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04-17-2007, 11:04 PM
*** Highlights ***
New Veteran AA! We are proud to introduce our 9th Veteran AA - Armor of Experience!
New Hot Zones! A brand new set of zones have been selected to be "Hot." The previous zones have had their experience levels returned to normal but the special events in those zones remain.
The following zones are now "Hot":
20 - Netherbian Lair
25 - Crypt of Dalnir
30 - Crystal Caverns
35 - Iceclad Ocean
40 - The Scarlet Desert
45 - The Burning Wood
50 - Dranik's Scar
55 - Acrylia Caverns
60 - Dragon Necropolis
65 - Wall of Slaughter
Be on the lookout for a new NPC in Plane of Knowledge that may need your help finding his lost possessions in the new "Hot Zones."

*** Items ***
- Increased the damage focus on Refined Energeiac Silk Sleeves.
- Added fire damage focus to Corrupted Energeiac Silk Sleeves.
- Tradeskill Energeiac items are no longer lore.
- Standard augments no longer fit into socket type 13 or 14.
- Improved Fabled Bow of Storms.
- Tradeskill Energeiac maces are now all useable by clerics and high elves.
- Centehua is no longer stealing items from Velora Spinefin.
- Improved Raid TSS Class Items.
- Added cold damage focus to Hoop of Elemental Mastery.

*** Quests & Events ***
- Some bugs were fixed in the Solteris raid 3.
- The sixth raid in Solteris should now reset properly.
- Fixed the ice walls in the Hearol the Tactician raid.

*** Spells ***
- Cryomancy and Pyromancy will no longer proc on self-only spells.
- Self-only DoTs will no longer give damage messages to the player if they are filtered.
- DoT shielding now correctly works when others cast a DoT spell on the player, not when the player casts on himself.
- The druid debuff Skin to Vines will now land on all targets except Undead, Summoned, and Construct.
- The two nukes from the druid spell Winter's Flame now fire independently. The ice component can land if the fire component is fully resisted, and vice versa.
- The druid damage shield Fernspur is now instant cast.
- A new level 75 druid spell has been discovered in the Serpent's Spine! The Rank I version can be purchased from the druid spell vendor while the Rank II version is a world drop.
- The two nukes from the ranger spell Summer's Dew now fire independently. The ice component can land if the fire component is fully resisted, and vice versa.
- The wizard nuke Wildmagic Strike can now trigger Gift of Radiant Mana.
- The wizard instant cast nukes (Flashfires, Cloudburst Strike, and Cold Snap) have been reduced in effectiveness slightly.
- The wizard nuke Ethereal Conflagration has been increased in effectiveness slightly.
- The necromancer nuke Demand for Blood has been increased in effectiveness slightly.
- The enchanter proc buff Mana Recursion properly recurses additional strikes 10% of the time, up to a maximum of four additional strikes.
- The enchanter proc buffs Mana Flare and Mana Recursion now fire a maximum of 20 times before fading.
- The Shaman Pact of the Wolf alternate advancement ability no longer stacks with other illusion spells.

*** NPC ***
- Population has been thinned out in the East and West Ashengate instances.
- Drakkin, orcs, griffons, and boars in Ashengate are no longer highly resistant to fire-based spells.
- NPCs in Atiiki are more aware of their surroundings.

*** Tradeskills ***
- Added tradeskill flag to dye extracts.
- Cultural Items have had a name update.
- Created new colored Trader's Satchels for use in the bazaar. Brown handmade backpacks were also snuck in.
- Changed the icons for cut gems used in jewelry making. Additionally, changes to the icons for inks and some of the thickeners for spell research were made.
- Added the note "Of Colors to Carry" to Merchant Tekrama. This note is the riddle for making colored hand made backpacks.
- Non-gnomes will now need to use a gnomish recharging kit in order to recharge gnomish devices. Gnomes will be able to make collapsible and deluxe gnomish recharging kits as well.

