View Full Forums : Druid gear focus affects

05-01-2006, 05:06 PM
What is up with Soe not wanting to give us detremental focus affects on leather gear?

Healing/buffing are important aspects of our tool kit but where are my detrimental focii? We do nuke and debuff, focii that affect these ablities would be kinda nice to be on our quest armor or leather armor. Instead we get 3 focii everytime it seems: Healing, Benef distance, and Ice focii.

Fire isn't that hard to get, but detrimental focus for duration and distance have gotten stupid rare on gear we can use. I know its gonna massively overpower the game if my debuffs stay on longer and our dots last longer. If they feel our dot dps will become out of balance (boggle) then they need to make a focus that affects debuff style detrimental only and put it on leather trash gear (ie. bracers).

Anyway rant off.

05-01-2006, 06:27 PM
In another hand, thanks to the super awesome idea behind the Last Bloods we can get foci just about anywhere. Too bad there's no adaptation to Post-DP foci.

05-01-2006, 10:00 PM
It would be pretty hard for Druid dots to become unbalanced, I feel.

05-01-2006, 10:03 PM
Only drawback to some of the focuses on last blood types augs is lack of actual range focus. Up to lvl 67 spells and crap range. I'm presently wearing 3 types of gm armor for situational focuses, ne of which is det haste and put that on sleeves since most of our sleeve slots lack any type of focus at all. WTB DP lvl focus upgrades.

05-03-2006, 11:52 AM
I know its not the same but there is an aug u can get to extend the range of ur DoT spells.. granted there are no stats on it but the extra range is nice..I am not sure if the link will work but here it goes

Otherwise search item : Lambent Stone Of Focus

And i agree a druid power is very nerfed unless we find a way to boost DoTs. I like the nuking end of what we do but having longer lasting and more powerful dots would be nice.. This may not have anything to do with it but a Necro has Super DoTs, Can heal, Can lifetap, Can Nuke, and can make clicky heal stone for themselves.. Seems a lil unfair to me..

05-16-2006, 02:50 AM
In another hand, thanks to the super awesome idea behind the Last Bloods we can get foci just about anywhere. Too bad there's no adaptation to Post-DP foci.

The downside being you often have to spend ALOT of time farming to get it (money or components), which for some is a pain or not very fun/productive use of time.

GM leather tunic/legs are roughly 150k on our Dro, rest around 50-100.
GM chest/leg augs run 50-70k, rest around 40k.
echanoinstruction around 45-70k depending on focus.
AAAA's 150-200k.

So if I got everything cheap i'd still be spending around 350-400k for a chest or leg piece, 250-300k for other slots. I farm while exp in instanced nests with my 3 box and even I find that to be alot of money.

It has been a tad of a pain to juggle around and find detrimental focus, saving up to just buy det haste on a piece of GM armor atm. Kinda annoying that my options really run with (buying a nearly same stat necklace just to get det preservation or farm up enough to buy GM of similar content stats). My origional idea was to wear alot of GM / last blood / bazu stuff, until I figured out the price, i'll wear 1-2 tops for the focus that are high demand / low availiblity.

05-16-2006, 09:40 AM
If you know someone to do the tinkering and smithing you can just farm everything for the 4A. Finding a friendly gnome to do the tinkering can be a pain, but most guilds have several skilled smithers. Just ask around if your guildies can help you. Nimchip made my GM helm/symbol, and I farmed everything for the 4A and armor with Swift (ranger). So the only cost for my new spiffy helm was the ore and a few gems-less than 15k iirc.

05-16-2006, 10:18 AM
It would be pretty hard for Druid dots to become unbalanced, I feel.

How about the following two spells:

Karana's water torture
Group castable only, 900 mana. Causes 12 damage per tick for 3600 seconds

Tunare's fluffy pillow
Group castable only. 1200 mana. Causes 18 damage per tick for 3600 seconds

Surely that is vastly overpowered :)


05-16-2006, 11:30 AM
The downside being you often have to spend ALOT of time farming to get it (money or components), which for some is a pain or not very fun/productive use of time.

GM leather tunic/legs are roughly 150k on our Dro, rest around 50-100.
GM chest/leg augs run 50-70k, rest around 40k.
echanoinstruction around 45-70k depending on focus.
AAAA's 150-200k.

So if I got everything cheap i'd still be spending around 350-400k for a chest or leg piece, 250-300k for other slots. I farm while exp in instanced nests with my 3 box and even I find that to be alot of money.

It has been a tad of a pain to juggle around and find detrimental focus, saving up to just buy det haste on a piece of GM armor atm. Kinda annoying that my options really run with (buying a nearly same stat necklace just to get det preservation or farm up enough to buy GM of similar content stats). My origional idea was to wear alot of GM / last blood / bazu stuff, until I figured out the price, i'll wear 1-2 tops for the focus that are high demand / low availiblity.

Well I make my own armor and symbols. Additionally i make armor and symbols for my guildies too. We have a tinkerer and other tinkering bots that help us with that. I farm all the stuff... the price is 20-25k if you farm all the stuff. It's not hard for a druid either.

05-18-2006, 11:38 AM
Just time consuming, it becomes a issue of "can I farm plat or components faster" at that point.

I have yet to find any wood elven tailors on Dro who wont charge me a fortune even if I do provide the components, tempting me to make my own tailor in my off time hehe.

05-20-2006, 12:53 PM
A benefit to last blood / bazu augs is that if you need to upgrade that slot, you don't lose the aug's foci if have another piece of gm armor to move it to.

Another thing, last blood pieces are the best pieces for helm and arms slot.

05-22-2006, 02:14 AM
A benefit to last blood / bazu augs is that if you need to upgrade that slot, you don't lose the aug's foci if have another piece of gm armor to move it to.

Another thing, last blood pieces are the best pieces for helm and arms slot.

Im going to stick with my everspring hat for a while but agree on arm slots, though im finding it to be good for chest slot too, just because ive been disapointed with focus in what we have available.

The chest im working on is Diamond Coldain for type 7, GM for type 11 and Last Blood of the Traveller for det haste. Farming hides/scales just to sell because it'll be cheaper to buy a GM chest at a set price then hope that the tailor succeeds.

05-22-2006, 11:13 PM
ya i was refering strictly to stats / mods, the only way to replace the spec mod is with preformer cloak, which i'm told is a very uncool item =(

05-23-2006, 12:17 AM
ya i was refering strictly to stats / mods, the only way to replace the spec mod is with preformer cloak, which i'm told is a very uncool item =(

Agreed, kinda aggrivating to see some newer items with nice focus with little to no mods, that are just god awful. >< Ah well juggling focus an insane ammount of focus, the life of a druid.

I predict we shall soon see the following on our next tunic :

Divination spec mod
Strikethrough 10%
Combat Effects 10
Improved Block 5!
Flying Kick +20
Det or Bene 20% mana pres because we all have trouble finding a item with either of those...
And a +5% mana pres on some spell, which we're all happy to see! /sarcasm off

Anyways im all vented out.