View Full Forums : THE 14TH EXPANSION: Secrets of Faydwer is Here!

05-11-2007, 03:45 AM
We are pleased to announce EverQuest® Secrets of Faydwer™, the 14th expansion for the EverQuest. This expansion will be released in November.
'Rediscover Faydwer as you strive to thwart the plans of the evil gnomish necromancer, Meldrath the Malignant.
eldrath takes his fortress Mechanotus to the skies on a mission of destruction exposing a network of mineshafts
and tunnels that lead across the Steamfont Mountains to the unexplored lands of Faydwer.

Prepare for adventures with new friends and foes as you do batlle against angry clockwork machines and come face to face with the great dragon, Kerafyrm, who plots to end the world.


Heroic items: Push yourself beyond your limits with Heroic Items that take your abilities beyond their maximum potential.

Level cap increase to level 80 (oh Yea!)

New Zones, Non Player Characters, and Interactive Objects.

New Alternate Advancement Abilities, Spells and Items.

You can check it out at


On a side note I think this is going to be a biggy.. they are releasing this info 7 months before its release...

05-22-2007, 05:44 PM
I am not a fan of the level cap increase, which I think goes for most everyone in a demiplane or PoR level guild :/

Yipee for raiding to get focus effects that extend fully to level 72 spells, when your character is level 80.

I hope they modify the way focus effects degrade, to compensate for the fact that level cap increases are now coming twice as often.

06-03-2007, 08:05 PM
Interesting to see how far this game has come.

06-05-2007, 03:42 PM
What's the matter with a level cap increase?

They will probably make it "too" easy to get 5 more levels, anyway, like they did with 70-75. I had my enchanter 1 yellow into 75 recently. I was piling up AA's so fast on her that I didn't really know what to spend them on and I kept hitting the 30 saved cap. So I switched to regular experience while I did some orux pharming missions. Within a couple of days, playing very intermittently whenever I have a spare hour, she's now capped out at max 75.

I find new levels to be fun: new spells, new aa abilities, new capacities to tackle old content with smaller forces, etc.

06-16-2007, 09:24 AM
I am not a fan of the level cap increase, which I think goes for most everyone in a demiplane or PoR level guild :/

Yipee for raiding to get focus effects that extend fully to level 72 spells, when your character is level 80.

I hope they modify the way focus effects degrade, to compensate for the fact that level cap increases are now coming twice as often.

06-16-2007, 08:35 PM
What's the matter with a level cap increase?
I think it will be cool to solo Anguish. :cool:

06-17-2007, 09:39 PM
Lol, very.

06-19-2007, 12:06 AM
I am glad for the level cap increase. Gives me something to do with my druid bein lvl 75 and max aas. Kerafyrm supposed to be the endgame boss or anything?