View Full Forums : Reaper's Inferno - First impressions

12-03-2007, 07:12 AM
Got Reaping Inferno last night and wanted to try it out. I think the idea in principal is very intriguing.

Unfortunately I have to say I was very disappointed. I was trying so hard to get a killshot in my group, but it took over 30 mobs at least before I got one. I would try to start casting at 2 or 3%, but either the mob would be dead before it landed or it would land for full and still not kill. It was extremely frustrating. When I FINALLY got a kill shot it was off of a crit.

Sooo I was all excited I got a crit, looked up at the effect to see the duration, and was even more disappointed to see 30 seconds. Needless to say by the time the puller split and got a mob to camp the effect was gone. Was able to get a kill shot one or two more times in that group but the effect again wore off before I had another mob to use it on. :twak:

Not sure what the crit rate is while it is in effect, if it's not a guaranteed crit I think the duration should definitely be extended quite a bit. In your average EXP group 30 seconds isn't enough to do much. Even if you had another mob waiting right there if you chain cast you could only get 3 nukes in.

On the positive side, it is actually a bit more efficient than Equinox burn, so under 35% it's nice to have.

I put in /feedback but Fernier perhaps you can add it to the list. Anybody else with experience with it please post as well. I would suggest upping the damage to be a bit higher than our normal nuke since it IS restricted to under 35% of the mob's life. This will also help to get killshots. If the crit rate isn't 100% then the duration of the recourse needs to be increased, although I would rather have a lower crit rate with a longer duration as this will be more useful in EXP groups.

*EDIT* Mod could you change the title.. brain fart on the name of the spell /sigh

12-03-2007, 08:20 AM
Yeah, the only way to really get a "use" out of this spell is to be massively over geared for content or for content to be very far below you, level wise, as to be in a constant state of pulling and have the safety net of being able to try for killshots. In real content though, trying to use the spell is a waste of time and dangerous.

It may be more efficient than Equinox Burn, but it is less efficient than Equinox Brand, and far less efficient than Winter's Flame or Blaze, which is what you should be using if the mob isn't resistant to one of the hits.

12-03-2007, 11:39 AM
Any kill shots I get with it are a bonus and (usually) purely accidental. I use it for:
(1) burst damage on raids (like Solteris sisters!)
(2) kiting
(3) finishing off former pets when charming
(4) one last nuke when a mob is unlikely to survive long enough for a normal nuke

12-03-2007, 12:07 PM
Imo, this spell is total garbage.

Anyone who has Solarsilver has a better utility spell.

Necros get an EE for their KS nuke.

We get Jack Squat, cept a recourse that doesn't last long enough to use, unless you have a 2nd mob to nuke immediately, and if it's mezzed, GL with that. If kiting, then yea, it's useful about once per 2 mobs, tops.

Please forgive me Inferno-lovers, but this spell is a waste of the spellbook when we have debuffs we're still casting from pre-Kunark.

12-03-2007, 01:17 PM
useless. i actually find my dps goes down with it as i try to time the kill shot (and miss) instead of just nuking.

12-03-2007, 02:09 PM
It is a fast cast "finishing" nuke. Very useful for pegging fleeing mobs; very useful for soloing (and tailor made for swarm charm kiting). In a group setting it works mostly when you are chain pulling mobs - note that it does not go away when used once, unlike DS, etc. so that the proc can be very handy. Timing killshots requires either co-operation with the rest of the group (e.g. dps pulls off mob at low health) or a lot of practice, and it's therefore hit and miss if you just use it without saying anything in group. Personally I'd prefer a Sting-type nuke like shammies got (high damage, fast cast, long recast); but this one does definitely have a spot in the lineup for some uses.

12-03-2007, 02:49 PM
useless. i actually find my dps goes down with it as i try to time the kill shot (and miss) instead of just nuking.
There's your problem. Don't bother going for kill shots. Instead treat it as a Sting-style fast casting nuke that you can twist in between other nukes for a significant damage boost.

12-03-2007, 03:05 PM
/shrug rather load a rain and watch it triple crit
... or solarsliver
... or winter's flame
... or maybe even wake of karana... at least i can see that work as intended

tired of super specialized spells

12-03-2007, 03:51 PM
Most of the time I have these loaded:
* Solarsliver, Winter's Flame (don't have the upgrade yet), or Annihilate the Unnatural
* Nature's Blazing Wrath
* Reaping Inferno

Sometimes I'll load Torrential Hail too, depending on the circumstances. When I get Nature's Burning Wrath I'll add that as well. Obviously my lineup changes when mobs are fire and/or cold resistant.

The key to short term burst damage is to cycle through our short-cast-long-recast spells as they become available, only casting long-cast-short-recast spells when there are no other options.

12-03-2007, 08:28 PM
tired of super specialized spells

We're not exactly the only class to get these. Prathun is a fan of making a few spells every expansion which are not always the best spell to cast in all cases.

Off the top of my head from SoF:

Necros - Trap Upgrade
Shaman - Feralize upgrade, Thorn Wilting
Cleric - 11th Hour
Bards - DoT / HoT Songs

And so forth.

