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Wyre Wintermute
09-24-2006, 05:29 AM
EDIT: See this post ( in this thread for step by step of the first 70 /locs. Also, see this post ( for /locs you can put into your in-game maps. Thanks Breez! - Ruadh

There is a new exploration aug charm that begins in Cresent Reach.

aster Vanguard Regan is on the 2nd level in CR in a little hut.

Here is some text from the quest:

aster Vanguard Regan says 'Vasha, Wyre. I am the leader of the [Wanderlust] Guild. See, Wanderlust is my middle name, given to me by my father, Venesh the Greenblood. I was eager to start the Awakening, my life's journey, and so took to exploring even though I was just awoken from what I call the human-dream. That is the life I don't remember, but I imagine I was a plainswalker then.'

aster Vanguard Regan says 'I started this guild so that those like me who yearn to seek knowledge of the world are among those of like kind. We travel to unknown places and learn about them. We collect and share all our information and I have a journeystone for members that continue to support the guild. It will even grow more powerful the more you aid us. Would you like to [join]?'

aster Vanguard Regan says 'Very good! To be a member, all that is required is that you investigate and explore. I will almost always have places in the world I would like you to see. For now, I would like you to explore some areas of Blightfire Moors. Will you [do this] for me?'

aster Vanguard Regan says 'Now you must go farther and introduce yourself to some very important folk. You will find the Crossroads as you follow the road through the Moors from the city. Here the road will split. The south road leads to a bustling farm and the north road leads you to the dangerous lands of the Goru`kar Mesa. When you get to the crossroads, talk to Wanderer Gimlek. He is also in our guild and will give you some exploration quests on my behalf. We have much work to do.'

Wanderer Gimlek says 'Who goes there?! Who sent you? Are you a [friend] or foe?'

Wanderer Gimlek says 'Ah, another recruit of the Wanderlust Guild. Very good. It's been so dangerous out here I'm starting to lose my wits. I'm not very trusting anymore. It's a hard life I have chosen. Cold nights and blistering hot days . . . not to mention the strange noises and creatures beyond the city. Are you ready for more [adventure]?'

Wanderer Gimlek says 'Excellent! We have much work to do. You must investigate the gnoll mine to the south, a strange portal of wizardry, the frightful area where the Curse of the Gods was laid down upon Norrath and some other [spots] too!'

aster Vanguard Regan says 'You have done pretty well so far Wyre. I am pleased with how you are progressing. If you would like to continue, please seek out Pilgrim Fiskar, he is located in a small camp hidden in the reeds in the southeast area of the Blightfire Moors.'

Pilgrim Fiskar says 'Get down! Do you want them to see you? Look at them all! I bet Master Regan sent you, didn't he? Crazy ole sport, he is. He sent me out here with nothing but my wits, a scroll, and a puppet. I'm still trying to figure out what the puppet is for. I'm thinking it was a joke. Anyway, let's get to [business]!'

Pilgrim Fiskar says 'Yes, indeed. Be careful and diligent -- an obvious statement, huh? We really do need you to go and greet Selay. She is a great dragon who is here from the dragon's Nest, though I'm not sure why. The drakkin greeting will be familiar to her as its derived from the Elder Dragon language. While you're at it, investigate the ogre ruins to the north, the cursed woods to the northeast and locate the entrance to Stone Hive. When you're done, get your information back to Regan as soon as possible. Are you [willing]?'

Pilgrim Fiskar says 'Yessiree. Much to do and little time. I need you to wander this area. Obviously, I'm stuck to speak! Ha! Get that fanny of yours moving. Didn't they warn you that your explorations won't be a walk in the park? Get a closer look at the farm fields, then go and locate the entrance to Stone Hive. Head northeast past where the ghostpack hunts, and locate the grove where Selay is near the hillside. As crazy as it sounds, I need you to go and utter the word 'vasha' -- the drakkin way of greeting, to the [dragon].'

Pilgrim Fiskar says 'Remember to see Regan when you are finished.'

aster Vanguard Regan says 'You have learned much about these lands, yes? There is a lot to see out there. I only wish I had more time to go out there myself. You must go even farther afield now. There is a great mesa named after a great giant who lived as a hermit. Legends mention something about his magic turning some beautiful elves into the harpies! It is called Goru`kar mesa. Go there and seek out Pioneer Vulu.'

Pioneer Vulu says 'Vasha, adventurous one. You are certainly brave to make your way into this region. It certainly is dangerous here. Regan himself would begin to find the lands challenging here. There are several [beasts] here I've never come upon in my earlier explorations.'

Pioneer Vulu says 'Indeed. Not all are friendly, but some are. Some [satyrs] seem to welcome us while others want to see our heads on sticks. There are also some very bothersome nymphs and griffons. There are many areas to explore here, both the satyr encampments, the approach to the mesa with the great Windwillow, the Serpent River at Hissing Bend bridge, the hunting grounds, nymph isle, and the lake the nymphs guard called Tunare's Tear.'

Pioneer Vulu says 'Interesting creatures, legs like deer with faces like humans, in fact one [stumbled] into camp just the other day.'

Pioneer Vulu says 'Yes, quite literally, he was overcome by spirits but not of the undead variety, if you get my meaning? He stumbled about the camp rambling a story about how his brother turned against him. There are many sorts of creatures to meet and areas to explore in Goru`kar Mesa. I would like you to explore the satyr camps, an area of water nymphs called potameids, the approach to the mesa where the great Windwillow stands, the Serpent River at Hissing Bend bridge, the hunting grounds, nymph isle, and the lake the nymphs guard called Tunare's Tear. Will you [investigate]?'

