View Full Forums : 1.5 Madman Question

Matafleur Mistwalker
04-19-2006, 10:36 PM
Taken from the 1.5 guide on this site:-

Head over to North Ro and find "a madman" that is Indifferent Con (he can spawn anywhere)

Is there a trick to getting the madman to spawn? I've been in No Ro now for a couple of nights killing everything and spawning madmen that only con scowling to me. Does anyone have any tips/advice to spawning the madmen faster? Do they have one specific placeholder? I've been sticking mainly to the sand dune area, haven't seen many madmen in the forested area.

I consider myself a veteran of Everquest who has gone through many many long camps but this is beginning to rob me of my will to live! Help please!

04-19-2006, 11:59 PM
Took me a couple days also. Killed just madmen the first night and didn't get any indif ones. Killed everything that pathed in dunes on second night and got indif madman after an hour or so. Spawned near water in dunes area. The mob will continue to path while you kill the ghosts so be ready to track.

Madie of Wind Riders
04-20-2006, 05:44 AM
I didnt have any problems with him spawning... in fact he was up as I zoned in. He was on the grass/sand border and looked just like any other Madman. However, when I did this part, just after the release of PoR there were glitches in the script. He said what he was supposed to, only 1 spirit spawned however (blue con to 70).

After killing that 1 spirit, I got the piece I needed from the Madman. Just wanted to let you know that it still might have this issue.

04-21-2006, 03:22 PM
Hhmmm, this guy spawns as you zone iirc. It's not a camp mob. Perhaps the event wasn't ready when you zoned in.

05-23-2006, 05:24 AM
Taken from the 1.5 guide on this site:-

Is there a trick to getting the madman to spawn? I've been in No Ro now for a couple of nights killing everything and spawning madmen that only con scowling to me. Does anyone have any tips/advice to spawning the madmen faster? Do they have one specific placeholder? I've been sticking mainly to the sand dune area, haven't seen many madmen in the forested area.

I consider myself a veteran of Everquest who has gone through many many long camps but this is beginning to rob me of my will to live! Help please!

I just did this part 2-3 days ago, I just went through NR from water line (slightly north of docks) and tracked all madman from there if they scowl, I remove them (easier so you dont track same one) and after about 10-15 minutes I found a non scowling one close to the water.

note he will walk when you are busy killing the pops and walks roughly towards the EC tunnel entrance.
It's easy though if you scale of wolf to new pop to get there in time