07-11-2006, 02:33 PM
These are my prodictions as to what we will see.

Group Regen
Stun Nuke
3 Fire Debuffs
Ice Debuff
AE Nuke
AC/DS self buff
Run Speed buff or a Form (wolf?) with it
Group Run Speed buff or a Form (wolf?) with it
Rain Spell
Targeted AE Nuke
2 Gates
2 group gates
Attack buff
HP/MANA buff
Group HP/MANA buff
3 sec heal
10 sec heal
group heal
hot heal
group hot heal
fire dot
swarm dot
Animal related spell (Charm)
Group fire/cold resist buff
Group DS
Summoned Nuke
Fire Nuke
Ice Nuke
ana Mask

07-11-2006, 07:07 PM
I highly doubt we will get the following from your list.

Attack Buff
HoT heal
Group HoT Heal
10 sec Heal

Based on previous level cap increasing expansions, I would guess 4-5 spells per level.

So, narrowing your list down that leaves ~25 spells and 28 options on your list. I am not counting the port spells as those are usually in addition to whatever else we get and also leaving off the 4 listed above.

The other 3 we will not see is probably the 2nd and 3rd fire debuffs as they may role FR/ATK/AC debuff into one (Hand of Ro line). Possibly no AE targeted nuke as the last time we got a quad ae nuke was in PoP. Also the FR/CR (seasons) buff may not come as that has not been upgraded since PoP and resist buffs seem to be less frequent as many are maxing out on resists without the buffs.

A group version of Lion's Strength or an upgrade is also a possibility. Or is this what you meant by an attack buff?

I suspect 2 ancient spells will accompany the main list as well. An improved nuke (either bigger dmg or more mana efficient not sure which) and possibly a better heal but I would be interested to see other options for an ancient spell.

Onetree Tallbarque
07-12-2006, 11:38 AM
Group cure spell(s) pls.

07-12-2006, 02:26 PM
I'd like a level 45ish bear pet.

07-12-2006, 03:15 PM

07-12-2006, 03:26 PM
I'd like a real pet, not a wimpy bear, but seeing as that is not going to happen. Sometimes else besides the usual Nuke/dot/debuff/hp upgrade would be nice.

07-12-2006, 06:08 PM
A group cure would be good.

As for bear pet, yea umm sure and a 100%rez and ability to wear plate and use weapons like a war and some bard songs and slow and.... sorry but don't rekon we will see a pet of any use for us druids, I'm not unhappy about that.

A spell line or ability all of our own would be nice, I thought we where headed in the right direction with reptile but not anymore. Something that allows us to bring something new to a group or raid, not something someone else does better then us and always will.

07-12-2006, 06:10 PM
Would definitely love a group cure

07-12-2006, 09:25 PM
OMG how did I forget that one.

Starlene Antares
07-13-2006, 12:24 AM
I'd love for them to give us a spell at debuffs both fire and cold resist at once. However, most likely we'll just get an upgrade to our current line of debuffs.

07-13-2006, 01:09 AM
Due in no small part to the level increase in TSS, most of the spells (but not all!) will be upgrades to existing major lines. There will be few, if any, traps or auras. I am still planning on reviewing the usability of the traps from Prophecy of Ro, when time allows. (

The message you have entered is too short. Please lengthen your message to at least 1 characters.

07-13-2006, 01:11 AM
Well, that was a quote attributed to Prathun when I posted it. Damn vBulletin.

This forum requires that you wait 120 seconds between posts. Please try again in 20 seconds.

Yeah. That timeout won't be a problem next time, believe me. Neither will the minimum post length.

07-13-2006, 01:27 PM
I don't see us getting Hot's at all nor the 10 second heal as there have been many quotes of those being "phased" out. I'm sure we'll get an upgraded heal, probably two with one being some sort of Ancient. I hope we get an upgrade to our group heal, we'll need it adding five more levels of hitpoints. I pray they make the recast timer a tad shorter this time too.

