View Full Forums : Mana regen

09-19-2006, 05:13 PM
<CENTER><center><Font color=red>Is it just me or does SoE keep finding ways to nerf druids for healing wheather taking a direct route or indirect route. It's like for TSS, supposedly theres no new mask or no more healing adept aa's yet we get a spell thats not much higher than chlorobon and cost alot more mana. As far as shamans go it seems they can outheal us since they have HoTs, fast heals and a sufficient way to regen mana by canni'ing; plus our dots suck compared to theirs!! Most people don't even know about druids debuffs and how they help (alot of druids dont even know multiple casts from different druids stack!) so no help there.

Druids may be classified as a jack of all trades and master at nothing but when we start to seem obsolete to other classes it's going a bit to far. Now some people wanna mess with reptiles procs?? Wth, warriors get extra tanking ability over getting healing aa's they should learn to live with it :bs: .

This may seem like a blatant complaint but that's what it is anyway so :eusa_booh .

09-19-2006, 05:37 PM
Do you realise that after 5 minutes of downtime in exp groups you will be FM? Thats some mana regen right there.

09-20-2006, 12:08 AM
Five minutes is a lifetime when you're waiting.

09-20-2006, 02:46 AM
30 secs rest and then 400+ mana regen a tick (depends on mana pool).

09-20-2006, 12:11 PM
we were taking on yellow con last night with ranger tanking (his bot cleric healing) shammy slowing and me and I had plenty of mana left per fight ....didn't want to overnuke or overdot due to him not having taunt but they never touched me and would end up with 85%m and then w/in 1.5 mins if that was full mana of the mob being dead just because we can waiste our mana doesnt mean we need to.....also nice once the rez effect wears off I was getting 300tick of mana (8300 mana pool).....i love the feature and only thing is I don't have icons yet because my ui but i can look at stats and see when i am rested.

09-20-2006, 12:21 PM
Rangers have taunt.

09-20-2006, 12:24 PM
ok my bad they must not have warrior taunt or such sometimes if I dot too early or if he was using bow to pull he says to wait for him to build up the hate of course......i just dont want mobs smacking me for 2k when he has 15k hps and i have 9k :)

09-20-2006, 04:15 PM
Bows = low agro. Bow damage creates very low agro.

09-22-2006, 08:49 PM
By far the largest problem concerning mana is how long it takes a druid -on a raid- to get back in action after being rezzed midfight. Resting doesnt help this.

Wizzies got a huge mana regen boost. Shamans got improved cannis. Clerics virtually got an offensive stance. WTF are they doing to druids?

09-23-2006, 07:20 AM
The only real enjoyment I get out of this expansion up til now apart from sightseeing a bit is the AAs, but that's because I've been "stale" on AAing lately as there isn't much to be trained anymore for me. This expansion doesn't offer good spell upgrades and even took away some of the things we expected to get an upgrade for (mask, immolation & vengeance dot).

And ...

By far the largest problem concerning mana is how long it takes a druid -on a raid- to get back in action after being rezzed midfight. Resting doesnt help this.

Wizzies got a huge mana regen boost. Shamans got improved cannis. Clerics virtually got an offensive stance. WTF are they doing to druids?
Amen. It's something that has been a nuisance for ages to me. The only additional regen we get (which all classes get who want it) is a nice manaregen clicky and a rod. Ever heard of a necro feeding a druid that got battlerezzed with the battle still going strong? I haven't.

PS: Netura and probably a whole lot of other players can counteract most spellrelated arguments with "but we got mad manaregen in rested state OMG , what are you complaining about!?" , but you forget EVERYONE got that upgrade, so it's moot. We still got the shaft , again.

09-26-2006, 11:39 AM
while its not druid only I do think the new arcane familiar quest will help in this issue for those of us who did not have a MR right clicky. Wizzies won't use it because it blocks their that puts us I believe 4 MR tick behind their familiar.....I know its not perfect but it does help.

And you guys are right in raid it is hard to get that mana back....I raid very little and very new to higher lvl druid so I am still in that omg i love my class phase :)

09-28-2006, 02:24 AM
Do you realise that after 5 minutes of downtime in exp groups you will be FM? Thats some mana regen right there.

You do realize that, if I have a choice of finding someone who never needs that 5 minute AND heal/DPS better, I won't find a druid, right? So what if you can regen that mana in 5 minutes?

Go to Frostcrypt and tell me your mana can heal through how many mobs before you need that 5 minutes break.

if you are still live in the fantasy land where druid can heal and nuke, then you need to know:

a) You can't heal AND nuke, you pick one.
b) Shaman can heal and nuke better, for longer without needing that magical 5 minutes.
c) Cleric can also nuke better, but that's a bane spell so doesn't really count.

09-28-2006, 08:42 AM
a) You can't heal AND nuke, you pick one.

Quoted for truth and the #1 reason a Druid does not perform as advertised.