View Full Forums : D'Pikeys of Antonius Bayle

Occasus Numerus
03-28-2006, 06:02 AM
D'Pikeys of Antonius Bayle is now looking to add 1 or 2 druids to it's ranks. We are a european guild that raids 5 days a week. Our raiding schedule is:

Sundays: 15.30-23.00CET
ondays: 19.30-23.30CET
Tuesdays: 19.30-23.30CET
Wednesday: 19.30-23.30CET
Thursdays: 19.30-23.30CET
Fridays: Off-day
Saturdays: Off-day

Our targets are currently:
Citadel of Anguish (excluding OMM, grrr)
Tacvi ( to gear up new recruits, we hope to stop farming tacvi in the vbery near future)
DoN (Including Vishimtar)
DoDH (about to break into demiplane, almost downed draygun/sendaii)

If this post has arroused your interest then we invite you to visit our brand new web site at: or you can send a tell to antonius.purrfection for more information about how to app and what our requirements are.

Thank you very much for your time,

The D'Pikeys officer team

Occasus Numerus
04-07-2006, 10:41 AM
Draygun down.....just Sendaii and Vule left now before we enter Demiplane. Still looking to add a druid to our ranks. Send in game tells to antonius.Occasus.