View Full Forums : DireWind Cliffs tasks/quests...

alyn cross
09-23-2006, 11:40 AM
Just a few quick ones, i'm working on about 5 atm... will update with all i can.
I know the one i posted was also listed the other day, separately by serinity_inny. Other contributers have been Fenier, Alaene, Philio, and Lujayne... thanks folks!

Anderak's Quests...... quest arc finished.

Scouting DireWind:

Explore 6 locations, all seemed to be able to be invised to, except the Grey legion encampment (ran in till i saw update and then nailed exodus), and the Direwind Boneyard (same, an hour later...).

Reward: XP (little less than half a blue at 71)

The Blighted Animals:

Deliver 4 diseased bear hearts to Anderak
Deliver 4 diseased wolf hearts to Anderak
Deliver 4 diseased griffon hearts to Anderak

Reward: XP (amount?), Progression
notes: none of these mobs have summoned me yet...

The Darkroot Gardens:

Kill 10 Darkroot Carrion Gatherers
Kill 10 Darkroot Gardners
Loot 4 Darkroot Plaguespores
Kill Arakeen, Eater of the Dead

Reward: ???, Progression
notes: Avoid shaman shrooms, kill the melee types... Arakeen spawns 4-6 adds at 40%, that hit for 2k... Loot plaguespores from grey shroom stalks.

The Darkroot Caves

Kill 20 Darkroot Warriors
Kill 5 Darkroot Shaman
Kill 5 Darkroot Tenders
Kill 5 Darkroot Vineherds
Kill Moldmaster Master Gangii
Loot Gangii's Poisoned Roots
Deliver Gangii's Poisoned Roots to Anderak

notes: Moldmaster drops 3 Poisoned Roots per kill. You need the task for it to count.

Vahna (tree at druid ring) Quests...

Direwind Boneyard:

Kill 10 direwind golems
Kill 4 clan direwind carrionmancers
Loot 4 clan direwind golem stitching
Deliver 4 stiching to Vahna.

Reward: XP (half a blue at 71), quest progresses.
notes: mobs didn't appear to summon, 4 man group with 75 ranger tanking (coa geared).

Direwind Plaguebearers:

Kill 4 Clan Direwind Plaguebearers
Destroy the Summoned Direwind Current
Loot 1 blight pyre ember

Scout Zryan quests...

The Grey Legion:

Kill 10 Gray Legion Soldiers
Kill 2 Gray legion Clerics
Kill 2 Gray legion mages
Kill 5 Gray legion Sergeants
Deliver Orzhok's Shattered Shield to Scout Zryan

Reward: XP (half a blue at 71), quest progresses, caster mask (190/190 ft5), melee belt, or 70hp aug.
notes: Only orzhok summoned, most mobs are in tight groups, egress pull or have a group.

The Approach:

Deliver seal of Outpost one to Zryan
Deliver seal of Outpost two to Zryan
Deliver seal of Outpost three to Zryan
Deliver seal of Outpost four to Zryan

Reward: XP, the Ashengate Seal
notes: these are 4 outposts along the way to ashengate.. seals drop from the name at each outpost: Zerra'lok (Solid Melee, Flurry + AE Rampage), Renagarhn, Bollbaru, and Gatekeeper Kor, respectively. No info on the mobs abilities yet.

*** Not sure how this fits in:

Keshik (correct name?) Quest:

The Ashengate Griffons

Show the ashengate seal to Keshik

Reward: XP, The ashengate seal
Notes: It seems you must do The Approach to complete, but not to get this quest, no idea what happens further in it. You can have both quests at the same time, doesn't seem to be a progression....

09-23-2006, 02:31 PM
Doing the socuting direwind quest results in a collect (4 hearts from Bears, Wolves and Griffs) from the same NPC.

alyn cross
09-23-2006, 03:49 PM
aye, working on that one... will be away for a few days, /cackle

Post what you find out and i'll update on Wednesday

09-23-2006, 07:42 PM
The "collect 4 hearts" results in xp also, followup task:

The Darkroot Gardens

Kill 10 Darkroot Carrion Gatherers
Kill 10 Darkroot Gardners
Loot 4 Darkroot Plaguespores
Kill Arakeen, Eater of the Dead
<presumably deliver the Plaguespores>

Reward, I assume, is also xp.

Started on soloing Carrion Gatherers, some are shaman mobs, class division seems like DoD Sporali - avoid shammies, who root (didn't resist any root spells with 302 MR). Melee 'shrooms go down like the fungus they are :)

alyn cross
09-23-2006, 11:25 PM
Thanks, alaene, updated with that info and added some formatting to make it easier to read...

/cackles to all, and thanks!

09-23-2006, 11:52 PM
Named in the first tower - Solid Melee, Flurry + AE Rampage


09-25-2006, 01:49 AM
Kill 10 Darkroot Gardners
Loot 4 Darkroot Plaguespores
Kill Arakeen, Eater of the Dead

The Gardners are just like the Carrion Gatherers, easily soloable. I have yet to see a Pplaguespore drop, despite killing at least a dozen Gardners and 30+ Carrion Gatherers

Arakeen is a beast. You'll be owning him all the way to 40%, then he spawn 4? 6 adds, which hit for up to 2k. Surprise!

09-25-2006, 02:11 PM
[QUOTE=Alaene]The Gardners are just like the Carrion Gatherers, easily soloable. I have yet to see a Pplaguespore drop, despite killing at least a dozen Gardners and 30+ Carrion Gatherers

When you are killing the Gardeners near their cave, you will notice grey con mushroom stalks by them. Kill one and it will drop one or more of the Plaguespores.



09-25-2006, 07:01 PM
Leads to another quest which involves killing crap in the Sporali Cave - is the item reward on completion ( I haven't completed it, just used preview item ).

Edit - I completed the quest, the mission is the last one in the Arc.

Quest details are as follows -

Name - The Darkroot Caves

Kill 20 Darkroot Warriors
Kill 5 Darkroot Shaman
Kill 5 Darkroot Tenders
Kill 5 Darkroot Vineherds
Kill Moldmaster Master Gangii
Loot Gangii's Poisoned Roots
Deliver Gangii's Poisoned Roots to Anderak

oldmaster drops 3 Poisoned Roots per kill. You need the task for it to count.

alyn cross
09-27-2006, 10:29 AM
anyone worked on furthering vahna's quests over the weekend/week? also, has anyone gotten the ashengate seal yet to finish out that quest arc?

mez item looks handy, imo, thanks lujayne.
