View Full Forums : Any new issues to add to our list?

05-08-2007, 09:22 PM
Time to add to the list:


1. The TSS BP Clicky isn't an upgrade to the Anguish Tunics like several other classes. This combined with the hard cap on the Anguish Tunic makes the click worthless when you are casting mostly level 71+ spells. The click effect on the TSS Tunics should be upgraded to the Omens Tunics.


1. Curing of Poison / Disease effects need a look at in comparison to Hybrid / Other Priest cures. Currently Shaman, Clerics, Paladins and Rangers cure better then we do in most cases, we should at least have a group cure of at least 12 counters.

2. Lunar Light remains underpowered.

3. Add the ability to critical to the Percentage Heals for both Shaman and Druids.

4. Fix wolf forms to allow melee classes to use all their skills and abilities in wolf form. We've got an awesome long term +65 attack buff that no one wants because they can't bash in wolf form. Also, you can't zone with wolf form. Why have a utility spell that no one uses?


1. Remove CoS. (Changes to cost of GoS and linkage noted.)


Abilities and Attributes


05-09-2007, 02:09 AM
We can probably remove the bit about crits on percentage heals. That spell line seems to have been abandoned, and I suspect most people that still use those spells don't even have the healing crit AAs yet.

05-09-2007, 04:51 AM
1. I would like to see Zephyr ports added for all our ports.

2. Lunar Light is definately underpowered, either lower man cost or up the healing power.

3. I would also like to get a self only version of exodus.

4. In case a shaman is not present in a group/raid situation a group version of lions strength would be great.

5. Why do strength buffs do not take hold when people are freshly rezzed? Thats stupid and really is annoying in places like Demiplanes.

6. We need a low aggro heal spell , for example a HOTT spell for incoming pulls. When silent casting is down I get summoned nearly always even with maxed silent casting AAs.

05-09-2007, 05:13 PM
5. Why do strength buffs do not take hold when people are freshly rezzed? Thats stupid and really is annoying in places like Demiplanes.

6. We need a low aggro heal spell , for example a HOTT spell for incoming pulls. When silent casting is down I get summoned nearly always even with maxed silent casting AAs.

On point 5: Because rez effects kill your strength score. The debuff blocks buffs to that slot apparently.

On Point 6: Not to discredit your suggestion, but it seems your tanks could do better generating aggro if the mobs are eating healers on incoming.

I would like to see the hardcap from the Anguish Tunics removed and made a softcap, and / or the click on the TSS bp adjusted.
I would like to see a lowering of cost to CoS.
I would to see a group Poi/Dis cure
I would like an Upgrade to Hand of Ro
I would like an Upgrade to Ro's Disjunction
I would like an upgrade to Dawnstrike

05-09-2007, 05:41 PM
4. Fix wolf forms to allow melee classes to use all their skills and abilities in wolf form. We've got an awesome long term +65 attack buff that no one wants because they can't bash in wolf form. Also, you can't zone with wolf form. Why have a utility spell that no one uses?

it's not so awesome, it blocks champion. and champ is better anyway. i dunno who was originally the best atk buffer but i guess we have lost. at this rate i'd rather see the atk dropped and give it a kickin' runspeed mod.

05-09-2007, 11:47 PM
Debuffs: We have too many. In that, if you're not a druid heavy guild, you have a hard/annoying time debuffing due to cast time. I'd like to see the whole range of debuffs with reduced cast times OR lines being merged together.

Hand of Ro - 3.5sec
Blistering Sunray - 3sec
Icefall Breath - 2.5sec (thus, unmodable with haste)
Hoar Frost/Sun's Corona - 2.5sec
Fixation of Ro - 2.5sec
Skin to Vines - 0.5sec

6 Debuffs, 6 spell gems (spell sets help but damn it's annoying) - nearly 30seconds devoted to just debuffing. 3 that last 10mins, 2 that last 3ish mins and 1 that lasts 1 minute.

HoR being the most poweful single debuff and BSR being a Dot as well, i could live with the cast times - But it seems silly to have IFB, HF/SC and FoR at 2.5. 1 or 1.5secs would be sufficient enough imo.

Lunar Light is underpowered, unless you're in the top % of people with high healing focus to 75. (i have 60% to 72 and still use MS with no noticeable improvement if using LL)

White Wolf needs a longer duration or shorter recast. Barring that, AA cost should be re-evaluated.

Bind Wound: Why on earth would we ever use these? Get rid of them.

3. I would also like to get a self only version of exodus.

Good idea. Though not an exodus - Maybe something more in line with the Wizards Nexus Gate AA.

