View Full Forums : Phantom Raiders ~ Bertoxxulous

07-16-2007, 12:31 PM
Phantom Raiders is looking for dedicated players who can attends raids from 3pm (est) to 7pm (est) at least 5 days a week. We do not require you to have any flags, but you must be willing to work to catch up to the guild's progress. Most of all we need skilled, mature players looking to have fun (and die) in some of the most challenging zones in EQ.

Our current focus is FC and AG.

Prerequisites for recruitment:
a) You must be level 75.
b) You must have all expansions.
c) You must have a connection and computer that can support 54 person raids.
d) You must have at least 300 AAs AND the basic AA's critical for your class;
e) A working "Magelo" profile.

We are actively seeking ALL CLASSES.

Please feel free to send and in game email or tell if you have any questions at all.

PR Recruitment Officer ~