View Full Forums : Clan Nan Dreolan of Prexus looking for New Blood!

04-25-2007, 01:16 PM
Are you guildless or bored with your current guild? Do you play at Euro times? Do you play at U.S. times that would better fit with a Euro based guild? Do you want to play and progress your character in a relaxed environment but with a guild that has the drive to succeed right up to the end game?
If the answer to any of these questions is 'Yes', then maybe Clan Nan Dreolan is for you!

What is the Clan all about?
Above all the Clan is about friendship and respect. Our atmosphere is fun but we do take our game play seriously. We do expect each member to know how to play his or her class and to work steadily at improving their play and their character.

Our members (The People) come from all walks of life. Most of us have real life commitments (kids, jobs, spouses, etc.) that limit our playing hours. We definitely understand that real life comes first.
Our Members (The Characters) are, in the majority, level 75 with a healthy dose of AA's and gear that befits our current progression as you can see from our Roster. (

When do we raid?
Note that raiding is not mandatory and we have a wide spectrum of raiders, from those who always want to raid to those who can only raid rarely. To keep this all fair we use a DKP style system called Tassio's Loot System (TLS). (

We typically raid three or four times a week with raids starting at 1pm GMT (8am EST) on weekends and 7pm (2pm EST) on weekdays. Our only set raid day is Sunday (usually progression raids), but we often have loot farming raids during the week, too (mostly on Mondays, Wednesdays and/or Thursdays).

You can see what we have previously done by visiting our Calendar ( and check what we have coming up by visiting our Events Page. ( The Calendar can sometimes take three or so attempts to get it to load but it does work!

On days where we are not doing a planned raid, we can often be found doing spontaneous raids, groups, exploring new content, trade skills and other quests.

What do we raid?
As a main focus, we are progressing toward Demi-plane of Blood and Queen Sendaii with a bit of PoR Progression.
We regularly farm-raid Anguish and DoN Dragons including Vishimtar for loot, with some Tacvi and PoR bosses thrown in for fun and variety.

Our recent progression has included:
13.08.2006 - Tunat downed
27.08.2006 - Citadel of Anguish, cleared (minus OMM)
03.01.2007 - Vishimtar the Fallen.
14.01.2007 - Porthio splatted
21.01.2007 - Sverag beaten

What do we expect from you?
Above all, we expect you to have a sense of fun, dedication to your character and commitment to the Clan.

We don't have any particular joining requirements with regard to level, AA's, gear, keys or flags but, ideally, you should be a minimum of level 70 and, if you have not been in a guild that likes to raid before, you should have or be working on the best groupable gear you can get. At the very least we'd like people to be able to withstand the -6khp AEs that can land during our raids.
Don't be put off applying though.

If you consider yourself an exceptional player with a drive to progress and have fun, then please apply ( anyway. We are more interested in 'The Person' rather than the character. The above is not meant to put you off applying, it is just a means of letting you know what kind of guild you are applying to so that you are not left frustrated trying to play catch up!

What can you expect from us?
- A relaxed raiding atmosphere.
- A mature raid force. Most of us are late 20's and up.
- Fairly high end raiding without the 'Uber' attitude.
- A Guild who understands Real Life.
- We do occasional backflagging dependant on members needs to progress as a guild.
- Probably most important are friendly and courteous guild mates.

Our Homepage can be found here. (
Our Forums can be found here. (

If you have any questions I can be contacted by EQMail, Email in my signature or EZBoard Inbox. You can also contact the officers who are currently Aalien, Cecie, Istanora, Jimbos, Melanippe and Seillina.

Please feel free to ask any members questions, too. They are all approachable and don't bite....Often!