View Full Forums : SoF First Draft Spell List

08-15-2007, 09:41 AM
Was in yesterdays Spdat file, as seen here:

This list is Alpha and not covered by the NDA. Spells can and will change drastically during beta.


Level 76:
Spur Upgrade
Stun Upgrade
Rain Upgrade
ammoth Upgrade
Charm Upgrade
Sunray Upgrade

Level 77:

Direwild upgrade
Icefall Breath Upgrade
Vinelash Upgrade
Pure Life Upgrade
Single DS upgrade

Level 78:

ATU Upgrade
Resist Corruption Upgrade
Skin to Vines upgrade
Swarm of Fireants upgrade
Coat upgrade
Winter's Flame upgrade

Level 79:
Group Corruption Cure Upgrade
Direwood Guard upgrade
EB Upgrade
Hoar Frost Upgrade
PBAE Upgrade
Sunscorch Upgrade

Level 80:
Adren Surge Upgrade
Blessing of the Direwild upgrade
Group DS upgrade
Group heal upgrade
NBW Upgrade
Rime Crystals Upgrade
Outdoor See Invis (not sure if they are putting in the new invis system)
Second Life upgrade
Skin of the Reptile Upgrade

Also, level 80 has a new spell which is currently named Killshot DD

Rank II atm deals 3139 Damage for 645 mana and has a 100% chance to proc the following effect on the correct NPCs:

Increase Critical Hit Chance by 40% and Increase Critical Hit Damage by 10% for Direct Damage Spells - Duration 24 seconds

Some of these spells will never make it live, and other spells not here may take their place. This should at least give us a rough idea of what to expect however.


08-15-2007, 10:11 AM
Looking through some of the spells, it appears Skin of the Reptile will increase to 900, but be capped at 10 procs, if I am reading this correctly.

Outdoor See Invis seems to be similar to our Mask, the spell doesn't look finished tho


08-15-2007, 11:34 AM
The new nuke sounds pretty cool, explicit/implicit dps combo.

The rest of the stuff looks rather vanilla, though, and surprised they're considering upgrading all thsoe spell lines.

08-15-2007, 11:36 AM
I don't think they are, I think it was a copy/paste with some new stuff added. I am pretty sure some of it will be trimmed off.

08-15-2007, 01:36 PM
I hope it all changes monumentally. Looking at that list, I see nothing but the usual routine upgrades to all our existing spells, with nothing new or interesting in any way. I'm sure we'll get one or two spells for flair, but the rest will surely be crap crap crap. Very exciting design there. Yawn.

08-15-2007, 01:38 PM
oh my god.. 34 spells listed.. and 33 of them are just the exact same spells we already have, with a mere boost..

Am I the only one who treasures NEW spells? not upgraded spells, NEW spells.. this is very depressing. If this is remotely close to a comprehensive list, I could get the same effect by deleveling back to 70 and pretending i'm exploring TSS/TBS all over again.

I don't want spell "lines", I want constant creativity. I'm not sure who mentioned it, or what game they were referring to.. but I'm drastically starting to favor having all our clone spells rolled up into one a combined spell that evolves in power as we level up; all our skin spells combined into one scroll that grants more HP depending on the level of the caster; one heal that heals for more as we level up; one root; one DS; etc

Once all the copycat spells have been eliminated, then concentrate on making the creative variants: the Annihilation of the unnatural, the adrenaline surge, the Barkspur, the vinelash cascade, the reptile; the DDheadshot; the Skin to vines.

I feel the same way about AA's. I could die a happy druid if i never saw another copycat "upgrade" critical DoT AA, nature's boon, Convergence of spirits, spirit of the wood, expansive mind, fury of magic, healing adept/gift, delay death... etc. Lets these abilities grow as our character grows instead of wasting valuable development time rehashing the same old stuff, even if the "copy/paste and multiply by 125%" method only takes 2 minutes.