*** AA ***
- Reduced the cost of the Druid AA line "Gathering of Spirits" by 1 point per rank. If you have previously purchased any rank of this AA you should have a refund for 1 point per rank when you next log in.
- Placed the Druid AA "Gathering of Spirits" on a different timer than the "Spirit of the Ancient Grove" line (and associated previous lines.)
- Increased the duration of the Bard AA "Bladed Song" to 1 minute.
- Corrected an issue with Nightmare Stasis' Doom Effect not being cast on the NPC when the effect wore off.
- You should now receive the correct AA title after purchasing the required number of AA points.

*** Zones ***
- Unrest and Lesser Faydark have had a recent bloom of mushrooms!

*** Miscellaneous ***
- /who command specifies dead players with *RIP*. This will only show on /who and not /who all.
- You can no longer create a campsite by dragging two corpses near you.
- Banner names should now show up correctly in the Find window.
- Buyers should now see updated prices next to the Buy button if a Seller makes a change while they are browsing the wares.
- A new graphics optimization has been added to EverQuest to improve framerate performance so that gameplay is more enjoyable. Auto Portal Volume Optimization has been implemented in the vicinity of objects which contain large numbers of inner objects. In some cases we have tested the optimization and have seen a 15 percent gain in frame rate.
You can toggle apv optimizations off and on with the slash command, "/apvoptimizations." When EverQuest is loaded it checks for an "APVOptimizations" key value pair specified in the eqclient.ini and turns portalizing off or on depending on this value. If a value does not exist in this file it gets set to on by default and written to the eqclient.ini file. Once changes are made to the state of the apv optimizations, the eqclient.ini file will be updated accordingly.
- A certain time between two /say commands is not required anymore. Good people don't spam.

*** Future Tradeskill Changes ***
We will be making a change to the cultural armor that will nullify the usage of all existing drops in the cultural armor and symbol crafting process. For the slot 12 raid augments, only the drops for the seals will be changing, the rest of the drops required for the various steps of the slot 12 raid augments will be staying the same. Those of you who have stockpiles will want to make use of them as best and quickly as possible, as once the changes go in, the currently existing cultural recipes will no longer work. This change will even out the disparity of drop rates between different races and remove the extreme rarity of some items.
For more detailed information please see the "Upcoming Cultural Changes" sticky thread in the Artisans Way forum of the official EverQuest forums.

- The EverQuest Team

<!-- Edit Notes --><!-- Attachments -->

04-17-2007, 11:31 PM
Druid highlights:

- The druid debuff Skin to Vines will now land on all targets except Undead, Summoned, and Construct.
- The two nukes from the druid spell Winter's Flame now fire independently. The ice component can land if the fire component is fully resisted, and vice versa.
- The druid damage shield Fernspur is now instant cast.
- A new level 75 druid spell has been discovered in the Serpent's Spine! The Rank I version can be purchased from the druid spell vendor while the Rank II version is a world drop.
- Reduced the cost of the Druid AA line "Gathering of Spirits" by 1 point per rank. If you have previously purchased any rank of this AA you should have a refund for 1 point per rank when you next log in.
- Placed the Druid AA "Gathering of Spirits" on a different timer than the "Spirit of the Ancient Grove" line (and associated previous lines.)

04-17-2007, 11:40 PM
Nice stuff in this one! Wonder what the new spell is. Anyone heard anything about it?

04-18-2007, 12:33 AM
- Placed the Druid AA "Gathering of Spirits" on a different timer than the "Spirit of the Ancient Grove" line (and associated previous lines.)

Finally! My last major complaint has been fixed. Bestest patch message I can recall for druids in a long time!

I'm curious too what the new spell is, since lucy has no listing of anything new.

04-18-2007, 02:05 AM
Woohoo nice! After 6+ years of playing, I don't recall seeing a better patch message for druids :) I just hope changes do go live, since this is patch message on test server I assume...

04-18-2007, 03:00 AM
Wow is this a big lie lol

compeletly agree with Kalevalatar

04-18-2007, 06:09 AM
These are patch notes for the patch going live today. The last couple of patches they have released the notes the night before the patch so we know what's coming.

