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09-15-2006, 02:36 PM
Post away folks---

09-15-2006, 02:47 PM
Yay, Seems nice, except maybe the 75 cap, I really hate lvling lol

I got mail to sign in for Beta test, but was busy in RL at the time, how was it=)?


09-15-2006, 03:38 PM
Looks neat, Not really sure how much I like the ranks on the spells, but i guess it's less work on my part, so it's all good...
All classes being able to forage? Umm...
Jewel Craft M for all classes? Ugh, one of the last things chanters are holding over the rest of classes, not really big deal, but still :-\ .
The taunting pet sounds kinda cool, prolly really squishy though, 500 hps max i'd bet.
ore mana regen+Wisdom is always a plus, so are healing aa's, so thats pretty cool.

Anyone know where i can find another link to AA's/spells for other classes? I gotta re-equip my army =)

09-15-2006, 04:40 PM
I am extremely disappointed at the spell list. Please note: I tested the spell on this Monday, please forgive me if there are any changes to the spell.

The only positive thing I saw is
- 1.8s heal, takes 1000 mana to heal like 3300? 15s recast, 30% chance to proc a 10%/2000 View that (guess what) doesn't stack with Vie.
- Self only DI, max proc rate is 33%?
- TL, yes, TL to new destination in TSS

There is one interesting spell, a fire DD that will also trigger a cold DD... sounds good on paper, except that the cold DD was not affected by focus. If the fire portion get resisted, the cold portion won't even trigger. Don't forget, if mob has high resistant to either fire or cold, this spell is useless. The spell itself does something like 1700+1500 (unfocus) damage. Druid's DD is now ranked at 4th (sometimes 5th) in terms of damage.

There is another semi-interesting spell, that will turn the mob into a plant (not illusion, but physical body type). The spell will also increase the damage done by any fire spell land on target for like 7%. I don't remember the exact number.

Did I say the following?

- No CH upgrade
- No mask upgrade

I did not test the AA, however, the single unique AA I remember is wolf of white wolf, which give you 15% mana preservation on heal spell for 1 whole minute. Also there are those usual upgrade to the healing ward, RC9 which wasn't affected by the Quickening Cure, another swarm bear and finally Convergence of spirit.

Generic AA includes
- more slot for bandoler
- more slot for potion belt
- stat cap AA
- FT cap AA
- MC upgrade
- DD crit chance upgrade
- DD crit damage upgrade
- DoT crit upgrade
- Healing Gift upgrade (no adept)

09-15-2006, 04:43 PM
Almost forget: There will be 1 new resist type... call corruption. Old gear will NOT have any corruption resist. Have fun regearing yourself.

09-15-2006, 05:17 PM
Almost forget: There will be 1 new resist type... call corruption. Old gear will NOT have any corruption resist. Have fun regearing yourself.
Its been stated you won't see much Corruption effects hitting you unless your raiding. If your raiding, your going to be getting new gear with the resist on it *anyway* so thats not a huge issue.

The Mask issue sucks.

There is nearly nil way a 10 second heal could hold up in some of the upper end zones, Ashengate and Frostcrypt esp. So us not getting one isn't the end of the world.

09-15-2006, 06:26 PM
Who cares that it takes 10 seconds ... does any raiding druid even use it anymore? My CH has been out of my spell lineup for almost a year now. 6K hp max against our lowest tank ....... um well its useless. Ancient is much more reliable and can crit.

Disappointed, eh yeah def about the no mask upgrade, guess that is cause of the new FT aa. The CH, only thing im halfway happy about ..... keeps us out of the heal rotation for sure !

09-15-2006, 06:30 PM
Even without mask (which I still hope we get) Druids gain 9 FT from the expanded MC line, expanded FT cap, and new Skin buff.

Combined with OoC regen, I don't see mana issues as being as huge of an issue for the class any longer, which is a positive step.

09-15-2006, 06:40 PM
AAs = Same stuff Different day.

Regearing and lack of Focus = You can gear up now for the resist to have to regear totally in next expansion.

09-15-2006, 07:03 PM
I believe a dev stated that corruption resist gear will be itemized through augments.

There was a great cry from the players about lack of focus effect upgrades, but the devs didn't budge on that one. I think they are saving the focus effect upgrades for the next expansion as a way to increase player power.

09-15-2006, 07:54 PM
I believe a dev stated that corruption resist gear will be itemized through augments.

