View Full Forums : Upcoming Changes to EQ1 Discussion Thread

08-26-2006, 01:14 PM
Posts your comments to the announcement ( here. Please keep in mind the rules of behavior when posting and remember that the beta NDA is still in effect.

08-26-2006, 02:27 PM
I see nothing that helps a druid out. Now I have to wait 5 min to get the regen boost (i can port to GH for that in less than 5 min - and yes prolly get back to whereever i was). Solo AA will now go slower. If I buff anyone or cast anything I now have to concider what will happen to my regen timer.

Is there any reason to have a druid anymore? In a raid even? Nothing we can do that other classes can't do. And they usually do it better. And summers ain't gonna do it, most dont even ask for it anymore. Lions? nope, few ask for it. P10?, aye - might as well cast in GH and let guild go raid. I'll be in GL if you wipe to recast MGB P10. Oh yea, our epic.... they wont miss it. Nor our debuffs.

08-26-2006, 04:20 PM
I think saying nothing helps us in the least is very short sighted. Alot of these changes are good for the game.

08-26-2006, 07:25 PM
Where was the above publically posted, the only place I know where it is posted is in the beta section of Sony Station.


08-26-2006, 07:33 PM
The vet forums.

08-26-2006, 07:55 PM
Not sure how I feel about that combat/out of combat system. Sounds a little too "eqII-ish" to me.

08-26-2006, 10:16 PM
The out of combat regen changes will help bridge the gap between clerics and druids in groups--druids can heal reasonably well but expend a lot of mana to do so. Now the penalty for having to spend all that mana is reduced. The 5 minute wait only applies to raid encounters, I think.

08-26-2006, 10:20 PM
"The amount of experience required to get an AA is based around what a level 70 player currently requires in the old system, so players at level 70 shouldn’t see much difference."

So what about the level 75 folks? And by not much difference, I am taking that to mean we will not get aaxp as fast as we do now. That assumption the same for you guys?

I think everything else looks interesting, or at least has promise. I already have the new expansion ordered, so I can't wait!

08-26-2006, 11:41 PM
Simply ingenious how they went about the timers. They differentiate rest timers from raid and groups mobs by giving the mob the timer which you inherit. That's innovation just plain and simple.

Plus a diablo-esque percentage based downtime regeneration, 3 minutes to med to full no matter who you are.

Outstanding work Rashere and team, very much looking forward to seeing the results. :clap:

08-27-2006, 12:11 AM
I dont like the state effect part, sure dots but other state effects? Doesnt that kinda screw medding in zones that have a permanent debuff? Will they be steering away from that then? Or just make that an exception?

I cant see how the medding thing is bad in any other way though, it lets druids be a bit more free with thier mana because they are not stuck medding for 10 mins afterwards to regain it all.

As long as regen doesnt become insanely fast like WoW I wouldnt complain about a boost.

08-27-2006, 07:54 AM
If you read the thread they posted on, they can make effects not effect rest regen by giving the debuff a yellow (not red) border if the developer so chooses.


08-27-2006, 02:04 PM
Now I'm confused.

Lets say I'm solo'n. I run low on mana. If I'm engaged with a mob - like root/rotting - I can't start timer correct?

And then after mob is dead and I sit, how long before the power mana regen kicks in?

Same questions for group and raid.

08-27-2006, 02:34 PM

Should answer all your questions.

Golthine Gettinwood
08-27-2006, 03:30 PM
The downtime changes don't bother me, it's the unsettling feeling we in EQ are slowly absorbing EQ2 (which had some interesting aspects, but overall didn't do it for me) I've seen some good things, and have heard a lot of discussions about all the drawbacks. All in all, as long as they don't "dumb" the game down anymore, I think most of the changes should be beneficial.

08-28-2006, 12:52 AM
Now I'm confused.

Lets say I'm solo'n. I run low on mana. If I'm engaged with a mob - like root/rotting - I can't start timer correct?

And then after mob is dead and I sit, how long before the power mana regen kicks in?

Same questions for group and raid.

During the fight and immediately after the fight your mana regen will be exactly as it is now. 30 seconds after your out of combat you go into rested/out of combat mode and your mana regen skyrockets.( full mana in 3 mins thus 3 mins 30 seconds from exiting combat )

If it is a raid mob it will take 5 minutes before you go into rested mode ( full mana in 3 mins thus 8 minutes from exiting combat)

I think these changes are fantastic. Good job Devs!!

