View Full Forums : Getting hit more since TBS was released?

02-19-2007, 10:55 PM
I dont know about you guys.. but I have noticed that im getting smacked around A LOT more then I did before from the same mobs. Im getting stunned a lot more from the front as well. The norm for me was getting 35-50% of the time in one round. 3 hits out of 6 or whatever.. Now it seems they never miss... Since TBS was released im getting the smack down laid on me from every mob. Tons of stuns, and 50% life loss per round. I used to be able to run through mobs when kiteing and lose about 20% health... now its 50% health and a stun like 9 out of 10 times.

I know they broke charms, perhaps they broke defensive AA's? I had a tank in my group complain today that he was getting hit way more then normal as well.

02-20-2007, 05:31 AM
Been AAing up a 70 rogue of all ways sometimes solo in the hole. From before to after buying archtype defensive AA made no noticeable difference. I'd have thought 19% would be a lot but it's certainly not an amount I can notice, and mobs are still dieing with rogue at the same hp range before and after (which with some fights ending at 10% hp you'd think it'd show up easily).

Dunno, without a parse as far as I'm concerned it's just another myth, but know the feeling.

02-21-2007, 10:08 AM
I haven't noticed this, in fact just the opposite. My guild was doing MM in Demi last night (we are just learning the event) and during a wipe I eventually got aggro. MM hit me for 1560 and a cleric friend who I know has less avoidance aa's was getting hit about 2100. Even though he is plate class our AC is about the same. Its not a scientific analisys but...
On the other hand I've been kiting Shissars in TBS for faction and have noticed they stun quite a bit more often, but I'm not sure if its just the mob or not.

02-21-2007, 10:08 PM
i think we are missing the original point of windfyre's post. the question was'nt "are aa defensive modes useful" or "do you take less damage from hits after buy'ing them". His question was, in comparison, having maximum defense/avoidance aa's before tbs and after tbs, and grouping in the same spots and killing the same mobs, he seems to be getting hit more often and taking more damage, and was asking if anyone else had noticed this.

as far as i can tell, i kite in icefall quite a bit and i seem to get stunned alot more often than i used to before tbs came out.

i cannot confirm/deny if i am taking more damage while having the same amount of aa defense as i was before tbs came out because as a druid i usually kite, and I dont make it a habit of gettin hit by mobs that quad for 1200+, and as such i dont usually parse damage because im a decent kiter and i rarely let them hit me.

02-21-2007, 11:26 PM
mentioned this in guild tonight and one of the monks that keeps logs is going to parse his last 3 anguish runs against tonight.
ainly been playing in TBS zones when I was getting hit so figured it was just mobs had huge increase in ATK.
Tonight got ramp on JHelvan event which happens time to time patching MA. Uusally with maxed defensive AA blocking focus and dodge I see a lot of defense spam when on ramp.
Tonight I was not missed, did not block or dodge a single attack. Could be a fluke of the RNG, but in a couple fights in anguish mobs that generally miss me a lot were never missing.
Will have to wait until tommorow when the monk has had a chance to run logs thru parser to see what real numbers say. The monk is one of our pullers and intentionally goes in harms way so ges a lot more chances to be hit than me as dps and backup healer.

02-21-2007, 11:51 PM
If you honestly think the AAs are not working you need hours (many many hours) of parses to prove your case.

If your not willing to put the time in to get it addressed, then you will have to wait on someone else doing it.


02-22-2007, 03:48 AM
exactly the reason I am waiting on monk. he has logs archived from last several anguish raids, same mobs same buffs same gear pretty much.
One person parsing their logs over the same cotent in 4 raids is not conclusive but will give a better feel.
If he comes back saying that no, average hits and misses are close across all 4 raids then likely it is a case of ignoreing the pink elephant.
If on the other hand he sees that in the prior 3 raids the average was similar and the most recent raid since TBS release is way off over a couple hours of combat it will be time to start logging and parsing in earnest.
Useing TBS content wont work either, that could just be that mobs have far higher atk ratings and need to be retuned.
If old content mobs are used then it wil be possable to get a better idea.