Pioneer Vulu says 'Excellent! Return to me when you've completed this task. There is much to be done.'

That's just some of the conversation text.. I don't know why my log didn't pick all of it up.. also some of the messages are in yellow "system" text, so be on guard ;)

Currently you can achive 5 updates.. really it comes out to be 3

Blightfire Moor
Goru`kar Mesa
Sunderork Springs

You can get the quest for Vergalid Mines, but no one has deciphered how to gain entrance to the throne room.

The pathway is behind the crypt area, there are 3 statues with a beam of light comming from them. the north statue (blocking the path) gives a message about being to heavy to move. There is a 4th light beam comming from the ceiling. There are 4 crystals that move around the center and have an aura that does 65 dmg and breaks invis. each statue has 2 stone warden guards, and there are 8 or so Drakkin stationed inside the room aswell.

Current stats with 3 areas completed:
Stats: 5
Resists: 3

Lucy link: Wanderlust Guild Loadstone (

(1250 PP to pull this aug, don't know if that is intended or not, slipgear and adventure stone are class 1, this is class 14)

09-25-2006, 12:16 PM
Stuck at the same point myself, need to access Throne Room first in order to reveal the next step in the task. The northern statue in the crypt is very heavy and the stone guardians seriously don't like when some druid tries to move it.

Have not yet tried to clear the crypt room, nor clear around the guy in the tent to afford a safe chat with him, nor fool with the heavy wooden chest.

Seeking a means to move the heavy statue ...

09-25-2006, 06:31 PM
I am stuck on the same point in the mines.

Word of advice tho, don't drop invis in that tent to try to talk to that guy ... I *think* those 3 mobs laying on the ground con'd light blue to 75 - but when I dropped invis to attempt to talk to the guy in the tent who iirc has (Quests) next to his name, at least on the map he did ... those 3 mobs got up and whooped me good and something from the outside aggro'd also - was a white con. A Green Legion ravager max hit on me was 1729, and A Skullcrush conscript hit me for max 2119 - I was dead in literally 3 seconds! So, yeah again - Don't try to talk to him!

09-25-2006, 07:06 PM
Am also stuck at the same point. Appears to be a hallway just across from the lift you go down from zone in. But have not found any means to open it.

As someone mentioned earlier, you can click on the north statue in the fancy room of Rallos Zek but you'll get attacked.

09-25-2006, 07:29 PM
I am stuck in blackfeather roost. There does not seem to be a way over to where the graveyard appears to be. I tried dropping down and crossing the water but as soon as I got close to it it killed me instantly. Is there a secret door or something to get across?

09-25-2006, 10:31 PM
The correct task update point is where the two quest NPC's are on the zone in island. They are in their own little room with a bunch of gravestones nearby.

Alternatively you can just Egress or Succor when you zone in and it will take you to the spot as well.

09-25-2006, 11:48 PM
Thanks, I ran all around but must have missed the room with the gravestones doh!

09-26-2006, 12:58 AM
I am stuck on the same spot on Vergalid.

I am not sure if the Throne Room entrance is the big statue that won't budge in the back or if its the room across from the elevator with the "door" that won't open.

09-26-2006, 02:36 PM
Opened the heavy wooden chest and it just evaporated. Nothing to target, nothing to loot.

09-26-2006, 04:18 PM
Someone found the solution:

09-26-2006, 05:17 PM

Menien Mayhem
09-26-2006, 09:09 PM
Tonight's patch will include removing that throne room portion of the task.

09-27-2006, 12:52 PM
I am still struggling with the mines. I have yet to find Inquirer Galstat. I am doing on my Wizard since my Druid is only 40 atm so I do not have track and I have been all through the mines and have seen most of the points mentioned but still have not found him. Is it possible he is somewhere in Sunderock?

09-27-2006, 01:11 PM
I've seen that shard item with the clicky effect mentioned in the Station thread linked above. Item looked like an Ebon Crystal. I don't recall the name of the item but the effect was something along the lines of 'Life Infusion' sounded healish to me.

Had a group down there killing for a couple hours and saw ONE shard drop.

Welcome to the bottleneck.

Guess this quest just hit the back burner ~

09-27-2006, 02:02 PM
Bottleneck removed in patch, 9/27.

No throne room portion to task. Completing the Vergalid portion took me about 10 minutes from zone in. Hailed Galstat and left.

Rega sends you off to Direwind next.

09-27-2006, 02:49 PM
Inquirer Galstat is hiding behind a pillar in the big roundish room with the tents. From the elevator, hang a left and follow the corridor a ways till you get to the room. I don't have his exact location handy, but I think it was posted in the SOE forums. My advice would be to circle the edge of the room, paying special attention to look carefully around pillars. If you don't find him after one full circle, try reversing directions - took me forever to find him as I wandered all over the zone, and then suddenly he was immediately visible when I came into the room from a different direction.


09-27-2006, 09:28 PM
Anyone having trouble with the "Wanderlust Guild : All Abuzz" quest. I am at the part where I have to say the word "Vasha" to Selay. She sent me to Sunderock to the Captain to do another find location task. I finished it and went back to Selay. Still wont talk to me to finish that part

Wyre Wintermute
09-28-2006, 12:39 AM
Selay update should happen when approaching from the south.

Say Vasha and she should say something about you speaking a derivative os their language.