I absolutely do not want another snare or root, we have plenty. Nor would I care for a bear pet. I like our little AA bear, he's kindof fun to launch at things. But during raid times I have way too much to do to worry about a pet on top of that.

Above all else please for the love of God give us a better way to cure!

07-13-2006, 02:10 PM
Group cure is LONG overdue.

A unique utility that isn't shared or going to be shared with shaman or paladins would be nice. Skin of The Reptile was a great unique ability-then SoE decided to share that utility and even though druid one is better, it is no longer unique *sigh*

And actually, Im a little tired of my root being resisted so much these days and wouldn't mind a root with a nice resist modifier on it.

I agree that our group heal is going to need some boost if we're going to heal 5 levels of increased hp.

And PLEASE PLEASE give is an attack debuff for FR mobs-add atk debuff to Glacier Breath?

Increase our dps before we're no better at it than warriors.

Let our next hp buff allow the single version to cast OVER the group version unless the group version is better.

07-13-2006, 03:46 PM
We got Spore Spiral in DoD. A Choromatic Root. I don't think we need another just yet.

I would expect that we see 2, 3 at most new spells based on Omens. I would figure they would give us something new in place of Oaken Guard, Hungrey Vines and maybe Nature's Beckon.

Everything else I see as pretty much a direct upgrade to our Omens spells.


07-13-2006, 05:52 PM
An upgrade to Oaken Guard would be nice, although personally I would rather it be in the form of an AA so I can have that spell slot back!

07-13-2006, 07:34 PM
One of the most interesting things I think to happen, will be the upgrade to Corana.

Parses seem to indicate marked imporvment for every 100 attack reduced, and as long as the upgrade to Corana is at least 10 attack better (following the difference from Ro's to Corana) we'll hit another 100 benchmark. Which is appox equivlant to giving any person hit by the mob 200 AC directly applied to their mitigation.


07-14-2006, 11:59 AM
A group cure would be good.

As for bear pet, yea umm sure and a 100%rez and ability to wear plate and use weapons like a war and some bard songs and slow and.... sorry but don't rekon we will see a pet of any use for us druids, I'm not unhappy about that.

A spell line or ability all of our own would be nice, I thought we where headed in the right direction with reptile but not anymore. Something that allows us to bring something new to a group or raid, not something someone else does better then us and always will.
Dual Wield, how could you forget dual wield?

07-14-2006, 02:06 PM
I should have qualified my request on a resist mod-root that lasted more than it takes to refresh the spell.
And Fen, although I'd like to see an upgrade to Corona for the "magic number" atk debuff, I would be even happier if we got a cold-based version of HoR.

07-14-2006, 02:23 PM
i believe we will get a new 10 second heal, our last one is level 64 and introduced in PoP, we are overdue and at level 75 it would heal barely 1/3rd at most of a good tank's hp

07-14-2006, 06:25 PM
i believe we will get a new 10 second heal, our last one is level 64 and introduced in PoP, we are overdue and at level 75 it would heal barely 1/3rd at most of a good tank's hp

Right now, even tho I'm gimp, I heal 5990 on KR. That imho is sufficient for 600 mana in a CH chain...... 6k should be at least a third of tanks hps. If they have more then that, damn.... I'm at a loss and we shouldn't be in the chain to begin with.

Statements are my opinion only!!!

07-14-2006, 07:00 PM
i believe we will get a new 10 second heal, our last one is level 64 and introduced in PoP, we are overdue and at level 75 it would heal barely 1/3rd at most of a good tank's hp
While a lot of druids want this to be the case, I believe they are phasing out the 10 second heals. We have a lot longer to wait if time-since-last-upgrade is a criterion for getting on, Clerics have not gotten an upgrade to CH since original EQ (it was actually nerfed from 10k to 7.5k).

As for predictions, I'd be we get a similar set of upgrades as omens introduced.