02-24-2007, 03:20 PM
Well it wouldn't be the first time SOE has messed up the aa's, In TSS our root aa's were having the opposite effect for about 2 months.

03-15-2007, 06:40 PM
okay coming back to this. Not sure what happened but I suspect it was something that was corrected in patch, problem seems to have been resolved. This wasn't the first time mobs did this after a new release or major patch.
onk never did get back to me, RL stuff and all. But same TBS mobs same gear and not getting hit as hard, but do get stunned more.

I have had a couple serious upgrades recently increasing my AC by around 120 and my stun resist by 8. Green trash mobs that I farm for tradeskills do seem to stun me more often.
Kind of odd doing the owlbears/wolves in hollowshade for the wailing/shrieking substance to make shadowscream armor. They hit less so instead of ending at 80% I finish an AE at around 97-98% but it takes longer to get the ae off as I seem to get stunned a lot where before I was hit for damage but not often stunned.
Tactic I use is hit auto attack run around with a fast low damage weapon and tag a whole islands worth of mobs train them together into a mass then use PBAOE to kill them cleaning up with root nuke on criples. So there are usually anywhere from 12-15 mobs in the mass.
I hadn't done this for a while before TBS and just went back to work on smithing again a few days ago so there is a gap. Big diff between ending a train at 80% and 97% with about the same number of mobs. increase AC by 100 plus at 75 and maybe 6 shielding. Just never recall spending so much time spinning in circles stunned before and have increased stun resist by 8 recently

This may again be the pink elephant, stun is annoying in this case, elsewhere it can be deadly. If the chance for a low level mob to stun has been increased drasticly it is a bad thing.
On a raid I don't really notice the stun effect from melee attack, if I start getting hit usually I die fast, stuff that is quadding me for 2k does that.

03-15-2007, 07:12 PM
I have had a couple serious upgrades recently increasing my AC by around 120 and my stun resist by 8. Green trash mobs that I farm for tradeskills do seem to stun me more often.

You get stunned from bash. AC has nothing to do with being stunned. Stun Resist is simply a percentage chance upto 35% you will shake the stun off.

Kind of odd doing the owlbears/wolves in hollowshade for the wailing/shrieking substance to make shadowscream armor. They hit less so instead of ending at 80% I finish an AE at around 97-98% but it takes longer to get the ae off as I seem to get stunned a lot where before I was hit for damage but not often stunned.

This makes me think you are talking about being interupted, which is not the same as stun. That said, depending on how many your pulling, stun may be very likely.

Increase AC by 100 plus at 75 and maybe 6 shielding. Just never recall spending so much time spinning in circles stunned before and have increased stun resist by 8 recently

AC and Shielding have nothing to do with being stunned, they only come into play when figuring out damage totals based on Mob ATK verus your mAC.

This may again be the pink elephant, stun is annoying in this case, elsewhere it can be deadly. If the chance for a low level mob to stun has been increased drasticly it is a bad thing.

It is far more likely you are pulling more 'warrior' type mobs which can land bash on you. The sheer number of mobs pulled makes stun and interupts very likely unless you back yourself into a corner to help with channeling by negating mob push.


03-25-2007, 08:08 PM
okay you missed a couple points.

AC affects how often and hard you are hit. The mobs are landing less often and for less. This is an effect of the increased AC

The Stun resist affects the duration of the stun.

The frequency of being stunned has increased, for the same type of mobs. this is not ONE fight. but as a general occurance over a period of 3 plus hours in a farm session.
Unless you are infering that the composition of mobs has changed drasticly since last farmed not over one spawn but as a general rule this isn't valid.

Stun as opposed to just interupted. yes being hit will interupt casting. Being stunned where the message is you CANNOT cast while stunned, and toon spinning in circles is fairly obvious.

Again this could be a Don't look at the pink elephant. But it seems that I am getting stunned much more often by the same mobs while farming greys using the same tactics.