Wrath of the Wild needs an upgrade. I cast this everytime it pops when killing things (whether raid/group/solo). Lasts long enuff to be castable in downtimes too, to maximise it's useability. (Since we lack any real active dps AA tool besides fragile AA boo-boo)

If looking for new AA - AA version of Direwood Guard. With the amount of spells we need (due to "designed" utility), i just never find the space for this spell anymore. Esp. when you factor in the amount of spells with recast timers now, it makes switching spells in and out even less viable than it was previously.
(Fernspur, grp heal, AS, SoR, NBW, Vinelash - even the recast on debuffs makes it hard, just to name a few)

05-11-2007, 11:14 PM
Nature's Blazing Wrath has potential, but the DD portion of the spel can not crit - the dot part of the spell can crit. Would like to see the DD portion have a chance to crit.

An upgrade to Dawnstrike is also in order.

05-12-2007, 01:51 AM
Nature's Blazing Wrath has potential, but the DD portion of the spel can not crit - the dot part of the spell can crit. Would like to see the DD portion have a chance to crit.

The major downside I see to this is if he does that, he's stated he'll be lowering the DoT side since he had a max damage value of the spell in mind ;/

05-12-2007, 12:17 PM
As far as an incoming heal goes...I think that reptile is pretty much the avenue for us there. Rather than give us a true HOT (which would be nice but they dont seem to want to do it) an upgrade to reptile would be good to see.

Our healing now seems to be close to where it needs to be tho. An up to reptile and getting the group heal a little more usable would be good. But in healing we are close to where we should be at.

In the dps area tho we still are no where near wher we should be. At one time our spells damage wasnt far off from other casters, we were at least in the same ballpark. Behind, but we were in there.
We just keep slipping farther and farther down on the dps scale tho. We dont even play in the same league anymore.

Not that I expect to be a top DPS person on any fight, but it would be nice not to be down there with/ below the tank.

Sliggoth, druid/ tradeskiller of 7th Hammer

05-12-2007, 01:45 PM
With another level increase, our epic will again lose power when focusing the new era spells, again being the only class who's epic clicks lose power.

They need to remove the hard cap. I don't want to see SoF launch and have us deal with a gimped click for six months like they did with TSS.

05-12-2007, 05:51 PM
An upgrade to Reptile would rock my world.

05-13-2007, 08:20 AM
it's not so awesome, it blocks champion. and champ is better anyway. i dunno who was originally the best atk buffer but i guess we have lost. at this rate i'd rather see the atk dropped and give it a kickin' runspeed mod.
Champion is not so awesome when there is no shaman in the group to keep it up. Right now a melee has to decide whether to lose special abilities if they want the Druid bonus to attack.

05-13-2007, 08:24 AM
We can probably remove the bit about crits on percentage heals. That spell line seems to have been abandoned, and I suspect most people that still use those spells don't even have the healing crit AAs yet.
This would allow Druids to step up in CH chains and actually get a CH once in a while. It's the spell I use in the CH rotation. I don't know if I would use it as a regular heal, because right now, it's not worth using. That might change if it crit.

05-13-2007, 08:27 AM
With another level increase, our epic will again lose power when focusing the new era spells, again being the only class who's epic clicks lose power.

They need to remove the hard cap. I don't want to see SoF launch and have us deal with a gimped click for six months like they did with TSS.

An upgrade to Reptile would rock my world.
Yeah, what they said.

05-13-2007, 08:38 AM
You know what would be nice. Put a Mask level amount of mana regen in Wolf Form. Some Druids would use it instead of Mask.

A version of Feral Pack, (indoor castable) with a Mask Level amount of mana regen and Casters would be asking us to change them into wolves too.

05-14-2007, 10:15 AM
You know what would be nice. Put a Mask level amount of mana regen in Wolf Form. Some Druids would use it instead of Mask.

A version of Feral Pack, (indoor castable) with a Mask Level amount of mana regen and Casters would be asking us to change them into wolves too.


05-16-2007, 05:44 AM
Since comming back to the game I feel that druids are falling behind other classes in a few areas that we used to be really good at. DPS classes have been given more dps, shaman have been improved in terms of healing/buffing and we havent really kept up on either front. As some prefer the healing side of the class and the others the dps we end up working against ourselves, improvements on the dps side means none on the healing side and viseversa. The only thing as a community we have all wanted was the heal/dps stance, which fits in very nicely with the split role of a druid. It would be a fairly major change to the class and I doubt the development time and cost was seen to be worthwhile. If I could pick only 1 improvement for the class it would be stances.