07-15-2006, 01:43 AM

that's hilarious dari

I doubt it will ever happen but I'd be estatic to see an ice dot.

07-15-2006, 12:42 PM
I doubt it will ever happen but I'd be estatic to see an ice dot.

that would rock.

07-15-2006, 12:46 PM
Would make us the only class with one, it would indeed be awesome.

Starlene Antares
07-15-2006, 04:09 PM
An ice-based dot would be great! Maybe one that has a built in cold debuff too like our fire dot line.

07-15-2006, 06:47 PM
hypothetically speaking...if they were to make an ice dot

would it make sense to have it do more damage each tick like the shaman epic--as the ice spreads throughout your body?

sort of thing.

07-15-2006, 10:53 PM
An Ice dot would be cool, as well with having a debuff of some sort attribute. But damn.. Think of how far up the agro list you ll be with one more debuff.. i have found that using Hand, Suns and Glacier , with an Immo topper gets me killed , as in case of a wipe or reset, not far behind the tanks. Not to mention the heal agro ive generated in the whole process..

Hah. Bring it on tho. My xp bar is maxed out !


07-16-2006, 04:07 PM
getting summoned just tells you you are doing your job :elfbiggri
and personally i need to find more situations in which to use SC :)

Marklar Thistleblade
07-16-2006, 06:20 PM
Would love an ice dot of some sort.

Flesh our our ice debuff lines a bit.

And a group cure.

I think most of what we ultimately get will be just base improvements on top of what we already have however.

07-17-2006, 03:02 AM
what we ultimately get will be just base improvements on top of what we already have however.

well we ARE due some new spells...

even omens of war which followed the main line of pre-existing spells had oaken guard as a new spell

though i do find it doubtful they would add an ice dot as the specific new spell despite how much we like the idea

at least we're due something unique :D

07-17-2006, 10:48 AM
Right now, even tho I'm gimp, I heal 5990 on KR. That imho is sufficient for 600 mana in a CH chain...... 6k should be at least a third of tanks hps. If they have more then that, damn.... I'm at a loss and we shouldn't be in the chain to begin with.

im in the rotation all the time, i definately notice a slack (althought not too big) between my ch and cleric's ch, but i can heal fine in rot... in fact alot of mobs i do we do all druid rots including rikkukkin, yar'lir, kessedona, AMV, etc, and many more that druids are mixed with clerics in the rot

07-17-2006, 12:21 PM
Sad to say, but that 5990 heal is going to be like minor heal with 5 more lvls and 2 more end game dungeons. Think 450 hpt gear and 200-250 hpt augments. We have over 20k tanks now, so your looking to see 25k+ hpt tanks.

As far as spells, we need some new lines, but sadly its not going to happen. Im guessing we will not see an upgrade to moonshadow which will give me a very sad face. Sony tends to give us neat spells that last for one expansion then never upgrade them.

What I would really like to see is a spell line specific to Druids that allow us to short duration buff our "group" with some kind of short duration spell dmg increase kind of buff or similar, so we can gain back our utility and fill the caster DPS gap that is very real in the game today. (it needs to scale with existing focus effects)

I think im going to make a list of useless spells soon, or atleast near useless spells.

07-18-2006, 09:05 AM
To give us a unique spell or ability I feel there is a need to first find a gap so to speak in the game and how we play it. We can't just expect to get an ability or spell that lets us take the place of an existing class.

That means no supa heals, no supa nukes, no slows, no rez, no ability to single pull inside as well as out :), and no worthwhile Pet. Perhaps even no group cure but really that blows considering how many other classes get some form of group cure.

Anyways we need to find the gap so to speak, a way to give us a spot without taking someone elses.

