View Full Forums : Does SoE need a window designer?

07-13-2007, 05:49 PM
I'm avail for the job.

I mean honestly, if you are going to redesign the AA window tabs, how could you not at least put the trade skill AA's in their own tab?

And I'm lost now on the crit DoT AA's since I thought for sure I had them all but now it shows I'm missing some. And why some AA's got combined and some not is beyond me.

07-13-2007, 06:04 PM
Worst. Item. Window. Ever.

07-13-2007, 07:12 PM
aye the item window is terrible. i've been /feedbacking it every day hoping they change it back or something. maybe if enough of us feedback they'll get the hint. :P

Volk Grovekeeper

07-13-2007, 08:05 PM
I thought the AA window was very well done.

Some AAs could not be combined because different classes get different levels of the AAs. (I think the bandaging AAs fall into this category, for example: everyone gets some levels of them, but certain classes get additional levels.)

But yes, I agree that the item window was a huge step backward in usability, even with the positive enhancements. The developers have already stated that they're reworking it again.

07-13-2007, 08:05 PM
I personally do not like the new loot window either.

07-14-2007, 07:10 PM
Bah, just typed out a long post and it did not submit.....

I Hate the new item window too. It is awfull....!

Take the old one, add a button to display item without attached aug stats and thats all you need.

07-15-2007, 11:36 AM
What I dislike about the new item window is that I can't see the significant stats of an item "at a glance." But I think this is partially just being very very accustomed to the old format. My eyes just naturally wandered to the spots with the key info I wanted. This will happen with the new item window but it will take weeks of seeing it before the process becomes automatic.

I DO find, though, that I keep wanting to resize the item window to make it more intuitively readable. Maybe that's part of the same adjustment process but it's damn annoying.

The real question is WHY did they change it? Was ANYBODY complaining about it? Why fix somethin' that ain't broke and nobody is complaining about?

I DO like the new AA format, especially consolidating like-kind AA's. I play several toons and I'm not as familiar with the aa's of my alts as players are who are dedicated to those classes. This makes it a lot easier for me to spend down my aa's when my grouped toons start approaching the 30 max saved. ;)

07-23-2007, 04:22 PM
Bah, just typed out a long post and it did not submit.....

It'd be read by maybe one or two people tops anyway; you're better off.

07-25-2007, 02:22 PM
The real question is WHY did they change it? Was ANYBODY complaining about it? Why fix somethin' that ain't broke and nobody is complaining about?
According to what I have heard, the reason they changed it was that the next expansion will have some extra stuff on the items that they needed to make a new window to show them.

That said, they did a very poor job on it.