View Full Forums : Vish Strat

10-12-2006, 02:28 PM
My guild is now attempting Vish. Any suggestions specifically for us druids during that fight?

Thanks and Smiles, Kajri (74 druid of Stromm)

10-12-2006, 02:41 PM
keep all alive is the best strat I can give you.

10-12-2006, 03:25 PM
Step 1) Kill dragon.
Step 2) Loot eye.

10-12-2006, 04:05 PM
Step 0.5) Make sure the raid leader gives you a competent group of non-slackers who aren't going to die for stupid reasons..

Step 0.75) Don't die... don't let anyone in your group die...

Proceed to Step 1 as stated above.

10-12-2006, 04:29 PM
You can get off 2 MGB heals before you cant have Damage shields if you time them properly. If your just reaching vish it should be easy, if your dps is really high youll need the second druid to mgb before the first druids mgb has faded.

Our HP buff blocks one or more of vishes debuffs, so your whole raid - especially tanks should be using it.

Dont let your raid leader put you in a group with all your spread out egg spotters - you wont be able to group heal them and you will be crying before to long.

10-12-2006, 04:51 PM
I'll say this...your dpsers should be able to strike from max-melee.

And Kamion is correct, although he has a ton of amazing loots for a druid.

10-12-2006, 07:28 PM
I am not so hush-hush about strats, cause 99% of the people in this game get em from someone else anyway... very few can legitimately preach strat sharing gospel.

I AM, however, too lazy to type them out... so good luck with that :texla:

10-12-2006, 07:40 PM
Vish is probably the second encounter you will do (the first having been the MPG Foresight trial) where the weakest/stupidest/most-attention-deficient member of your raid can rather easily get everyone else killed.

If you have people in your guild who LD often, or who tend to be carried on everyone else's shoulders, leave them at home for this raid and you will save yourself a world of agony.

Once you get him down though, his loot is damned nice for the relatively minimal effort needed to kill him.

10-13-2006, 12:15 AM
Thanks much for the ideas, thoughts and well wishes.

I think I have it now..... First - Kill dragon, Second - loot dragon and remember that dying is bad juju :clap:

Smiles, Kajri

10-13-2006, 12:18 AM
As a druid, you may have to heal some OT's at some point or another :) using snare and debuff can make the OT healing job a little bit easier.

Thats all I'll give for now!

10-13-2006, 07:40 AM
We sometimes set up the CH rota with 2 (or 3) clerics + 2 druids... so sometimes you get stuck in there... otherwise as the others have said before me, stay alive... keep your group alive... scream and shout at melees who cant find max melee range :)

On a more specific advice, the groupheal is great on this encounter, and so is Sylvan Infusion (level 65 GoD heal). Also make an audiotrigger for the DT and a hotbutton to tell your group/healer channel if you get it.

Good luck and happy looting

10-13-2006, 08:46 AM
Shades spawn, killing them spawns harder shades - Use Lev and No Damage Shields. They proc knockback iirc.

No Death

Don't worry much about your mana. Your only needing it to last till the next cloud kill, not the full fight duration. It's good to burn mana before the cloud dies.

10-13-2006, 10:21 AM
Don't worry much about your mana. Your only needing it to last till the next cloud kill, not the full fight duration. It's good to burn mana before the cloud dies.
I disagree; it is always a good idea to be more conservative with mana on this fight...This fight is amazing in its ability to create a situation that requires a large amount of healing, and running on LoM while a cloud is dying, when an egg spawns, and someone doesn't cure or they die...well, it can get messy.

10-13-2006, 01:01 PM
Audio triggers are a godsend for the last portion of the encounter.

10-14-2006, 02:03 AM
I disagree; it is always a good idea to be more conservative with mana on this fight...This fight is amazing in its ability to create a situation that requires a large amount of healing, and running on LoM while a cloud is dying, when an egg spawns, and someone doesn't cure or they die...well, it can get messy.

I agree with Fenier. Not sure how you guys do it but I have never run out of mana on Vish and I sometimes burn hardcore. Especially as soon as they call a cloud we druids mana dump as hard as we can.

10-17-2006, 03:00 PM
As everyone has said, don't die. Each death spawns a skeleton add for a short time. Throughout the fight eggs will spawn and need to be taken out (with blunt weapons preferably) ASAP.

At 75% some rocks will spawn. They hit for next to nothing and are mainly a nuisance. Do not kill them because they will spawn a hard hitting version if killed.

At 50% the 4 drakescome alive. Stick a knight on each one to kite and get them snared.

At 25% the DTs start landing. Have everyone make a hotkey that says '/say Shoulder my burden' and have locators for mournful shadows to say the phrase to. They can only cure like 2 people before they poof by the way.

Kill a cloud as needed for mana refill and there you go. Very basic overview of the fight.