Personally I have thought about this a fair bit, and while I have a few ideas really speaking I got nadda... but thanks for reading :)

However lets look at the game, to win in any fight you need to live and kill the opponent. Basic breakdown. There are alot of ways to do this, and lets face it we already have the required classes to achieve this. Without changing how the game works we really cannot make a gap where the druid could find his or her home so to speak. Which leaves us with what the druid really is at the core, a jack of many trades and a master of a couple kewl soloing abilities that earn us more envy then anything useful unless soloing is what does it for you of course, translates to master of none.

I think we need to sieze on this jack of all trades aspect and work it. How many times did you miss out on a group because they couldn't get a slower? Or there is sweet all in the way of dps, no tank, no CC etc etc? Seems to me there is often that one piece missing from the equation that stuffs it up for alot of us.

Let me be clear before people get carried away, the DRUID should not take any of these rolls, the druid should have the ability to bolster another class to the point that THEY can fill the spot needed.

Give us buffs that work on specifics classes only, for example:

Need a tank but you only have a beasty or monk or ranger, druid buffs them up and now they can tank as required, not fully as well but good enough to get by. And yes they still need all the other usual buffs you would expect not just one uber buff :)

Need CC but you have a mage and a necro but no chanta or bard? Druid buff now lets them mezz more then just ele and undead, although not as well as a chanta or bard can. Hmm not sure if mages get elemental mezz? So shoot me if i am wrong but you get the idea.

Need a cleric but you have a shammy and another druid, buff em up.

Anyways you get the idea. Before anyone says it, yep, pipe dream. Never gonna happen nor will anything like it. I just want to point out that we could have an ability, insert spell line here, that helps others do something they cannot normally do, not just switch to healer stance, nuka stance, I have no imagination stance, type of thing. Abilities like this would prob need to run along the lines of bard songs, or short duration buffs, require constant refreshing like bard songs so yep we can still cast like normal but we have something else to do as well, and no self bonus at all.

aybe I am stepping to far into a Bards territory here? It doesn't matter as it will not happen or even be considered. The point is, everyone look for the gap, find the role we can fill that no one already does. Keep in mind though that there is no spoon... I mean gap, it really comes down to perception I guess and all that goes along with that. If there was a gap to be had it would have been filled already but someone prove me wrong, please :).

Marklar Thistleblade
07-18-2006, 02:14 PM
well we ARE due some new spells...

Unfortunately what we are "due" and what we get aren't usually the same things.

That being said, druids are a very viable class.

07-18-2006, 02:22 PM
The point is, everyone look for the gap, find the role we can fill that no one already does. Keep in mind though that there is no spoon... I mean gap, it really comes down to perception I guess and all that goes along with that. If there was a gap to be had it would have been filled already but someone prove me wrong, please
We are the gap filler. We can heal and dps among several other utility roles. The only time I hear players complaining druid spells aren't good enough is when we step out into focusing on 1 main role, main healer for example. I don't expect to see a whole lot of new concept spells. The only things I would really like to see are an improved pureblood, improved rgc, new line of spells that don't heal much but are extremely mana efficient perhaps, or maybe a remedy type spell, and some basic dps upgrades including a new targetted AE.

What we are "due" and what we want are frequently confused. If they devs gave us an upgrade to Chlorotrope, Solstice Strike, and Glitterfrost, and magic dot that is what we are due, what we want is slightly more than that.

07-18-2006, 02:33 PM
Unfortunately what we are "due" and what we get aren't usually the same things.

Finally found the quote

Due in no small part to the level increase in TSS, most of the spells (but not all!) will be upgrades to existing major lines. There will be few, if any, traps or auras...

i understand this means very little and has no indication of how useful or pointless the "new" lines of spells will be but its all I could find.

even if you could interpret this as only a continuation to existing "minor" lines... ill take it :cool:

Benthair Dunthat
07-27-2006, 01:42 PM
How about a melee endurance regen buff that lasts 30 mins or so? Should be able to get groups after that.

07-27-2006, 06:13 PM
How about a melee endurance regen buff that lasts 30 mins or so? Should be able to get groups after that.