There was a great cry from the players about lack of focus effect upgrades, but the devs didn't budge on that one. I think they are saving the focus effect upgrades for the next expansion as a way to increase player power.

the only one that makes me cry is the spell haste....

one-onethousand, two-onethousand, three-onethousand, four-onethousand, five-onethousand, six-onethousand.... zzzZZZzzz =P

09-15-2006, 10:51 PM
Who cares that it takes 10 seconds ... does any raiding druid even use it anymore? My CH has been out of my spell lineup for almost a year now. 6K hp max against our lowest tank ....... um well its useless. Ancient is much more reliable and can crit.

Disappointed, eh yeah def about the no mask upgrade, guess that is cause of the new FT aa. The CH, only thing im halfway happy about ..... keeps us out of the heal rotation for sure !

Have fun trying to heal when trash mob in exp zone hit for 2k a swing. I wonder how many 3k heal you can cast... wait, group should always have a cleric.... right? 10s heal is the most efficient heal that we have. We are not shaman who can canni for 2k mana or wizard who can harvest for 5k. To be efficient in exp group 10s heal is a must. I can see why you say it is almost useless in raid, but in exp group this is a must, especially if you try to be main heal. We are already penalized by having extremely low mana regen (lower than every class but cleric) and inefficient spell.

Yea, you have OoC regen, right? Well, so does everyone else. Do you want to be a group that rely on OoC regen constantly, or one that can doesn't require as often? If OOC regen really is that great, why would wizard receive 5k harvest and shamn 2k canni? OOC Regen definitely helps, but it only helps if you are inefficient. OoC regen reduce the downtime, not eliminating it. Do you rather have no downtime or low downtime?

09-15-2006, 11:04 PM
Trash mobs generally have low atk (which can be further lowered by druid debuffs). Sure, there's spike damage to worry about when you get unlucky, but on average a 2k hitting trash mob will actually hit for far less.

Add in a slower and you have a very manageable situation for an appropriately geared druid.

09-16-2006, 02:10 AM
For Comparison, Direwind/Icefall should be hitting over 2k a hit.
Ashengate/Frostcrypt are around 3k or so, iirc.


09-16-2006, 02:45 AM
Direwind mobs in the low 70's were hitting me for about 1500.
Icefall mobs in the low 70's were hitting me for about the same; the ones in the upper 70's were hitting me for about 2000.
In both cases, max hits were relatively rare, even against a druid.

09-16-2006, 02:54 AM
Which should be on par with what we see in DoD missions where the majority of the mobs are yellow con.

Its not the end of the world tho. I honestly never expect them to make it so we come near to healing Complelte Heals base. This is likely a good thing as it keeps us out of CH rotations.

But yes, -attack works awesome

09-16-2006, 07:45 AM
Wondering how the zones look from a druid point of view...what mobs summon? Having a lot more animals around will be great, but if they have painted widespread summoning onto zones (like ills ruins) then Im not going to be too impressed.

Sliggoth, druid/ tradeskiller of 7th Hammer

09-16-2006, 01:51 PM
In the easier zones, only the named mobs seemed to summon.

09-16-2006, 02:21 PM
Well in Blightfire Moors, level 20 Bixie trash summons

09-17-2006, 04:07 AM
I wish I could summonw hen the mob starts runnign away hpmh!

I just wish soe would have added another tier of healing adept into this or made that wolf aa a permanent illusion like a shamans rabid bear. Druids may be a jack of all trades but we need at least one more thing to be added. Mana regen or a bigger ch or something that makes us a little more effective; alot of druids barely get groupes now wonder what it's gonna be like then.

09-17-2006, 04:32 AM
No Priests got Healing Adept. And we did get Mana regen. From the FT Cap being raised, increased MC line and Direwild Skin. Between them all thats 11 more mana per tick.


09-17-2006, 11:33 AM
Also heard that there are skill increases on our defensives from cleric board. Less hits.
Defense: 215 --> 230
Dodge: 85 --> 210 (?)

and spell skills (hopefully less fizzles)
235--> 320

Specializations (Less Mana)
Primary: 200 --> 250
Secondary Forte: 100 --> 125
Others: 50 --> 75

09-18-2006, 09:34 AM
Also heard that there are skill increases on our defensives from cleric board. Less hits.
Defense: 215 --> 230
Dodge: 85 --> 210 (?)

and spell skills (hopefully less fizzles)
235--> 320

Specializations (Less Mana)
Primary: 200 --> 250
Secondary Forte: 100 --> 125
Others: 50 --> 75

Yey!!! yey!!! yey!!!
hopefully also a melee skill (1HB 1HS 2HB) upgrade .. i melee all the time .. even when MH =) (Btw, i NEVER use CH again .. only when in rotation)
Will we getting a new slashing weap, so that we benefit from the plant skin debuff too?

