View Full Forums : Upcoming Patch

04-11-2007, 08:59 AM
On the TS thread about Racial armor, Nodyin says the next patch is due abou tthe 18th.

Things we should expect to see (from reading the Sony forums):

Changes to Skin to Vines to not work on Undead and Summoned
Refund of 1 AA per Rank of Gathering of Spirits
Delinking of Gathering of Spirits and Spirit of the Wood AA Lines
Fixes to DoT Shielding
Fixes to Enchanter Mana Recursion buff
Racial Armor Name Changes
The Names of Campfires and Guild Banners fixedIronically, all of the things I found impact us in some way or form =p

04-11-2007, 10:46 AM
Racial Armor Name Changes

I thought this was going to be rolled out at another time with plenty of warning before actually being implemented. Is there new news on this I haven't seen?

04-11-2007, 02:24 PM
I thought this was going to be rolled out at another time with plenty of warning before actually being implemented. Is there new news on this I haven't seen?

<cite>Starrsong1 wrote:</cite>Perhaps this is a stupid question - but will all the armor we've already made somehow be converted in some way to reflect the new names, etc.? Or will all the existing recipes just go extinct and the armor itself become "out-dated" and out of fashion? If I use my stockpiled components to make armor, in the hopes that I can sell it and recoup some of my costs before the "conversion" - will folks be looking askance at my wares saying "I'll wait for the new stuff - cause I know it will be better"?
The name change is "automatic" I changed the names on the actual existing items. I am not making new end items, I am just making new recipes to make the same items.
As it is, the name change will be going in 4/18/07 with the patch that day.
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04-11-2007, 10:26 PM
On the TS thread about Racial armor, Nodyin says the next patch is due abou tthe 18th.

Things we should expect to see (from reading the Sony forums):

Changes to Skin to Vines to not work on Undead and Summoned
Refund of 1 AA per Rank of Gathering of Spirits
Delinking of Gathering of Spirits and Spirit of the Wood AA Lines
Fixes to DoT Shielding
Fixes to Enchanter Mana Recursion buff
Racial Armor Name Changes
The Names of Campfires and Guild Banners fixedIronically, all of the things I found impact us in some way or form =p
Note that Skin to Vines will not work on Undead, Summoned and Construct.

As for the delinking of GoS and SotW, the other thread on this has a post where the developer decided to 'think' more on this and it will not go live any time soon.

As for the fixes to DoT shielding, the developer said it was already fixed. Was he meaning to say it will be fixed in the patch or is it now live? I find SOE doesn't understand the idea of communication at all, because he said it was already fixed. To anyone with language skills, that means it is live and working in the game. Of course, to SOE that probably means it will be in the patch.

04-11-2007, 10:40 PM
As for the delinking of GoS and SotW, the other thread on this has a post where the developer decided to 'think' more on this and it will not go live any time soon.

He was talking about lowering the cost of CoS. Not the delinking.