How about, We don't.

Groups being able to select us is good for the game, groups being forced to select us due to the fact we make melee operate far better then if we where not there destroys game balance.

07-27-2006, 08:38 PM
Groups being able to select us is good for the game, groups being forced to select us due to the fact we make melee operate far better then if we where not there destroys game balance.
Groups would still be able to select us...

Just like in PoP...a group could select to bring an enchanter or bard for mana regen. They still functioned without either of those classes, however.

OHNOZ we make melee operate far better, it must be overbalancing.

Oh wait. Shaman make melee operate FAR BETTER (+attack, +400 crittable proc). Bards make melee operate FAR BETTER (overhaste song. Haste song. Haste aura. Clicky weapon with haste and +attack. +attack on songs. Storm blade...)

Saying that making melee operate far better is overbalancing, is once again pure sillyness. If you want to say that raising endurance regen with the current mechanics of the endurance system, and limiting factors of it, would overpower the usage of disciplines...then go for it, and present a valid arguement.

07-27-2006, 09:01 PM
If you want to say that raising endurance regen with the current mechanics of the endurance system, and limiting factors of it, would overpower the usage of disciplines...then go for it, and present a valid arguement.

I appoligize for my previous comment not being clear enough. I ment with the use of Endurance based skills or discs, correct.

Endurance based skills and discs are clearly ment to be used, and I think they should be used slightly more then they are able to be currently. These often allow a melee to preform actions or damage not otherwise available to them for a limited amount of time with Endurance being the balancing factor to determine just how often they can do this outside of long refresh discs.

Thus, whatever regen you do add to melee needs to go toward cutting downtime, without making them have access to their specical skills the entire duration of their play session. They should be able to do this reguardless of who they are grouped with. They shouldn't require another class to be able to do something they should be able to do innately. The regen rate is to slow, and developers have confirmed its to slow. They are working on ways to address this.

The issue, and where you and I differ seems to be, I think it should be on a game side, and allow melee the benifit of using their discs and skills more often, where you seem to think having another class be able to give that boost makes more sense.

What happens here, in a raid enviroment is the melee become dependant on the buff to regen endurance quickly between encounters. This shouldn't happen. I really do not think you are ment to be able to go all out on everything in a short time frame and you should have to be smart about which attacks you do use, in the same manner as we have to be selective as to which spells we cast.

Same goes for group content.

07-28-2006, 10:04 AM
I'm not sure I understand why you say a druid endurance spell is a bad thing. You say it is a "fix". Can't it just be an option? We all know you need a healer of some sort, A tank of some sort. After that what do we need? Some extra DPS. You don't NEED a slower but they get chosen more than most other classes. You don't NEED a mage or wiz for DPS. You don't NEED an chanter to mez. So why can't we have a... you don't NEED a druid for endurance.

If you can't find a slower get a druid for endurance.

07-28-2006, 10:19 AM
Because it doesn't actually address the lack of endurance for melee without a Druid present - which it should.

Endurance needs to be improved across the board, reguardless of it a perticular class is present.

07-28-2006, 01:58 PM
Following that same line of thinking, Fen, should enchanters have not gotten clarity line of spells? Mana regen should be fixed to be innately what we get with clarity, so casters are not dependent on chanters to do their job.
I disagree.
I think adding an endurance regen to our spell lineup (PLEASE make it long lasting) or do SoTW / SoTG would be a benefit. You can argue all you want about how melee classes shouldn't be dependent on us for that, but think about it-melee CAN get by without it just like casters CAN get by without clarity. It just makes things faster WITH it. Gives chanters something else to to bring to the group utility. Why are you so against druids have an additional utility spell? Sure, endurance should regen better innately than it does. And even when (if) SoE ever fixes it an endurance regen buff would enhance that and enhance our utility to a group. Just because Fenier thinks it's wrong doesn't mean it is wrong.

