View Full Forums : SoF armor Tier Info

01-02-2008, 08:13 PM
Groupable Tier 1 = Scratched Hide armor
Groupable Tier 2 = Druadic Hide Armor = Scratched Hide + Steam core
Groupable Tier 3 = Tier 2 + 1 crystallos essence(earth/fire/air/water)
Groupable Tier 4 = Tier 2 + 1 Prismatic essence (All 4 Crystallos Essences)
Raid Tier 1 = Steel-Studded armor
Raid Tier 2 = Ancient Husk armor
Raid Tier 3 = Rootbound Auspex Husk = Steel Studded + Gyro core
--------------------------------------Ancient Husk + Gyro core
--------------------------------------Un-Cored Template + Gyro core

02-11-2008, 01:21 PM
how do you change the focus effect on group armor?
ie: change legs from detri spell haste to detri mana pres.
or are you stuck with whatever focus is on the item?

02-11-2008, 04:30 PM
Stuck with what they gave us, where they gave it to us

02-12-2008, 05:37 PM
someone should bring up some of this info to Allakhazam's - I was looking at some new recipes last night, and they had Tier 3/4 stuff being made straight from T1 + Crystallos Essences.

02-23-2008, 01:40 PM
What factions do we have to have in order to combine the gyro cores (raid gear)?

02-25-2008, 01:20 PM
For the Strikefore faction the lowest is indifferent con.

02-27-2008, 12:41 PM
Thank you ;)

02-29-2008, 10:19 AM
Are there any templates for -group- tier 2 Steam Cores, or is scratched hide necessary to get the 2nd tier?

03-20-2008, 03:20 AM
no idea as of yet

03-20-2008, 06:56 PM
someone should bring up some of this info to Allakhazam's - I was looking at some new recipes last night, and they had Tier 3/4 stuff being made straight from T1 + Crystallos Essences.

Can anyone confirm this, because I've been passing up essences to other people cause I don't have any steam cores to use em with cause they are a pita to get. But if you can go from scratched hide + cryst essences that would be excellent. Some links from alla / confermation from people who have done it would be extremely helpful and appreciated.

03-21-2008, 12:44 AM
Can anyone confirm this, because I've been passing up essences to other people cause I don't have any steam cores to use em with cause they are a pita to get. But if you can go from scratched hide + cryst essences that would be excellent. Some links from alla / confermation from people who have done it would be extremely helpful and appreciated.

You can not bypass the steam core step of the armor upgrade.

On a side note...SOE has since made a change to allow steam and gyro cores to be converted to the class of your choice. You will need to purchase a Steam Core Re-gearing Kit along with your class gear kit, Druadic Core Gear Kit for druids, from Automated Vending Unit II. He is in DSH near the cannon to FM. Roughly 50k total, and they added a banker to the tents there as well.

Good luck !

04-18-2008, 04:31 AM
Who has the hookup on Tier 4 armor infoz ?

02-08-2009, 10:34 AM
We're just now hitting the Gyrocore mobs, so any info about Tier 4 would be cool. Also, are the Gyrocores for certain slots? Or can any Gyrocore be put into any uncored armor?


02-09-2009, 04:41 AM
We're just now hitting the Gyrocore mobs, so any info about Tier 4 would be cool. Also, are the Gyrocores for certain slots? Or can any Gyrocore be put into any uncored armor?


gyro cores are slot restricted. they are re-coreable (so you can change to druadic). You can use either the steel studded, ancient husk, or uncored template (from strikeforce vendor in DSH) to combine with the cores.

As for the crystallos raid piece, it is also slot restricted, however thats it. As since it is the equivalent of the prismatic for group armor, there is no "class" on it, since its all/all useable.

hope that helps.