If you still have problems, I believe the trigger word after Vasha was Dragon or Dragons


09-28-2006, 05:30 AM
Glad to see the Vergalid stage was revised!

Just need to scout Frostcrypt now to complete this suckah~
The aug looks pretty good next to Slipgear in my Artisan Charm :)

09-28-2006, 08:02 AM
I was now able to complete the series of tasks up to the point where Cartographer Wyl`ard should ask me to scout Frostcrypt. Boy, it was A LOT of running. The augmentation is now sitting at Stats 11, HP/mana 48.

However, when I try to get the Frostcrypt exploration task from Wyl`ard, he tells me he does not have anything for someone with my abilities. I am a level 72 druid. Perhaps I will need to level a bit more before he sends me to Frostcrypt... or perhaps there's something else to it.

Was anyone able to get the Frostcrypt task from Cartographer Wyl`ard?

09-28-2006, 08:46 AM
In scouting The Steppes, I haven't been able to find the "Giant Monument".

Can anyone help?

09-28-2006, 08:58 AM
I can't seem to find the Lorekeeper's Pulpit in Valdeholm - been all over the place - anyone able to give me some directions please?

09-28-2006, 09:39 AM
The Giant Monument is in the north east part of the zone, on the east wall. There are six giants carved into the wall. The update trigger is on the ground in front of the monument.

Lorekeeper's Pulpit looks like a half circle amphitheater on the map. It's directly north from the zone-in. There are quite a few giants in the room and one of them is standing on the podium and it looks like he's taking to the other giants. The update trigger is on the podium close to the speaking giant.

09-28-2006, 10:17 AM
thanks - damned annoying thing is that's the first place I tried - must have just missed the update spot ><

09-28-2006, 12:00 PM
The Giant Monument is in the north east part of the zone, on the east wall. There are six giants carved into the wall. The update trigger is on the ground in front of the monument.

Lorekeeper's Pulpit looks like a half circle amphitheater on the map. It's directly north from the zone-in. There are quite a few giants in the room and one of them is standing on the podium and it looks like he's taking to the other giants. The update trigger is on the podium close to the speaking giant.

Thank you!

09-28-2006, 03:43 PM
I was now able to complete the series of tasks up to the point where Cartographer Wyl`ard should ask me to scout Frostcrypt. Boy, it was A LOT of running. The augmentation is now sitting at Stats 11, HP/mana 48.

However, when I try to get the Frostcrypt exploration task from Wyl`ard, he tells me he does not have anything for someone with my abilities. I am a level 72 druid. Perhaps I will need to level a bit more before he sends me to Frostcrypt... or perhaps there's something else to it.

Was anyone able to get the Frostcrypt task from Cartographer Wyl`ard?

Yeah after the Vald explore, you have to go back to Regan who gives you yet another explore ( basically running from CR back to Wyl`ard. After you complete that, he will give you the Frostcrypt task.

I am currently on the Frostcrypt task, but unable to figure out how to get to the Shade King's chambers. (I'm fairly sure it's behind the statue).

09-28-2006, 05:02 PM
Anyone having trouble with the "Wanderlust Guild : All Abuzz" quest. I am at the part where I have to say the word "Vasha" to Selay. She sent me to Sunderock to the Captain to do another find location task. I finished it and went back to Selay. Still wont talk to me to finish that part

I am having trouble its not updating for me either. Is Selay the big blue dragon laying on the ground with mushrooms all around her??

09-28-2006, 05:59 PM
I am having trouble its not updating for me either. Is Selay the big blue dragon laying on the ground with mushrooms all around her??

No. The sporali are around an (unnamed, AFAIK) dead dragon. Selay is in NE corner of zone.

09-28-2006, 06:26 PM
I am having trouble its not updating for me either. Is Selay the big blue dragon laying on the ground with mushrooms all around her??

The task from Selay is an unrelated quest.

You should recieve a task update from just comming into close range of the dragon not by Hailing it. If you don't get the update, try running around the spot till you get it.

09-28-2006, 07:46 PM
No. The sporali are around an (unnamed, AFAIK) dead dragon. Selay is in NE corner of zone.

Yea i found it right after i posted. Ty for answering me :wiggle:

09-28-2006, 09:27 PM
The Chambers of the Shade King evade me also ... assume it to be in the locked area, although I guess I may have just missed the sweet spot somewhere. Going back to retrace everything again in hopes I missed it. Damn IVU potions gonna get me dead again :)

Menien Mayhem
09-28-2006, 10:51 PM

The Shade King's throne room is broken atm. EQ Devs checked it out themselves the past 24hours and acknowledged. It should be behind/under the statue that should be clicked to moved it aside, but it won't move now. Will be fixed asap according to dev.

09-29-2006, 12:37 AM
For the task in The Steppes ... Find some ancient ruins ... the trigger spot is the druid ring? If so, I ran around that for near 30 mins and it didn't update, ported out and back in - isn't triggering. Ran around the zone also looking for any other spot it might be but couldn't find anything. Any help is appreciated :)

09-29-2006, 03:09 AM
Ancient Ruins refers to the Stonemight Goblin camp, run around there and you should get it.

Sethiroth Strife
09-29-2006, 07:26 AM
i cant seem to find the "the tracks lead northeast toward an icy encampment" in icefall glacier part. anyone gimme a clue please?

09-29-2006, 07:52 AM
I believe that this part refers to the entrance to the (orc?) camp in the north east corner of the map. If I remember well, I got the task update when I reached the gate in the wall that was guarded by wolves.

