View Full Forums : Regen Spells

01-17-2007, 09:40 PM
I don't know about many of you, but I liked my regen spells. Now they are gone unable to buy them. I'm usually main healer, keep regen memmed at all my husbands bot shammy has a better regen then me. I was happy without the fire dots. Is there something we can do about this and what do you all think?

01-17-2007, 10:04 PM
Well, we didn't lose all of our regen spells, we lost a high level regen spell that produced 3 less regen than the shammy version. No one I was running around with wanted Wildskin if there was a Shammy around.

Truth be told, regen is a buff that tanks click off to make room for other buffs, and the only regen a Druid needs to worry about is Mana Regen. :)

At the high end, we still have 60 hp regen with Oaken Vigor (66) and Blessing of Oak (69) which, going along with the life of the Druid, aint bad when it's all you got.

Not a big fan of the fire dots myself, kinda like the mana efficiency of the Swarm Dots, but I don't realy have any complaints about the change. Some druid out there probably will get a lot of use out of them.

No worries Mon, no worries.

01-17-2007, 10:12 PM
The regen spells were asked to be taken our in TSS beta. I would safely bet the people upset about losing 12 / hp a tick are in the minority.

01-17-2007, 10:18 PM
The regen spells were asked to be taken our in TSS beta. I would safely bet the people upset about losing 12 / hp a tick are retarded.

01-17-2007, 10:51 PM
I'm upset with the method. It wasn't announced that it would happen, it wasn't announced in the patch message, and even after someone posted about it, they still didn't post an amended patch message. Loosing the spell didn't bother me half as much as how it was lost.

01-18-2007, 01:35 AM
It wasn't in the patch msg but then again stuff not making it into the patch isn't anything new, not sure if they've ever actually went back and changed a patch msg unless they just noted an error on the following patch msg.. Prathun did post a note on the eqlive boards and did gave a bit of a heads up during/soon after the last HoC dev chat.

This falls squarely in my lap. It's something I absolutely will do when time allows. But just to be clear, when I look into this I'm going to add a handful of level-capped spells (most notably the harmony / lull / pacify lines for those classes that didn't receive them), swap a handful of spells, and fix a handful of spells. No more, no less. I am NOT going to re-introduce every spell that did not make the cut.

Think I posted that somewhere on these boards and on the thread over on the eqlive boards about what spells we'd want back that got cut on TSS beta. Reading that and knowing that it was asked that regens be dropped for more needed spells and that Prathun seemed open to the idea, it was pretty clear that this was incoming but I suppose to some point it comes down to being at the right place at the right time or choosing to read the right threads before the change was in.

01-18-2007, 06:51 AM
With OOC regen, the new regen spells were a joke. The new spells are much, much better. If you were of a level to get the regen spells and were fighting in content appropriate to that level, those spells added almost nothing useful above and beyond what was already available.


01-18-2007, 07:22 AM
Prathun said he was swaping out the spells during TSS Beta, which several posters then reported on this very forum, it shouldn't have come as a shock to anyone, esp since it was all over the EQlive forums for the past 4 months.

01-18-2007, 07:58 AM
I was laughin my ass off...

Logged in my alt chanter who I´d camped in hate with regen on him. He had an 18 minute dot on him that Id never heard of....It killed him (before I logged on druid and knew what was goin on).

Basically anyone who camped with regen on came back with the new dots for the length of the regen buff you had left...

Guild chat made for some fun "Wtf who killed me !"

01-18-2007, 09:44 AM
I haven't been able to get in game to test them out as yet, but I am happy to hear about the new fire based dots. As one who has put a lot of points into dot crit AAs and as a heavy solo'er they will be of much more use to me than the regen spells. I'd agree with Fenier that at lvl 70+ health regen spells gave rather dubious benefit. (Actually, the way I see it, beyond PLing lower lvl toons regen is of limited use.)

01-18-2007, 10:15 AM
Lets look at it this way:

Oaken Vigor healed 60 hp / tick
Wildskin at RK I healed 72 / tick, an 17% increase.