07-28-2006, 02:01 PM

I addressed everything you brought up here:

07-28-2006, 04:09 PM
Like I said, just because Fenier says it doesn't mean it's the only way or the right way to look at things.

07-28-2006, 06:33 PM
Like I said, just because Fenier says it doesn't mean it's the only way or the right way to look at things.

Try telling him that iRL, it doesn't work either! :shuffle:

07-28-2006, 06:35 PM
Try telling him that iRL, it doesn't work either! :shuffle:

I am only incorret if it means my girlfriend will refrain from throwing things at me.

07-28-2006, 09:57 PM
I still like the idea of being able to turn into various animals/plants and gain their abilities while in that shape, losing my humanoid ones at the same time. Yes i know another pipe dream.

We are versitile we can fill the gaps, but as time goes by the gaps we can actually fill seem to get smaller and smaller. I can be an asset to any group but the sad truth is that if I am not there, they will get along fine without me. If the chanta doesn't show up, it hurts alot more or say the shammy, or a cleric or a warrior etc. Thats all part of being a druid and I accept it, but I can't help but wish for something more.

ost of the other classes have a clearly defined role within any circumstances, and they have certain strengths within their main role. Our main role is to fill the gaps generated by the absense of other classes, and to ensure we don't get over powered we seem to be designed to not have any strengths within that main role. It would be nice to be able to bring something extra to the group/raid, something only we can do. I guess though that that is the trade of for our versatility.

Oh well we will prob get some new AA's that reduce the casting time on our ports spells, we wouldn't want to disrupt the balance of the game after all.

I agree about endurance regen though, saying we cannot have an ability to improve it for others while so many classes have the ability to increase mana and HP regen is a bit odd. Like anything NEW it would have to be balanced and some actual thought would be needed not just plonk on some new spells and hope for the best, but yea as it is NEW if it was considered it would prob be slated for the 2027 June patch or something, kinda like stances :)

07-29-2006, 12:13 AM
WTB.. a new mask spell not over-written by a hugely stupid amount of zone AEs and mob AEs in the game.

And yeah, an Ice-based DoT would be awesome. HoR-like cold thingee too please.

07-29-2006, 10:02 AM
This issue with our mask being overwritten has gotten so bad I wish I had another spell slot to perma-mem the thing so I can recast it. *sigh* Sometimes it feels if I glance at an orc pawn wrong he'll overwrite my mask by glaring at me threateningly.
It was a "question of the week" that, like most of our questions, never got answered by the devs.

07-30-2006, 12:40 PM
This reinforces my belief that they should have made our aura be +1 endurance regeneration & a 15 point DS @ 55 / +3 endurance regen & 30 point DS @ 70.

alyn cross
07-30-2006, 12:59 PM
something like that would be cool to have... as i've posted... ahem *elsewhere*, not a 'fix' to whatever some people consider a problem, just a useful benefit to help us help others...

ps. Dari makes me cackle!

08-07-2006, 08:06 AM
what should we expect? what would be desirable?

expect ->20% damage and mana increase to nuke/dots,/yawn
desire ->700 dps sustained untill oom without bards around.

08-07-2006, 08:15 AM
What some people consider desirable, and what is realisitc in comparison to other classes, are not often the same thing.

08-07-2006, 09:03 AM
Well this time i am going to choose ..

i already changed my subscription to monthly and won't preorder the expansion.
I'll wait a bit, and check what we get before buying it .. or i will quit if it's crap.

Read someone saying we need an endurance regen ... why would that be useful? i never see any tanks stopping the group because they out of endurance, ever... even with the fastest chain pulling. Why would that be of any use? i just dont see it.

08-07-2006, 09:14 AM
Yah, ive already informed my guild that im either rerolling a DPS class or quitting all together if they do not make some major improvements to the Druid class. I was stupid to think that after I was gone from the game for 2.5 years that the class would be tweaked into something nice by now.