Generally I feel that our DPS is about right now, its not as good as it used to be, but DPS only classes should be able to do more dps (ie mages). However we havent really gained anything on the heal/buff front to make up for out drop down the dps ranks. It tends to be as a healer I'm asked to group so that is probably where it would be best to ask for upgrades.


As would be expected were behind clerics, but were quite far behind shaman as well. Our place in raids is usually heal, the same in most groups, for us to be 3rd best at it hurts the class. Aggro is a bit of a pain, but thats part of the class, we don't have it easy when it comes to healing or anything to rely on like divine arb if we stop paying attention and a minute or two. I like the challenge and wouldnt want it too easy.

We do still stink at group healing under heavy AE damage despite having a group heal. I find myself just hoping that it crits on everyone and still have to single target heal a few. The shamen group HoT heals for ~3k hps (1479mana), druid is 1700 (1182 mana). The druid spell being an instant heal dosnt really offer that much of a benefit as its a 18 second recast, so its not like we can spam heal it if we take a couple of AEs close together. Clerics group heal is currently 3400hp (1357 mana) 2.5 recast and also cures dr/pr/curse counters. Following the usual pattern for single heals ours would be around 2700 for similar mana cost, just because group heals have always been cleric/paladin only dosnt mean that when we got one it should be insufficient (I'm sure its much better for those with 65% heal focus than me at present).


Buffs are a bit of a weak point now, most classes have self mana regens and if the group has no symbol available, people prefer to get tenacity. If anyone in the group dies its not just the inconvenience of no xp res, but 1200 hps less to work with.

Skin + Symbol for raids is still the preferred setup, but we need something else for groups when theres no symbol available. Shamen should be better than us in this category in terms of stat/ac/atk/proc buffs, but I think our hp side needs a bit of attention.

Reptile skin, quite often I see Paladins (who are the best tank for us to heal) prefering their self buffs (WoT) which procs a 300hp heal and buffs ac/atk and blocks reptile skin. Its still a very useful spell, but maybe just that its 5 levels behind now makes it less wanted.

Solo XP

Our solo ability for xp is still pretty good, wizards and necros can kill much faster now compared to druids a couple of expansions ago thanks to their increased dps, but any change there would unbalance their group/raid performance. Monks too, but that is more equipment dependant.

Solo (Cool Stuf)

A lot of classes can now solo things I couldnt touch. Shaman, Bards, Monks, Paladin, SK, enchanters (risky charm stuff) can all kill things we couldnt attempt. Not really a huge class flaw, but our "flexability" supposedly made us good at this kind of thing.


I think our dps is about where it should be, fixing NBW so that it either crits like a DD or dosnt break root like DoT would be nice (assuming thats still the case). CR still comes in a poor 2nd place to FR, I try to use cold rain spells when possible, but its often not possible. Winters Flame is a nice line, apart from TSS where AG resists the fr and FC the cr making it no use for the expansion it was released in. I've honestly never cast the mr dd/stun line apart from qvic zoo stuff that was almost immune to cr/fr. I certainly dont have space to keep it memmed in a group to catch that mob which may gate when we happen to be outdoors, its a pretty worthless spell line to me.

05-16-2007, 11:30 AM
Gale of the Stormborn is castable indoors, it can stun mobs upto level 75.

05-16-2007, 05:25 PM
How about upping the droprate/location list for NBW rkII?

06-01-2007, 07:44 AM
More spell gems please or indeed a special new bar for the "one shot wonder" novelty spells of the game. Or make it for long term beneficial spells for priests and something else for others. That way could keep up DW, Reptile, Direwood Guard etc up and save yourself 3 spell gems. It seems every fight I am memming a certain set memming debuffs over top and then after debuff ninja switching. I have said before and someone else mentioned it here too though that Direwood Guard is a perfect candidate for an AA ability.

Loot all button please.

06-01-2007, 10:12 AM
More spell gems please or indeed a special new bar for the "one shot wonder" novelty spells of the game.

I definately have to agree with this, the way EQ handles spell casting is archaic. And since the devs refuse to give us any additional spell gems for whatever reason, this is a really good idea IMO.

Devs keep handing us these marginally effective spells in expansions that don't raise the level cap that we would use on occasion but not enough to make replacing a frequently used spell worthwhile.

I really think something should be done because the only significance of these spells as the system stands is that they make my spell book bigger.

06-01-2007, 10:44 AM
IMO things like Oaken guard and Fernspur need to be aas.

