View Full Forums : meditate skill has gone up

11-23-2007, 03:14 PM
meditate skill has gone up <HR SIZE=1>The meditate skill has gone up with last expansion.

I noticed Morrgue's (my 71 necro) going up lately. I looked and he's at 288 with the new max at 380.

Some tips to help you max it out:

1. You must not be full of mana. Meditate goes up if you have mana to regen. Something new I just learned.

2. The new faster mana regen interfers with #1. So go to a place like fear or hate where the regen timer is set to 5 minutes, not 30 seconds. This will slow down the mana regen but let you med longer before your mana is full.

3. If you can get a nice tash buf on you, or any any detrimental buf, that should help. So if you can cast root on yourself, that might help, ACK!

11-23-2007, 04:32 PM
Although the spirit of helping is, I'm sure, appreciated....why bother posting something like this?

I'm not trying to troll or be a jerk, but should I post that in order to make your swimming skill go up you should go swimming?

11-23-2007, 05:11 PM
So, tell me, what 3 things can I do to make my swimming skill increase faster than just swimming?

I see they inseased the swimming skill too, LOL, nice of you to mention it, oops, you didnt .

11-23-2007, 07:04 PM
Meditate goes up if you have mana to regen. Something new I just learned.

Did you really just learn that? I don't want to sound like an ass, but....I'm afraid of the implications if you just learned that.

Using a mount for a few hours got my skills up to the new par /shrug.

From what I've read (haven't bothered to verify in game yet), the gains don't actually translate into higher mana regen. From what I recall from beta, the cap was raised to allow for faster memorization of new spells (as spell level raised, w/ unchanging meditate cap, new spells took longer to mem) - was it also intended to not increase mana regen?

11-25-2007, 09:11 AM
Some of us have had capped Meditate skill for many years--since long before OOC regen was introduced--and never had to actually "practice" meditating before due to skill cap increases coming in very small amounts. As a result, some of us had assumed that sitting (regardless of mana status) would be sufficient to get the meditate skill increases, which of course turned out to be wrong.

For long term debuffs to block OOC regen, I wonder if removing gear would allow Spreading Crud (from mobs in Paludal if I remember right) to land. It's a 3 hp/tick dot that lasts for over 3 hours. Personally I'm just allowing it to increase naturally while hunting.

Madie of Wind Riders
11-26-2007, 05:13 AM
The best way I have found to increase your Meditate skill is to be on a mount. You are medding the whole time, while in battle or not, while casting, it got me from 220 to 405 in less than one day. Of course you must remember if you are using stat food... to eat regularly, even with innate metabolism, your mount will eat your food!!!

Just an aside, as I was intrigued by the new Meditate cap increase, I was remembering in the way old days... when you had to have your book open AND hit the Meditate button!!! Any of you remember sitting there with your book in your face and FORGET to hit the med button???

Then they took away that part - you only had to have the book open. I remember I specifically got headphones so I could listen carefully to my surroundings for giants and the like - as well as having to keep a keen eye on the spam of conversation, hits, and misses on the screen to see who was doing what and who needed to be healed!!

At level 35 you got to "Med" without your book - MAN!! I couldn't wait!! I remember hitting level 35 in the Lake of Ill Omen and FINALLY being able to "see" what was going on around me :)

Now of course - you just gotta sit - lol.

11-26-2007, 04:18 PM
The best way I have found to increase your Meditate skill is to be on a mount. You are medding the whole time, while in battle or not, while casting, it got me from 220 to 405 in less than one day. Of course you must remember if you are using stat food... to eat regularly, even with innate metabolism, your mount will eat your food!!!

Just an aside, as I was intrigued by the new Meditate cap increase, I was remembering in the way old days... when you had to have your book open AND hit the Meditate button!!! Any of you remember sitting there with your book in your face and FORGET to hit the med button???

Then they took away that part - you only had to have the book open. I remember I specifically got headphones so I could listen carefully to my surroundings for giants and the like - as well as having to keep a keen eye on the spam of conversation, hits, and misses on the screen to see who was doing what and who needed to be healed!!

At level 35 you got to "Med" without your book - MAN!! I couldn't wait!! I remember hitting level 35 in the Lake of Ill Omen and FINALLY being able to "see" what was going on around me :)

Now of course - you just gotta sit - lol.

What's sad is that remnants of what the devs put in early to "emmerse" the player have haunted them as they've tried updating the game to remove the tedium that was put there in the first place intentionally. Ya gotta just chuckle at the irony.

11-27-2007, 06:09 AM
quote"I was remembering in the way old days... when you had to have your book open AND hit the Meditate button!!! Any of you remember sitting there with your book in your face and FORGET to hit the med button???"

Which time? I used to hate some dungeons because of this reason. Certain zones I hunted in regularly I never learned my way around because I always was looking at my spellbook. tanks says time to move..... Unexpected trains completely oblivious, Loading please wait..... ugg and fighting as well, nothing quite like medding during a fight, and not realizing things were not going so well with an extra add or something or other, one of the reasons I enjoyed meleeing during fights, to keep a lookout on an extra add, pop whatever to take care of.

11-27-2007, 10:50 AM
Ahh... the good ole days of staring at a book. At least it gave me time to flip through the pages and look at all the spells I didn't use anymore...ever.

11-27-2007, 12:44 PM
From the EQLive forums:

The cap increase to the meditate skill is pretty substantial and has substantial returns for those who aren't bumping into the regen cap -- There's no specific cap for the amount of mana regen that the meditate skill itself can return aside from the overall cap on all things mana-regen (65 these days?).
If memory serves, the formula for returns in code is 1 + ( skill / 15 ), which would result in 29 regen generated by meditate at level 80. That said, this is EQ, so the results of that formula could be massaged at any point in the code before it actually makes it to your character.
The effect of the cap increase wasn't meant to be terribly drastic for those hitting the cap, while providing a small boost for those who aren't.
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Did a few more tests in atiiki after getting tashed to stop ooc regen.
With 25 mana regen from gear 10 mental clarity AA no buffs but tash.
65 (30+35) sitting mana regen with four mana regen lost to cap
38 (3+35) standing mana regen
With no gear and just meditate skill plus mental clarity 10
44 (34+10) sitting mana regen
13 (3+10) standing mana regen
Shadowskin Spectraside and a TSS +6 mana regen familar were all unaffected by cap.
So yep cap is there and players have finaly gotten to level of meditate and AA where there hitting it with all sof mana regen aa and 30 mana regen from items 65 cap will eat 12 sitting regen from 77 it would have been without the cap. Standing mana regen will still be well below cap at 46 with all sof mana regen AA and 30 mana regen from items.

Still if the new Meditate cap allows up to 34 regen, worn FT with AA is 25 then you would only need 6 of the additional mana regen AA to be at cap. So either the meditate raise is useless or the last few levels of your AA set are useless. Take your pick.
Only useless if yer sitting. Standing, you're still not at cap.