View Full Forums : Cantus Fidelis - Luclin PST guild recruiting

12-19-2006, 09:44 PM
Cantus Fidelis is looking for more druids! If you're looking for a progression oriented guild that won't burn you out with 5 day mandatory raiding, then check us out.

We are a relaxed, mature guild filled with people that have jobs, kids, and many other responsibilities. Raids are on Pacific time Monday and Friday, starting at 7:30pm and ending at midnight usually.

Cantus Fidelis recruits the person, not the toon. Please look elsewhere if you're interested in a springboard to another guild; we are looking for dedicated and active people who are interested in being part of the progression and advancement of a guild, who want to advance their characters, and who want to make some good friends in the process.

Cantus is currently in Uqua and will be starting on DoN dragons and MPG Raid trials after the new year.

Visit our website at and check out our Guild of the Week post ( on EQPlayers for more information.

01-21-2007, 01:31 PM
Defeated Uqua this past Friday so we're now a Qvic flagged guild and will be moving into further GoD zones very soon. Still looking for druids though!