Sethiroth Strife
09-29-2006, 08:02 AM

09-29-2006, 12:16 PM
I was now able to complete the series of tasks up to the point where Cartographer Wyl`ard should ask me to scout Frostcrypt. Boy, it was A LOT of running. The augmentation is now sitting at Stats 11, HP/mana 48.

However, when I try to get the Frostcrypt exploration task from Wyl`ard, he tells me he does not have anything for someone with my abilities. I am a level 72 druid. Perhaps I will need to level a bit more before he sends me to Frostcrypt... or perhaps there's something else to it.

Was anyone able to get the Frostcrypt task from Cartographer Wyl`ard?
I cannot get this part of the task either. I have completed everything else, including the task after the Valdeholm task that asks me to find Wyl'ard and has update points along the way there. I was requesting it as a 70 shrouded ROG, but I am a 71 IKS MNK. Anyone have any advice on what might be wrong?

EDIT: Went back to double-check. Wyl'ard won't give me task in natural form either.

09-29-2006, 01:42 PM
I cannot get this part of the task either. I have completed everything else, including the task after the Valdeholm task that asks me to find Wyl'ard and has update points along the way there. I was requesting it as a 70 shrouded ROG, but I am a 71 IKS MNK. Anyone have any advice on what might be wrong?

EDIT: Went back to double-check. Wyl'ard won't give me task in natural form either.

I cant get it either! all that dang running around and now cant finish it. Only lv 74 still. Will have to try again once i hit 75. Who knows.

09-30-2006, 12:02 AM
I'm not finding the perch of ghostfeather in direwind. I swear in running around I saw a perch of ghostfeather on a map in a different zone.

Edit: Was standing at Druid Ring and looked up, there he was.

09-30-2006, 03:31 AM
It's pretty close to the druid ring, South-east'ish I believe, up on the mountain top. He was on my track when I zoned in. The other named on the map close to him is Axebeak. Hope that helps.

09-30-2006, 06:42 AM
Ghostfeather is in the middle of the griffon area, very high on a mountain. If you see a monster "Ghostfeather", that's where you need to go.

09-30-2006, 11:59 AM
Posted this for my guildies once I got as far as I could in this quest ... hopefully it'll help some more people out too :)

From beginning to end (as far as I could go, anyway) this took me about 7 hours. Keep in mind, I had to find most of the trigger spots on my own (as not all are mapped), and was also creating this as I went.
For someone following this walkthrough, you should be able to do it in 4 hours or less

Please note: Slipgear's gem is NOT required to complete this

Wanderlust Guild Loadstone
Augmentation type: 7 8
AC: 12
STR: +18 DEX: +18 STA: +18 CHA: +18 WIS: +18 INT: +18 AGI: +18 HP: +75 MANA: +75 ENDUR: +75
Recommended level of 5.
WT: 0.0 Size: TINY
Class: ALL
Race: ALL

Starts in: Crescent Reach
Who: Master Vanguard Regan
Loc: neg 1350, neg 1350 (2nd floor in Drakkin City, elevator to go up is located at neg 1300 neg 1500)

You say, 'Hail Master Vanguard Regan'
You say, 'wanderlust?'
You say, 'join'
You say, 'do this'

Zone: Blightfire Moors, Guard Outpost
Loc: neg 27, pos 630 (center of zone) - "Outpost" on map

Zone: Blightfire Moors, Dark Tower
Loc: pos 1550, pos 2950 (NW corner of zone) - "Old Tower" on map

Zone: Blightfire Moors, Slashclaw Cliffs
Loc: neg 1900, pos 1130 (Straight south of "Outpost" from Step 1)

STEP 4: Return to Master Vanguard Regan
Hail him once to receive the Augmentation
Hail him again to receive next Task

Zone: Blightfire Moors, Outpost
Who: Wanderer Gimlek
Loc: neg 180, pos 550
Hail him once to complete task
Hail him again to receive next task

You say, 'friend'
You say, 'adventure'
You say, 'spots'

Zone: Blightfire Moors, Mucktail Mines
Loc: neg 2020, pos 1620 (SW corner of zone) - "Miners Cave 1, 2 or 3" on map

Zone: Blightfire Moors, Portal of Wizardry
Loc: neg 120, neg 820 (East of Outpost) - "Ancient Ruins" on map

Zone: Blightfire Moors, Blightfire Bog
Loc: pos 500, neg 500 (NW of Outpost) - "Swamp Area" on map

Zone: Blightfire Moors, druidic Ring of Stones
Loc: pos 230, pos 1270 (West of Outpost) - "Druid Ring" on map

STEP 10: Return to Master Vanguard Regan
Hail him once to complete task
Hail him again to receive next task

STEP 11:
Zone: Blightfire Moors
Who: Pilgrim Fiskar
Loc: neg 200, neg 1700 (NE of POK Book)
Hail him once to complete task
Hail him again to receive next task

You say, 'business'
You say, 'dragon'
You say, 'willing'

STEP 12:
Zone: Blightfire Moors, Jumjum farm
Loc: neg 1000, neg 2300 (East of POK book) - "Stone Hives & Wasps" on map

STEP 13:
Zone: Blightfire Moors, entrance to Stone Hive
Loc: neg 530, neg 3500 (East end of zone) - "Stone Hive Zone" on map

STEP 14:
Zone: Blightfire Moors, Ghostpack, Denlord
Loc: pos 600, neg 2400 (NE end of zone) - Straight north of "Eastern Moonwalker" on map
NOTE: ALL the ghostpack wolves & the named see through invis AND shroud of stealth (low level mobs). Unsure if they see through invis vs. undead.