04-18-2007, 07:32 AM
As someone who always complains, I feel I should say that these changes are very nice.

Kudos to SOE.

04-18-2007, 07:32 AM
I wonder what our new spell is

04-18-2007, 08:28 AM
an ice dot? /crosses fingers

04-18-2007, 09:01 AM
<table class="frametable" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tbody><tr class="color2"> <td><table cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><td class="header">
</td><td class="header"><nobr> Spellslot data for</nobr><nobr> » Nature's Blazing Wrath Rk. II «</nobr></td></tr></tbody></table> <table class="frametable" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tbody><tr class="color2" valign="top"><td width="10"><nobr>Slot 1:</nobr></td> <td><nobr>Decrease HP when cast by 3176</nobr></td> </tr> <tr class="color1" valign="top"> <td width="10"><nobr>Slot 2:</nobr></td> <td><nobr>Decrease Hitpoints by 826 per tick</nobr></td></tr></tbody></table>

DRU(75)</td> </tr> <tr class="color1"> <td>1249 Mana
</td> </tr> <tr class="color2" valign="top"> <td>Single</td> </tr> <tr class="color1" valign="top"> <td>Evocation</td> </tr> <tr class="color2"> <td>-10 Fire</td> </tr> <tr class="color1"> <td>3.00 sec Cast time
</td> </tr> <tr class="color2"> <td>18.00 sec Recast time
</td> </tr> <tr class="color1" valign="top"> <td>00:00:18 (3 ticks) Duration
</td> </tr> <tr class="color2"> <td>200 Range

Skin to Vines Cast time changed from 2.5 to 0.5 seconds.
Winter's Flame Resist changed from fire to Prismatic (average resist)
Winter's Flame procs 100 % "Winter's Flame burn" resist check fire and it procs 100 % "Winter's Flame Frostbite" resist check cold. </td> </tr><tr></tr></tbody></table>

04-18-2007, 11:19 AM
I like the change to WF .....I am not sure if the poster above is making up the prismatic or not but I do get lots of crits on WF and since I kite alot with a wizard it will be my main nuke.

I also am very greatful for the aa's unlinked ...I didn't have tss group yet but have 5 aa's saved with my 3 refunded will have it later tonight!

Will anyone be using fenspur now?

All in all great patch for us.

04-18-2007, 11:33 AM
Will anyone be using fenspur now?

I've always loved Fernspur and I use it both soloing and in groups on tank. It is after all, unresistable damage! And now that the cast time is so short, it's instacast, unresistable spell. I think those make it extremely powerful spell.

04-18-2007, 11:44 AM
Did a little more investigating and it looks like the names on our AA heals have been adjusted. Also appears that bear pet AA names have been changed. And the demiplane class item should now reference Reptile (not Serpent) in focus effect and description.

04-18-2007, 12:01 PM
hehe, wonder if they finally made the icefall bear white too

I'm not 100% but think the pristmatic resist on WF might be moot btw.. don't have access to a spelldat parser but offhand how I read that is;

before if the fire nuke which procs the cold nuke gets resisted the cold nuke doesn't go... so they fixed it so they changed it so you first cast Winter's Flame Resist as a resist check that's designed not to fail at all and that procs both the fire and cold. I could easily be wrong but that would fix the problem and cause those 2 to fire independantly.

One thing I'm curious about though, if the new nuke is both nuke and dot how does extra spell haste (from quick dmg or afflicition haste VI) work?

04-18-2007, 12:05 PM
I use Fernspur whenever possible however at times I have had trouble getting it tossed in during fights if I'm main healer, so the instacast will certainly help. Plus if healing, it gives a little dps to add to the fray.
As for the new dot, if this IS accurate then kudos to SOE. Its been a bit depressing that I cant solo like I used to, and im looking forward to taking on some solo time when the mood strikes.

04-18-2007, 01:47 PM
I like the Fernspur change to insta-cast, to me it gives us the flexibility that shaman get with String, cast a offensive type spell then get back to other things almost immediately. Only draw back still is in 1 tank situations, multiple druids can't stack it.

