View Full Forums : AAs for 2008

01-27-2008, 12:02 PM
Nodyin is requesting information on what you would like to see AA wise in 2008 for:

General AAs you'd like see more of
General AAs you'd like to see
Archtype AAs you'd like to see more of
Archtype AAs you's like to see
Class AAs you'd like to see more of
Class AAs you'd like to seeDon't let fiddling little things like code requirements limit your creativity.

Yes, I -have- stepped down, but I still feel it's important to get this information to the dev team while another CC is still being selected.


01-27-2008, 12:07 PM
* A 3 rank set of aa's (3/6/9) to increase your chance to shrug off a charm by 5,10,15%.
* A 5 rank set (5/5/5/5/5) to increase your chance to resist a dispel by 10% per rank.
* Since 85% of the time Gift of Mana (and Gift of Radiant Mana) go off just as the mob dies, new AAs that convert unused GoM and GoRM into mana when their time runs out. If they aren't used when they expire, you would get 100 / 200 / 300 mana, depending on your AA rank.
* The AA Spell Casting Subtlety should be able to be toggled on and off at will.
* Druids should have an AA which allows them to sort and filter tracking results, like rangers can.

01-27-2008, 04:18 PM
BL got a single target paragon that refreshes every 2 minutes. I'd like to see convergence get that treatment.

Tertiary Recall

An upgrade for wrath of the wild... and either lower the recast time or the make the hit well worth remembering to cast

Quick Mass Group Buff - it's time

AA's that extend the range of other AAs. Who doesn't understand the need for this one; nothing like being able to get extension focus that allows you to nuke a mob from the moon but you have to sit on a mob to entrap it.

What Fanra was saying, we don't have one charm related AA; let's get some

I might have more later.

Oh yeah, and an ICE DOT!!

01-27-2008, 05:40 PM
What Fanra was saying, we don't have one charm related AA; let's get some
I'm not sure if you understood what my AA suggestion is.

It is an increase to your chance to resist a mob charming YOU.

01-27-2008, 06:47 PM
both charm ideas are fine either way lol

01-27-2008, 07:15 PM
i think an aa nature calm would kick butt noting i hate more then having to mem it pacy a mob unmem it for a nother spell then pull.

seeing i solo a lot and have to do my own pulling i fell an aa pacy would own

01-28-2008, 04:44 AM
An AA to reduce charm breaks please.

01-28-2008, 07:15 AM
* Since 85% of the time Gift of Mana (and Gift of Radiant Mana) go off just as the mob dies, new AAs that convert unused GoM and GoRM into mana when their time runs out. If they aren't used when they expire, you would get 100 / 200 / 300 mana, depending on your AA rank.
Those mana numbers should be doubled to make them worthwhile. And as with all things, if we approach the dev's from a realistic and non-exaggerated point of view, they will take us more seriously. (Aka, where is your parsing suggesting that 85% of the time GoM goes off when the mob dies? I think that this is a great idea, but I do not think that for some reason GoM fires any more often at the end of a fight, than the beginning.)

01-28-2008, 11:24 AM
Those mana numbers should be doubled to make them worthwhile. And as with all things, if we approach the dev's from a realistic and non-exaggerated point of view, they will take us more seriously. (Aka, where is your parsing suggesting that 85% of the time GoM goes off when the mob dies? I think that this is a great idea, but I do not think that for some reason GoM fires any more often at the end of a fight, than the beginning.)
I was going with very low mana numbers to avoid having Devs reject it out of hand as overpowered. Of course the numbers are wide open for change.

As for the 85%, that number is just based on how it feels :)

79% of all statistics are made up on the spot.

01-28-2008, 11:40 AM
I got one ....... make AAs to shorten recast time of Nature's Guardian and Spirit of the White Wolf

01-28-2008, 01:02 PM
Shorten recast on radiant cure would be amazing.

01-28-2008, 02:07 PM
more quick damage!

01-28-2008, 02:59 PM
Shorten recast on radiant cure would be amazing.