08-28-2006, 07:10 AM
game change to medding sound good to me.
Uh btw, looks like call to corpse will not be needed anymore .. that right?

08-28-2006, 08:25 AM

The person hovers for 5 minutes (Until rezzed, or goes back to bind point.) They still need a Rez or call to re-enter gameplay.

08-28-2006, 11:06 AM
good =)

08-29-2006, 10:02 PM
The person hovers for 5 minutes (Until rezzed, or goes back to bind point.) They still need a Rez or call to re-enter gameplay.
Borrowed from World of Warcraft, but still an outstanding feature.

08-29-2006, 11:51 PM
not sure i like the resist changes. sounds like they want mobs to resist more? seems to me they resist enough as it is and that change would impact caster dps even more.

i haven't gone to the sony site yet to read in depth, just going off what was posted in the OP.

08-30-2006, 06:24 PM
not sure i like the resist changes. sounds like they want mobs to resist more? seems to me they resist enough as it is and that change would impact caster dps even more.
I'm hoping they lower mob resistance.

It's just crazy to have to debuff trash before a spell will effect them (Hand of Ro on trash).

We will see.

Unfortunately, based on past experience, things might get worse.

08-31-2006, 02:45 AM
not sure i like the resist changes. sounds like they want mobs to resist more? seems to me they resist enough as it is and that change would impact caster dps even more.

i haven't gone to the sony site yet to read in depth, just going off what was posted in the OP.

aybe I read it wrong but I saw it as resisting less.

Seemed to me like they said when you get resisted you will get more partial resists than complete resists.

08-31-2006, 10:49 AM
Borrowed from World of Warcraft, but still an outstanding feature.

Actually, didn't WoW borrow it from DAoC originally?

08-31-2006, 11:11 AM
Actually, didn't WoW borrow it from DAoC originally?

doesn't much matter, I've played WoW and the borrowing score is easily in EQ's favor.

08-31-2006, 01:01 PM
Well I see some good and some that I see not as good (provided I correctly understood what I read).
1. The In/Out combat timers, I see as a great thing. As someone has already mentioned, it will greatly close the gap between clerics and druids in the heal v/s mana topics. Something I am suprised someone has not mentioned as a benifit but with the icons next to your name, you will actually be able to see if you are on any hate list! That is a great tool for anyclass.

2. As for the resists, I am not so sure I understand the concept, but from what it sounds like to me is: All spells of an apropriate level or higher against a mob of apropriate level or lower than said spell will have a chance to land reguardless of the mob's resist check and the resist check will determine the chance of it landing instead of giving an All or Nothing aproach to resisted spells. (hope I didnt make your eyes bleed there)

3. As far as the corpse floating thing. I see good and bad in it. Great for people with low conection speeds that take forever to zone. However, if certain things are not made possible (such as looking around, targetting, talking), I see exploits coming from this. Example: Cleric dies, gets rez box, waits for wipe, waits for it to be all clear, takes rez. Sure this sounds like a good thing but to me that is what a good monk, sk, or necro is for in raids that start going sour. Good raiding is all about good communication and if that communication is not there, then I say let a couple toons rez into mobs.

08-31-2006, 01:28 PM
game change to medding sound good to me.

Sadly waves goodbye to another of her dear friends ...

Regen spells, I will miss you ...


09-01-2006, 12:23 AM
Sadly waves goodbye to another of her dear friends ...

Regen spells, I will miss you ...


Gladly waves hello to a newly available buff slot :)

09-01-2006, 09:24 AM
Gladly waves hello to a newly available buff slot :)


09-01-2006, 05:27 PM
Overall, it should be interesting to see some new changes.

New mana/health regenation rates, should make for good responses by most.

Possible issue I have is the possiblity of a mob resisting a spell (all or nothing factor). Right now, in while kiting, the one thing I have over necros is that my druid snares and gimp DoTs (swarm line) will never get resisted. Where as a necro will be resisted often enough to be annoying. Now, if they make the snares randomly more resistable, it will have an impact on the way a kiting druid will do things.