The issue is, with mobs hitting 3000+ 72 / tick really isn't that much better then 60.

Sunray at rank 1 on the other hand, had the following differances:

Sunray deals 22% more damage then IotS
Sunray reduces an additonal 7% Fire Resist
Sunray reduces an additional 16% AC.

Likewise, Sunscorch now deals 501 damage, an 18% increase over VotS.

Both of which will help you kill a mob faster then the additonal 108 Hitpoints you are apt to regen during your average 45 second fight.

01-18-2007, 10:53 AM
I remember a particular loud ranger used to yell at the raid "REGEN WILL NOT SAVE YOU IN THIS RAID" everytime he got hit with group regen. And that was back in OoW.

01-18-2007, 11:07 AM
Regen only makes an appreciable difference when everyone is taking slow, steady damage. Vishimtar is an example of this; most of the raid has an 850/tick dot (reduced by dot shielding) for about 2/3 of a 20-ish minute fight. For the sake of argument, assume 20% dot shielding and 50 hp/tick normal regen. That means a net loss of 680 hp per tick 2/3 of the time and a gain of 50 hp/tick 1/3 of the time, for an average of about 450 hp/tick loss. With a 60 hp/tick regen on top of it, you lose 390 hp/tick on average, meaning you can last about 15% longer without getting a heal.

That's about the only example of a "real" use for regen that I can think of, and even in that situation an extra 12 hp/tick of regen would only let you last about 4% longer.

01-18-2007, 11:42 AM
with crit dot aa's the 74 one hits for 1212 or higher depending on your fire focus (25% for now for me until arms or weapon comes along)

01-18-2007, 01:27 PM
I liked my regen and found it useful as I stacked it with many other regen clickies.

What I did not find useful was that silly skin to vines.

If you were going to request exchange of lame spells. Why not Skin to vines and that silly Cold debuff as that never sticks anyway.

Once again the beta druids missed the mark totally. :bs:

Fenier, lets see you go solo tank something, you will really want that regen back.

01-18-2007, 01:53 PM
Jiga... Fenier's forgotten more about the class than you or I have learned in the short time that we've been trolling these boards. Don't be one of those people who makes profound statements about things you've overheard.

Just take notes, you'll be fine.

01-18-2007, 02:23 PM
jiga get in beta and do something if you don't like it ffs.

Who the hell solo's boss mobs that 12hps a tick would matter? hello Celstial healing potions and its not like you can't grab a regen from shammy or use your lvl 66 or 69 one!

01-18-2007, 02:39 PM
I am in favour of the changes, but I take the point about the random "surprise" change. Yeah, they said it was coming... but when can you actually rely on that? Some random date almost 6 months down the track?

As for the new regen being missed... the point has been made before, you still have the old OOW regen. If the marginal delta between the two was going to make a difference, I'd be most surprised.

01-18-2007, 03:51 PM
I liked my regen and found it useful as I stacked it with many other regen clickies.

What I did not find useful was that silly skin to vines.

If you were going to request exchange of lame spells. Why not Skin to vines and that silly Cold debuff as that never sticks anyway.

Once again the beta druids missed the mark totally. :bs:

Fenier, lets see you go solo tank something, you will really want that regen back.

The oow regen stacks with other clickies as well... you at most lost 2.5hp/s, bitching about that really is retarded. Especially in the context of soloing. Do you really believe 2.5hp healed per second is going to make more of a difference than the added dps of the 2 dots?

Skin to vines was 1 of a set of I think at least 4 spells spread across a couple of classes that were based around a recently gained ability the devs appearently wanted to impliment. It'd be stupid to think that devs would actually just scrap it b/c besides the fact that this was obviously something they want to play with/showcase, it'd mean more work for them since they'd have to rework the other spells in the set. Plus skin to vines and feralize were already tweaked (originally it would have just been a -fr spell that didn't stack or add more debuffage than immo of the sun) due to beta druids suggestions which ended up making the set this spell was a part of even larger...

