View Full Forums : Wreckers recruiting - Australian timezone guild on Bertoxxulous

03-21-2006, 10:11 PM
We are looking for 1-2 solid druids to fill out our roster.

Wreckers are Australian time zone based and balance a casual raiding structure with a serious raiding attitude. We raid three times per week (Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays) from 7:30pm AEDT til about 11pm.

For the timezone challenged that currently corresponds to 12:30am PST - 4am PST. However, this will soon change to 2.30am PDT - 6am PDT when daylight savings shifts in both hemispheres.

Our current farm targets are Anguish (except OMM), Tacvi, DoN (except Vish).

Progression-wise, we are working on Vish and also starting to push into DoD (Shyra and Council of Nine killed so far - Draygun next on the menu).

Our player requirements are fairly simple:
* Timezone. If you are not based in Australia/NZ/Asia be prepared to be questioned repeatedly on whether you can participate in our peak time on a regular basis for the long haul. While we have some great members in the US, Europe and other places, we've also seen many people fade away as the reality of 2am raiding sinks in
* Personality compatibility. You need to be able to fit in with the rest of the guild.

Character requirements:
* You should have all of your non-Ancient spells or a very good reason why not. If the reason is "it's too hard" or something similar, then you're not who we're looking for.
* You should have your Anguish signets done as we are spending a significant portion of our time in Anguish. If you don't have them done, you should be capable of getting them done during recruitment.
* Level of gear is largely unimportant although pride in your character is crucial. If you're wearing something I can upgrade in the bazaar for 1000pp or in a half hour MM, you're probably not who we're looking for.
* Flags are unimportant but again I would expect anyone to be at least working on single group progression tasks like DSK and Theatre of Blood access as it shows interest in the game and improving your toon.
* We don't have minimum required AA, but if you don't have many be prepared to work on them so you can fulfil your role on raids.

Visit our website at (

For more info either PM me or contact bertox.Aamasie in game.

Thanks :)

03-22-2006, 04:29 PM
Wow wreckers are still going and still some familiar faces from ancient times. This was one of the most kickass guilds out there. I still remember the tov raids, and first talendor kill, ahh the good old days. What ever happened to silkenshammie? Wish you all the best.. nice to see Zapp/Mystie/Kysumu/Miruwin/guistan still play..

Severis/Kzar ;P

03-23-2006, 09:38 PM
Hey Kzar, thanks for the wishes :)

Far as I know Silk is in EQ2 now - might help you catch up with some oldtimers.

Zapp and Mystie are still in the guild but both are bots now (as is Silk actually). Not sure where the original players ended up.

Ky logs on every so often for a couple of months, when withdrawal symptoms get too bad, and tries to convince everyone how special he was "back in the day". We don't believe him though and he disappears again for a stretch, probably looking for more gullible people ;)

iruwin is a stalwart and still plays often, although is temporarily away for a couple of weeks.

Giustin still plays but playtime is reduced to a promotion at work.

PS - /bonk to AN for trying to steal our 'croots!! We posted first!! j/k of course, but make sure to /rude Zearu for me, if he's still lurking over there.

01-03-2007, 09:52 PM
We're still on the lookout for a druid or two.

Update since last time is we've dropped OMM and Vish and working on Redfang to get into Tier 2 demiplane.

01-17-2007, 05:47 AM
Pfft that was last week :P Redfang has since perished, as has Devlin and Tris expected to go any day now :)

04-09-2007, 09:25 PM
much <3 for weo!! would almost be worth a server transfer to play with you again :)

06-03-2007, 03:46 AM
We are looking for 1-2 solid druids to fill out our roster.

Wreckers are Australian time zone based and balance a casual raiding structure with a serious raiding attitude. We raid three times per week (Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays) from 7:30pm AEDT til about 11pm.

For the timezone challenged that currently corresponds to 2.30am PDT - 6am PDT. (12:30am PST - 4am PST when DST changes over again later this year)

Our current farm targets are Demi Tier 1+2 (MM should go down soon) and Deathknell.

Progression-wise, we are working on FC faction and pre-progression raids. We hope to start raid progression here "soon".

Our player requirements are fairly simple:
* Timezone. If you are not based in Australia/NZ/Asia be prepared to be questioned repeatedly on whether you can participate in our peak time on a regular basis for the long haul. While we have some great members in the US, Europe and other places, we've also seen many people fade away as the reality of 2am raiding sinks in
* Personality compatibility. You need to be able to fit in with the rest of the guild.

Character requirements:
* You should have all of your non-Ancient spells or a very good reason why not. If the reason is "it's too hard" or something similar, then you're not who we're looking for.
* You should have your DSK and ToB flags done, or be working on them at the very least as we spend the majority of our raids in Demi or DK. (raid zone back-flags will come via. raid drops)
* Level of gear is largely unimportant although pride in your character is crucial. If you're wearing something I can upgrade in the bazaar for 1000pp or in a half hour MM, you're probably not who we're looking for.
* We don't have minimum required AA, but if you don't have many be prepared to work on them so you can fulfil your role on raids.

Visit our website at (

For more info either PM me or contact bertox.Aamasie in game.

Thanks :)

Updated this with current targets and future outlook. Looking for 1 or 2 more Druids still.

06-04-2007, 04:57 AM
Pay for the transfer and i would come over =P ... hehehe ...

depending on when i can get money or also when i can get a transfer (if there is a server merge coming i may take a free transfer), i may look into an aussie guild sometime soon, finishing school and going into the workforce is going to be hard to raid US times. So you aussie guilds should watch out =P...

anyways ... seems im one of the only ones in serverwide.druidsgrove these days on aussie play time, so if any of you are bored, come drop in and say hi =) ... so i can get to know some people before i think of going anywhere =P.

06-04-2007, 05:22 AM
Hrm i used to be in that channel, damned if i remember the password anymore :P

edit: nm i found it :P

06-19-2007, 08:03 AM
much <3 for weo!! would almost be worth a server transfer to play with you again :)

/wave Calleagh

... and what do you mean "almost"? pfft!

Guild update: MM dead... wuwu!