View Full Forums : Wreckers - Aussie guild on Bertox

10-12-2007, 08:39 PM
We are looking for 2-3 solid druids to fill out our roster.

Wreckers are Australian time zone based and balance a casual raiding structure with a serious raiding attitude. We raid three times per week (Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays) from 7:30pm AEDT til about 11pm.

For the timezone challenged that currently corresponds to 12:30am PST - 4am PST. However, this will soon change to 2.30am PDT - 6am PDT when daylight savings shifts in both hemispheres.

Our current farm targets are FC1 and Deathknell.

Progression-wise, we are working on FC2 and finishing up AG faction for the push into AG raids.

Our player requirements are fairly simple:
* Timezone. If you are not based in Australia/NZ/Asia be prepared to be questioned repeatedly on whether you can participate in our peak time on a regular basis for the long haul. While we have some great members in the US, Europe and other places, we've also seen many people fade away as the reality of 2am raiding sinks in
* Personality compatibility. You need to be able to fit in with the rest of the guild.

Character requirements:
* You should have all of your non-Ancient spells or a very good reason why not. If the reason is "it's too hard" or something similar, then you're not who we're looking for.
* You should have your ToB flag and Frostcrypt faction done and be working on completing your Ashengate faction as well.
* Level of gear is largely unimportant although pride in your character is crucial. If you're wearing something I can upgrade in the bazaar for 1000pp or in a half hour MM, you're probably not who we're looking for.
* We don't have minimum required AA, but if you don't have many be prepared to work on them so you can fulfil your role on raids.

Applications are also open in all other classes right now.

Visit our website at (

For more info either PM Weolyen or contact bertox.Aamasie in game.

**blatantly ripped off Weo's other post and reposted to cut out the chatter :P**