We've all experienced what it's like to get these spells and AA's for the first time. THAT is where the fun is, not watching the same old stuff grow by a fraction of an inch each expansion.

creativity, creativity, creativity, creativity, creativity

08-15-2007, 02:23 PM
I spent an hour or so going through some of the other classes.

ost of them have lists similar to our own. Enchanter seem to be getting quite a bit of changes, so it is totally possible that Prathun has simply not started on the other lists yet.

I really don't expect all those to go live, nor do I think any Druid who makes beta will be happy with that list as it stands now.


08-15-2007, 02:52 PM
Just for parsing checks, if the new reptile works how I read your post, it could potentially heal for up to 18k (900 x 2 = 1800 x 10 = 18k) max?

I wonder, if the old reptile wouldn't be better with some of the benificial extension items available, at least in terms of healing potential? I guess I'd have to see the new spell, but I think I'll be moving mid-beta.

08-15-2007, 02:56 PM
The issue with Reptile and WoT was they scaled upto 120 swings. At lets say 7 swings per minute, per mob you could make yourself nearly unkillable provided enough mobs which hit <600 were swinging at you.

I think, this is a way to avoid a repeat situation. If that's the case, it would not surpirse me to see the same lines of code applied to Reptile and WoT.

I'm not sure how I feel about this, as it gives the buff a max heal value, but it does remove the broken effect of Paladins soloing things they shouldn't be able to due to having enough gray cons beating on them while tanking something large.

They've been discussing this since TSS so I think it's pretty likely whatever Reptile upgrade we have will be different then what we're used to in terms of maximum healing power.


08-15-2007, 03:11 PM
would have liked to have seen a cheal upgrade for us - hope it finds its way in

08-15-2007, 03:38 PM
would have liked to have seen a cheal upgrade for us - hope it finds its way in

A - won't happen.
B - shouldn't happen. CHeal's an awful crutch that's finally almost gone for clerics, gone for shammies, and virtually gone for druids.
C - Druid community might want to try for a doom timer heal like Promised Renewal to help with heal duties....I haven't seen any threads about it, but can't come up with too many arguments against it. I haven't started getting my druid up past 70 yet, so I'm unsure what 'real' healing is like in groups...also, don't have reptile :(.

08-15-2007, 03:40 PM
The NBW upgrade would be nifty, but will probably cost a bunch more mana. Reptile skin upgrade....yay. Hope the killshot dd makes it live. No group poi/dis cure? They need to make one.

08-15-2007, 03:40 PM
Personally, I am fairly against CH upgrades. KR was horrid in ratio without AAs and a 10 second cast in todays raids is about 8 seconds to long ;/

08-15-2007, 03:41 PM
Personally, I am fairly against CH upgrades. KR was horrid in ratio without AAs and a 10 second cast in todays raids is about 8 seconds to long ;/

I completely agree there.

08-15-2007, 03:41 PM
The NBW upgrade would be nifty, but will probably cost a bunch more mana. Reptile skin upgrade....yay. Hope the killshot dd makes it live. No group poi/dis cure? They need to make one.
This list has had no beta testing at all and is going to change during beta.

08-15-2007, 03:43 PM
This list has had no beta testing at all and is going to change during beta.

Well...I hope the changing goes in a good direction and not take out spells everyone wants and add some gay thing that won't be used lol.

08-15-2007, 04:15 PM
The change appears to simply remove mob swing rate as a factor in determining the length of a Reptile-type buff. A proc count limit is better than a swing limit against fast-hitting mobs. Perhaps we can expect to see a lot of fast-hitting mobs in SoF, in which case our damage shields may finally become useful again?

As far as pulling additional gray cons to boost the proc rate, the real root of the problem seems to be the 2.25 sec recast time on Ward of Tunare and Decrepit Skin. With a recast time of 30 seconds on Reptile it's not really possible to benefit from this much; if you pull too many gray con mobs, you'll eat through the 120 swing limit before you can refresh Reptile.

