View Full Forums : Winter's Flame Frostbite

09-28-2006, 11:46 AM
For the TSS expansion, Alla has a lvl 73 spell listed as Winter's Flame Frostbite. This looks to be a cold single target nuke. I'm wondering if this spell made it to the release? I'm guessing not because the damage is lower than Glitterfrost and the mana cost is 0 (according to Allakhazam anyway).

09-28-2006, 12:20 PM
I am guessing that is the secondary part of Winter's Flame. Winter's Flame is a fire nuke that procs a cold nuke after landing.

09-28-2006, 12:22 PM
Yes Winter's Flame Frosbite is the cold based part of Winter's Flame.

09-28-2006, 01:40 PM
Thanks for the explanation. Then would there be two seperate resist checks along with two seperate checks for crit damage?

09-28-2006, 02:05 PM
Thanks for the explanation. Then would there be two seperate resist checks along with two seperate checks for crit damage?

Yes and no.

If the first spell is resisted, there is no 2nd check.

If first spell lands, then a check is made for 2nd.

And they can crit independently, meaning 1, both, or neither can crit.

I really don't like it for damage though, best use would be agro kiting because of the 497 base hate + damage agro.

alyn cross
10-01-2006, 11:17 AM
was using winters flame last night in an xp group with a pally tanking, had only one instance where i drew agro.

on a side note, i don't believe the fires of dawn proc from dawnstrike affects the fire portion of this nuke, i was still only hitting about 2k with it even after the proc. i never saw an non-crit fire hit of 3-4k after dawnstrike proced.

on the bright side i had several 3.5/3.1 double crits with it, and many single crits that seem to make the mana worth the casting.