01-28-2008, 04:52 PM
an aa line to increase the base damage/heal of focus, as a function of the focus itself. say 10%/20%/30%

so if i have a 70% fire focus, right now it is 1-70% each cast.
instead it would be (7/14/21)-70%. instead of averaging 36%, it would average 46%. doubt that is game breaking.

if i was only 45% cold focus, it would be (4.5/9/13.5)-45%. (avg 29% vs 23%)

same thing for heals.

01-28-2008, 05:02 PM
more quick damage!

Amen Amen AMEN!!!

I was actually going to comment on cast times but figured I would stay true to the topic.

If they aren't going to fix our cast times after the bull**** fix they gave wizzies, at least give us the option to. This limited "fix" should not have been limited to this class.

01-28-2008, 06:17 PM
Maybe a outdoor only DI

01-29-2008, 12:24 AM
black wolf on same premise as white wolf but for detrimental spells /nod

Old idea mentioned before but worth a mention here.

01-29-2008, 02:35 AM
"outdoor only" should be stricked from EQs vocabulary. I can deal with it with Harmony, I can understand that (I guess), but anything else... no thanks.

01-29-2008, 03:47 AM
More storm strike AAs, or similar would be cool. Maybe a DOT version.

01-29-2008, 02:04 PM
Not necessarily a new aa, but how about changing SotW and Convergeance so that they have more utility? For example, removing the damage shield and replacing it with a % melee mitigation.

Hastened MGB is good.

Hastened Guardian is good.

Spirit of the Black Wolf with detrimental mana preservation, and maybe a +damage modifier.

01-29-2008, 02:41 PM
What about if all the priests got a familiar. Similar to a wizard one i.e. can click it off and still retain buff. The shaman could have little wolfs or brown bears, druids could get a griffon!!! (something diff from wolf or bear would be cool) clerics could get a ... hmmmm hammer seems a bit dull. Maybe a dove or something.

These familiars could have some mana regen, maybe some mana, something else as well perhaps. Us being druids we'd probably end up getting a DS boost. Then again adding those same old things could be a bit boring. At the moment it is just a vague thought in my head - maybe someone could expand upon it or I'll think of something cooler with it when I wake up. I know I should be more imaginative but it's bed time :sleep: night night!

01-29-2008, 05:53 PM
[SIZE=1]What about if all the priests got a familiar.
Please, not a familiar.

They can give us the same effects without a familiar. Having a familiar, even one that you banish, creates more bugs. Because a banished familiar is still there, you just can't see them. And that means more things for the server to keep track of and lose and bug up.

Just like auras are really an invisible pet following you around. That's one of the reasons why they are so bugged.

01-30-2008, 09:16 AM
79% of statistics are made up on the spot
Actually its 68%! :Eyecrazy:

01-31-2008, 04:52 AM
Archetype AA
Tunare's Touch
A 3 rank set of activatable AAs (3/6/9) that reduce the casting time of direct heal spells with a casting time of 2.75 seconds after other forms of spell haste have been taken into account (overhaste) while simultaneously increasing the recast time of those spells. The ability has a duration of e.g. 1 minute and can be used only once every 5 (or 10) minutes. Higher ranks replace lowe ones (i.e. there is only one ability with properties depending on the rank).

Rank 1 becomes available at level 55 and works on spells up to level 60. It reduces cast time by 0.3 seconds and increases recast by 0.7s
Rank 2 becomes available at level 65 and works on spells up to level 70. It reduces cast time by 0.6 seconds and increases recast by 1.5s
Rank 3 becomes available at lvel 75 and works on spells up to level 80. It reduces cast time by 0.9 seconds and increases recast by 2.5s

Archetype AA
Karana's Touch
(edited because the old wording allowed for fast casting nukes to be cast in less than 0 seconds, which obviously was not intended)
Same as with the healing one but for direct damage spells with a cast time between 6 and 7 seconds.
Rank 1 reduces cast time by 0.5 second and increases recast by 1 second.
Each additinaly rank reduses cast time by an additional 0.5 seconds and increases recast by an additional 1 second.

