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01-29-2007, 03:32 PM

Madie of Wind Riders
01-30-2007, 08:20 AM
I found it interesting that in one of the links from this story there are two other stories - one where a 16 year killed his mother and then how Namba ID has been voted one of the top 100 communities for young people - heh.

Dramatic story, I am just glad there is no real reference that playing EQ "caused" this guy to freak out and kill these people.

01-30-2007, 10:07 AM
Dramatic story, I am just glad there is no real reference that playing EQ "caused" this guy to freak out and kill these people.

I didn't read the entire blog (was too long winded), but I was under the impression I got is that the guy was trying to prove how much the guy was addicted to gaming, and said so it must have been the reason he carried out the murders in such a way. Because afterall, this guy never heard never heard of killing in such a way before he began to play EQ.

And somewhat off topic...

But after the blog explosion, I have come to respect the news media a lot more. I used to question their methods, but seeing how 'normal' people fail to deliver stories make me appreciate what the media is able to do.

The same can be said about the youtube explosion. People used to say how tv personalities/actors didn't deserve the type of money they get, but after watching the best "normal" people on video, I'ld say the difference in skill justifies the pay.

01-30-2007, 11:03 AM
Sounds more like EQ may have kept him from going out "on the town" much earlier.

01-30-2007, 11:31 AM
But after the blog explosion, I have come to respect the news media a lot more. I used to question their methods, but seeing how 'normal' people fail to deliver stories make me appreciate what the media is able to do.

Well, the difference is that journalists are supposed to be trained professionals. But then again, so are SOE and Microsoft programmers :elfbiggri

01-30-2007, 12:34 PM
Well, the difference is that journalists are supposed to be trained professionals. But then again, so are SOE and Microsoft programmers :elfbiggri

I wasn't refering to that blog per say, but more so the high end / popular blogs. The people who write those have similar level of education as professional writers, and they put emense amounts of efforts into what they do - but they just don't "have it." But the thing about the internet is, that when something is popular, a huge amount of people do it - and the 'cream of the crop' is often medicore.

01-30-2007, 12:36 PM
back on topic...

I remember back in 2002 there were stories about people in South Korea going crazy after long sessions of Lineage (1) and going out and hacking people in the street with swords. Would be interesting if there was any news coverage on that; iirc, I heard about it on TechTV or G4.

Madie of Wind Riders
01-31-2007, 03:46 AM
back on topic...

I remember back in 2002 there were stories about people in South Korea going crazy after long sessions of Lineage (1) and going out and hacking people in the street with swords. Would be interesting if there was any news coverage on that; iirc, I heard about it on TechTV or G4.

There have been other stories here in the US about how playing EQ has caused people to kill themselves and kill others. This particlar story just states that this guy who was on disability for his mental illness played alot of EQ and other games. I believe anyone that would kill themselves or others "because" of a game - already have some mental issues and the game itself wasn't the main factor.

01-31-2007, 03:20 PM
Weird part about it is, for a short time this guy was in my guild, also spent a lot of time in Ashengate with him, also lead a pick up MPG trial raid a month or two back. Slightly creepy...

02-02-2007, 07:54 AM

02-02-2007, 09:04 AM
My web searches found one guy in 2002 who's mom said that his addiction to EQ lead to his suicide ( But he had other problems and EQ was his escape from them. Other than that, I don't think there is a credible story out there linking EQ to people hacking and slashing folks because "the game made me do it"

Back in the 80's when we were playing D&D and then AD&D, they had similar stories out there about how kids were going out in the woods and doing wicked things, losing touch with reality and believing that the game was real. They made TV movies about it: poor misguided kids.

Those misguided kids are us, driving to work everyday, trying to figure out how to pay for our kids to go to college. And although I sometimes really, really want to, I haven't killed anybody, except a maybe a few rats, bats and skeletons. :)

02-02-2007, 01:48 PM
My web searches found one guy in 2002 who's mom said that his addiction to EQ lead to his suicide ( But he had other problems and EQ was his escape from them. Other than that, I don't think there is a credible story out there linking EQ to people hacking and slashing folks because "the game made me do it"

IIRC, a non-personal factor that led to his suicide was some girl he met in EQ.

People with mental stability problems killing themself over girls is something that been going on long before EQ came out. Just because he met the girl through the medium of EQ doesn't mean that EQ is repsonible. That's like to say if a guy kills himself over a girl he knows irl the bar they met at is the reason it happened.