I always saw it as a little bit of compensation for a druid to have gimp DPS and have relatively unresistable snares and DoTs, while necro have uber DPS while they have challenges with resist. My necro friends have always say to me, "I died 3 mob (or so) into burning my LoD because snare was resisted, at least you never die while kiting."

It this comes to pass, I cannot see this an a benefit to the druid class.

Krystae Lunalupus
09-08-2006, 09:16 AM
Why does everyone keep thinking spells will be resisted more? I mean granted, they could've worded their explanation on resist changes a little better, but I clearly understood it from when I first read it days ago to mean all spells will be resisted less. Instead of all the "full" resists to spells, should be very few "full" resists as most of the "full" resists would now become "partial" resists.

And so what if the hovering thing is stolen from WoW or Guild Wars or anything else. It's a good idea. It will make things better for many people.

Also, I see a lot of "it's too eq2ish". What the heck? lol EQ2 is awesome too. Just because it's different doesn't mean it's bad. Stop being so closed minded and open yourself to new experiences and new ways of doing things. Can't expect the game to be like it was pre-kunark forever. Life changes, players change, world changes, game changes. To not change and evolve is to turn stagnant and die. Having fast out of combat hp and mana regen like eq2, guild wars, wow, and several other games is a good thing. No, it's a GREAT thing! Think of how much faster you can exp solo or group with less downtime. Think how many more mobs your guild can kill in a raid night if the hour+ rebuff from a wipe is now 10 or 15 mins (5 mins to lose raid timer, 3 mins to med to full, and some extra random time to rebuff and grab that drink and snack and bio real quick lol).

Even though I myself have been playing since early 2k pre-kunark I think the main issue is not the changes themselves but the fact that so many people have fallen into a routine of doing things a certain way for years. It scares a lot of people to see huge changes, despite whether they are good or not. Everyone has loved EQ as it's been for so long the thought of major changes that will affect every aspect of the game as we know it freaks a lot of people out. Wait and see though, these are good changes and I'm quite sure most people will love it.

EQ was my first MMO and always has and will be my favorite. But having played dozens of other MMO's over the years I can tell you copying some of the good ideas from other newer games is not bad. EQ is old, when it came out it was cutting edge. But times have changed and others have come up with good ideas over the years that if added to EQ will improve the now out of date way the game functions compared to many other MMO's.

I think the way they brought an EQ2 concept to EQ1 is very innovative. In EQ2 the in/out of combat thing works easy because the way combat is done in general is different due to game design. There if you enter combat your group enters combat and locks fight, no one can invite, disband, mentor, be healed or buffed by anyone outside of group, or ks your mob really or anything. So when everyone's aggro clears the group drops out of combat. Since EQ1 isn't designed to have what one person in the group does affect the entire group, adding the rest timer to the mob so you inherit it from the mob and then it spreads to others by healing, buffing, etc. the person with the timer, and so on. That's a very creative way to bring a concept to the game that the game mechanics were not originally designed to handle.

Anyhow, I personally love the changes and am very, very, very excited about them and can't wait to see them go live. With such major changes I'm expecting several bug issues and hotfixes and downtime knowing soe. But, in the end once it's all ironed out it's gonna roxxor!


09-10-2006, 12:35 PM
There is a reason i dont play EQ2, I didnt like it. I canceled my WoW accounts. If i had wanted to play EQ2, i would have kept the account and at least played sometimes. I play EQ1 because i like it better. I would rather not have much of EQ2 play into EQ1.

It never took our guild an hour to recover from a wipe unless it was a total wipe and we had to lobby rezz and fight our way back again. The downtime recovery will be nice on a wipe recovery though.

Borblefoot Furtoe
09-19-2006, 10:12 PM
Sadly waves goodbye to another of her dear friends ...

Regen spells, I will miss you ...


Why on earth would you get rid of your regen spells? The regen changes only happen when you have been out of combat for x amount of time x varying depending on what you were doing.

Unless you spend lots of time not in combat already, in which case I would suggest you learn some mana management skills, the changes are not going to affect any need for regen spells.

The only thing this will do will allow for a bit quicker recovery, especially for those with large mana pools from a death or after a particular hectic fight. Its a nice thing to get, but hardly game breaking or earthshattering in any form.