Class AA
Permanent illusions (with the faction modifiers gone from wolf form there is no reason to make it poof on zoning anymore)

Class AA
Animated treeform (removes the rooted qualifier from treeform but leaves a -runspeed 3 effect in place)

Class AA
Summon Opal (summons a lore/no drop opal for those rare cases when we want to make it stop raining)

Class AA
Groundwave. Instant activatable short range cone or beam that knocks back everything in its path over a moderate distance. Can be activated every 2 or so seconds. Does not affect rooted enemies and has a reduced effect of enemies under a -runspeed debuff. A second rank of this AA could add a very short duration stun (though I admit that would make it pretty situational, not to mention suicidal).
Could also be made a spell, but you were asking for AA ideas

Class AA
udpits. Creates a trap that lasts 180 seconds. Every creature that enters the trap radius is ensnared for as long as the trap remains.

Brambles. Upgrade from Mudpits. Adds a small DoT effect to the trap.

Tar pit. Upgrade from Brambles. Adds a chance to root to the trap.

Class AA
Nature's bond.
Aggro free animal only charm. Damage is shared proportionally between charmed animal and druid's group. I.e. damage dealt to the animal is spread out over the entire group in proportion to the hitpoints of each group member relative to the group's total hitpoints. The animal never takes more than 25pct of the damage though. Heals to any group member are syphoned towards the charmed animal in the same way.
When the charm breaks the animal does not become aggressive but runs away and either despawns or loses all buffs and can not be recharmed for some time.

Archetype AA
Bark armour
Channeled ability. Creates a 2000hp buff on the target. Half of any damage taken reduces the hp buff (i.e. 4000 points destroys it immediately). This damage is redirected to the druid channeling the armour. While channeling a 25mana per tick is drained from the druid to maintain a 100hp per tick regen effect on the armour.
Additional ranks could increase the amount of hitpoints in the armour and the strength of the regen effect.


01-31-2008, 05:45 PM
Class AA
udpits. Creates a trap that lasts 180 seconds. Every creature that enters the trap radius is ensnared for as long as the trap remains.

Brambles. Upgrade from Mudpits. Adds a small DoT effect to the trap.

Tar pit. Upgrade from Brambles. Adds a chance to root to the trap.
There should not be a DoT effect on the same AA. If we want a DoT effect, make it a separate AA.

Otherwise it becomes useless around summoning and mezzed mobs.

02-01-2008, 01:35 AM
Originally Posted by Bono_Pak
Not necessarily a new aa, but how about changing SotW and Convergeance so that they have more utility? For example, removing the damage shield and replacing it with a % melee mitigation.

Would be a great idea. Seems like taking the ds off both of those AA has been asked before but never happened, would be nice for alot of times were kitting is going on :(.

Would also like to have AA to bring the timers on both MGB and Radiant cure down.

An AA to make it so you can have Skin like Reptile type spells crit on Warriors/melee would also be nice, but that I would be guessing would be more spell coding stuff then an AA type.

02-01-2008, 06:33 AM
just a Q: why would we want to lose the ds of sotw and covergeance?
i think thats crazzy i use mine on the last ditch mgb of sotw on raids and use the cov on main tanks when mobs at 10% or so i fell taking the ds off would make it a useless aa.
and when soloing i find having the ds part very handy and usefull but i only solo mob that summon.

seen a post were some one said it would make it more use full ok ya some raid a ds is bad so just dont use it on them raids not hard to learn /know when to and when not to use it. but plz god of druid dont take it away and make a a junk only heal aa

02-01-2008, 08:03 AM
just a Q: why would we want to lose the ds of sotw and covergeance?
Because once you begin raiding, you will discover that on many raids having a DS will start to cause mobs to begin summoning. Or else the adds have so few HP they will actually die and that causes more problems.

What we need is:

Druids should be given two new AAs which are Spirit of Wood and Convergence of Spirits only without the Damage Shield component. The AAs would be no cost and would be at the exact same level that your current Spirit of Wood and Convergence of Spirits are. This would allow druids to choose whether or not to have a Damage Shield with the AA.

02-01-2008, 03:03 PM
i have raided every thing from god expaction to solt's 2 gods event and i have only seen 3 fight in all that that need druids not to use a ds heal...