On top of that the spell was not readily accessable in game for testing and only a few ppl actually had access to spell details in TSS beta. As far as most druids knew it was a debuff that would would increase fire and slashing dmg which sounds good when you don't know how much of a pain in the ass the targeting issues will be.

01-18-2007, 04:14 PM
I liked my regen and found it useful as I stacked it with many other regen clickies.

What I did not find useful was that silly skin to vines.

If you were going to request exchange of lame spells. Why not Skin to vines and that silly Cold debuff as that never sticks anyway.

Once again the beta druids missed the mark totally. :bs:

Fenier, lets see you go solo tank something, you will really want that regen back.
I find it hard for the cold debuff to "never stick" as it is unresistable. GG, idiot. That doesn't mean I use it, as I prefer the AC reduction on the OoW ice debuff, which some other druid usually ends up overwriting with IFB. Skin to Vines is useless, but thats because of the body type BS, being unable to recast it on something that had it on it but it has faded, and the fact that it doesnt increase 1hs damage like it was supposed to during TSS beta.

Edit: And regen is useless, 12 HP is not going to do you ANYTHING at all. Regen is useless and has been useless for quite some time now.

01-18-2007, 04:35 PM
So where exactly were you last beta jiga? Where are you for this beta? If you can't put forth the effort to come help those of us that DO participate in beta then leave your complaints at the door.

I was lobbying right along side Fenier for these changes when we were given the chance to make choices. We worked hard with other beta druids to see we got the best shot at decent spells that we could. Trading 12 hps of regen for a new fire dot AND debuff is well worth it.

Not worth it to you? Well then get yourself into beta and HELP.

01-18-2007, 05:11 PM
I liked my regen and found it useful as I stacked it with many other regen clickies.

You'll find your Omens regens still stack just fine.

What I did not find useful was that silly skin to vines.

If you were going to request exchange of lame spells. Why not Skin to vines and that silly Cold debuff as that never sticks anyway.

Would these be the cold debuffs with the innate -200 check to cold? Are mobs immune, yea those with high cold resists, like - if your hunting Frostcrypt - You'll find it works just fine nearly everywhere else, like Ashengate.

Skin to Vines with the recent changes lands FAR more then it has ever landed before. It's unresistable. It will not land on Summoned, Undead, and other Plants. StV isn't going anywhere, since there are severalother spells based around that and Feralize.

Once again the beta druids missed the mark totally. :bs:

You are welcome to join beta and give your input. Not a single person in Beta said "lets keep the regen spells, screw the DoTs".

Fenier, lets see you go solo tank something, you will really want that regen back.

Hi Oaken Vigor.

01-18-2007, 07:06 PM
I liked my regen and found it useful as I stacked it with many other regen clickies.

What I did not find useful was that silly skin to vines.

If you were going to request exchange of lame spells. Why not Skin to vines and that silly Cold debuff as that never sticks anyway.

Once again the beta druids missed the mark totally. :bs:

Fenier, lets see you go solo tank something, you will really want that regen back.
Not gonna edit my last post just to assure that this is read to some degree, I have probably tanked and killed more things than you ever have, twelve points of regen means precisely dick in that case. Regen only helps a VERY small amount, and twelve points of it is not going to make or break anything.

Edit: for the above post, my thinking was wrong, S2V is unresistable, IFB is still the same -200 adjust as GB. Still, IFB is almost unresistable as long as the mob isn't 100% cold / spell immune with that kind of adjust. S2V only gets "resisted" because of the body type BS that was attempted in TSS.

01-18-2007, 09:39 PM
You'll find your Omens regens still stack just fine.

Not a single person in Beta said "lets keep the regen spells, screw the DoTs".


Whislt I did not put it exactly like the quote - I did suggest they keep, but improve, the regen instead of getting the dots. Regen is a very druid thing - I like the idea.

However, the regen on the TSS spells were Blah.