Or maybe they can implement somethign like a discipline system (note I said something like) where certain spells are not purchased with aas, but are still spells on hotbuttons but don't need to be memmed.

ake this a small number, and even make them still use mana, but we get more spell slots to put useful spells there, like nukes / dots / defuffs. ATM i don't even have de-buffs memmed due to to many other spells being memmed.

06-06-2007, 05:06 PM
The spell gem issue is the biggest issue for me. It hurts us more than almost any other class, if not all. We have such a wide variety of spells that we can't use because it takes too long to unmem one, mem the next, and wait for it's refresh time. Making guard and fernspur useable on hotbuttons would help a lot, but I would still prefer another spell slot.

I would love to see our debuffs added together a bit. Maybe hoar frost and icefall breath put together. Hand of Ro, skin to vines, and sun's corona (or maybe just some extra fire resist/ac/possible attack debuff so it will stack with the cold based one). Or maybe a single one following the idea of Winter's Flame. A single spell just to lower both cold and fire resist.

Even better, it would be nice to have an AA insta cast fire and/or cold resist debuff. I would so love to be able to hit that on incoming and then be able to land my spells. Atm if I get into mobs that resist a lot in grind groups, by the time I get hand of ro off and cast a nuke, the mob is usually dead. NBW will still get in most of the time, but is a waste because you miss out on the DoT portion.

Reptile skin upgrade would be so very awesome.

I would like to see more mana regen added to our hp buff or a good amount added to our mask. Otherwise it would be nice to get a spell, or AA, that would give us the ability to pull back some mana fast. Nature's Harvest or something. I think we are the only caster class without that. There is canni, harvest, gather mana, mage sticks, etc etc.

An ice dot line would be great. I'm thinking something along the lines of sunscorch/vengeance line, or possibly a cold version of our immolation line.

Zephyr's to our old port spells would be great, especially for us extremely slow zoners. A zephyr to bind would be very nice at least.

An upgrade to glamour of tunare, MR debuff for animals, would be nice for the charmer druids.

I love Winter's Flame a lot. An upgrade there would be nice.

06-06-2007, 05:11 PM
On the bright side, even if our wants are not met, it seems most of us agree what those wants are. Outside of Boo Boo upgrades, that is.

06-14-2007, 02:24 AM
Something diff for this new expansion that is not spell/AA/druid related but. Can we get either a) more inventory slots b) bigger bags? If you were to look at both of those options I think that the bag would be preferable as if it was easier to get this would help expand both your bank and your inventory. Therefore by following this logic it wouldn't be the one that would be implemented if any were to be put into place. They've added more to bank but it's not enough, not for me at least. Carry a full clicky collection and have room for insta clicks on base inv and loot? C'est impossible!

06-14-2007, 02:44 AM
i would have to agree with the more spell slots, or turning some of our spells into aas. My normal spells to have memmed are:

Adrenaline Surge Rk. III
Lunarlight Rk. II
Pure Life Rk. III
Ancient Chlorobon
Blessing of the Direwild Rk. III
Reptile Skin
Direwood Guard Rk. II
Second Life Rk. II
Aura of Life

I usually have to constantly switch out to bring up nukes, debuffs, and other buffs. I like to keep reptile skin, direwood guard, second life, and my heals up at all times. So that really limits the spells i have to switch out. More gem slots, or turning certain spells into aas, would really help, no doubt.

06-14-2007, 03:04 AM
Just 2nd life before every fight when you redo your clickies and you'll save yourself a spell gem. Same with aura of life. Do it often enough and it will just become routine.

06-14-2007, 03:11 AM
Just 2nd life before every fight when you redo your clickies and you'll save yourself a spell gem. Same with aura of life. Do it often enough and it will just become routine.

I usually have second life on me at all times, but i usually keep it up because of dispells n stuff. As for Aura of Life, its just a habit to keep it up...but it seems to hate me because it will wear off like every 10mins. Its just too much of a pain to constantly switch out spells. There are too many spells druids need to use in and out of raids that our spell gems dont allow us to mem.

06-14-2007, 03:15 AM
where do you fit in cures if needed and debuffs?? just curious. Always intrigued by others spell sets.

06-14-2007, 03:21 AM
During Lethar 2.0, i have the following set:
Cure Corruption
Second Life
Aura of Life

During Stitch's Ambush/Sitch:
Chant of the Napaea
Second Life
Aura of Life

During gargoyle event in FC2:
Chant of the Napaea
Second Life
Aura of Life

During sisters in solteris:
Annihilate the Unnatural
Second Life
Aura of Life

Those are basically my spell sets during certain raids. All others i use my normal spell set. As for debuffs, i usually dont use them as we have 9 active druids in the guild, so those are always taken care of already. But if i do have to debuff, it looks like this:
Blistering Sunray
Hoar Frost
Icefall Breath
Hand of Ro
Fixation of Ro (as Hoar Frost does not stack with Sun's Corona)

06-14-2007, 04:22 AM
thanks :)

p.s. sorry for thread derailment!