02-03-2008, 12:01 PM
For my benefit... which 3?

02-03-2008, 03:28 PM
Well if i think off the top of my head I can named 2 events in Solteris that when progressing through/going for a first kill, you wouldnt want any kind of decent DS on with the MGB heal, Aprosis and Balrath.

Starlene Antares
02-03-2008, 08:43 PM
* Druids should have an AA which allows them to sort and filter tracking results, like rangers can.

As nice as that would be, I really feel as though that should remain a ranger-only feature. I dislike how blended classes already are, no reason to make it more so. If they were to do this, then I think rangers should get a tracking AA that offers them even more utility, though I'm not sure what else could be offered. Can they sort alphabetically? I always thought that'd be nice one to have.

02-04-2008, 11:42 AM
One aa to lower the chance of Secondary Recall collapse would be nice. Another could be to lower the reuse timer. I'd also be a fan of a teleport bind aa.

02-04-2008, 12:23 PM
I forgot... What was the reason for not making any debuff AAs for Druids?

02-04-2008, 04:31 PM
I forgot... What was the reason for not making any debuff AAs for Druids?

They wanted to see the impact of the Atk changes on the NPCs. Rashere went into detail on our debuffs a few months back, currently they are not where they want them to be as it is.


02-04-2008, 04:36 PM
For my benefit... which 3?

I am sure there are more, but 3 of them off the top of my head:

Tacvi - South Snake
Sendaii (Depending on which wave it's used on)

All before Demiplane

02-04-2008, 05:40 PM
Pretty much any fight that involves kiting adds that can summon--which is becoming more and more common these days.

02-04-2008, 11:44 PM
Please, not a familiar.

They can give us the same effects without a familiar. Having a familiar, even one that you banish, creates more bugs. Because a banished familiar is still there, you just can't see them. And that means more things for the server to keep track of and lose and bug up.

Just like auras are really an invisible pet following you around. That's one of the reasons why they are so bugged.
Auras are not a pet in the same sense that familiars or wards are, not even close. They are also far more buggy than pets / familiars have ever been. Familiars are a good idea to do something different for once.

02-05-2008, 11:51 AM
Auras are not a pet in the same sense that familiars or wards are, not even close. They are also far more buggy than pets / familiars have ever been. Familiars are a good idea to do something different for once.
Perhaps not.

However, more familiars means more things on the screen at once, which means more lag.

It also means more targeting problems, both with the mouse and with the broken /target command which targets your familiar or pet before it does you (yes, I've mentioned this to them multiple times and they have never responded).

The simplest way to fix this would be to have pets called "Pet of Fanra" rather than "Fanra's Pet" and "Familiar of Fanra" rather than "Fanra's Familiar" but, again, no response from SOE.

It also means that all those new familiars people have from LoN can't be used, because you can only have one familiar at a time. It also means you can't use Booboo, although I never use him anyway.

02-06-2008, 10:41 AM
Teleport to bind

reduced radiant cure timer

make spirit of tne white wolf last a LOT longer, like shammy/bst werewolf form

de-buff of some sort

root aa - plz make it fast cast / low resist

02-06-2008, 03:23 PM
An AA that gave heals a chance to proc a second heal instantly. Similar to Abundant Healing, but instead of a small HoT a direct heal.
An anti-summoned nuke AA that can proc 32k.
A relatively short burst to runspeed (comparable to Selos or the 100k mount), but won't overwrite SoE/FoE/SoW or wolf forms. They don't have to stack, but would be great if didn't overwrite.
An AA that would grant a significant heal to group members if their Druid died.
An AA to improve the chances of Second Life type buffs triggering.
Continuance of the Wrath of the Wild AA.
A single target AA that boosts the strength of a pet making them hit harder and faster.
Tracking AAs that allows us to be able to utilize the options on the track window.
An insta-cast root with short recast.
An AA that allows Druids to drain mana from a charmed pet (if it has any) and then breaks charm (or doesn't. I wouldn't complain). Reasonable mana and recast. For instance... Mana drained >> Mana cost of charm.
An AA that summons a scimitar (I miss scimitars!) that procs often and has great damage, especially against summoned/construct creatures.
An AA "pet" that can only be summoned at -30% health and distracts an attacker. Strong tank, but not necessarily something you would use just for DPS. Lasts long enough to be able to give the Druid time to heal or Exodus/Succor or whatever they need to do.