The current situation in my opinion is much better then before the change. If i was to choose between keeping the regen as it was OR getting the new spells - the new spells win easy.

If I was to choose between the new spells and much improved regen spells - I would pick the improved regen spells.

01-19-2007, 06:01 AM
I've practically never had our Cold debuffs resisted by a mob unless it was totally resistant to cold.

Some mobs are totally resistant to cold, some are to fire. You just find out and use the right spells. Ashengate you use cold spells. Frostcrypt you use fire.

I must admit that it sucks that they removed the AC reduction with Icefall Breath. But I'm kind of used to druids getting the shaft.

As for everyone who keeps saying over and over like a mantra, "JOIN THE BETA OR SHUT UP", let me say this:

First, I don't have a time machine, so I can't go back in time and join the beta.

Second, the betas are not open to everyone. They just did the TBS beta and it was open for a few hours and then closed. I happened to not be playing during those hours, so even if I wanted it, I couldn't get in.

Third, I don't want to play the beta. Just finding time to play the live servers and raid with my guild is enough. I'm not interested in making a throw away character and running around trying to test things. Just because I don't like to play some character who I have zero attachment to, who will be destroyed as soon as beta is over, doesn't have all the items and skills I've spent years acquiring, and can't group with my friends, doesn't mean that my opinions on how the game should be developed and run are without merit.

Trying to devalue someone's opinion by insisting that since they weren't in the beta that they have no right to complain is a red herring.

EverQuest is an ongoing game. It changes all the time. Once an expansion goes live it isn't and shouldn't be locked in stone. That kind of thinking is equal to saying that any bug that manages to make it off the test server onto the live servers is a feature, not a bug, and must remain in the game.

01-19-2007, 06:15 AM
Druids have enough different ways to regen:

Like this Belt (, our 55 ( and 70 ( auras and if you are really hard up for regen, this ( stacks with our other regen buffs. Then there's worn regen from armor, regen AAs, natural regen... This is just stuff you can provide for yourself. There's Bard songs, BST Spiritual Enlightenment line of buffs has HP regen. There's a lot more than just Druid regen!

Taking out our TSS regen buffs wasn't like totally taking away our ability to regen at all.

(I said "regen" 10 times.... 11)


01-19-2007, 07:40 AM
No one is devaluing anyone's opinion because they didn't do beta. However those of us that do participate in beta and try very hard to see that druids make out the best that we can are pretty tired of getting told we screwed it all up.

If people want to complain about the spells we got, fine complain. But the finger pointing that it is the beta druids fault is wrong. We only have so much say and even on things we fight tooth and nail for and against we are not the ones who make the final decisions.

We put the time in and we try. We can't please everyone, but because some of you aren't happy with how things turned out does not make it our fault. While I understand it is frustrating for those who don't do beta for various reasons, it is also frustrating for those of us that do. Things could be so much worse if no one signed up and work with Devs on our spells.

01-19-2007, 07:55 AM
As for everyone who keeps saying over and over like a mantra, "JOIN THE BETA OR SHUT UP", let me say this:

First, I don't have a time machine, so I can't go back in time and join the beta.

Second, the betas are not open to everyone. They just did the TBS beta and it was open for a few hours and then closed. I happened to not be playing during those hours, so even if I wanted it, I couldn't get in.

Third, I don't want to play the beta. Just finding time to play the live servers and raid with my guild is enough. I'm not interested in making a throw away character and running around trying to test things. Just because I don't like to play some character who I have zero attachment to, who will be destroyed as soon as beta is over, doesn't have all the items and skills I've spent years acquiring, and can't group with my friends, doesn't mean that my opinions on how the game should be developed and run are without merit.

On your second Point:

The beta signup was indeed open to everyone. I understand that you where not online during those hours, but that doesn't mean you were directly excluded.

On your third point:

Beta offers beta copies of your live character via the /beta command. They run the copy script fairly often and at most it takes a few days to process.