06-14-2007, 04:43 AM
Something diff for this new expansion that is not spell/AA/druid related but. Can we get either a) more inventory slots b) bigger bags? If you were to look at both of those options I think that the bag would be preferable as if it was easier to get this would help expand both your bank and your inventory. Therefore by following this logic it wouldn't be the one that would be implemented if any were to be put into place. They've added more to bank but it's not enough, not for me at least. Carry a full clicky collection and have room for insta clicks on base inv and loot? C'est impossible!

Dev answer:


The only slots they are willing to add is bankspace.

06-14-2007, 05:30 AM
never say never!

06-14-2007, 06:12 AM
I personally wouldnt mind more bank space, mine fills up too fast...than again, maybe i should think about cleaning it out once in awhile...

06-14-2007, 03:55 PM
never say never!

I didn't, they did.

Apparently adding more or larger bags results in a overhaul of the container system, and they don't want to devote the time to it and are afraid of breaking it.


06-15-2007, 08:32 PM
i would have to agree with the more spell slots, or turning some of our spells into aas. My normal spells to have memmed are:

Adrenaline Surge Rk. III
Lunarlight Rk. II
Pure Life Rk. III
Ancient Chlorobon
Blessing of the Direwild Rk. III
Reptile Skin
Direwood Guard Rk. II
Second Life Rk. II
Aura of Life

I usually have to constantly switch out to bring up nukes, debuffs, and other buffs. I like to keep reptile skin, direwood guard, second life, and my heals up at all times. So that really limits the spells i have to switch out. More gem slots, or turning certain spells into aas, would really help, no doubt.

You are doing yourself a huge disfavour by having LL memed instead of Moonshadow, especially so when it seems that you have no beneficial mana preservation focus on you in your magelo, and it makes no sense to have both ACB and PL memmed at the same time. There's no need to keep group DW memmed at all times, I keep single target memmed whilst clearing trash and memmed Fixation over it when we get to boss mobs. There's no need to keep Second Life memmed at all times considering the duration, and why you would bother keeping Aura of Life memmed is mind-boggling.

06-16-2007, 02:55 AM
im plannin on gettin my mana pres real soon, possibly sunday, LL is a bit bigger heal and not much more mana for me. I have about 16.8km on raids normally, so mana isnt really an issue for me. I have enough to last 20min+ fights and i know how to ration my mana so it does last. Every bit of extra healing power helps in AGN. As for having PL and AC memmed, it will only be PL when i get the mana pres, but right now i use PL when the tank isnt getting hit much, and AC when i have to heal for 20mins straight. I do not use my single cast DW anymore since it is rank 2 and i have my group direwild rank 3. Which i keep it memmed at all times because of rebuffing during raids. Second Life stays memmed because of debuffs and the fact i have that extra spell slot on raids since i am not on debuff duty with our 8-9 druids on every night. Aura of Life drops alot on me, and i use it for the extra regen to help with dots on raids. I debuff sometimes, but not very often, but when i do, i take out reptile skin, direwood guard, second life and aura of life and put my debuffs up.

06-17-2007, 11:21 PM
I'm with Raj. Drop the PL till you get a better mana pres and just keep one memmed. With no mana pres I'd def use Moonshadow. Just a question of if you want to ration and skimp or use it and get the most out of it. Same with DW. I'll always buff rk III if we not in combat or just trash clearing. Someone dies midcombat though there will be no stacking issues and rk II is fine and dandy and a hell of a lot more efficent and ultimately 39 more hit points is not going to make or break the event.

Second life = a refresh before event buff since it lasts like 50 mins. Aura of Life if you throw it up before LetharV2 it'll still be there at end.

06-18-2007, 03:53 AM
As i have said, LL is not a mana issue for me, the heals from that will crit for 6k for me, and MS will crit for like...what? 4kish? PL will crit for 13k+, AC crits for 10kish. I will always use the bigger heal during trash clear, and the smaller heal when i have to heal for long periods of time. There are times when i am extremely glad i have each and every one of those heals up. I prefer direwild rk 3 > rk 2, and so does everyone else in the raid. As I have said, mana is not an issue for me with my spells, so i am fine and dandy using PL, LL and rk 3 DW. I can handle my mana, i can ration it to last as long as i want/need it to.