Hmm impression about the fire/cold nuke .. gonna be lotsa work to debuff for fire AND cold. Doesnt look like worth it for just a couple 100's more damage .. Mora a raiding thing i think .. or 2 druids in group working together. I really wish they leave the high damage dots in .. while who cares about regen. I wish it would have more mana and more damage, so that it would be a real big blast (like 3k+3k for more mana after spending 30 seconds debuffing the mob though). Else i dont see it worth the effort..

Leave us the dots, c'mon is our last solo tool remaining! Please beta people fight to death to keep em! (if you still have voice)

09-18-2006, 03:37 PM
I'm going to withhold judgement untill I have more of a chance to check it out for my self rather than second hand info.

I really hope the new root AA is a joke.... like haha... we were just kidding guys we know that's a usless AA, you guys can have something usefull.

Some one please tell me what the point is of having an AA that makes root last though nukes and melee on summoning mobs......i have never in my entire life as a druid found this AA helpfull in any situation. It's kinda detremental to us infact. Any druid worth their weight in gold uses root as a crowd controll tool in group situations. Rooting adds on inc and such. Used to be that you could just nuke that sucker and bring it right over to the group whent hey were ready. Now the group has to go chase it down. I suppose you don't have to buy the AA...... but still WTF?

09-19-2006, 08:15 AM
I have never really cared for the root aa as well, usually using root for cc then WANTING to be able to break it with a nuke to bring that mob. However, that said:

I will often use root on a summoning mob when soloing. Even the fast summoners give us enough time to run out and do a very quick spell between summons. With some spell haste its quite easy to refresh a dot or pop a quick heal.

Also, on the topic of cheals, yes some of do use cheals on raids. Our raids often dont have enough clerics to handle all healing so a few druids get added in to stretch out the heals. No, we arent in current top end content but yes we are raiding. We would be doing higher content if we had more healing.

Sliggoth, druid/ tradeskiller of 7th Hammer

09-19-2006, 08:30 AM
I posted the new root AA was junk. /shrug.

The change bodytype to plant spell is not supposed to give us the best benifit as per Prathun. Necromancers for example, get a new spell which only works on Animals or Plants.

Likewise, the +slashing damage would add up far more for melee then us.


09-19-2006, 11:05 AM
Hmm impression about the fire/cold nuke .. gonna be lotsa work to debuff for fire AND cold. Doesnt look like worth it for just a couple 100's more damage .. Mora a raiding thing i think .. or 2 druids in group working together.

This is the most current infomation I have on Winter's Flame, Rank 1.

Cast time 6.25
ana Cost: 519
Fire Damage: 1651
Cold Damage: 1419

Total Damage: 3070
ana Ratio: 5.91
DPS: 491.2

ost people at this point are like eh. Your missing the point tho, I think.

ost recently reported they fixed it so Foci work on both Fire and Cold. Last I checked both parts of the spell could critical, and thus gain DF AA bonus.

Also, and this is an interesting part. This allows you to use twice the amount of hits within a Epic click in a group setting. So instead of just getting in 4 hits, you can get in 8.

This also allows you to load a nuke, where you are sure at least part of it will land until you know which resist is most effective to change out to EB or RC. You are no longer getting full resists, you now have an option to use in situations you are unsure which resist line is most effective.

Honestly, I plan to make this my default nuke until I am sure which mobs are resistant to what /shrug.

09-19-2006, 12:14 PM
This also allows you to load a nuke, where you are sure at least part of it will land until you know which resist is most effective to change out to EB or RC. You are no longer getting full resists, you now have an option to use in situations you are unsure which resist line is most effective.
I think your info on this spell is a little off. The second portion of the spell has a chance of firing, it's not 100%. Also, if the first part of the spell is resisted then the second part won't fire.

I found some more info on this spell last night. It wasn't on lucy but provided roughly the same info. It seems this spell has a +400 agro mod ON TOP of the agro created from the damage.

Everyday grinding is a test on a drus agro managment and a spell with a +400 agro mod that only has a chance to do full damage is not something that will be hitting my spellbar anytime soon.