After getting massive gear and trying to see what the Druid class is capable of these days, we just fall short. Too many classes are gaining multiple skills and spells that give them utility, but they also retain their strengths as well, where the Druid class was built around our utility and take hits all over the place due to our ability to do alot of different things. This just ends up with the Druid class being weak overall, not something im interested in (endgame).

08-25-2006, 08:22 AM
Well this time i am going to choose ..

i already changed my subscription to monthly and won't preorder the expansion.
I'll wait a bit, and check what we get before buying it .. or i will quit if it's crap.

Read someone saying we need an endurance regen ... why would that be useful? i never see any tanks stopping the group because they out of endurance, ever... even with the fastest chain pulling. Why would that be of any use? i just dont see it.

Not being funny or anything but the End regen would be a godsend. In the end game Endurance is a limiting factor on when we are gtg or not, the tanks discs rely on endurance, without it we are not gtg.

As far as im aware theres nothing atm that regens endurance, would make a nice tool for the druid imo.


08-25-2006, 04:50 PM
From the Dev Chat

<Brannoc> *Nolrog* Can you give us more information on the downtime changes in general (what can we expect, how will it work), plus will this help with END regeneration?

<Rashere> The downtime changes are based around the player either being in-combat or out-of-combat. While the player is in combat, nothing is changed.

<Rashere> Once they leave combat, they have a certain period of time that must past and then they can rest by sitting down. When they are resting, they will regenerate health, mana, and endurance at a much faster rate than normal. Watch for more details in my forum post later this week.

They are fixing it on a game level, as it should be. People are not getting end regen buffs.

09-01-2006, 09:28 AM
Im hoping for a new fire debuff ... quicker cast time that Hand of Ro, with better stats, and maybe even do like the arcstone spirit mark quests and give us a clicky fire debuff. i mean chanters, shamans, mage's get clicky debuffs ... why cant we =P

group cure would be nice, aswell as a better snare, better root, better CH (that is affected by crit's), and a few other things, like an indoor paci. ~ no more charms either =(

EDIT: Image nerfed by Sig Police. Please check your PMs

09-01-2006, 11:29 AM
After getting massive gear and trying to see what the Druid class is capable of these days, we just fall short. Too many classes are gaining multiple skills and spells that give them utility, but they also retain their strengths as well, where the Druid class was built around our utility and take hits all over the place due to our ability to do alot of different things. This just ends up with the Druid class being weak overall, not something im interested in (endgame).

Apparently we play entirely differently. My druid can do everything I could ask for. Whenever a Druid is missing from our raids (normally have 3) it is noticable.

The only things I would really like to get are the following:

1 - Ice DoT

2 - Group Poison/Disease Cure - Always felt Shammy's should have gotten a group curse cure instead of Dis/Poi

3 - Upgraded Druid CH and apply crit heals to it

4 - A stun that isn't resisted 99.999% of the time

Things I don't want to see:

1 - New snare or root

2 - New animal charm without appropriate level animals to charm

Thats all I can think of while still half asleep.

09-01-2006, 02:56 PM
I wanna low resist fixed duration root. I know Spore Spiral is low resist but it is not fixed that I am aware of.

Krystae Lunalupus
09-02-2006, 08:36 AM
I just spent the last hour or two reading this entire thread and find it simply amazing what some people consider a good idea. lol

I usually don't bother posting on such things, but I've been playing my druid for 6.5 years and have a few idea on what I would like, what I think would actually work well in game, and what I think we'll actually end up with.

What I would like:
Having played an EQ2 Warden for a bit two things we get there but still don't have in EQ1 that I have been sending /feedbacks about for years is ICE DOT/DEBUFF and GROUP CURE. They make sense for us to have. We get them in EQ2. They wouldn't unbalance anything and could be added to the game without really causing any issues overall.

