View Full Forums : 7 years and they still can't do a patch without screwing up...

04-06-2006, 11:15 AM
So they take down a handful of zones for an impromptu patch, fine, I can live with that.... but they say it will take 30-40 minutes....

90 minutes later, zones are still not up, and if you cast a port spell that goes there, you get the permanent casting-state bug, and have to /q, because no commands will work.

Just brilliant.


04-06-2006, 12:21 PM
So they take down a handful of zones for an impromptu patch, fine, I can live with that.... but they say it will take 30-40 minutes....

90 minutes later, zones are still not up, and if you cast a port spell that goes there, you get the permanent casting-state bug, and have to /q, because no commands will work.

Just brilliant.

If you are stuck in the permanent casting state all you have to do is to run to a zoneline. That will clear the state. Having somebody else teleport you will also work.

I do agree though that it is less than graceful


04-06-2006, 12:42 PM
well that's fine, if you're in a zone with a zoneline. I was in Guild Lobby. All zonelines are of the click variety, and it wouldn't let me click to zone.

Granted, this is rare among zones, so there is usually a workaround. But still, that's lame that they can't handle this more gracefully.


04-06-2006, 03:36 PM
Could have targeted the magus, and asked her to send you somewhere.

04-06-2006, 06:13 PM
DOH! good point. I rarely use the magi, so it didn't occur to me.

05-15-2006, 04:45 AM
Sry Tatan but i saw your post and i was cracking up laughing. NO its not funny what happened but it brought back a memory of a guildie today asking for a guild rezz cause she died in the guild hall. it was like the second time today i had read something bad about the guild hall hehe.