View Full Forums : Curing Comparison

09-27-2006, 09:21 AM
This is in relation to Poison, Disease and Curse Cures. Corruption is not currently factored in.

The Following Classes all use Greater Remove Curse for Curse Curing.


Druid: Single Target Pure Blood 18 Poison, 18 Disease, Aura of Life 4 Disease passive on the group

Shaman: Single Target Disinfecting Aura 20 Poison, 20 Disease. Group Spell Blood of Nadox 18 Posion, 18 Disease, Abolish Diease, 36 Disease Counters

Cleric: Single Target Pure Blood 18 Posion, 18 Disease, Single Target Antidote 64 Poison, Single Target Puratus (unknown counter amount, chance to prevent poison effects for 30 seconds), Group Spell: Word of Vivification, 21 Disease, 21 Posion, 14 Curse, Plus 3427 Hitpoints.


Beastlords: Abolish Disease - 36 Disease Counters

Paladins: Use Remove Greater Curse for high powered single target curse curing, or Crusader's Purity (level 67) for 32 Disease, 32 Poison, and 24 Curse

Rangers: Level 73 Potameid Salve, 18 Disease, 18 Posion, 9 Curse, Increase hitpoints by 682, 706 or 730 - dependant on Rank. Cast time and recast time of 2.5 seconds, making it the upgrade to our Pure Blood spell and moving them ahead of us in curing. It should also be noted Rangers have never had the ability to cure curse effects till now.

We now are effectivly behind Hybirds and both other priests classes in curing effects.


09-27-2006, 03:20 PM
Okay, I am complete onboard with this one. Although in some cases I could argue for Paladins, purely from a roleplay standpoint, having special curing abilities, I would like to know how the hell do Rangers and Beastlords have a better cure than us?

09-27-2006, 07:44 PM
Because we druids are the bastard, red-headed step children of SOE.

09-27-2006, 08:56 PM
We now are effectivly behind Hybirds and both other priests classes in curing effects.

Don't fret, we wont be next in line behind these folks for long. I'm sure rogues or monks will get a cure disc :clap:

09-27-2006, 10:46 PM
Monks have a cure disc...well, AA. :p It removes all detrimental effects, useable once every 36 minutes, without hastened re-use aa's.

09-28-2006, 01:27 AM
wtf. i am seriously flabbergasted.
and to hell with putting this in unkempt. this should be general frikken knowledge.
hell if i am curing on raids anymore. let the rangers do it.

09-28-2006, 07:31 AM
Heh, I put it here because of the response I was expecting from the new Ranger Cure.

09-28-2006, 08:54 AM
Did a Dev not say in beta or somewhere that they would not give Druids heals with a cure component as that was a Cleric defined ability?

Gratz Rangers, thou it does not really anger me as Rangers dont really have anything desired by a group/raid either minus a few neat abilities, but nothing you cant go without.

09-28-2006, 10:42 AM
I hate to dowse every bitch thread with my relentless optimism, I don't go around looking for threads to disagree with, really I don't...

but is it really so bad that we can delegate something as mundane and monotonous as curing. Hell, give it to all the classes. This way, they no longer have anything to bitch at us for that we let them die while doing the 90 other things we have to do on raids.

I can see it now:

Ranger: "WTFORZ??!! I said I needed a cure, why'd you let me die??"
Druid: "And you didn't cure yourself because....?"

aybe I'm just lazy, but I got no beef with this. :cool:

09-29-2006, 01:18 AM
I don't think that too many people care that rangers got a cure. I don't care if anyone gets a cure. The thorn in our side here is that rangers got a better cure than we have and to make it worse, we will still be doing all the curing on raids because rangers are too busy doing DPS that they can't be bothered with a "druid type task".

04-11-2007, 09:42 AM
I play druid/ranger/shaman , the first 2 have been main , never the shaman.

Its true i felt strange when ranger got potemaid and druid got no curing upgrade.

I dont completly agree with people saying ranger cure better than druid , i still feel it way easier to cure with my druid between the spells and aa cure.

However i completly agree with peoplesaying druid need a cure upgrade.

04-11-2007, 10:44 PM
I am never in favor of nerfing any class. I'm happy for rangers and pallys.

However, our curing should be improved to exceed theirs. It really says a lot about how SOE thinks of druids that hybrids are better than us in Priest duties.

Unless SOE gives us tanking or melee / bow abilities, they should either fix curing and Lunar Light or just admit out loud that they hate us.

04-12-2007, 01:40 AM
I play also a ranger and I have very good ranger friends who are happy with their class except that previously they havent had anykind of cure and they have hoped to get something like RC AA. I'm happy that they finally got a nice cure and I certainly don't want it to be nerfed.

Of course I'd like to see druids getting upgrade to our cure as well, altough so far I've been doing nicely with maxed, hastened RC.

04-13-2007, 10:50 AM
Have you seen bards cure lately?
Granting them the ability to cure quicker and for more counters(counters are effected by insturment mods.)
Those of you who raid in TSS know how much of a PITA it is to be the only cureer in your group for events that have corruption AE's.

04-13-2007, 01:01 PM
Have you seen bards cure lately?
Granting them the ability to cure quicker and for more counters(counters are effected by insturment mods.)
Those of you who raid in TSS know how much of a PITA it is to be the only cureer in your group for events that have corruption AE's.

Once you have rank 3s its not so bad, and Chant is $ (if your group isn't spread out.)

04-30-2007, 03:21 AM
but is it really so bad that we can delegate something as mundane and monotonous as curing. Hell, give it to all the classes.

The answer to that question is : Yes. Sure, delegate curing! Give it to all classes... might as well introduce full rejuve mana potions summoned by mages .. in fact, let's just give all classes the ability to solo and buy rare items through factioning! Ring a bell ?

/end rant

Curing is part of what we 'are', never speak bad about this / apart from our cures being pathetic compared to hybrids ofcourse. Seething fury towards Sony about this is always good, it's what being a disgruntled druid is all about.... but that's just an optional bonus to your character. :)