Next thing I'd like is better ILLUSIONS. New SELF WOLF FORM upgrade is way, way past due. Something that gives the benefits of our current best self wolf but that can be used indoor would be nice. Find it a bit frustrating at times that the only indoor wolf we have is a group illusion and really doesn't do much compared to our best self wolf form. Also, a treeform upgrade that is useful. Maybe a treant illusion. We get this in EQ2 why do we not have something useful like this in EQ1 yet? Current treeforms only change you in very few useful zones, if any, and all except for the lowest newbie version don't stack with our mask spell. Something like a treant form where we can move about that does something unique like increases our base healing or something similar to the Warden / Fury first AA called Shapeshift in EQ2.

What ever happened to Beguile Plants? Back in the days of Kunark by the time I was able to complete the quest for this spell the plants I was fighting by then were too high level to be charmed. Not really something I see as being overwhelmingly useful but would make sense for a druid to have upgrades to that ability that could charm higher level flora and maybe even treants throughout Kunark and Plane of Nightmares and other such places.

Reptile Skin upgrade. Again I bring up EQ2. We have a similar line of spells there called spores. Very useful for keeping anyone alive when the healers are stunned and can't cast. Definetly hope for an upgrade to this spell.

And BEAR PET upgrade. What has everyone got against bear pet? I love it! Not Nature's Behest but the AA Nature's Guardian. Maxed out this thing hits for up to 350 and averages about 200-250 dmg per hit. Lasts a long time as well. Two problems is the recast time is awful at 22 mins making it almost pointless to bother with, and who's ever heard of a swarm pet of one? Yet again I will bring up EQ2, where Wardens get a swarm pet spell of 4 wolves that can be recast every couple mins. doesn't last very long but does decent dmg for little mana. I use our current bear pet AA quite a bit. If you are solo'n a mob that summons and can't be kited and you have all your ds's and regens up and are holding aggro but you keep getting stunned or interrupted bear pet comes in handy as a nice way to do damage. I think of him more as a small instant cast dot than a pet really. Any upgrade like making swarm refresh faster or adding more than one bear would be nice.

Finally, why don't we have ANIMAL SLOW / DEBUFF / MEZ? Yes, I know there's hardly anything that even counts as an animal in end game but I have always wondered why we don't have these. Chanters got dire charm, charm slow, mez for everything. Necors get dire charm, charm, slow, and mez for undead. Doesn't it then follow that if druids get dire charm and charm for animals we should also get slow and mez for animals? All we ever got was Glamour of Tunare and who cares if an animal's magic resist is debuffed? lol

Oh, and for the love of Tunare I hope we get an upgrade to Moonshadow. Like one of the posts above mentioned tanks will easily have 25k+ hps with new aa's and gear and level cap. While moonshadow is great for healing casters, in a group with well geared and buffed tanks that already have near and in some cases more than 20k hps moonshadow already barely does anything to them with it's 5k crits. An upgrade to this is an absolute necessity.

Predictions for what I think we'll end up with:
All the usual upgrades, fire nuke, fire debuff, ice nuke, regens, ds's, skin, ports to new zones, blah blah blah. Hopefully an upgrade to Oaken Guard and Hungry Vines, both of which I use frequently. Doubt they'll be any upgrades to our crappy 10 sec. heals, even though seems like there should be. Personally, hardly ever use those spells anymore since cholorbon usually crits around 10k give or take a few hundred depending on various things. Don't really think they'll be an upgrade to SoE/FoE, cause seriously, what can they do to it? Make it faster? Maybe, but I already run so fast sometimes that I keep running into things and get lost. lol

Above everything else though, and I simply can't stress the importance of this enough, we need a GROUP CURE and UPGRADE TO MOONSHADOW!

/cross fingers

09-03-2006, 04:46 AM
glad to see the heated debate still going :)

09-03-2006, 08:56 AM
<3 nimchip

09-07-2006, 09:52 PM
wtf you still around? :p