10-17-2006, 03:47 PM
As for the CH rotation make sure you put forward the other Druids in your guild.

That works a treat as Cuba my fellow guildee can confirm :devil-lau

Wyre Wintermute
10-22-2006, 12:57 PM
Vish's primary issue: Never die. Dying = adds which, if not controlled quickly, cause a wipe.

Vish'd secondary isse: No damage shields.. for us, even SoTG was banned. little dervishes die from DS = bigger ones = someone will die = see above.

1st part of Vish.. settle in, get comfy. MT grabs aggro, chanters set up to get the clouds, egg spotter at the ready ( north/south I believe it is)

Run a CH chain if you are just beginning this encounter and mana is an issue.

2nd part, Eggs. eggs are #1 priority of the raid besides not dying. use blunt weapons.. kill fast, return to beating Vish.

3rd Drakes, grab some kiters, get rangers to use ENSARE on them, 15 min snare is a godesnd. have sk's or whatever run them in circles away from the ench's and the main raid.

4th, DT. at 25% get your wizzy(s) to AE TL at the main raid ench's, and kiters. if you can't hail a spirit GTFO. deaths to DT are evil.
Clerics have DA and BDA up, save BDA for you TO, if MT gets a DT, get them BDA'd when it starts blinking and prep for a tank switch.
Clerics can DA themselves vice running to a MS.. not the best thing to do, but in a pinch it beats taking the TL because they'll be back in service in 18 secs.
Every 1 successful burdeon shouldered allows Vishes health to be DPS'd down by 1%.. so you will need 25 succsessful DT's handled via MS.
Set audio trigger: "You sense your doom approaching." That means find a MS.
Set hotkey: /say Shoulder my burden.

Lastly.. clouds.
3 clouds spawn thoughout the event. using them should be based on your raid's dire needs.

For starters we went 70%, 35%, 16%
Then is moved to 65%, 30%, 14%ish
Last time we killed him: 35%, 12% and I don't recall if we even killed the third.

It is all based on your DPS and efficiency at the event.

Remember to fully debuff Vish, especially at the 25% mark. HoR, SC, FoR for max atk debuff.. this will lower dmg spikes on the MT when a member of your heal chain gets a DT.

Our first win was a 5 druid CHO on the tank with a cleric healing us, clerics/pallies on grp heals for the raid.

With moonshadow, we moved druids more into the realm of grp healing, DPS, and debuffs.

I've held the tank up with as few as 2 people using KR or CH and one spotter... it is possible to use AHL/AC to maintain the tank also, just be sure to co-ordinate mana% with killing the refill clouds.


10-22-2006, 01:01 PM
I'm sort of sad to see that we have a spoiler on our site for Vishimtar...

10-22-2006, 01:07 PM
I'm sort of sad to see that we have a spoiler on our site for Vishimtar...
Why? He's not exactly new any more. Hell, DoN is 3 expansions old now! I for one enjoy reading strats on things we are having a hard time killing.

Netty owes me all his pie!

10-22-2006, 03:18 PM
Vishimitar, like Uqua, is an event you can spell out with full guides and it doesn't mean a guild will ever beat it. Aside from that it is instanced content, it is not like your competing for the spawn like you where back in Velious.

10-23-2006, 02:00 PM
Wyre Said:

Our first win was a 5 druid CHO on the tank with a cleric healing us, clerics/pallies on grp heals for the raid.

That is thinking out of the box, and pretty freaking cool. :)

Wyre Wintermute
10-25-2006, 07:09 PM
Yeah, it's like handing out an OMM strat.. just takes one stupid guide to snoop around and wipe the raid =P

Vish is easy if you pay attention, one person slips and it is recoverable.. mostly.. but the results can be devastating REAL fast, as we all probably know from learning the encounter.

Trial of Foresight.. start available, doesn't make it easier.
OMM close to the same, harder to get info.
Vish, was really posted month or so post DoN
Hatchet, yeah wait till soemone diecides to ninja AFK on that one =P

I posted no strategy really, just the mechanic/script of the fight. How they deal with it is their own. IE we used 5 druid CHO to beat it the 1st time.

For instance, Coirnav.. 1 guard, kill him begins event, water, ice, vapor lalaal, lots of adds, 3 mini nameds. many guilds used a strat involving AEing.. my guild tried it and failed several times.. thus making our own, spam root bumrush strat.. much like sisters event in DPoB.

So knowing how an event works doesn't make it a win.. each guild has different gear, additudes, ratio of classes, etc.. and while some strats can be universal, some (like vish) need to be adapted too, and some (like vish) are greusomly punishing if you mess up.


And ya, the druid CHO thing was crazy but it worked nice.

10-26-2006, 11:12 AM
If someone tried to put me in a cheal chain I think my head might explode.