Here are some examples to illustrate the difference between Old Reptile and Beta Reptile (as I understand it). Assume a duration of 90 seconds from SCR3+SCRM with no buff extension focus, and a proc rate of 10 procs per minute per mob.

0.5 swings/sec
Old Reptile: ~15 procs over 90 seconds
Beta Reptile: 10 procs over ~60 seconds

1 swing/sec
Old Reptile: ~15 procs over 90 seconds
Beta Reptile: 10 procs over ~60 seconds

2 swings/sec
Old Reptile: ~10 procs over 60 seconds
Beta Reptile: 10 procs over ~60 seconds

10 swings/sec
Old Reptile: ~2 procs over 12 seconds
Beta Reptile: 10 procs over ~60 seconds

0.5 swings/sec/mob (1 swing/sec total)
Old Reptile: ~30 procs over 90 seconds
Beta Reptile: 10 procs over ~30 seconds

1 swing/sec/mob (2 swings/sec total)
Old Reptile: ~20 procs over 60 seconds
Beta Reptile: 10 procs over ~30 seconds

2 swings/sec/mob (4 swings/sec total)
Old Reptile: ~10 procs over 30 seconds
Beta Reptile: 10 procs over ~30 seconds

10 swings/sec/mob (20 swings/sec total)
Old Reptile: ~2 procs over 6 seconds
Beta Reptile: 10 procs over ~30 seconds

0.5 swings/sec/mob (5 swings/sec total)
Old Reptile: ~40 procs over 24 seconds
Beta Reptile: 10 procs over ~6 seconds

1 swing/sec/mob (10 swings/sec total)
Old Reptile: ~20 procs over 12 seconds
Beta Reptile: 10 procs over ~6 seconds

2 swings/sec/mob (20 swings/sec total)
Old Reptile: ~10 procs over 6 seconds
Beta Reptile: 10 procs over ~6 seconds

10 swings/sec/mob (100 swings/sec total)
Old Reptile: ~2 procs over 1.2 seconds
Beta Reptile: 10 procs over ~6 seconds

08-16-2007, 03:52 AM
Also, level 80 has a new spell which is currently named Killshot DD

Rank II atm deals 3139 Damage for 645 mana and has a 100% chance to proc the following effect on the correct NPCs:

Increase Critical Hit Chance by 40% and Increase Critical Hit Damage by 10% for Direct Damage Spells - Duration 24 seconds

Lol, I'm guessing it procs on the druid, not the NPC.. since they would be dead at the time.. if Killshot is an appropriate title.

08-16-2007, 05:14 AM
oh my god.. 34 spells listed.. and 33 of them are just the exact same spells we already have, with a mere boost..

part of the original snipped by me

We've all experienced what it's like to get these spells and AA's for the first time. THAT is where the fun is, not watching the same old stuff grow by a fraction of an inch each expansion.

creativity, creativity, creativity, creativity, creativity

Personally I would not mind seeing functional spells. We have seen quite a few highly useful spell lines for druids drop off the face of Norrath to make room for these 'creative' spells, no few of which turned out to be less than spectacular and abandoned after the first try.
A couple of traditional spells boosted to catch up with other, similar, class roles would be most welcome by now.

Historical druid specialties were:
- DPS through direct damage (fire), Area damage (cold), damage shield and over time (insects)
- Healing (backup healing really) through smallish direct heals and regen, also cures for poison and disease and lately corruption
- ATK debuff and resistance debuff (fire)
- Minor crowd control through snare and root.
- Transport through run speed and teleportation

Of these 5 strengths the last one has become almost completely meaningless. Everybody and his bard can run at least as fast as a druid and there are more ways to teleport around Norrath than there are rainclouds over the Karanas, so spells in this category should not even count against the arbitray limit that has been set for the number of spells in an expansion.

Snare and root have seen upgrades (though one that combines a quick cast root with a short duration debuff to make landing a long duration root easier would be most welcome as an upgrade).