STEP 15:
Zone: Blightfire Moors, Locate Selay
Loc: pos 2200, neg 3100 (Furthest NE corner of zone) - not marked on map

Target Selay the Cascade
You say, 'vasha'

STEP 16: Return to Master Vanguard Regan
Hail him once to complete task
Hail him again to receive next task

STEP 17:
Zone: Goru'kar Mesa
Who: Pioneer Vulu
Loc: neg 1970, pos 510 (straight west of Blightfire zone, along the wall)
Hail her once to complete task
Hail her again to receive next task

You say, 'beasts'
You say, 'satyrs'
You say, 'stumbled'
You say, 'investigate'

STEP 18: Minohten Camp
Zone: Goru'kar Mesa
Loc: neg 800 pos 1100 (NW of Blightfire zone) - "Minohten Camp" on map

STEP 19: Minohten Caves
Zone: Goru'kar Mesa
Loc: neg 700, pos 2100 (West of step 18) - "Ooze Cave" on map, 2nd room

STEP 20: Tuffein Camp
Zone: Goru'kar Mesa
Loc: neg 1640, neg 700 (West of Blightfire zone) - "Tuffein Camp" on map

STEP 21: Potameid Nymphs
Zone: Goru'kar Mesa
Loc: neg 530, neg 940 (North of Tuffein Camp) - right beside "Ekaterina" on map

STEP 22: Klassr, Centaur
Zone: Goru'kar Mesa
Loc: pos 240, neg 580 (North of Potameids) - "Centaur Camp" on map

STEP 23: Hissing Bend Bridge
Zone: Goru'kar Mesa
Loc: pos 20, pos 275 (West of Centaurs) - bridge right at fork in the river

STEP 24: Windwillow
Zone: Goru'kar Mesa
Loc: neg 670, neg 40 (NW of Tuffein, SW of Centaurs) - "Dryad Plateau" on map

STEP 25: Return to Master Vanguard Regan
Hail him once to complete task
Hail him again to receive next task

STEP 25: Dromrek Jaunt
Zone: Goru'kar Mesa
Loc: 0, pos 1474 (West of Centaur Camp) - "Giant Caves" on map

STEP 26: Blackfeather Roost
Zone: Goru'kar Mesa
Loc: pos 1460, pos 3360 (Blackfeather Roost zone line)

STEP 27: Blackfeather Roost, Graveyard
Zone: Blackfeather Roost
Loc: pos 2080, neg 1500 (Near task givers Lucian & Adrian)

STEP 28: Redwood Massacre
Zone: Goru'kar Mesa
Loc: Neg 450, pos 2550 (South of Blackfeather zone) - "Rotwood Valley" on map

STEP 29: Return to Master Vanguard Regan
Hail him to receive next task

STEP 30: Crusade of the Scale Camp
Zone: Sunderock Springs
Loc: neg 1630, pos 900 (North of Goru'kar Mesa zoneline) - "Drakkin Outpost" on map

STEP 31: Southern Spire
Zone: Sunderock Springs
Loc: neg 3010, neg 220 (South end of zone) - "Keepers of Southern Spire" on map

STEP 32: Eastern Spire
Zone: Sunderock Springs
Loc: pos 320, neg 850 (East side of zone) - "Eastern Spire" on map

STEP 33: Western Spire
Zone: Sunderock Springs
Loc: pos 360, neg 850 (west of Western Spire) - "Western Spire" on map

STEP 34: Northern Spire
Zone: Sunderock Springs
Loc: pos 3040, neg 1220 (northeastern corner of zone) - "Northern Spire" on map

STEP 35: Return to Master Vanguard Regan
Hail him once to complete task
Hail him again to receive next task

STEP 36: Find Inquirer Galstat
Zone: Vergalid Mines
Loc: pos 220, neg 744 (head to room with bright orange circle on the map, go straight south. Galstat is east of the opening to the dead-end tunnel, standing behind a pillar against the wall)

STEP 37: Flooded Caves
Zone: Vergalid Mines
Loc: neg 310, neg 810 (east of "caman cave" on map)

STEP 38: Burial Chamber
Zone: Vergalid Mines
Loc: pos 880, neg 1200 (northernmost section of the mine, room before the 2 diamond-shaped rooms)

STEP 39: Shrine of Zek
Zone: Vergalid Mines
Loc: Pos 830, neg 1480 (from the Burial Chamber room, open the door behind "a stone sentinal" & step into the room ... STAY AWAY from the crystal geode in the middle of the room, it will fire-off a low-damage DD at you, whether you're invis or not)

STEP 40: Return to Galstat
You say, 'Hail Galstat'

STEP 41: Return to Master Vanguard Regan
Hail him to complete task
Hail him again to receive next task


STEP 42: Great Waterfall
Zone: Direwind Cliffs
Loc: neg 1300, neg 640 (just northeast of Sunderock zoneline)

STEP 43: Circle of Stones
Zone: Direwind Cliffs
Loc: neg 1300, neg 40 (west of waterfall)

STEP 44: Den of Wolves
Zone: Direwind Cliffs
Loc: neg 780, neg 710 (Northeast of circle of stones - caves in the side of the cliff)

