View Full Forums : Leveling Strategy for Combines Server

06-27-2006, 04:58 PM
The Combines server opens tomorrow night. I have created a Halfling Druid and would appreciate advice from you Old-Timers, yes I am talking to you old farts who were druids at the very beginning. I do have a coupld of 50ish druids, so I know how to play, if not as well as you experts, but I had the benefits of the bazaar and the hot zones.

What is a good progression to level? I assume I should start out in Misty Thicket. If that is too crowded, is there a lesser known zone that might be better in the original game?

Should I then go to Crushbone at around level 7-8?

Then Unrest?

Advice for grouping and solo zones would be appreciated.

06-28-2006, 12:03 AM
Fortunately I was able to play on the Combine Test server to tweak out what I was going to do. As a Halfling you’ll probably do well to hang around Misty for a while as GreaterFay will be a nightmare. I tested out a few newbie quests; however as part of my strategy to stay ahead of the crowd I’ll not reveal them yet, LOL. Perhaps in a few days.

One I will be happy to share is, Going Postal. Since so many people will be trying to hunt mobs you may want to just run a few Mail Quest, RiverVale to Freeport is 9 gold. I’m not sure what the pay-off is from Freeport to RiverVale, it may be the same.
Check out:

Alla's. You can probably find some quest there in Rivervale worth doing.

06-28-2006, 12:18 AM
Save the beads from goblins, those were decent exp for that quest.

For the actual zones I can't really remember but the lastest hotzone list (though I'm guessing they won't be actual hotzones there) is probably a good list of zones to go by since kunark was great exp.

Level 20: Swamp of No Hope
Level 25: Overthere
Level 30: Timorous Deep
Level 35: Emerald Jungle
Level 40: Dreadlands
Level 45: City of Mist
Level 50: Skyfire
Level 55: Karnor's Castle
Level 60: Veksar

Could probably go to most 5 lvls or so before what's actually listed. FoB and that tower off of that zone is also really good before lvl 15/20. Tim deep would also be good at the higher lvls when you can kill the raptors.

06-28-2006, 08:27 AM
I've decided to go wood elf this time, so I'll be starting in g-fay.

y suggestion to like minded individuals is to save the bone chips and orc belts for a turn in that yelds patchwork armour and coin in Kaladim. =)

Thats my plan for the start!

Good Luck and Happy Hunting! :elfbiggri

06-28-2006, 11:28 AM
Save the beads from goblins, those were decent exp for that quest.

For the actual zones I can't really remember but the lastest hotzone list (though I'm guessing they won't be actual hotzones there) is probably a good list of zones to go by since kunark was great exp.

You're talking about the Turn Ins, in Rivervale? There is one in Kaladim as well for Goblin Beads. Not to mention the Orc Belt/Lego Shoulder Pads in Kaladim.

06-28-2006, 11:45 AM
Level 20: Swamp of No Hope
Level 25: Overthere
Level 30: Timorous Deep
Level 35: Emerald Jungle
Level 40: Dreadlands
Level 45: City of Mist
Level 50: Skyfire
Level 55: Karnor's Castle
Level 60: Veksar

You do realize that list is meaningless since those zones won't be unlocked?

06-28-2006, 03:55 PM
Actually no I didn't =p I was under the impression kunark was open to start as well so ppl could start as iksar's in their home town. Haven't really read much into these servers.

In that case though, if casters realm is working might want to check if they have the really old leveling guides up.

And yeah, beads to the sheriff I think above the bank.. I remember it used to be pretty good exp when ever PLing.

07-04-2006, 06:24 AM
Old wood elf druid here.

As soon as I got Harmony, I loved the orcs in front of crushbone

Chessboard in BB is good
Can also kill the bandits if not camped
And there is that orc camp in BB where nice leather pieces dropped

After Chessboard the Sisters in LFay
Turn in the necklaces to the drunkard in Kelethin for the armor and plat and weapons
They also drop bronze that sells nicely at the ranger station

Western Karana scarecrows are good but I found they were better for my paladin and cleric with the sense undead. Tracking them was ok but more to kill in EK.

East Karana owned it all from about 14 to 20. Lots to kill and super fast experience. Some liked the oasis but I preferred EK on the druid. Just watch out for the clops and evil eyes.

Also, the Karana bandits were wonderful for sashes to turn in at the paladin guild for weapons to sell for a nice profit.

21 to 24 Lake Rathe: Although the camp at the arena zone in is easy to get one solo, you also had to deal with people coming through and wanting a bind. This meant zoning over to the arena and losing med time and also you risked losing your camp while out of zone.

24 to 35 or 36 High hold Keep (can wolf form and solo Osargen while waiting for a pickclaw group if he is free from 24 to 30 still good exp) There is also an orc lego in Lfay same level as Osargen but a bit harder to get solo as he is in a tent.

Then I have to admit to my everlasting shame, I killed the Ironblend sisters in BB.

In my day you could kill guards, so I dinged 50 off the ogre bouncers.

ost of that is soloing stuff on a non twinked druid. Once in a while I did some of the standard dungeons with friends, but in my day druids did not get pick up groups easily so we learned to scrounge around and find stuff we could do solo.

07-17-2006, 03:27 PM
I remember living in Unrest Basement, the Ghost room forever...29-34? maybe...I forget what exactly level it was. But those boots he drops were always a major plat maker.

07-22-2006, 01:25 PM
I havent played in a while..but why on earth did they nerf the BB dwarfs? hehe