The ATK debuff is the one spell line that make druids desirable in raids (or so people have claimed). It really needs to be kept up with the evolving content (and we may need a way to counter its aggro if the numbers keep being increased).

Heals are being improved on par with the other healing classes and lately many spell types the developers swore earlier that druids would never get have been added after all. Druids now can main heal almost all content, though at the cost of burning out far more quickly.

DPS, sadly, once one of the core abilities of druids, has fallen so far behind it does not even register anymore in the rear view mirror of DPS classes. Given that there are 4 different spell lines dedicated to this (plus a couple of experimental mixes that did not work out so well) it is rather sad to see this traditional aspect of druids so neglected.

There is room enough for improvement while sticking to the old spell lines I would say but, if you want experimental, I can think of two things that would greatly benefit druids that have not been done before.

- Quick memorisation. Something that reduces the time needed to load a different set of spells. Perhaps prepare a second set of spell gems that on swapping load all at the time of the slowest. Or simply allow druids to gain spells more quickly (though that would perhaps be a shade too powerful).
The reason for this is that druids, of all classes probably, have the widest range of roles during a fight and each requires its own set of spells. The strength of druids is that they can swap roles, and this change helps them become more flexible and thus more useful to a group. By making it a spell rather than an AA or inherent power, druids must sacrifice one spell gems for this flexibility constricting them (however slightly) in the number of spells they can select for each role. If they want to quick memorise two spell bars (assuming that is at all possible) they would lose two spell gems.

- Instant casting. A short duration (about 30 seconds or less I would say) buff that allows druids to cast spells at a tenth of the usual time after other quick cast effects are taken into account (though never quicker than say 0.75 seconds). Fizzle and recast also are significantly reduced. Downside to this spell would be that it slows mana regen significantly and blocks the out of combat regeneration for 10 times as long as normal (i.e. it takes 5 minutes to become active in normal zones). This spell itself is immune to its own effects and can not be cast more than once every at least 5 (but likely 10 or even 20) minutes.
This spell allows druids to go into overdrive for a short duration, either healing their group or burning down an enemy, but after that essentially takes the druid out of action for as long as it takes for the effect to wear off, which is five minutes in normal zones but can be as long as fifty in raid zones. Considering that this spell essentially would allow a druid to cast fifteen spells in a thirty second period the fizzle chance may have to be increased or other means must be devised to prevent druid groups from burning down raid monsters in seconds. At the very least a group debuff effect that prevents any other druid to use the same ability at the same time.


08-16-2007, 06:49 AM
Spellslot data for » Outdoor See Invis «

Slot 2: Increase Magnification by 20%
Slot 4: See Invisible(2)
Slot 5: Ultravision

Looks to be the mask line with no mana regen at the moment.

08-16-2007, 08:05 AM

Level 76:
Harmony (Keeper)
Spur Upgrade (could do without)
Stun Upgrade (why bother most mobs are emune to it)
Rain Upgrade (Keeper)
ammoth Upgrade (I could go either way with it)
Charm Upgrade (with fix timer or loose argo when it breaks please)
Sunray Upgrade (Keeper)

Level 77:

Direwild upgrade (Love to see the HP regen buff combined with it)
Icefall Breath Upgrade (Please combine the debuffs not the nukes)
Vinelash Upgrade (could do without)
Pure Life Upgrade (Must have)
Single DS upgrade (Only used if I charm)

Level 78:

ATU Upgrade (Don't load this spell)
Resist Corruption Upgrade (indifferent to this still)
Skin to Vines upgrade (never use it)
Swarm of Fireants upgrade (Can we make it swarm of Boo Boos.)
Coat upgrade (Keeper)
Winter's Flame upgrade (I can go either way on this one)

Level 79:
Group Corruption Cure Upgrade (Where are the other group cures)
Direwood Guard upgrade (Should have no cast time)
EB Upgrade (Love to hear the idea behind this one)
Hoar Frost Upgrade (Please combine the debuffs not the nukes)
PBAE Upgrade (Good for the Farmer in me)
Sunscorch Upgrade (Keeper)