STEP 45: Bear Valley
Zone: Direwind Cliffs
Loc: pos 970, neg 105 (there's a ring of stones visible on the map near the middle of the zone - druid ring? - bear valley is north and slightly east of that)

STEP 46: Ghostfeather
Zone: Direwind Cliffs
Loc: neg 1400, pos 470 (west of Sunderock zoneline ... must climb up on top of the little mountain that's directly west of the "circle of stones" from step 43)

STEP 47: Return to Master Vanguard Regan
Hail him to complete task
Hail him again to receive next task

STEP 48: Cartographer Wyl'ard
Zone: The Steppes
Loc: neg 1130, pos 1300 (along west wall, just north of SW corner)
Hail him to complete task
Hail him again to receive next task

You say, 'wanderlust guild'
You say, 'tasks'

STEP 49: Ancient Ruins
Zone: The Steppes
Loc: neg 1760, pos 580 (SW corner of zone)

STEP 50: Giant Monument
Zone: The Steppes
Loc: pos 1550, neg 1250 (NE corner of zone)

STEP 51: Ruined Portal
Zone: The Steppes
Loc: neg 350, neg 45 (between "Central Mountain" & "Elemtals" on map)

STEP 52: Sacrificial Altar
Zone: The Steppes
Loc: pos 275, neg 950 ("Yally's Isle" on map)

STEP 53: The Grove
Zone: The Steppes
Loc: neg 480, pos 580 (West of Ruined Portal from Step 51) - "Grove Forest" on map

STEP 54: Return to Cartographer Wyl'ard
Hail him to complete task
Hail him again to receive next task

You say, 'concerned'
You say, 'Gilbish'
You say, 'the plan'
You say, 'wishes'

STEP 55: The Grove
Zone: The Steppes
Loc: See Step 53

STEP 56: Follow the Tracks
Zone into Icefall Glacier

STEP 57: The Ruins
Zone: Icefall Glacier
Loc: neg 1700, neg 680 (East from The Steppes zoneline)

STEP 58: Icy Encampment
Zone: Icefall Glacier
Loc: pos 1900, neg 930 (NE Corner of zone, doorway to camp)

STEP 59: Hillside
Zone: Icefall Glacier
Loc: pos 2300, neg 100 (at entrance to Valdeholm tunnel)

STEP 60: Wizard Spire
Zone: Icefall Glacier
Loc: pos 2250, pos 1070 (NW corner of zone) - "Wizard Spires" on map

STEP 61: Return to Cartographer Wyl'ard
Hail him to complete task
Hail him again to receive next task

You say, 'go out again'

STEP 62: Great Bridge
Zone: Valdeholm
Loc: neg 2500, neg 75 (bridge straight out from zonein)

STEP 63: The Arena
Zone: Valdeholm
Loc: pos 780, neg 2400 (area that extends the furthest east from center of zone)
NOTE: If Jotik the Guardian is up - he sees through Invis AND Shroud of Stealth, and blocks the way to the Arena

STEP 64: The Lorekeeper
Zone: Valdeholm
Loc: pos 560, neg 60 (half-moon shaped building, center of zone)

STEP 65: East Guard Tower
Zone: Valdeholm
Loc: neg 1200, neg 580 (walk back towards the front gate of the city, there's a pathway that goes behind the houses along the east side, just before the gate. Follow the path up to the guard tower)

STEP 66: West Guard Tower
Zone: Valdeholm
Loc: neg 1200, pos 720 (same as East Guard Tower, but on the west side)

STEP 67: Return to Cartographer Wyl'ard
Hail him to complete task
Hail him again to receive next task

STEP 68: Return to Master Vanguard Regan
Hail him to complete task
Hail him again to receive next task

STEP 69: The Run
Travel by foot or mount from Crescent Reach, back to Cartographer Wyl'ard

STEP 70: Return to Cartographer Wyl'ard
Hail him to complete task
Hail him again to receive next task

You say, 'duty'
You say, 'exploration of frostcrypt'

** At this point, he would not allow me to go further ... I'm assuming because I needed to be level 75 **

A level 75 friend was able to get this next step

Conversation with Cartographer indicated this was the "last step" ... need confirmation

~ Trixxi - 72nd Rogue on Quellious - Syndicatus Guild ~

09-30-2006, 05:28 PM
Is The Chambers of the Shade King part still broken?

Sethiroth Strife
10-01-2006, 05:50 AM
im having trouble with the chambers of the shade king part also, cant seem to find them, has anyone got past this part yet?

oh and yes btw, you need to be level 75 to get the frost crypt part.

10-01-2006, 10:18 AM
i'm at the chamber of shade king in frostcrypt as well. we were able to move the throne type chair against the wall. just click the wall sconce type thing to the left of the chair. this leads you into the maze area on the map. there are 2 ice golems that see ivu, but don't see reg invis. but, there is a roamer shade in the very beginning of the maze who sees both reg invis and ivu. we didnt' get very far in, but, at least we know the "door" is fixed. hope this helps everyone.

10-01-2006, 01:25 PM
i'm at the chamber of shade king in frostcrypt as well. we were able to move the throne type chair against the wall. just click the wall sconce type thing to the left of the chair. this leads you into the maze area on the map. there are 2 ice golems that see ivu, but don't see reg invis. but, there is a roamer shade in the very beginning of the maze who sees both reg invis and ivu. we didnt' get very far in, but, at least we know the "door" is fixed. hope this helps everyone.

