View Full Forums : So What is the Significance of 2925?

09-02-2002, 06:43 AM
I was really just kind of wondering. They chose a 75% heal capped at 2925 for druids. Albeit, this may not be the final number if it is implemented. But I can't help but wonder what the significance of 2925 is? Maybe it is a certain mana/hp ratio they don't want us to go over. I can see this for shamen given their cani ability, but why apply it to druids?

[Edited to 2925 as requested...]

09-02-2002, 07:53 AM
Because else to keep everyone happy, and ballance priests among them they would need to give clerics Death Touch.

And since Death Touch would let clerics raid alone, you would see everyone else whining that clerics now can solo uber mobs and nobody can raid without them reses.

That would end with giving reses to another class so that people can still raid without the clerics.

But clerics would be unhappy again, and Verant COE would have to give his pants, job, women, houses, cars, everything he have... to clerics around the world.

So please don't ruin that man, don't ask for more heals.

PS: We roxxor. :P

09-02-2002, 08:26 AM
I don't think they're asking for a better heal so much as wondering why that specific number was chosen. =)

If ya add all the numbers together you get lucky #7 ! That's all I can think of. =P

It's probably a mana/heal ratio thing. Or how much we're going to be allowed to heal in HP per second.

Or something. =P~

09-02-2002, 09:30 AM
2950 has no significance.

2925 on the other hand is the cap on the proposed druid percentage heal, so that one may have significance =)

the closest significance i could come up with is a stretch. they wanted to increase our NT by about 3 times its power, but didnt want it TOO powerful so they chose 2.99 instead, which times 978 is 2924.22 which rounded up is 2925 =P

09-02-2002, 10:32 AM
Oops, and it is too late to change my original post. 2925 then. Thought maybe someone might actually know why that number was chosen as the cap.

09-02-2002, 03:21 PM
Well 2925 is 75% of 3900, maybe the signifigance is in that number instead.

aybe 3900 is the unbuffed HP's of a level 60 Warrior with 200 AGI, I'm not saying this is so, just letting you know what you should look at. If this is the case then this would be saying we could heal 75% of an unbuffed level 60 Warrior. This sounds what Verant would be working towards.

09-03-2002, 07:13 AM
Geddines thoguths are along mine. They probably did some number crunching (actualy pulling data from the character files since they have direct access) and determined that 3900 HP was the 'average' hp for tanks and took 75% of it.

09-03-2002, 10:53 AM
I thought the thread was going to be on a comp sci reason for the number.

There is a C clamp with an egg on the cover of Grace Under Pressure. There is a number, 264, stamped on the clamp.

If you multiply that number by 8, you get 2112. Grace Under Pressure was released exactly 8 years after 2112.

Coincidence, I don't think so.


Alyn Cross
09-05-2002, 09:45 AM

who'd think you'd find Rush here in the class balance forum?

alyn cross
riding insanity