Level 80:
Adren Surge Upgrade (Needs to be faster)
Blessing of the Direwild upgrade (Again tie in the HP regen with this)
Group DS upgrade (Make it land on my pets and drop the single)
Group heal upgrade (Keeper)
NBW Upgrade (Keeper)
Rime Crystals Upgrade (Keeper)
Outdoor See Invis (not sure if they are putting in the new invis system)
Second Life upgrade (Keeper)
Skin of the Reptile Upgrade (Preys they don't make it worthless)

08-16-2007, 09:07 AM
Lol, I'm guessing it procs on the druid, not the NPC.. since they would be dead at the time.. if Killshot is an appropriate title.

None of the spells have 'names'

08-16-2007, 09:10 AM
Everybody and his bard can run at least as fast as a druid and there are more ways to teleport around Norrath than there are rainclouds over the Karanas, so spells in this category should not even count against the arbitray limit that has been set for the number of spells in an expansion.

Teleport spells did not count against our limit in TSS or TBS. Additonally they are not limiting the number of spells per class in SoF.

08-16-2007, 09:56 AM
This new invis stuff the same kinda thing they had in TSS beta then took it out?

08-16-2007, 09:59 AM
Would not be surpirsed. That's what the See Invis (2) was.

08-16-2007, 10:07 AM
I liked shared camo... no change please. They should fiddle with something more useful rather than make one of our better aa useless.

08-16-2007, 10:08 AM
There was no assoicated invis spells in list in the first post. They already did the invis spells so I am not sure what the See Invis spell in the list could be aside from a new unfinished Mask.

08-16-2007, 10:10 AM
Good I deleted invis spells out of happiness when I bought shared camo. Never wanna mem one again.

08-16-2007, 10:30 AM
I've been giving this alot of thought since Kamion's thread on EQlive about a new Dawnstrike proc.

Here's what I'd like to see. Drop our normal Fire DD nuke upgrade completely and push for all new fire DDs to have the built in Dawnstrike Proc. Having both spells is redundant since they are both fire nukes with nearly identical damage values.

I think, but do not have parses of, our cold damage is a bit on the low side when compared to our fire damage. Our Fire lines include 2 DoTs, our DDs and NBW. Our Cold Side is DD and Rain. I would like to see a cold copy of NBW.

I'd like our debuffs to be more viable in a exp group. The only way for this to happen is to upgrade our Disjunction spell and giving it a decent resist check. We presently spend to long debuffing at the start of a fight. Infact, and it may be just me - I would be happy without upgrades to either cold or fire debuffs aside from making them new Disjunction~style spells.

With half an expansion full of clockworks, it may be a good point to push for an upgrade to ATU provided it continues to work on Constructs.

If we can get those things done in beta I think we may be in pretty good shape offensive wise.


08-16-2007, 11:02 AM
I also think that the developers may be fairly receptive to pushes for improvements to our offensive power. We got two unexpected boosts in recent months, with the addition of a completely new spell (Nature's Blazing Wrath) and the elimination of the cast time on Fernspur.

08-16-2007, 11:34 AM
They specifically stated at Fan Faire the ATU will work on the clockworks fyi.

08-16-2007, 11:37 AM
So whoever makes beta make sure to get the mobs flagged properly! =D

08-16-2007, 01:34 PM
Here's what I'd like to see. Drop our normal Fire DD nuke upgrade completely and push for all new fire DDs to have the built in Dawnstrike Proc. Having both spells is redundant since they are both fire nukes with nearly identical damage values.

I agree, I complained that our TSS nuke didn't have a proc.

The mage FR nuke line was essnetially fused with their Inferno line. Note they have the same cast time and no drop in base efficiency or damage. Dawnstrike was unique because it was like a separate line, it was less attractive in every aspect of a nuke before the proc. But given the power of our DDs, I see no reason why our FR DD can't have proc recourses added to them without having to sacrifice anything, as the case was with mages.

