View Full Forums : Looking to add druids to the roster

12-17-2007, 12:54 PM
It's that time of the year again.

A few of our druids are in hiberation (that leather wasn't quite warm enough to sustain them through these snow blizzards), so we are currently looking for 1-2 more druids.

Primal Evolution is a relaxed raiding guild about to enter Solteris (we're working on keys now). Our mantra is FUN > ALL and we try to back that in everything we do.
- We've been self toted as the Gilligan's Island guild at times; we don't require your blood, sweat and tears when you raid with us though we DO require your attentiveness and focus.

Language: PG13+
Raid times: 8pm-midnight eastern Sun-Thur (Sundays start 30 min early)
Druid playtime desirability: 3x a week (more is ok :))
Raid style: Relaxed (raid speed/organization varies)

Key requirement:
- Frostcrypt (WGL faction): must be done
- Solteris access: must be working on this

* We will supply all raid backflags needed *

AA requirement: 300+

Gear requirement: None perse but we expect your gear to reflect your experience level as we are looking for experienced raid druids at or close to our level.

Progression: Solteris keying (mid/late January entry expected)
Farm: All of TSS
- Note we do NOT go back to Deathknell or Demi-Plane.

Our recent RIP cemetary is:
Lethar's Final Stand - RIP, December 19, 2007
Beltron, the Shade King - RIP, December 1, 2007
Harfange the Black - RIP, November 29, 2007
Fridleif, Master Warcraft - RIP, November 26, 2007
Wulfnor the Gladiator - RIP, November 26, 2007
The Sleepless Guard - RIP, November 26, 2007
Wirlem - RIP, November 25, 2007
Lorekeeper Grenwald - RIP, November 6, 2007 (WELCOME TO FROSTCRYPT #2)
King Odeen - RIP, October 24, 2007 (WELCOME TO FROSTCRYPT SIDE)
High Lorekeeper Udengar Dergon - RIP, October 11, 2007
Dyn`Leth, Firstborn of Lethar - RIP, September 26, 2007

Raid force breakdown - 1/2 part time, 1/2 full time raiders

- 45-day rot DKP system (points bring you to the 'contender' group)
- Loot Council (officers/members) make the final decision based on several factors
- Points awarded per hour regardless of kill/drops (so approx 20-25 points awarded per week)
- Item cost is demand based (20 points full price, 40 points high demand, 10 points half price, dictate/free)
- Low demand items are dictated for free so less rots

ALL who raid receive rewards quickly and repeatedly as we believe we're only as strong as our weakest link.

Our website is: (
Our message board is: (

Or you can contact our two recruiting officers Crystilla or Bydr via in game tells ( ;tell erollisi.crystilla ) or in game emails as well.

02-26-2008, 12:23 PM
Still looking for 1 more full time druid (can raid 3+ times a week).

Requirements currently stand at:

300 AA's minimum
Lvl 75+
Solteris key started
No other factions/keys required at this timeRIP cemetary update:
ayong's Mistresses - RIP, February 24, 2008

04-02-2008, 03:12 PM
Primal Evolution is still looking for a couple more good personality, raid skilled druids. Requirements currently stand at:

300 AA's minimum
Lvl 75+ (if not lvl 80, you should have above 300 AA's)
Solteris key started
No other factions/keys required at this timeWhile we aren't quite 'Gilligan's Island' anymore, we do have a more relaxed atmosphere for raiding. Potential applicants should speak to Crystilla (on these boards, the new druid boards-once they put in a thread for recruiting :) *hint*, in game tells or email).

Cemetary update:
Fabled TZ/VZ (tactics) - RIP
Fabled PoFire mobs - RIP
Fabled Tallon Zek (PoTime) - RIP
ining Behemoth - RIP 4/1/2008

04-26-2008, 01:45 PM
Still looking for a couple more raid druids who enjoy a relaxed progressive environment and want early Soltiers/SoF Tier 2 raiding.

Requirements are still:

300 AA's minimum
Lvl 75+ (if not lvl 80, you should have above 300 AA's)
Solteris key started (no other factions/keys required)
Farming: Mining Behemoth, Clankwrench, Solteris 1
Progression Focus: Big Bynn, Solteris 2, Overseer Gakkor DeepscarWe have 2 moderate attendance druids and 3 very part time druids so we're looking for at least 1, preferibly 2-3 more druids to join us.

Raid times:

Sunday (4/4:30-9pm PDT / 7/7:30pm-12am EDT)
Monday-Thursday (4:30-9pm PDT / 7:30pm-12am EDT)Looking for druids who can raid at least 3x a week (roughly 12-15 hours a week minimum). You pick the days/hours from the raid times above; no pressure (though being able to raid on Wednesday and/or Thursday is a bonus we look for right now). (
;tell erollisi.crystilla or ;tell erollisi.bydr
in game emails also used