Reaping Inferno works fine as Palarran pointed out when used as a fast casting slightly longer recycle in conjunction with a slightly longer casting spell.

If you happen to score a killshot with it - so much the better.

Starlene Antares
12-03-2007, 08:45 PM
I like the fact that's is so fast casting that I can squeeze a blast in to finish off a what were fighting when our other blasts might take too long. I do however think the recourse effect is too short for it to be worthwhile. My suggestion would be for it either be a bit longer, maybe a minute, or for it to have a fixed amount. Let's say for example it fades after three blasts. Right now I am lucky if I can get one or two in.

12-03-2007, 08:54 PM
Prathun is on vaction this week, but I'll see if I can get Harvest increased to at least 1 minute to bring it in line with Consumed by the Hunt.


12-04-2007, 11:25 AM
Thanks for the response. I agree the fast cast time is nice for runners and mobs low on health. After a bit more testing I can give a few more observations:

1. It does not guarantee a crit. It did seem very frequent though.. Maybe on the order of 50-75%.

2. Does not affect AE spells at all. I got in several casts of Torrential Hail.. and they didn't crit at all... as a matter of fact it might prevent AE spells from critting at all. Normally I see at least one crit out of several rains.

3. The proc does not work on green mobs at all. I got two kills shots on greens. No recourse. I could understand on greys, but greens are still exp giving... not sure why recourse won't trigger on them.

I think extending the duration of the effect to one minute would go a long way toward making the spell more useful.

12-04-2007, 11:29 AM
1. It does not guarantee a crit. It did seem very frequent though.. Maybe on the order of 50-75%

Increase Critical Hit Chance by 40% and Increase Critical Hit Damage by 10% for Direct Damage Spells.

12-04-2007, 04:25 PM
There's your problem. Don't bother going for kill shots. Instead treat it as a Sting-style fast casting nuke that you can twist in between other nukes for a significant damage boost.


As Dose pointed out the proc doesn't last long enough to bother fiddling with it, but it IS very nice considering it's a super fast nuke that can be used on any mob below 35%. I'd be hard pressed to find a situation where that wouldn't increase my dps.

12-05-2007, 06:00 AM
too much specialised for my limited spell gem anyways :whistle:

12-06-2007, 05:59 AM
Myself, I love it. In a group situation drop a NBR, Reaping, Storm Strike, Equinox Brand, another Reaping, then Storm Strike (should be nearly refreshed by then)'s kinda hilarious to watch the group wonder wtf the mob went.

12-06-2007, 10:20 AM
Not to nitpick but I don't think you can cast that first Reaping. The mob has to be under 35% health.

12-06-2007, 02:18 PM
I have been using it on trash clearing. With the fast cast it is sometimes the only thing I can get to land before the mob dies. and the only way a mob will be there to get benifit from the Recourse. If the longer duration for the Recourse gets approved i think it will worth having in the grouping lineup as well.

12-06-2007, 04:09 PM
Myself, I love it. In a group situation drop a NBR, Reaping, Storm Strike, Equinox Brand, another Reaping, then Storm Strike (should be nearly refreshed by then)'s kinda hilarious to watch the group wonder wtf the mob went.

If you are getting two storm strikes in on a mob, I'd be wondering why mobs are dying so slow. And Winter's Flame line >>>>>>>>>>> Other single target nukes.

12-06-2007, 04:35 PM
I found a very nice use for Reaping is when you are forced to high speed kite mobs that are immune to run speed changes. When soloing the Cog Marauders for the Oil Can quest, I used this spell alot during the last 1/3 of the kite.

I wish the 35% limitation was removed, but I still find it useful.

12-06-2007, 05:28 PM
Not to nitpick but I don't think you can cast that first Reaping. The mob has to be under 35% health.

Correct....again I said it was kinda hilarious..i.e overnuking a mob at 34% for laughs.

If you are getting two storm strikes in on a mob, I'd be wondering why mobs are dying so slow. And Winter's Flame line >>>>>>>>>>> Other single target nukes.
If every mob you take down in a group is dead within 29 seconds, then grats. And I prefer Equinox, for me it's more reliable crits.

Jeez guys...when did this forum get so damned uptight? C'mon, have some fun.

12-07-2007, 03:05 PM
Oh sorry I thought you were saying that's how you started at 100%. Not trying to be uptight. :wiggle:

12-09-2007, 09:47 AM
Have finally tried swarm kiting in Loping Plains with the gators, and it's handy for finishing off the ex-pet. The quick cast time is pretty nice when there's 4-5 mobs chasing me and I want to make sure they don't get a bite. Proc could be removed entirely and do just as much good as it does now.

12-10-2007, 02:04 AM
Correct....again I said it was kinda hilarious..i.e overnuking a mob at 34% for laughs.

If every mob you take down in a group is dead within 29 seconds, then grats. And I prefer Equinox, for me it's more reliable crits.

Jeez guys...when did this forum get so damned uptight? C'mon, have some fun.

Because two chances to crit at least one time is somehow less likely to crit than a spell that only has one chance to crit, when they all crit at the same rate? Let alone the ability to double crit.