That new DD/dot spell looks rather nice but, with the mana cost, looks like one to try use on a GoRM proc. - looks like Kumbaja is ahead of Lucy.

Skin to Vines is also as someone said 0.5 second cast

Edit: the new Blazzing Wrath cast time is 3 seconds - which is pretty nifty as well - with spell haste should be able to get it to about 2 seconds.

04-18-2007, 02:15 PM
Looks like a nice spell but ouch on the mana cost :eek:

I use Fernspur constantly, I love it. Being insta cast now just makes it that much sweeter.

04-18-2007, 02:29 PM
<--- happy druid. Especially on the wood. Thank you, thank you, thank you for everyone who has posted, done feedback, or in any way helped to influence the decision to put them on seperate timers. Also Winter's Flame is my favorite nuke of all time. This is a very nice suprise.

04-18-2007, 03:23 PM
New spell is 800pp from vendor.

Is a 3 sec cast but has roughly a 18 sec recast.

04-18-2007, 04:11 PM
Skin to Vines is now also a .5 second cast.

04-18-2007, 04:22 PM
Full list of Druid changes:

Skin to Vines now will not effect Undead, Constructs or Summoned
Skin to Vines cast time lowered from 2.5 to .5
Fernspur cast time lowered from 3.0 to Instant
Winter's Flame now checks against the Prismatic Resist Value. If it lands it will fire both the Fire and Cold nukes, which check against their specfic resist.
New Spell: Nature's Blazing Wrath added. Rank 1 sold for 800 PP from the Steppes Druid Vendor. Rank II is a random world drop. The spell is a 3 second cast -10 FR Check DD & DoT. It deals 3055 Directly and 795 per tick for 3 ticks at Rank 1. It's mana cost is 1203 and has a 18 second recast.
Gathering of the Spirits AA lines delinked from the Spirit of the Grove Lines
Gathering of the Spirits reduced to 5 AA per rank
Refund of 1 AA per rank of Gathering of Spirits that you had purchased before the 3/30/07 patch

04-18-2007, 04:37 PM
Cast the new spell about 40 times

Dot Crits fine...

DD portion has yet to crit and has yet to be effected by epic 2

my finding so far

04-18-2007, 04:37 PM
I went and tested Nature's Blazing Wrath. Spell seems very nice and definately lands more often than Equinox Burn. But something seems off... altough DoT part was critting nicely, I didn't manage to get a single crit with the nuke part. Plus the base damage was lower than I expected, with Anguish fire focus it was pretty much same what I get with EB. So before I get rank2 spell, not sure how much I'll use this spell since the mana cost is huge. And epic 2.0 clicky didn't seem to have any effect on it either...

04-18-2007, 04:37 PM
Epic only works on instant spells. The new spell is a DoT which has a DD in it, but it's not instant.

04-18-2007, 04:46 PM
Epic only works on instant spells. The new spell is a DoT which has a DD in it, but it's not instant.

What makes it a DoT with a DD in it and not vice-versa ? Not disagreeing with your statement - trying to figure out why. May explain why no crits are being seen either but, that hardly seems intentional if the DD can't crit on cast.

04-18-2007, 04:49 PM
Spell seems instant cast and DD lands then the dots kick in.

If the dot side of it crits then the DD side should regardless if any one thinks our epic should effect it... which think it should... or its simply to much mana.

04-18-2007, 04:54 PM
What makes it a DoT with a DD in it and not vice-versa ? Not disagreeing with your statement - trying to figure out why. May explain why no crits are being seen either but, that hardly seems intentional if the DD can't crit on cast.

Because it has a duration. DDs are instant cast and don't have duration values.

The spell is basically a Druid verison of

Think of it like our lower level roots. They don't critical either, and they have a DD componant, but are not DDs.

04-18-2007, 05:04 PM
least aa heals are unlinked wooo wooo and i use fernspur a lot which is cool aswell

Not sure ill be using the new spell that much but will test it some ))

04-18-2007, 05:14 PM
Hmmm. Unsure how i feel about the restrictions on the new spell, knowing that it doesn't crit and epic doesn't affect it. Time will tell i suppose, will play with it a bit.