This is not the Door that is being refferd to. The door is the statue in the very entrance of Frostcrypt. Below it is a tunnel which leads to the Shade Kings chambers. However, it is broken atm as it will not move as has been posted. :frown: At least this is what im lead to beleive as the maze area and beyond is said to be a raid area, and i had a guildie try going through the maze in rogue shroud and got killed.

10-03-2006, 03:32 PM
For anyone doing the Wanderlust quest.... I just made these for my personal use. Feel free to use for your self. No warrenty implied or other wise. Will gladly finish it up once I get more locs. Thanks to Trixxi (<SCRIPT type=text/javascript> vbmenu_register("postmenu_209734", true); </SCRIPT> and the rest of this thread where I got the information that I used to make the following mods to the map files.

*Edited -OMG I just read this from the ehm gentleman I took my instructions from.
oops, i gave incorrect instructions...
to convert from loc to the map file, instead of x,y,z, you have to put -y, -x, z
so... reverse the first 2 numbers, and reverse the sign of each

okay. so this should be in proper format (if something is wrong, blame breez).
Blightfire Moors
P -630, 27, 0, 255, 0, 0, 3, step_1
P -2950, -1550, 0, 255, 0, 0, 3, step_2
P -1130, 1900, 0, 255, 0, 0, 3, step_3
P -550, 180, 0, 255, 0, 0, 3, step_5
P -1620, 2020, 0, 255, 0, 0, 3, step_6
P 820, 120, 0, 255, 0, 0, 3, step_7
P 500, -500, 0, 255, 0, 0, 3, step_8
P -1270, -230, 0, 255, 0, 0, 3, step_9
P 1700, 200, 0, 255, 0, 0, 3, step_11
P 2300, 1000, 0, 255, 0, 0, 3, step_12
P 3500, 530, 0, 255, 0, 0, 3, step_13
P 2400, -600, 0, 255, 0, 0, 3, step_14
P 3100, -2200, 0, 255, 0, 0, 3, step_15

Goru'kar Mesa
P -510, 1970, 0, 255, 0, 0, 3, step_17
P -1100, 800, 0, 255, 0, 0, 3, step_18
P -2100, 700, 0, 255, 0, 0, 3, step_19
P 700, 1640, 0, 255, 0, 0, 3, step_20
P 940, 530, 0, 255, 0, 0, 3, step_21
P -240, 580, 0, 255, 0, 0, 3, step_22
P -275, -20, 0, 255, 0, 0, 3, step_23
P 40, 670, 0, 255, 0, 0, 3, step_24
P -1474, 0, 0, 255, 0, 0, 3, step_25
P -3360, -1460, 0, 255, 0, 0, 3, step_26
P -2550, 450, 0, 255, 0, 0, 3, step_28

Blackfeather Roost
P 1500, -2080, 0, 255, 0, 0, 3, step_27

Sunderock Springs
P -900, 1630, 0, 255, 0, 0, 3, step_30
P 220, 3010, 0, 255, 0, 0, 3, step_31
P 850, -320, 0, 255, 0, 0, 3, step_32
P 850, -360, 0, 255, 0, 0, 3, step_33
P 1220, -3040, 0, 255, 0, 0, 3, step_34

Vergalid Mines
P 744, -220, 0, 255, 0, 0, 3, step_36/40
P 810, 310, 0, 255, 0, 0, 3, step_37
P 1200, -880, 0, 255, 0, 0, 3, step_38
P 1480, -830, 0, 255, 0, 0, 3, step_39

Direwind Cliffs
P 640, 1300, 0, 255, 0, 0, 3, step_42
P 40, 1300, 0, 255, 0, 0, 3, step_43
P 710, 790, 0, 255, 0, 0, 3, step_44
P 105, -970, 0, 255, 0, 0, 3, step_45
P -470, 1400, 0, 255, 0, 0, 3, step_46

The Steppes
P -1300, 1130, 0, 255, 0, 0, 3, step_48/54/61/67/69
P -580, 1760, 0, 255, 0, 0, 3, step_49
P 1250, -1550, 0, 255, 0, 0, 3, step_50
P 45, 350, 0, 255, 0, 0, 3, step_51
P 950, -275, 0, 255, 0, 0, 3, step_52
P -580, 480, 0, 255, 0, 0, 3, step_53/55

Icefall Glacier
P 680, 1700, 0, 255, 0, 0, 3, step_57
P 930, -1900, 0, 255, 0, 0, 3, step_58
P 100, -2300, 0, 255, 0, 0, 3, step_59
P -1070, -2250, 0, 255, 0, 0, 3, step_60

P 75, 2500, 0, 255, 0, 0, 3, step_62
P 2400, -780, 0, 255, 0, 0, 3, step_63
P 60, -560, 0, 255, 0, 0, 3, step_64
P 580, 1200, 0, 255, 0, 0, 3, step_65
P -720, 1200, 0, 255, 0, 0, 3, step_66

P -25, -201, 0, 255, 0, 0, 3, STEP_72:
P -190, -50, 0, 255, 0, 0, 3, STEP_73:
P 218, -75, 0, 255, 0, 0, 3, STEP_74:
P 7, -1536, 0, 255, 0, 0, 3, STEP_75:

P -60, -1360, 0, 255, 0, 0, 3, STEP_78
P -400, -380, 0, 255, 0, 0, 3, STEP_79
P -681, -792, 0, 255, 0, 0, 3, STEP_80
P 860, -1550, 0, 255, 0, 0, 3, STEP_81
P 330, -1850, 0, 255, 0, 0, 3, STEP_82

Let me know how those work.