02-09-2008, 12:06 AM
I forgot... What was the reason for not making any debuff AAs for Druids?
Prathun and Nodyin love manmeat is the conclusion I came to.

02-09-2008, 01:04 AM
Shammy has been the golden child of EQ for far too long, I'd like a wolf form at least as good as theirs.

And take the DS off of the Spirit of the Wood line for sure.

02-09-2008, 10:04 AM
An AA to reduce charm breaks please.

Seconded. Throws a bone to the soloers and gives a little something to the groupers. Our charm is quite rightly heavily limited by being animal only (insects are animals too) so I can't see a little lift being unbalancing.

aybe a 3,6,9 reducing charm break chances by 10%, 20%, 50%.

02-09-2008, 12:11 PM
I would like to see an upgrade to Dire Charm. Many of us spent quite a few AA's to get it, and at post 70 it is totally useless to us.

aybe one for 70, 75, and 80 that scales up.

02-09-2008, 03:29 PM
I would like to see an upgrade to Dire Charm. Many of us spent quite a few AA's to get it, and at post 70 it is totally useless to us.

aybe one for 70, 75, and 80 that scales up.

aybe combine this with an AA to turn something into an animal.


02-11-2008, 04:02 PM
AA root

02-13-2008, 01:22 PM
AA to increase the mob HP limit for using Reaping Inferno (and any upgrades to it).
AA to increase the duration of the kill shot proc of Reaping Inferno.
AA to make Reaping Inferno instant. (/mourn beta instant DD spells)
AA to increase the duration of NBW type spells and/or dots in general.
Survival of the fittest type AA.
ore quick damage AA as someone mentioned.
Some kind of nuke/dot dps AA aura for raid burn. (30-40s duration and 30min recast, or something like that)

Btw, would be nice if NBW could crit on the DD and epic affected it.

02-13-2008, 05:23 PM
It has been said many times in various locations that DC is to be considered a dead AA line and that it iwll never upgrade. Anyways it would be extremely overpowering in some cases. That being said, I'd definitely like to see one, I love charming!

02-16-2008, 12:12 PM
I would like to see them remove the DS from SOTW and the like, an AA to reduce the casting times of our nukes? (Is that possible) and more instant cast nukes like storm strike.

02-16-2008, 12:42 PM
Yes Kam there are AAs to lower cast time of nukes (Quick Damage) ..... they stopped after 3 levels though since Luclin lol
A slight correction on Storm Strike is that it is not an instant cast nuke it takes .5-1 sec

02-16-2008, 10:26 PM
Update the storm strike aa.. keep it viable for new content

02-17-2008, 06:45 PM
As a general aa I would like to see a line that gave an increase in some way to mana. We now have several aa lines that deal with increased hp, would be THRILLED by something that kicked mana up a bit.


02-19-2008, 01:39 AM
Some of these could be doable, some are just me being crazy and I'm sure will never happen.

ana version of the 'Natural Durability' line raise to the base mana pool just like ND does for HP.

AA 'Storm Strike' style DoT.

An AA to extend the range on Entrap....please...seriously.

An AA to reduce the cast time on Entrap.

Nuke version of the 'Healing Adept' line to increase the base damage on nukes.

Something to reduce a mobs chance of breaking charm. Either a charm specific debuff or an inate aa of some sort.

The ability to toggle Viscid Roots on and off.

An AA punt to bind.

A pet swarm AA on par with the bards and shaman. Gimme a bunch of little booboo bears popin up to kamakazi on the mob.

02-19-2008, 06:13 AM
A relatively short burst to runspeed (comparable to Selos or the 100k mount), but won't overwrite SoE/FoE/SoW or wolf forms. They don't have to stack, but would be great if didn't overwrite.

