View Full Forums : Charming in TSS

05-29-2007, 11:33 AM
Hey All -

I had heard that charming in TSS was decent EXP so I thought to give it a try. I really havent charmed much at all since way back when.....before DC even.

Anyway, I headed over to Icefall where I typically root/rot bears or mamoths. I throw my new lvl 71 Rk II charm on a mammoth, along with snare and Glamour of Tunare and savage spirit. Then pull another mammoth and let them have at it - just to see what happens.

well, my pet gets the snot beat out of it - even with me throwing some DOTs on the enemy mammoth.

The charm seems to last for a good bit, but I just cant keep my pet alive to make the whole thing worthwhile.

What am I doing wrong? Or is charming just broken.....


71 Druid (Ghosts of Kithicor)
isty Thicketer

05-29-2007, 02:04 PM
Kite the mammoth, don't have the pet tank it. Have the pet be like a rogue.

05-29-2007, 02:35 PM
Better yet, break charm just before your pet dies, then nuke your former pet.

05-29-2007, 06:14 PM
Like Palarran said, the way to think about charming these days is not like it was in the PoP era.

Your pet is no longer uber tankage/dps, your pet is now bait. Instead of harnessing the pet DPS, you harness the DPS of the mobs the pet is fighting.

y favoured technique is to charm one pet, snare another (target 1), sic it on the pet. Then go snare & GoT another mammoth (target 2) - get that hitting your pet also. Two mammoths beating on your pet will have it dead very quickly. Break charm when you're pet's as low as possible but still alive, then charm target 2 (full health), have it kill your pet and then take on target 1. While targets 1&2 are fighting, go get yourself a new reserve-pet, which helps kill your current pet that much faster....

Doing this duo with a shammy is fun - malo helps make charm last as long as you need it to, and hasting & panthering mammoths speeds it up even further :)

05-30-2007, 09:56 AM
Hey thanks for the suggestions.

I tried this again this morning and it really works well in Icefall. I can kill almost twice as many mobs during one LOTD session and that means great experience - killing yellows and whites.

Just goes to show that you never played long enough where you can't learn something new.


Golthine Gettinwood
05-30-2007, 06:02 PM
Shouldn't there at least be a rant or something for this being in the Unkempt section?

05-30-2007, 09:02 PM
Shouldn't there at least be a rant or something for this being in the Unkempt section?

gd SOE nerfing the only gd thing chanters could do to solo... like getting owned by a hasted pet after a charm break wasn't risk enough to compensate.

how's that?

Golthine Gettinwood
05-30-2007, 10:05 PM
Much better thanks!

06-09-2007, 10:28 AM
Giving Gear & Weapons to your pet can boost it's DPS significantly.

(A 30%+ haste item and two weapons can roughly double the DPS of a spell-hasted charmed pet, assuming the pet can equip weapons. Some animals can equip weapons -- experiment.)

06-14-2007, 03:00 AM
i did some charm soloing in Direwind. I charmed one of the Tamed Griffons near Griffon Tamer Zhubis. Gave the bird snare, direwild rk 2, mammoths str. rk 3, savage spirit, and let the bird have at the black oaks down below. The bird seemed to beat the crap outta the black oaks...but once charm wears off, you better run. The bird was hitting for over 1k with charm + mammoths, which means the bird will hit for over 2k with mammoths and no charm. Hits super fast, plus keep the bird full health. i found this out the hard way after my bird killed a black oak, than turned around and killed me in like 2 seconds lol. was a fun experience though

06-19-2007, 11:34 AM
kinda retired now .. it's a few months i dont play so i might be tallking crap ..
but when i was charming summoning/rooting mobs i was making very VERY sure to have instaevac up ..

One thing i feel would solve lots of issues and would make charming summoning mobs more viable, although keeping it really dangerous: charm break :axe: should recourse a 20 seconds stop to summons :robot: imo.

As it is, charm break+summon+buffs+haste - instaevac = sure death in a couple seconds (unless u have uber gear), a bit too nasty imo. You should at least have the time to attempt 1, one only, desperate recharm.

04-24-2008, 08:08 AM
Break charm with invis ... thats a new part of this trick I recently discoverd. Old hat to you old school charmers maybe but it was news to me. Go to loping planes snare either gator or worg, cast glamor of tunare on it, ditto on the next one .. root one, sic your pet on the rooted one .. or if you want to do it the other way around root pet and kite mob into rooted pet... when either gets to about 20 percent (its going to be your pet probably) cast instanct clicky invis to break charm... kill the low one... charm another one at full strength and sic it in on the one damaged from the first fight. I'm gimp on mana but can easily manage 3 that way. I've seen druids swarm kill the whole beach but I cant do that. This method as described above works tho, just slower than a swarm kill.

04-24-2008, 06:17 PM
Here is my lazy druid method:

snare, glamor, root, charm and haste. Then camo.

get another, snare, glamor, charm. Then send after 1st one. The 1st one will eat pet up fast, so camo around 10% and you can kill it easy.

Then get another pet and repeat. The hasted 1st one will last through many pets. If you get good at it you can be pulling next gator for next pet while the current pet is quickly die'n. I usually get a second ready and root it when it attacks my pet. Then it's easy to charm it after you break charm and you can have it kill your last pet if it was rooted.

05-06-2008, 03:13 PM

I just snare six at a time. Glamour charm one, invis when pet is at low health and charm a full health one. Rinse/repeat until all 6 are low health then I go pull another full health one for a new pet slam a DS on it and let it kill the 6 nearly dead ones while I go pull 6 more. Can clear the entire gator camp in about 5-8 minutes then head over to worgs and do the same thing. Biggest issue I have is too many people are camping these 2 camps these days cause I'm not the only one with this little system. DOH and I just told all of you.

05-08-2008, 08:25 AM

I just snare six at a time. Glamour charm one, invis when pet is at low health and charm a full health one. Rinse/repeat until all 6 are low health then I go pull another full health one for a new pet slam a DS on it and let it kill the 6 nearly dead ones while I go pull 6 more. Can clear the entire gator camp in about 5-8 minutes then head over to worgs and do the same thing. Biggest issue I have is too many people are camping these 2 camps these days cause I'm not the only one with this little system. DOH and I just told all of you.
Sounds like Nightstalkers in PoN :grin:

09-27-2008, 01:18 PM
Aye - Charming is absolutely useless in the sense you want the pet ...

They really should rename the spell to "Victimize Animal" since the pet is really the ultimate target.

I can hardly wait for SOE to nerf this so I can quit the game entirely.