View Full Forums : TSS Maps & Getting your TSS Port Spells

09-15-2006, 05:50 PM
Maps can be downloaded here: &

And here is a bad ascii overview of how the zones connect:

.................................................. .................................................. ....
FROSTCRYPT == VALDEHOME........ASHENGATE........................ ........
....L75+..................L72+...................L 75+.....................................
................................ll................ .........ll....................................... ...
................................ll................ .........ll....................................... .
............................ICEFALL........... DIREWIND.................................
.............................. L70+.................L70-75...................................
................................ll................ .........ll....................................... .
................................ll................ .........ll....................................... .
.........................THE STEPPES......SUNDEROCK === VERGALID MINES...
..................................ll.............. .....ll........................................... ..
..................................ll.............. .....ll........................................... ..
..........THE ROOST === GORU'KAR MESA ............................................
.............L55-65................L40-60................................................ ...
...........................................ll..... .................................................. .
...........................................ll..... .................................................. .
(STARTING CITY)...................L20-40.....................L35-45..............
........L1-20................................ll.............. ...................................
................................................ll .................................................
.....................................HIGH HOLD PASS.....................................
.................................................. ..................................................

There are two paths to go, L60+. It doesnt matter which one you go first, you can always do the second one later (or concurrently).

Druids have ports to Blightfire, Direwind and The Steepes. Druids also get Translocates for these three zones as well.

09-16-2006, 12:10 PM
There are merchants at the three druid rings that sell the spells for those rings.

Start off in PoK and use the Crescent Reach Stone. This drops you off in Blightfire Moors not far from the Bixies. Follow the road west to the Crossroads Camp (note: All 9 Wizard port spells are sold at the camp by Kulvinia Brighflame at -140, 580) then Northwest to the Druid Ring.

Grey Peacebloom sells the 3 Blightfire port spells for ~210 each.
His loc is (360, 1360)

From Grey Peacebloom, head Northeast till you hit a road, follow that North past the dead dragon being eaten by Sporali till you hit Goru'kar Mesa.

In Goru'kar Mesa follow the river West then North untill you approach the third bridge. Strike off Northwest overland through the Giants till you see a chasm with spooky looking skull things to either side. Enter the chasm to get to The Steppes.

In The Steppes strike off overland along the Eastern edge of the zone until you get to the Druid Ring.

Emilia Daeren sells the 3 Steppes port spells for ~210 each.
Her loc is (500, -1300)

Head back South to Goru'kar Mesa

Follow the northern edge of Goru'Kar Mesa going East untill you see 2 Serpentine Pillars. Pass between them to get to Sunderock Springs.

In Sunderock Springs head West until you get to the river then follow it North along the Eastern bank. Just as you approach the second waterfall, strike off overland to the Northeast. You will pass under a natural looking bridge and might see Randalph the Wise roaming the area.

As you pass under the bridge, hook to the Northwest to enter Direwind Cliffs. Be careful around here as there is a roaming raid dragon named Mistwalker. Does not see invis so keep camo up.

As you zone in to Direwind Cliffs, the Druid Ring is almost within sight to the Northwest
Tienen the Wanderer sells the 3 Direwind port spells for ~210 each.
His loc is (-1260, -20)

09-16-2006, 12:18 PM
For those that pre-order, you can use your Brand-new clicky staff to port directly to Cresant Reach and zone into Blightfire.

The Rings are NE of the Cresant Reach zone in, track a named Treant (begins with a R, Rinsomething or other) He stands at the ring.

09-16-2006, 12:42 PM
Excellent info, Sanre. You get a sticky!

09-16-2006, 12:57 PM
Keep in mind that if the Zephyers go live, its 210~ x3, not x2. You will want about 650~ plat per ring.

09-16-2006, 01:31 PM
Apparently Sony realizes that Wizards are frail mommas boys :wink: and sells all of their port spells in a low level zone. We Druids are made of stern stuff and have to run through multiple zones to get our spells!

09-16-2006, 01:48 PM
I guess this makes up for Velious where we got our Ports from a mob which was Kindly to us in WL, and Wizards got theirs from the Dragons they where KoS to =p

Golthine Gettinwood
09-16-2006, 05:20 PM
I remeber when I went to WL the first time for my Great Divide port (think thats the one near Growth), I never even finished zoning, as Woushi used me for a playtoy! I learned a lot about Dragon faction that day (That was one of the longest CR's ever, and the run thru Kael was pretty intense also!)

09-17-2006, 01:29 PM
The named treat at the Blightfire druid rings is Roanoak if that helps with tracking!

09-19-2006, 09:30 PM
For those that pre-order, you can use your Brand-new clicky staff to port directly to Cresant Reach and zone into Blightfire.

The Rings are NE of the Cresant Reach zone in, track a named Treant (begins with a R, Rinsomething or other) He stands at the ring.

FYI they changed that... everyone gets the clicky now


09-20-2006, 06:45 AM
For those interested, the prices have changed, payed around 52 plat in the moore, 26 plat in the steppes and 11 plat in direwind for each spell.

09-20-2006, 12:21 PM
Had a few minutes and I made a crappy graphic LOL.

Will see how long it stays up as I do not know how much bandwidth Photobucket allows LOL on this 50k pic. :)

09-20-2006, 03:42 PM
Thanks Sanre for directions to the druids rings. Came in VERY helpful without a map as zones are pretty big and lots of hills.

Only suggestion would make is add a line to find Direwind Cliffs, and that is to go UP the first waterfull until get to the second one. I made a right at first waterfall trying to get around and ended up back at zoneline since thought the waterfall was a boundary and couldn't go up - whoops!

There are a lot of spots in these zones that would appear to be a zone boundary but in fact are just a large wall, waterfall, etc that you can climb over.

09-26-2006, 09:51 PM
I have been in Vergalid Mines and think you may consider revising the zone range ... at lvl 70, 95% of the zone was yellow and red cons to me on track... doubt a group of low 60s would survive long in there. It is showing 60-70 and I would suggest calling it 65-75 (or maybe even 70+)

09-27-2006, 12:21 AM
Vergalid is receiving some attention in this next patch. It may go to the intended 60-70 range. We will have to wait and see.

09-29-2006, 07:06 PM
Direwind Cliffs teleportation spells cost 11p 0g 2s 4c each.
The Steppes teleportation spells cost 26p 2g 4s, 9c each.
The Blightfire Moors teleporation spells cost 52p 4g 9s 9c each.

That gives a grand total of 269p 3g 1s 6c.

You must have a really poor charisma if they cost you that much, or they lowered the prices between the time of your post and mine :) My charisma is 270.

10-04-2006, 04:47 PM
I made the post based on costs in Beta