04-18-2007, 05:30 PM
hmm will test it to see if my fable shisshar ring works on it.

04-18-2007, 05:35 PM
Draton'ra's Perpetuation

Slot Description
1: Increase Spell Duration by 15%
2: Limit: Max Level(75) (lose 10% per level over cap)
3: Limit: Spell Type(Detrimental only)
4: Limit: Effect(Complete Heal (with duration) excluded)
5: Limit: Effect(Invunerability excluded)
6: Limit: Min Duration(24.00 sec)
7: Limit: Effect(Reaction Radius excluded)
8: Limit: Combat Skills Not Allowed

It's 18sec duration. Detrimental extension foci will not affect this spell.

04-18-2007, 06:17 PM
Name of the vendor that sells Nature's Blazing Wrath? I checked the NPC that sold the Steppes ports, but it's not on her.

04-18-2007, 06:21 PM
Nevermind my question - found it 2 secs later.

04-18-2007, 06:37 PM
Ok, I'd like to know, who sells it and where? tyvm.

04-18-2007, 06:38 PM
Rang Kelliam in Steppes

04-18-2007, 06:38 PM
Rang Kelliam, The Steppes. Same place other TSS Druid Spells are sold.

04-18-2007, 07:00 PM
The DoT part crits just fine though

04-18-2007, 07:06 PM
Prathun chimes in:

Small clarification on the changes to Winter's Flame and Summer's Dew: the initial spell is unresistable and the ice / fire nukes' resist checks are called independently of each other.


I tuned NBW to do exactly as much damage as it does currently. If the DD portion were to crit, the damage on the spell would have to be lower to compensate for that change.

04-18-2007, 07:09 PM
From the limited testing i did this morning with it, i was getting 2k+ DoT crits... Which is quite reasonable imo even if the DD can't crit.

04-18-2007, 07:40 PM
I don't know the percentages, but does anyone have the numbers to calculate the average unfocussed damage of EB rk II for someone who is max nuking aa with DoN tier 4?

It would seem to me that this is the "average damage" figure that the new nukedot should be compared to.

04-18-2007, 07:54 PM
After doing a quick and dirty analysis, I've come to the conclusion that this spell doesn't even qualify for the 'situational' category.

04-18-2007, 08:05 PM
Prathun again:

However, the spell is inefficient as well, so you need to be careful when and how often you use it. The spell is aimed at giving druids a unique high damage / low efficiency damage tool.

04-18-2007, 08:30 PM
The question is whether the damage is actually high. If you get 9k out of it, given max dot crit action, you're likely to be just as well off casting EB/WF and hoping for a decent crit.

Having said that, from a DPS perspective, it's a win - 2 second cast time is unparalleled for us.

04-18-2007, 11:14 PM
I don't know the percentages, but does anyone have the numbers to calculate the average unfocussed damage of EB rk II for someone who is max nuking aa with DoN tier 4?

It would seem to me that this is the "average damage" figure that the new nukedot should be compared to.

Going by the aa values on that samanna link above, with full aa, crit frequency is 35% and the crit mod is 2.45 (or 1.45 depending on how you look at it) ... If you crit for base * 2.45 35% of the time I believe the avg nuke before foci comes out to about base * 1.5075. The amount added by foci is then added on top of that iirc. So average dmg should = base * 1.5075 + (base * (foci/2)/100)

Omit the 2nd part if you want to omit the effects of foci. But basically for full aa and pretty sure I included the don aa when I crunched those numbers (I just copy pasted that from a tbs beta post) you just take base dmg x 1.5075

04-19-2007, 12:58 AM
I am ignoring DPM because as a DoT you are not going to "chain cast" NBW, and the spell is designed to not be efficent ontop of that.