I agree mages could use a boost in DD dps more so than us, and that's fine, but no reason why the lines we been sharing forever can't remain similar.

Fickle Inferno Rk2--
Damage: 2979
% Dmg incrase: 35%
Cast Time: 6.35
ana cost: 602
DMG/M: 4.95

Star Strike--
Damage: 2201
Cast Time: 6.35
ana cost: 494
DMG/M: 4.46

08-16-2007, 04:24 PM

*starts sobbing*

08-16-2007, 05:56 PM
I think, but do not have parses of, our cold damage is a bit on the low side when compared to our fire damage. Our Fire lines include 2 DoTs, our DDs and NBW. Our Cold Side is DD and Rain. I would like to see a cold copy of NBW.

I'd like our debuffs to be more viable in a exp group. The only way for this to happen is to upgrade our Disjunction spell and giving it a decent resist check. We presently spend to long debuffing at the start of a fight. Infact, and it may be just me - I would be happy without upgrades to either cold or fire debuffs aside from making them new Disjunction~style spells.

I agree on both those points. I'd be happy for the core stats of our debuffs not to change (or go up very little) if only they'd bloody combine the lines. Also, our cold damage is shocking compared to our fire damage - This is especially noticeable on mobs or encounters where using rain isn't a viable dps option. A cold version of NBW OR a an ice-DoT line would be desireable, though i don't think we need both.

08-16-2007, 06:59 PM
None of the spells have 'names'

yah yah yah...

brief, characterization, chronicle, confession, declaration, definition, delineation, depiction, detail, explanation, explication, fingerprint, information, make, monograph, narration, narrative, picture, portraiture, portrayal, presentment, recital, recitation, record, recountal, rehearsal, report, representation, run down, sketch, specification, statement, story, summarization, summary, tale, version, vignette, write-up, yarn

whatever you are allowed to refer to the placeholder title as.

They DID (placeholder) name it Killshot because it obviously has *something* to do with killshotting. They didn't call it the happy carebear love spell

08-16-2007, 11:30 PM
They DID (placeholder) name it Killshot because it obviously has *something* to do with killshotting. They didn't call it the happy carebear love spell


What would a spell called "Happy Carebear Love" do? Regen? Heal? DI!!

08-16-2007, 11:47 PM
The names are not very indicative of what the spell will be once finished.

Shaman get a spell called heal on break, which is a small self vie and a hot.

I expect all new spells to go through many changes.

08-17-2007, 01:46 AM
heal on break sounds very much like a heal (or HoT) that fires when the mitigation buff fades, which is what the data shows.

08-17-2007, 02:15 AM
I'd suspect that "Killshot" nuke to fire it's recourse if you are the one responsible for the death of the MoB being cast on... In which case you'd hope it was fast casting :p

edit: Which i can see it is - 1sec cast time atm.. If nothing else a 3k nuke cast time 1 sec, recast 6 sec would be an interesting dps booster

08-17-2007, 03:55 AM
Man...with a 3k nuke, 1sec cast time, 6 sec recast spell...druids will need a canni with all the nuking that will be going on. But...that spell will most likely get changed for the worst. Thats just one nuke that is too good to be true.

08-17-2007, 04:28 AM
undoubtedly a nuke like that would have a recast if it made it through a la Sting of the Queen. That is one part of it that would not change. Would probably never be efficent enough to just chain it either. Perfect GoRM nuke type dealie

08-17-2007, 05:35 AM
NBW isn't "efficient" either, but i find myself using this as a regular dps tool these days instead of just off GoRM... Otherwise i sit around with too much mana :)

08-17-2007, 06:17 AM
True. WTB more spell gems so can have both memmed.

Le sigh

08-18-2007, 10:47 PM
Forgot to put this in first post, but I was also a bit dismayed at the lack of upgrade to Dawnstrike in TSS, considering that the necro and mage damage spells from DoDH were upgraded in TSS and ours were not.