Secondly, and perhaps more importantly, Beta offers access to the beta forums, where views on spells and general impressions can be directly sent to the Devs and changes can be considered.

That said druids in TSS beta (many of which post here) did *alot* of work on our spells and ther are some things the devs were simply unwilling to change. That doesn't mean it wasn't brought up.

People who do get into beta, and try to keep the Druid playerbase upto date on various things once beta ends tend to take things rather personally when people say: "The spells suck, the beta druids didn't do their job".

It's not always pick and choose your own spell selection, sometimes it's "This is the spell, it's not changing to a differant type of spell, so you need to make it work best for you" - and in those cases, the beta Druids have continously tried to come up with the most useful spells possible for the class.

01-19-2007, 08:26 AM
Somewhere a few months ago, I gave my compliments to the Druids who worked hard to see that we got the best spell lineup we could have when TSS came out, even though SOE didn't give them exactly what they asked for.

I don't beta test, I only have 10-20 hours a week to give to EQ, and that includes my time on the boards.

If you didn't test, but you tried to, that's life. Sorry that it didn't work out, there were beta signups for The Buried Sea this week, did you get in on the new ones?

If you can't beta test, but provide your inputs to these boards, then you are helping beta testers who are representing us on beta for the benefit of the class.

If you beta test and represent the class well, giving rational intelligent input to the benefit of the class, you have my admiration and thanks.

If you beta test because you think it's cool to be in beta, you are wasting our time.

If you beta test cause you need something to do when your not playing on your regular server, play WoW.

01-19-2007, 09:54 AM
Fanra, you need to keep checking the beta page. Beta has been opened more than once since they opened it for people to sign up.

01-19-2007, 01:15 PM
To be honest I have never noticed a healing difference when using regens. Tanks HP's are so high now its barely noticeable which regen you use. Also the mobs are hitting so hard (quading for 1500) does the 60 a tick matter? no.. not really.. its just a novality at this point. I just use a backpacked Wanders Tunic (pop tunic) for the right clicky group regen. Its not even useful for downtime because there isnt any, anymore. Just sit for about a few minutes and your fully healed and FOM. I find regen is really useful when soloing... If your kiteing you can run off your damage with aura, regen and regen items.

Unless the group regen reaches 150 a tick im sticking with the free clicky regen.

Wyre Wintermute
01-19-2007, 01:51 PM
If you can't beta test, but provide your inputs to these boards, then you are helping beta testers who are representing us on beta for the benefit of the class.


any druids in beta are members of TDG in one form or another. Many of us also check these forums regularly as well as the class forums on EQLive.

If -ANY- druid has desires, opinions, or ideas about future druid spells, AA's, abilities, etc... posting those here would aid the beta druids alot in trying to get those addressed. It wouldn't be a guarantee that the changes would be made, but it would be a step up on the ladder to the developers to have them be considered.

I can't imagine how much time many of the beta druids put in to TSS, but from the top 5 vocal posters alone, I can safely say that much of our free time was spent there, testing spells, AA's, fighting tactics, quests, addressing gear issues, etc..

aybe a thread should be made when each beta is announced, for druids to post their ideas, opinions, concerns, and desires. This would lighten the load off the CC and also allow all beta druids to gain input from the community.


Wyre Wintermute

Wyre Wintermute
01-19-2007, 01:58 PM
To be honest I have never noticed a healing difference when using regens. Tanks HP's are so high now its barely noticeable which regen you use. Also the mobs are hitting so hard (quading for 1500) does the 60 a tick matter? no.. not really.. its just a novality at this point. I just use a backpacked Wanders Tunic (pop tunic) for the right clicky group regen. Its not even useful for downtime because there isnt any, anymore. Just sit for about a few minutes and your fully healed and FOM. I find regen is really useful when soloing... If your kiteing you can run off your damage with aura, regen and regen items.

Unless the group regen reaches 150 a tick im sticking with the free clicky regen.


