View Full Forums : Indoor / Outdoor debate

08-18-2007, 12:19 AM
This came up in serverwide last night

Druids have always had outdoor only spells. However we've lost alot of power to these spells as we've leveled.

The dev's have already stated that they are not removing the outdoor only limit from Harmony line spells. Over time we've lost power to Harmony, as well as our Pillars, Wolf Forms, 'Wind' series and so forth.

Back in Kunark - we, like wizards, had 3 Major DD lines. Fire, Cold and Magic with the following Values:

Wildfire: 1024
Breath of Karana: 812 (rebalanced during re-envisioning to 300)
Frost: 762

Today we have those 3 lines and these are the values:

Equinox Burn: 2752
Rime Crystals: 2365
Gale of the Stormborn: 705

So basically in the past several years we've lost most major advantages to hunting outside, as well as a strong 3rd DD line (even if it had a longer recast timer). We've lost our pillars, had harmony changed to single target and we've yet to see any upgraded animal forms.

Now, as I think personally the odds of Prathun making our spells less situational is highly unlikely (see TSS and TBS) we may be in position to argue for stronger spells due to the fact they are limited by which zones we can use them in.

I do not expect to see a return to the Pillar series, but we may be able to argue for getting Harmony reverted back to AE and a newer version of our Wind series (as well as change the previous wind spells back).

Curious what other people think.


08-18-2007, 01:07 AM
I'd live with the single target Harmony more if it did what Harmony of Nature did - Reduce Assist AND Reaction radius.

The only thing i use our stun line for, is when i'm "tanking" and boxing my Wiz, for added fast casting agro. It's damage and recast are just too pitiful to use anywhere else.. Without a resist mod, it isn't even worth using to combat Cleric mobs, as it resist too often and with the recast of 12s, even if it does land, they likely get the next CH off anyway :P I liked our Wind line back before they changed it as it was a fast casting smaller nuke.

To add to that - I think some kind of new Illusion is way overdue - We're Druids, should be able to change into more animals, or hell, even a treeform worth using - Make the benefit worth being rooted for.

08-18-2007, 06:34 AM
Just say no to Treeform. Animal illusion please, and no I don't want just a different color wolf. Puma/panther/leopard illusion with runspeed mod FTW ~

The best part about prior spells in the Harmony line was reaction radius. Over time I've used Harmony spells just as much for stealth as I ever did for splitting mobs. Placidity was a nice addition with increased level cap, but its useless for sneaking about.

Regarding the Wind line ... if we were actually able to land a stun on experience-level mobs with more frequency than RARELY (read: immune), I might be inclined to campaign for this, but as it stands now I just never use this line of spells. The meat of this spell line has always been the stun component, not the damage, and unfortunately I'll scribe the new upgrade in November and it will be yet another 'specialty' spell that never sees the light of a spell gem.

08-18-2007, 02:29 PM
but as it stands now I just never use this line of spells

The Wind line ended with Breath of Karana. All Magic DDs from PoP onward where part of the Fury of Air line (indoor/outdoor + stun).

I agree, the Fury line is pretty pointless. Sure it's fast casting, but the long recycle and the fact that you can't stun anything worth stunning with it really kills the spell. If we're going to get stuck with one in SoF (and we might) we should discuss what to do to make it better (even if making it better means replacing the spell with the former outdoor only wind line).


09-04-2007, 09:33 AM
I liked the older versions of the spells, of course you know back in the day. Fury of Air with the 4 second stun was quite useful even at higher levels of the game. I liked using various spell combos with the breath of karana line of spells, and were often good for massive burst dps, than say, just straight chaining wildfire or something. Using scoriae(when it was 4 second casting as well), using breath of karana, then topping off with a wildfire, was something I enjoyed doing alot, as well as mixing in the rain ae on a single target mob. The rain, scoriae, breath, wildfire combo, resulted in a dead mob really quick(as well as a spent mana pool but, that was another issue).

I liked the intial indoor/outdoor stun as well, as it gave options, but, when they converted them all over to indoor/outdoor it just kinda killed the purpose of the line(as well as removing the 4 second stun from fury of air), and as such a lost degree of utility. I don't want to sound like a Paladin or anything, but, I did hate the fact they didn't code stuns to do anything useful, beyond high aggro, to post 55 level mobs, despite the shift to that end of gaming, late luclin. Afterall, what was the point to using that line of spells and mixing them in for burst dps, at the very least for uses above level 55 mobs, when they lowered the direct damage component. There wasn't a whole lot to be done with the spell line after the changes.

12-19-2007, 05:19 PM
The Wind line ended with Breath of Karana. All Magic DDs from PoP onward where part of the Fury of Air line (indoor/outdoor + stun).

I agree, the Fury line is pretty pointless. Sure it's fast casting, but the long recycle and the fact that you can't stun anything worth stunning with it really kills the spell. If we're going to get stuck with one in SoF (and we might) we should discuss what to do to make it better (even if making it better means replacing the spell with the former outdoor only wind line).


Heh, I didn't notice this thread till just now... dunno how I missed it.

Talking about the Fury line brings back memories. I remember LDONs back before I joined an uber guild. My ethic and motivation for this game was SO much better then. I was always out to prove that gear was second to skill and I loved going into dungeons with the ubers to show I was fully capable of anything a Time geared druid would be. I would actually keep this spell loaded to stop mob gates.

Of course, this is before I realized how lazy I could become by swapping a few pixels. All my charts of mana efficiency models, my motivation to prove myself and my work ethic went headfirst out the window after a year or so of joining. Now the only thing I'm out to prove is how far into my chair I can slink while still being able to reach the heal button once every few minutes.

12-20-2007, 01:42 AM
Those were the days eh Tenielle? I still remember our time in GC very fondly, especially back when we would do those Nros with Dose and co. It's so very different now.

12-20-2007, 02:05 AM
Those were the days eh Tenielle? I still remember our time in GC very fondly, especially back when we would do those Nros with Dose and co. It's so very different now.

ongz Lluianae wtf... you respond to some obscure thread I post in the druid forums but when I go hunting for you on the cleric boards... nothin!!!

so one minute you're mild mannered lluianae of gc and next I hear, you're the legendary cleric that soloes stuff a druid could only dream of (vindi back when could NOT be soloed).

anyhow, it's good to hear from ya and good to hear you're still at it!

tell the truth, I honestly long for those days, I miss em.


12-20-2007, 12:50 PM
I did reply to your post on .com! (ages ago ><) Though I'll be honest I've been browsing it much less frequently of late, mostly due to the fact where I study .com is blocked, but .org isn't. Also I tend to go in cycles of which forums I browse more than not.

All the stuff we did back then, I remember we'd work so hard to show what we could do, even if we didn't have EP/time gear, just as you say. I for sure miss those days as well, so many good times, so many good people we knew :)

Give my regards to all those who'll remember me from then in Conviction!

Anyways I'll leave you lot to get back to discussing outdoor spells.