5440 Damage Base verus 2752 for EB (NBW wins at 51% more damage)

989.09 DPS (cast time + recycle = 5.5 seconds)
259.04 DPS (Cast time + Run Time = 21 Seconds)

314.51 DPS (EB Cast time + Recycle = 8.75 seconds) NBW wins in direct compairson by 317% or so, it loses in duration compaison, as may be expected from comparing a DoT to a Instant Duration Nuke by 14%.

ax Critical (No Focus):

NBW: 7825 (14% more damage this is due to the DD part )
EB: 6742 (After VM3)

Fire focus effects all aspcets of NBW, so it should wash out.

If only one tick of NBW criticals, it comes in at 6235, which is 8% less damage then a EB Critical. So even 2 of 3 ticks critical, you see an damage increase over EB.

No matter how you look at it tho, NBW is a high mana cost DPS tool, and has an innate -10 check on it. I think it will fill the roll it was created for fairly well.


04-19-2007, 04:18 AM
Its probably gonig to be something I use with GoRM procs for the time being instead of a rain or when Im trying to achieve max dps.

NWB + EB x3

Duration: 31
Total Damage:13696

DPS: 441.8

Equinox Burn x 4

Duration: 34 seconds
Total Damage: 11008

DPS: 323.8

Critical AA's will bring EB closer as the base dd of EB is higher than the DoT damage of NWB but the max dps should be slightly higher using the 2.

04-19-2007, 11:17 AM
I played with this and fenspur last night. I am a conservative druid but these two definately eat up your mana ......however if you use it when you have GoRM it is awesome. (11.3km buffed)

I have 35% to fire and saw a few 2k dot crits and 3700 on the spell itself (might have been some 3800-3900)

fenspur procced 5 times in the 1.5 hours (not constantly cast but real close to it ....since didnt cast when mobs were low and running).

I love the unlinked aa's since when we have 2+ on inc takes bit for chanter to lock down so shammy takes beating and this helps nicely.

With the refunds and my saved I was able to pick up 2 ranks of the ancient grove......very happy with this.

04-19-2007, 11:18 AM
I've been playing around with this spell, and I think it's a pretty damn good one for us. I proc GoRM a decent amount, and using it on Wrath makes a big, very noticeable increase in my DPS. In groups of the same friends I normally have doing Anguish aug runs, Efreeti in Atiiki, and kiting bears in icefall everyone was commenting on the quicker mob deaths. In Anguish or anywhere with a raid timer it's a definate GoRM spell, the mana cost isn't worth it unless you really need to burn down a mob. Soloing it's great for burst dps and with rest isn't that big of a deal to use.

The cast time is great, I've been able to cast in between heals just fine. It's also very easy to slip in when dpsing, between nukes and/or fast dots. With my focus and spell haste it's down to 2.4 seconds. I think my biggest + on this is the cast time. Getting in Equinox Burn or Winter's Flame usually doesn't happen when I'm main healer, and everyone knows a lot of the time mobs don't last long enough to use sunscorch. Nature's Burning Wrath has yet to last longer than the mob is alive. I'm very happy with it.

04-19-2007, 02:38 PM
Since this isn't an instant cast dd but a dot with a large initial damage, then it shouldn't break roots like other nukes do.

04-19-2007, 03:48 PM
While a multi-effect spell with a DD component isn't considered a DD for crit purposes, root is less discriminating. A DOT with damage component does break root, so I assume this will as well.

04-19-2007, 04:25 PM

Rashere is changing dot aggro damage....which is good I grabbed aggro quite a few times last night casting this....where as normally its a group heal on 2+ mobs inc or our new toy spell that debuffs them also that grabs aggro (not counting the 32k crits because they are low enough this kills them)

04-19-2007, 05:17 PM
Rashere speaks out:

Summer's Dew has a 0 hp heal component on it so that it will be eligible for GoM. Due to some oddities with how exceptional heals work, 0 hp is a valid heal amount and you "crit heal" for 1 occasionally. It's not actually doing anything, but you do get the message. We have to rework the crit heal code a bit to clear this up, but couldn't get it in for the patch and figured you'd rather get the occasional odd heal message than have the spells not work with GoM.

