View Full Forums : Quading in HoH

04-05-2006, 09:43 AM
What would a good mana number be to pull this off? Im 67 and have just under 5k mana. Is this even worth the time. Or would I be better off Root/Rotting? Also could I run my Monk who is 56 down there and have him lay around and sponge xp? Thanks in advance

04-05-2006, 10:27 AM
A good way to test out if your mana lasts out is pulling only one and nuke it with Karana's Rage and/or any rain spell until you kill it. If you have some mana left then chances are that you may be able to quad. HoH mobs are very resistant though, so make sure you have enough mana left after the quad to make up for the resists. I don't think rain spells are good here (only in fire) considering resists and even Karana's Rage they resist a lot.

04-05-2006, 10:39 AM
If you debuff with glacier's resists aren't bad.

04-05-2006, 11:10 AM
leech a fire flag and go kite there, is much more worth your while than spending that time trying to sap what little exp HoH has to offer.

04-05-2006, 01:48 PM
I am 67, and recently passed 5K mana (buffed w/KEI or Tranq, ~5300). I can quad in there just fine. Usually get them done right as I'm approaching 10% mana left. I have FT17 + MC3, SCM3 and FoMM1. Also I am Evoc spec. So with just shy of 5K mana, you may have to do some tick-medding.

I have tried using the rain spells along with Glacier Breath, and truthfully, I prefer using KR. Between lesser efficiency of the spell, slower recast, and doing the additional debuff cast per mob (250 base mana x 4), I think KR is still more efficient even after accounting for resists.

Having said all that, I don't really quad in there except when doing my LotD 30 minute XP buff. I quad them down and when the lowest mob hits 6-7%, I cast LotD and then finish them off. Otherwise, on a strict time/mob basis, root-rotting is quicker overall, between the horse, AE5, Muram's Anger, etc.

Hope this helps,


Oh yeah, regarding your 56 monk, unless he gets flagged, you can't enter HoH until level 62. Besides he won't get bonus XP. It would be better to take him to PoS frogs for sponge XP.

04-07-2006, 10:44 AM
Having DD AA crits helps a lot. I did this also when I was 67, with crappy gear and a low mana pool (maybe 4.8k mana) by med-kiteing the last AEs. It's not nearly as efficient but it's still a great strategy when you're not focused and just want to get some exp while doing something else.

Basically, you kill 4, blow up your whole mana bar, get some exp, then you can watch TV for a while.

04-07-2006, 12:01 PM
Oh yeah, regarding your 56 monk, unless he gets flagged, you can't enter HoH until level 62. Besides he won't get bonus XP. It would be better to take him to PoS frogs for sponge XP.

Could you elaborate on the 'bonus xp' sentence please? Not sure what the bonus refers to. Thanks!

04-07-2006, 05:52 PM
Sure, when getting XP, there is a bonus at higher levels (51+ or 55+, can't remember which) if the mob is within 5 levels of you. The bonus is bigger when the mob is 5 levels above you than if it's 5 levels below you. So if you bring a 56 toon to soak XP off of level 62 mobs, they just get the straight XP. But against level 60 mobs (like PoS frogs), they get the bonus XP value. And you only have to be level 55 to get into PoS. Try it and you'll see, the XP just flies by when hunting in the bonus range.
