View Full Forums : Epic 2.0 quests

06-09-2006, 06:46 PM
Ok, so we're starting to do Epic 2.0 stuff on a fairly regular basis, since we just broke into Anguish recently. And since we are starting to get orbs, and I'm trying to dole them out fairly to people that can use them, I was doing some research on the Epic 2.0 fights (specifically what the various classes have to do with the globes from Anguish, once they get them) to try to make sure that we're as informed as possible when we're deciding how to do this.

And there's one thing I noticed, that really floored me. Unless I'm mistaken, or the quest writeups are bad, the necro quest for the 2.0 involves a total if 1 fight. One that's easily 2 groupable. It drops both of the pieces they need for their entire quest, besides the globe from Anguish.

And, to that, I say, wtf? I mean, the druid quest for 2.0 isn't exactly tough, but there was more than 1 freaking step to it. I had to forage stuff in barindu for an hour, had to solo for roughly 60 hours in Velks to get my experiment to pop, had to kill a whole number of mobs in various zones, including 2 that I needed several people to help with, both of which were arguably more difficult than the necro mob.

I guess I just don't get the logic behind doing quests this way - where some classes, like pallies, for instance, have a metric ton of mobs to kill and need help for nearly everything, and other classes, like necros, get out easy. 1 fight? Come on.

06-09-2006, 10:14 PM
More easy chest loot for your guild.

Necromancer 1.0 was an enourmous pain in the ass before MQing and selling of those pieces became widespread.

Yeah, Necromancer 2.0 is pretty easy. Bard is pretty simple as well. The Necromancer epic is also not nearly as useful in a raid setting as say, Cleric or Druid epics.


06-11-2006, 02:30 PM
That foraging was a royal Pita. I kept foraging the same piece over and over for like an hour before i got the second one.

06-14-2006, 04:18 PM
I took a gaggle of wizards with me and we AoE'd all of velks between the 2 possible spawn points. Also, the official Druid 2.0 writeup here had a mistake in the original location of the soloable experiment. I'm not sure if it was fixed, but I did make a comment as to where I found him twice.

A suggestion Min, since my guild ran into bad feelings over this at the time, maybe keep a thread on your boards for epic progress, and then when there are people at the final stage where they need the orb to finish, either let them bid or roll, or whatever loot system you use. I have a wizard friend that has had the Orb since december, bid a bunch of points for it and beat lots of people, and then he basically quit playing, because he needs 3 more fights and no one wants to do them.

06-16-2006, 01:12 PM
I just took my ranger up to Velk's Castle area, and was able to DS him up and toss a Lions on him, pull 5 - 10 mobs, rinse, repeat, until there were no mobs left. It still took me over 60 hours to get the damned experiment to pop, and I was pulling ALL the mobs up there (all the golems and any gargoyles that added) I killed Bledrek 9 times, Kerdelb 5 times, (named golems) a couple other named gargoyles, Velketor twice, Lorb Bob once (I got bored) all before I ever got the guy to pop. But, I did get all kinds of old school shiny stuff to sell in Bazaar for my effort at least. (tons of Velium)

Anyway, I'm not complaining about the druid quest so much as I am the disparity between the relative difficulties of the quests. If they were going to make the necro quest that easy, why not just have the quest giver give the necro a 2-slot container and have them combine the anguish orb with their 1.5 to get their 2.0.

We use DKP for distributing them, with the caveat that you MUST at least be finished with your 1.5. So far the people who have won have been people who could basically use them right away, or within a fight, because it's an expensive item to let rot in a bank. I'm done with mine and I just need the orb, which I should get in due time (soon).

06-20-2006, 08:08 PM
Sometimes, when I'm alone... I sing Yo Ho. No sun! A skeleton's day is never done!

and when Skele's walk up to me in game, i'm like "I am on the job!"

I swear I messed that thing up 4 or 5 times :(

07-11-2006, 07:48 AM

I still have those hotkeys, and I sometimes sing when I am on a raid!

07-17-2006, 12:07 AM
My epic click message to raid is:

/rs Yo ho, no sun! > %t

07-17-2006, 12:54 PM
yes my brother is a necro and did the 2.0 fight with less than 2 groups

i dont mind the druid 2.0 fights because really there are only 2 that a "raid" is needed for, and the WoS one can be done with probably 2 groups in itself... had 3 groups when i did mine and it seemed like overkill... i ended up offtanking some of the adds

the qinimi one is a little bit harder but if you have 4 competant groups then it's pretty easy.

really the druid fights arent bad compared to the rogue one which is underwater, and the cleric one which can be a pita

yes the necro 1.0 was very difficult, i remember my brother struggling years ago to get it finished and cursing at me because of how simple the druid one was, so i dont mind them getting it easy with the 2.0 fight

07-18-2006, 02:15 PM
Personally I think Paladins got screwed the worst on Epic stuff. Their 1.0 was garbage and they had to basically do fights that would not allow them to go past 52 to complete to then have to do that AWFUL ldon mission to get the 2.0.

07-20-2006, 11:50 AM
Ok, so we're starting to do Epic 2.0 stuff on a fairly regular basis, since we just broke into Anguish recently. And since we are starting to get orbs, and I'm trying to dole them out fairly to people that can use them, I was doing some research on the Epic 2.0 fights (specifically what the various classes have to do with the globes from Anguish, once they get them) to try to make sure that we're as informed as possible when we're deciding how to do this.

And there's one thing I noticed, that really floored me. Unless I'm mistaken, or the quest writeups are bad, the necro quest for the 2.0 involves a total if 1 fight. One that's easily 2 groupable. It drops both of the pieces they need for their entire quest, besides the globe from Anguish.

And, to that, I say, wtf? I mean, the druid quest for 2.0 isn't exactly tough, but there was more than 1 freaking step to it. I had to forage stuff in barindu for an hour, had to solo for roughly 60 hours in Velks to get my experiment to pop, had to kill a whole number of mobs in various zones, including 2 that I needed several people to help with, both of which were arguably more difficult than the necro mob.

I guess I just don't get the logic behind doing quests this way - where some classes, like pallies, for instance, have a metric ton of mobs to kill and need help for nearly everything, and other classes, like necros, get out easy. 1 fight? Come on.

The druid guide listed here for the 1.5 and 2.0 is really useful and complete. It has some outdated info (like 4 groups for the NC fight, which I did with 4 toons, one of em a boxed twink), but other classes have it much rougher figuring out that info. I got my BL his 2.0 and believe me, finding info on the quest was much more of a PITA than the quest itself ever was. The whole BL epic is cake btw. I soloed his 1.0 with my druid way back when and only had 4 fights between his 1.5 and 2.0 that required more people than my druid and BL boxed, and even then no more than 3 groups were needed.

07-20-2006, 01:14 PM
The druid guide listed here for the 1.5 and 2.0 is really useful and complete. It has some outdated info (like 4 groups for the NC fight, which I did with 4 toons, one of em a boxed twink)

NC? I solo'd that bazu and I think most others did too.

07-20-2006, 10:30 PM
NC? I solo'd that bazu and I think most others did too.

my mistake, I was referring to the Ruined Earthshaker in RCoD.