I asked for it to be raised to near the 90hp/tick - 120 hp/tick level. They basically said no. Maybe in the future we will see a regen that is actually comparable to the mob's DPS output like it was with in the days of Kunark. I can't see regen being a severely useful tool until it reach back up into the ~10-5% range of group mob DPS. (Which would fall into the 90-120 hp/tick range currently) I really would like to have seen it higher, but best not to bite off too much when asking for things. ;)

01-19-2007, 04:40 PM
Yeah, I don't think his opinion was devalued b/c he didn't join beta as much as b/c it was pretty silly and baseless.

Laurelleii summed it up nicely. ( is the link for the beta sign up btw, it's the same every beta. This one has gone up and down randomly it seems. I missed it at first ingame too but saw a notice on another msg board clicked it and it was still open. I tried again out of the blue a couple of days later and was working again so just try it at various times.

And like Fenier said, you can get your toon copied over to beta, and once your account is flagged to be able to long onto beta you also get access to the beta forum.

01-19-2007, 04:45 PM
I asked for it to be raised to near the 90hp/tick - 120 hp/tick level. They basically said no. Maybe in the future we will see a regen that is actually comparable to the mob's DPS output like it was with in the days of Kunark. I can't see regen being a severely useful tool until it reach back up into the ~10-5% range of group mob DPS. (Which would fall into the 90-120 hp/tick range currently) I really would like to have seen it higher, but best not to bite off too much when asking for things. :wink:

The stupid thing is bard's have been breaking 100regen for some time now iirc. Regen and DS have not scaled up properly at all though for dru/shm and dru/mages.

01-19-2007, 04:46 PM
I'm solidly in the camp that this was a great change, and the SoE reacted to the majority of Druid requests.

Upgrading out DoT line was a consistent theme on many threads and getting "junk" spells instead of the DoTs was a consistent source of derision towards SoE.

Complaining now about losing regen (which seems to get clicked off faster than I click off Ranger ATK buffs) is definitely fodder for those insisting you can't make Druid's happy, IMO. Give credit where credit is due - this is a good change (and requested one) for Druids.

01-19-2007, 05:22 PM

any druids in beta are members of TDG in one form or another. Many of us also check these forums regularly as well as the class forums on EQLive.

If -ANY- druid has desires, opinions, or ideas about future druid spells, AA's, abilities, etc... posting those here would aid the beta druids alot in trying to get those addressed. It wouldn't be a guarantee that the changes would be made, but it would be a step up on the ladder to the developers to have them be considered.

I can't imagine how much time many of the beta druids put in to TSS, but from the top 5 vocal posters alone, I can safely say that much of our free time was spent there, testing spells, AA's, fighting tactics, quests, addressing gear issues, etc..

aybe a thread should be made when each beta is announced, for druids to post their ideas, opinions, concerns, and desires. This would lighten the load off the CC and also allow all beta druids to gain input from the community.


Wyre Wintermute

Gear issues, much unfortunatly, are not part of beta, as they never put gear in for us to give feed back on it.

Wyre Wintermute
01-19-2007, 09:05 PM

Prath talks about regen.

As for beta and items. They always accept input, and they try to get some items into beta, tho I've yet to see more than a handful trickle in before a beta closed. I have managed to get proposed items changed/adjusted, but in the big scheme of things you are correct.

01-20-2007, 04:36 AM
Thank you to the poster who put up the link to sign up for the beta. I signed up.

As was said, I don't have to spend much time playing in the beta but I can access the beta boards now. Through the beta boards I can let the developers know my feelings on the subjects that are brought up there. Too bad I don't have much hope that they are listening very hard.

I never meant to imply that the beta people did a poor job. I'm sure you guys did great. Believe me, after playing all these years, I know how often the developers don't listen to the players. So anything that I don't like about TSS, I don't blame on the beta testers.

Just like I never blame people who play on the test server for bugs that show up on the live servers because far too often we are told how test server people reported those bugs but it was pushed live anyway.

