View Full Forums : Wargs and All Mounts

11-15-2007, 08:28 AM
Because this issue affects other mounts as well, I'm posting it here instead of the Expansions forum, moderators feel free to move it if you think it should be.

I have some questions about mounts.

First, the Warg mount. Because we only get one and once we claim it it is stuck on that character, I would appreacate info before I claim it and find I really want it on my other character.

What speed is it?
What size (I mean is it much larger than the other mounts, because as a hobbit I never shrink and I need to know if it is going to be too large indoors)?
How fast does it move from a standstill?
How fast does it stop?
Is the head in your way when targeting (I think horses used to have this problem but heard it was fixed, I bought a drogmor to avoid this back when it was a problem)?

In other words, please compare it to horses, drogmors, and roboboars.

Second, someone asked, "How Do You Combine Worg+Ghostride to get Fast Worg?" An EQ Designer answered, "Speak to Worg Master Krellog in the Bazaar about this."

I don't even know what Ghostride is.


All in all, if someone can post or point me toward a complete breakdown of all mounts and accessories for mounts in EQ, that would be great. Types of mounts, speeds, sizes, costs, accessories and how they work, quests, tradeskills (i.e. roboboar speed upgrade), etc.

If you do so, I will add it to my EQ Wiki so that it is available for everyone to check whenever they would like.

This type of thing is something I find important for every claim item (since once you claim it, you can never move it or get another one), as well as any quest item you can only get once or any expensive purchase you can't return for a full refund. Unfortunately, SOE provides very little information on this stuff.

Thank you.

11-15-2007, 08:33 AM
Ghostrider is a drop from a Deathknell raid event:
It's a top speed tan horse, the same speed as the horses that Seru and Emp Ssra drop.

11-15-2007, 08:49 AM
There is an NPC in the Bazaar, Worg Master Krellog that will take your worg and your horse bridle/drogmor drum and upgrade the Worg to whatever speed your CURRENT mount is.

I would guess then that the baseline worg is the lowest speed horse/drog. I would suspect the same start/stop times as those mounts. Stop time is more dependent on the speed of the mount than the type.

11-15-2007, 08:54 AM
When you upgrade the worg, I take it you lose your old mount (the mount that is to determine the speed of the worg)?

11-15-2007, 08:59 AM
I have never used a mount. I am always too antsy and moving around for a mount to be of any use to me.

11-15-2007, 09:02 AM
I would guess then that the baseline worg is the lowest speed horse/drog. I would suspect the same start/stop times as those mounts. Stop time is more dependent on the speed of the mount than the type.
The start time on drogmor is much greater (slower) than a horse (I believe), so I don't guess anything until I've seen it. That is why I'm asking. But thanks for your other info, it is good to know.

11-16-2007, 07:51 AM
i was wondering if we can do thsi with the robbore i got a typ 4 and a tpy 5 i got the one when was free years backmade it a 4 used it intell the expaction came out with all 13 in it then i got new pig made him typ 5 after i got a raid target drop.

so i was thinkign of takingmy typ 4 and usign him for the worg woudl it work or not any one know?
if not ill just go drop some play for the best buyable mount ya can get and make him fast that way and add t my stable of neet rides
so far 2 hogs and one warhorse wish i could get me a lon mount

11-17-2007, 06:50 PM
What size (I mean is it much larger than the other mounts, because as a hobbit I never shrink and I need to know if it is going to be too large indoors)?

All of the mounts are automatically scaled to your a hobbit your mount regardless of what it is, will fit you.

11-19-2007, 06:54 AM
well whast the word for thsi mount they fixign ti the next patch for we can claim it if we have 2.0 or better?

11-21-2007, 07:16 AM
hehe its fixed he is a cute little puppy fits my look well went and bought me the fastest ride i can get in baz and made him a speed deamon fun to see gusy that have dont that task yet to upgrade him go wth you just blow past mine liek i was settign on jacks.
my poor robpigs are all upset i retiered them but heygot to have now toys soem times

11-21-2007, 11:42 AM
fun to see gusy that have dont that task yet to upgrade him
There's a task to upgrade the Worg?

Please post about it, that is the purpose of this thread.

Thank you.

11-21-2007, 12:18 PM
In the bazaar there is some NPC that has (worg mounts) or (worg upgrades) or something worg underneath his name. Talk to him and you will get a container to combine your worg + the chain or drum of your current mount. This will make the worg the speed of horse/drog you used. You can separate them again, or so I have been told.

11-22-2007, 03:53 PM
At the moment you cannot combine drogs with worgs.
Horse bridles only work atm.
I hope they change it to include all mounts.