability to overcome this. Or make your own groups.
4. Necromancers were designed as a pet-weilding dps class, charm was never intended to be a major part of the class, but rather included as a part of th "control over undead" thing (much like their undead slow, etc..). For those still bitter about charm, it's been 7 expansions since it was an incredibly viable option, I don't expect it to come into play again unless Sony takes a radically different approach for upcoming expansions.
5. Booboo isn't a joke, he picks up chicks like no other pet in the game. It was designed as a roleplaying spell (kinda like Wake of Karana) and not intended to be a real pet. The question reads "would you rather" and the obvious answer is yes, but the question "should" carries a no answer since we are not a pet class and have plenty of other advantages to make up for it.

The reason druids aren't desparately wanted for groups is because we are not a specialist class. Groups would rather take specialized dps classes or the specialized healer in most cases. However, increasing druid dps and/or healing too much will push us out of balance with the other classes. It's not that druids suck, it's that druids aren't specialists.

03-17-2006, 12:20 PM
So the main question remains...did druids get shafted yet again with Fabled drops?

03-17-2006, 12:59 PM
Bah, I hate it when people derail a thread, the question was where is the druid gear ? lol

03-17-2006, 03:15 PM
2. can those mobs be soloed by a 65 druid with only 30 aa?

if a 65 druid alt with no AA can solo mobs in 69.1 normal + hard, then you should be able to. That's what i did.

03-17-2006, 07:32 PM
Necromancers face the same issues with Charm, but they are limited to Undead.
I'm not sure that druids are shafted everywhere (although it does seem that we are in a few places) but this statement is just wrong.

The other points you make are something that makes sense but not this one.

1. There are about 50 undead mobs for every 'animal' mob.
2. Necros get undead slow.

I'm not going to go into the whole thing because we have talked about this many times. But just wanted to say that while your other points are a reasonable point of view, this one is just :bs:

03-17-2006, 10:43 PM
1. There are about 50 undead mobs for every 'animal' mob.
2. Necros get undead slow.

are you serious?

03-18-2006, 03:15 PM
Bah, I hate it when people derail a thread, the question was where is the druid gear ? lol
Welcome to the druid forums! =P

03-18-2006, 03:58 PM
Bah, I hate it when people derail a thread, the question was where is the druid gear ? lol

No it wasn't. You openly started a rant, and that is what you get: a discussion for your rant. If this thread was derailed it was you who started it.

ok for the past 2 years, Leather classes have been screwed on Fabled Gear,
so where are they or did sony screw druids yet agiain for the 3'rd year in a row ?
anyone feel like people at sony do not like druids ?

heh... And once again, nothing wrong with a rant so long as it is in the correct board :)

03-19-2006, 01:12 AM
Necromancers face the same issues with Charm, but they are limited to Undead.All of our necros parse at 1k+ DPS consistantly no life burn. That does not include the pet. Necros get mana pump/group mana tap, self heals, and higher mana regen. Not to mention FD, and two DA's.....

Rogs would be hard pressed to break 1k DPS constantly with out discs.... I fail to see how necros are getting screwed.

I like the druid class because it's a challange to play... but it would also be nice to be able to have some more druid intelligent gear. I love the focus effect on the DoN druid mask.... as if that was a hard to get that focus:bs:.

I can sorta see the demiplane druid only cloak....however sony has been screwing druids in the way of gear for quite some time. Look at velious..... worst gear for druids ever.

I really wish we could get some better mana regen since leather gear has much less mana than silk or plate.

03-19-2006, 01:17 AM
Woven Grass was best that there was in Velious ;p

That stuff was vaiable till Orante came out, and even then the Bracer was still useful.

03-21-2006, 03:12 AM
So the main question remains...did druids get shafted yet again with Fabled drops?
IMO all classes did. The creativity just isn't there, and apparently all people ever try to increase or balance in their gear is hp / mana.

03-21-2006, 04:13 AM
Sony has done a real ****ty job with foci. There are foci that are incredibly easy to get... and some that are hard to get. Then there is the repeat of foci on class specific gear. Ever seen beast lords and all the lovely cold spell foci they get....they have that effect on like every peice of gear they have....which is retarded. How about beneficial spel haste VS beneficial spell preservation... or detremental spell haste. Not to mention the slots they are sticking these foci in.....

03-21-2006, 08:57 AM
Woodelfous is just bitter about druids getting cleave 6 in demiplane =p

03-21-2006, 09:56 AM
I have yet to see any Fabled gear that druids can wear.

All the tanks in my guild have been saying that the AC on fabled gear is really crappy.

I've decided that fabled gear is for people who can't raid anything good. I just hope that they are able to put together a raid that can actually kill these mobs.

03-21-2006, 10:11 AM
That much I'll vouch for...we took down fabled Vindi last night and I was amazed at how awful the AC was on the bp.

Menien Mayhem
03-21-2006, 03:11 PM
Check out the Fabled AoW, Fabled dragons in WW, WToV, and NToV. Very nice items there and challenging encounters. None are keyed zones. On the other hand, I believe Fabled mobs in ST favors melee classes (and is keyed).

03-21-2006, 03:27 PM
March 20th, 2006

The EverQuest Team is hiring! We are currently looking for well qualified applicants to fill a game designer position whose primary task is game itemization.

Some required qualifications include:

- Firm grasp of the EverQuest high end game especially regarding itemization and class balance.
- Knowledge of SQL and Perl.
- Ability to interact with the community and harvest pearls of wisdom from within long rants.

If you are interested, please find our full job description on our careers page. You can find this listing if you go to and click on the Game Designer link posted on March 15th. This is a full time position located in San Diego, CA.

-- The EverQuest Team

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

03-21-2006, 03:32 PM
Ever seen beast lords and all the lovely cold spell foci they get....they have that effect on like every peice of gear they have....which is retarded.

No kidding. They have huge cold focus on Time tunic and epic 1.5/2.0.

Gonna send the better half after the job. He's reading this over my shoulder and said "Yeah, I'd make priest items without INT on them, for starters. Sheesh. Fix things before problems start."

03-21-2006, 05:38 PM
Fabled AoW needs to hit harder and have more hp =(

03-22-2006, 09:26 AM
^ rofl

AoW is fun now! I wish he'd stay that hard! ~6k hits thru Defensive rock - lol