10-04-2006, 09:13 AM
Above post is latest update.... sorry :(

10-04-2006, 01:54 PM
The quest still wants me to enter the Shade King's Chambers after Patch.
I even deleted and restarted the Frostcrypt part, no way.

10-04-2006, 02:03 PM

Ok so i just found out, they didnt actually patch the fix. As posted by devs on EQlive forums. Way to get our hopes up.

10-04-2006, 02:31 PM
Well, damn. I was excited to see the patch note about the Shade King's Chamber ... and then opened up the quest journal to find its still there.


10-04-2006, 02:46 PM
Dev Message about non-fix:
I'm volunteering my neck on the chopping block this morning, just to get the information out there.

We looked into the quest and through a series of completely non-comedic errors, the wrong step in the quest was removed during the fix and the error wasn't caught before it went live.

It really burns me to have to tell you that because this fix requires servers to come down, so it's going to have to wait until the next patch.

A thousand apologies, and then some,

Imporant part: Quest is NOT completable until the next patch.

10-05-2006, 06:15 PM
The adventure into Frostcrypt (Crypt Delving) has been corrected. Upon completing this task, Regan gives a "final" task: Ashengate.

Augment current stats are 75pts for me, I was under the impression 75 was max'd. Time to go see what Ashengate brings!

10-05-2006, 07:20 PM
The adventure into Frostcrypt (Crypt Delving) has been corrected. Upon completing this task, Regan gives a "final" task: Ashengate.

Augment current stats are 75pts for me, I was under the impression 75 was max'd. Time to go see what Ashengate brings!

Finished Ashengate portion just now, no stats increased on the Aug. Doh!

10-05-2006, 08:31 PM
Finished Ashengate portion just now, no stats increased on the Aug. Doh!

So what is this "Artifact" as the first part of Ashengate? They want you to get the Ashengate Seal or ?

10-05-2006, 09:15 PM
Nah, just run down the middle of the zone to the big circle area on the map. You'll see a stone in the middle the room. Run up to the center of the platform area in that room for the update.

Then it was off to the left size of the zone, then the right... the last update I went back to the first update area and used levi to get down near the gate at the bottom of the lava pool. Then it asks you to return to the quest giver for nothing... I wish it would of bumped it to 100 hps or something. :)

10-06-2006, 04:56 PM
Shamlessly stolen info from ( where it was reposted from elsewhere.

I updated my map locs with new info.

STEP 71:
Enter Frostcrypt

STEP 72:
Find the Entry Hall
pos 201, pos 25


STEP 73:
Explore the West Wing
pos 50, pos 190

STEP 74:
Explore the East Wing
pos 75, neg 218

STEP 75:
Find the Statue of the Shade King
pos 1536, neg 7

STEP 76:
Return to Wyl`ard.

STEP 77:
Return to Regan
Hail him to finish off that stage - this is where you get the 75 hp/mana aug upgrade.
Hail him again to get the *next* stage : Ashengate.
****As of next patch the stats at this level are going down. They are current the stats you are supposed to get at the end of the quest. Next patch you will have to do Ashen gate for this level of stats****

STEP 78: Locate the Artifact (Scale of Veeshan)
Zone: Ashengate
Loc: 1360, 60 (end of the walkway that overlooks the lava in front of the scale)

STEP 79: Top of the Shattered Halls
Zone: Ashengate
Loc: 380, 400 (west/left from the zone in, 2nd circular room up the ramp is where it triggered, though I had fallen through the floor above trying to skirt around it when it triggered)

STEP 80: Travel Across the Stone Span
Zone: Ashengate
Loc: 792, 681 (further into the west, past the 3rd circular room is a bridge surrouned by dragon heads, one which has lava flowing from its eyes. If you go to the final room, the torch thing on the north wall is a click-zone out to Direwind.)

STEP 81: Explore the Nesting Grounds
Zone: Ashengate
Loc: 1550, -860 (upper NE area, there are some windy paths just before a big room with a "tunnel" that leads to the lava pit below the Scale of Veeshan. The "middle" of the windy path is the loc. You'll know you're in the right spot when you start to see eggs. I DA'd and ran through this area to the big room before the "tunnel" to the lava area under the Scale" By far the hardest part.)

STEP 82: Find the place where the lava pools
Zone: Ashengate
Loc: 1850, -330 (near the gate down by the lava under the Scale of Veeshan... gates were locked for me so had to go back up and around like how I got to the Scale in the first place).

10-07-2006, 01:54 PM
"NEED ROGUE SHROUD SOS IN HERE." [with respect to Frostcrypt]

No, ITU potions work fine. I've completed all steps through the end of Frostcrypt without any need for a shroud.

10-10-2006, 03:03 AM
Needed to use rogue shroud for frostcrypt, rooms had a mix of undead and normal mobs. Could of possibly just had a bad luck with the spawn. Oh well got it done either way.

10-10-2006, 05:36 PM
Can you let us know if it is possible to rouge shroud Ashengate?

10-11-2006, 02:28 AM
nope, shroud rogue doesn't work in Ashengate. ashengate isn't needed to complete aug stats, though.. just the quest.

10-11-2006, 10:24 AM
Unfortunately, they are planning on nerfing the aug so that Ashengate will be required to get full access to the 75/75 final stats. Was thinking of trying this using Second Life, Direwood Guard, etc... and seeing how far I could get... What would be really helpful is if someone has a map of Ashengate annotated for the quest so we can do a blind run with visual assistance...