View Full Forums : Legend of Marr on The Rathe server

06-03-2007, 04:33 PM
Legend of Marr is currently recruiting skilled druids who love working as a team to accomplish the same goal. We are the #2 English speaking guild on The Rathe. We offer the best of both worlds, by providing casual hours while raiding high end game content. Our raid times are Sunday through Thursday, starting at 7:30 cst and ending around 10:30 cst.

Our Progression:
We are currently farming Anguish, Demiplane, Rage, have beaten Deathknell, and are breaking into TSS.

Druid Requirements:
Level 75, 250 aa's
Dreadspire keyed
ust have the spells: Remove Greater Curse and Pureblood

For more information, please visit our website at

If you have any questions, feel free to contact anyone from the names listed below:

IC Officers:

We look forward to hearing from you!

07-10-2007, 12:25 AM
Update time!! Legend of Marr just beat Vergalid tonight :beerchug:
So we are now entering into Ashengate! Come be part of a high-end raiding guild that is progressing strong, has fun doing it, and make great friends along the way!