Should be noted Winter's Flame works the exact same way

04-19-2007, 05:54 PM
With WF now having an initial prismatic check, I did some work with my bard in a 69.1 instance with WF to see if the TSS performer line of songs would boost the fire and cold.

I am not a hardcore parser type, but it "seems" to me that the songs do not amplify WF. I can't remember the exact numbers I was getting, but they were consistent, leading me to believe that the bard songs and/or spell is coded wrong.

Ayenae has max DD aa, and I had her remove her fire and cold focus items.

04-19-2007, 06:04 PM
The spell is currently not being effected by Bard Song, Prathun is aware of this but has not replied to weather it is going to be fixed or not.

04-19-2007, 08:48 PM
One issue with Nature's Blazing Wrath. It currently doesn't stack, just like Blistering Sunray. Not so nice during raids, hoping it's just an easy to correct mistake.

04-20-2007, 09:42 AM
35% crit rate.
+145% damage on a crit
65% item focus

Critable average damage boost: 1.8375
Uncritable average damage boost: 1.33

EB Rk. III: 2972 critable damage -> 5461.05 damage on average.
6.25 base casting time.

NBW Rk. II: 3176 uncritable damage, 2478 critable damage -> 8777.405 damage on average
3.0 base casting time.

So it is a "no brainer" to toss out a NBW when you get a Gift of Radiant Mana and are nuking. At a 10% GoRM chance, and 1 qualifying spell every 6 seconds, that gives you 1 (EB III) changed to a (NBW II) every minute, which works out to a 55 mana-free DPS boost for Druids. Plus the NBW takes less time to cast.

04-21-2007, 09:34 AM
Rashere speaks out:

Summer's Dew has a 0 hp heal component on it so that it will be eligible for GoM. Due to some oddities with how exceptional heals work, 0 hp is a valid heal amount and you "crit heal" for 1 occasionally. It's not actually doing anything, but you do get the message. We have to rework the crit heal code a bit to clear this up, but couldn't get it in for the patch and figured you'd rather get the occasional odd heal message than have the spells not work with GoM.

Should be noted Winter's Flame works the exact same way
Noticed this the other day. I was going to submit a /bug report but I see he is already aware of it.
The new spell just uses too much mana to be worth it. As for situational use, we have 500 'situational' spells. As soon as I get 25 spell gems, they will be great.

04-23-2007, 12:31 AM
BTW this spell is super high aggro, in a raid 1 NBM + 3 EB = summon. War is weilding 2.0 and Sothgar axe.

04-23-2007, 12:36 AM
Doing 4 debuffs (including BS) and running 2 other DoTs and using this on GoRM procs/when i had spare mana, plus healing and using reptile, i never once ganked agro during Daosheen.

Doesn't seem any difference to me, agro wise.

04-29-2007, 01:54 AM
Does any one know if this is a rank 3 spell? Lucy is showing spell as having 3 ranks, but not sure if it really does have 3 ranks......or for that matter is there a rank 2?

04-29-2007, 10:58 AM
There is a Rank II, random world drop.

There is no Rank III

04-29-2007, 02:54 PM
Sad panda

04-29-2007, 03:19 PM
I can confirm the high aggro. In Anguish the other day I was testing it out with hand of ro first, then blazing wrath or immolation. Blazing wrath got me summoned far more than immolation did. I tried the same thing in a group in Atiiki, blazing wrath also got me aggro much more. Might be from wrath doing more damage in a shorter amount of time, but still lots of aggro.

04-30-2007, 02:29 PM
Be on the lookout for a new NPC in Plane of Knowledge that may need your help finding his lost possessions in the new "Hot Zones."

Any idea who? Where? I expect to spend a lot of time in these hot zones for a bit.

04-30-2007, 04:11 PM
By the Halas stone.

04-30-2007, 08:13 PM
Aye, i have never been able to get summoned before on a raid(since they fixed wariors...kinda), unless i dropped a 10k crit on a trash mob on inc, but i wouldn't start nuking till after 80% and was getting summoned with ease.

05-01-2007, 10:15 AM
By the Halas stone.

Thank you!