I just wanted to counter what I felt was a common statement that if you weren't in the beta that you have no right to complain about the expansion.

As an aside, I think the trade of our regen spells for new DoTs was a good one. Naturally, I would prefer to have both but SOE wanted to restrict how many spells we got for some reason. But if I had to choose, I would go with the DoTs.

01-20-2007, 05:45 AM
If Fenier's tanking ability rests solely on the loss of 12hps potential regen a tick then he is not the druid that I thought he was.

Good change overall - it would have been nice to not lose any spells, but we got a good trade and the dots I think will prove far more useful to the druid community as a whole than those regens ever did.

Wyre Wintermute
01-20-2007, 09:22 AM
I'm sure that they want to bring the regen spell line back to us. They need to do some tests and calculations etc, as they want to balance it vs OOC regen as well as making it a true utility like it was in the past. Just "upping" the numbers, as I had asked during TSS would have been more detrimental to the mechanic of the game. I believe that Prath wanted to look over all regen spell lines so that he could adjust them accordingly. So I'd expect to see some changes in the works after TBS. There just isn't time to go through all of that code before TBS's launch.

01-22-2007, 01:03 PM

Prath talks about regen.

As for beta and items. They always accept input, and they try to get some items into beta, tho I've yet to see more than a handful trickle in before a beta closed. I have managed to get proposed items changed/adjusted, but in the big scheme of things you are correct.

So we waste a question into asking about losing 12 hp, but not epic or spirits?

02-03-2007, 04:28 AM
As a Druid that spends 95 % of his time healing, Raids and Groups, I found the Regen spells to be much more useful than the new DOTs. I feel we needed a new DOT like we need a new Snare spell. To compromise, why not give us both spells, then everyone is happy.

02-03-2007, 05:56 AM
The AC debuff on Blistering Sunray I bet you would save you more healing then the extra 12 hitpoints per tick simply due to the increase in Melee DPS combined with the Damage from Sunray itself.


02-10-2007, 11:57 PM
Just to add my opinion i think Fenier and all the other beta testers do a great job. i have a family and currently work 60~ish hours a week so that don't really leave me much time to play..let alone beta test, but im happy that there are ppl that are willing to spend time in beta and fight for those of us who for one reason or another don't beta test. Good job Fenier and all Beta testers..keep up the good fight!

I for one love the changes they made, the regen spells were really gimpy in my opinion. I am a lv 72 Druid on the bertoxx server and i have 999 aa at the time of this posting..and it has been my observation that when in a high lv zone like valdeholme druids are seriously lacking in the dps department; Giving us new dots makes us more useful and much much more versatile than the crappy regen ever did, and im happy that we now have Better DoT upgrades !

And thats another point : Versatility. We are solid healers and solid solo'ers, but as a class IMO we havent really kept pace with the DpS vs Higher hp's/better resists factor we see on mobs. By giving better dots that has been re-balanced at least to a lesser extent and now when druids find themselves in a group or in solo-mode they will enjoy better dps and feel better abt their character as a whole.

Once again the DoTs were an Exellent change and Congratz to those in beta for being in the trenches for the change for months now! way to go!

Edit :

As an aside note i was one of those that logged out with a regen and came back in Dotted with an unknown DoT lol..
I was in Corathus Creep doing the "parts for belfast" task when i camped. Came back in and talked to a few freinds in guild..then i realized i was at 15% hp and saw some never before seen dot on me.

After i removed it with respendid cure at first i did'nt know what happened..i assumed i had been DoTTed by some new mob in CC.

But when i saw my regen was gone and i saw a new dot in its place i realized what happened and i about died laughing.

02-21-2007, 10:28 AM
I was in the beta for both tss and tbs, and one thing that I am finding about that is that it is dang near impossible to find a group in there... only got 1 in tss, and 3 in tbs, which was still up as of a couple of days ago:*)
I had made my druid in there with the same setup and everything as my main on saryrn, and he still isn't copies over a good month + later... wonder what happened there:*)