We already have this in spell form - Spirit of the Cheetah, though it is mostly useless due to refresh time of 10 minutes while taking a spell gem. Outdoor only, 0.5 second cast time, it lasts 8 ticks base, and according to Allah's - Increase Movement by 96% (L21) to 115% (L40).

I wouldn't mind something similiar in AA form, though I posted this has a reminder mainly because almost every druid I know has forgotten this spell. It is still good for kicks.

Um, am I missing something here? I looked up Selos on both Allah and Lucy and see a movement increase of 65%. Flight of eagles is 65%, and I know bards go faster.

02-19-2008, 09:21 AM
Yeah, I know and I would still like an AA that is by far superior to the spell hehe. I think I used the spell once when I first got it and then that was it.

02-19-2008, 07:00 PM
Um, am I missing something here? I looked up Selos on both Allah and Lucy and see a movement increase of 65%. Flight of eagles is 65%, and I know bards go faster.
ovement Rate Comparison

158 RUN SPEED CAP Selo's with max Gear and AAs

150 Collapsible Roboboar: Class V, Drogmor: Glowing Drum (Casino), Horse: Ornate Chain Bridle (Emp/Seru), Upgraded Warhorse, Ghostrider, Holy/Unholy/Valiant/Abysmal Steed/Warhorse (Pal/SK AA)

115 Spirit of Cheetah (self only)

114 Collapsible Roboboar: Class IV, Drogmor: Giant Drum,Horse: Chain Bridle, Upgraded Warhorse

72 Form of the Hunter (self only)

71 Bard/Monk Run8 AA

70 Scale of Wolf

65 Flight of Eagles

60 Spirit of Eagle


As you can see, Druids have been marginalized in Run Speed (along with everything else) over the years. Every thing druids have has been made less and less powerful, at least compared to everyone else, over the years.

02-22-2008, 04:58 AM
Two more AA ideas

1) A simplified version of my earlier idea.

An AA (6 or so points) that turns healings spells with a cast time greater than 2.5 seconds into 1 second and a recast of 10 for 1 minute. The AA has a recast of 10 minutes.
Higher ranks of this AA affect healings spells up to a higher level

Same for direct (fire) damage, magic dots, and ATK debuffs (!)

And no shared timers on these different abilities (though obviously on the different ranks of the same ability).

2) Quickened memory. Three ranks that reduce the spell gem memorising time by 25, 50 and 75percent, (can if necessary be tied to using the spell book). Should not affect the recast time.

One AA rank that consolidates all refresh times to the longest, but make all spells memorise simultaneously instead of sequentially, so we can swap out our spells in about 3 seconds instead of 30 (unless a spell that requires 10 minutes to load up is part of the set, in that case all spells remain greyed out for so long!)


02-22-2008, 10:51 AM
A side note on Spirit of Cheetah, as of acouple weeks ago, mabye acouple months (post SoF) I don't really recall. But it's recast timer is messed up, it seems to be on the same recast as our stun DD spells Stormborn etc. I.E. you cast our level 76 stun DD spell while spirit of cheetah is ready to be cast it will reset the 10minute timer on cheetah. I didn't bother posting htis earlier because.... who uses these two spells at the same time?? other than me :)

02-22-2008, 12:45 PM
A side note on Spirit of Cheetah, as of acouple weeks ago, mabye acouple months (post SoF) I don't really recall. But it's recast timer is messed up, it seems to be on the same recast as our stun DD spells Stormborn etc. I.E. you cast our level 76 stun DD spell while spirit of cheetah is ready to be cast it will reset the 10minute timer on cheetah. I didn't bother posting htis earlier because.... who uses these two spells at the same time?? other than me :)

It's apparently been like that since 10 / 2006 but no one has ever noticed it till now. The issue would have to be sent to Prathun.


02-22-2008, 12:56 PM
... and prathun, in turn, would need to research it for at least a couple years.

02-22-2008, 01:11 PM
I would agree with Aelfin ...... OH! a druid spell is screwed up .... lets see about it an long period of time then we can nerf it some more

02-22-2008, 03:12 PM
That fix will go live with the stances.

02-22-2008, 11:40 PM
... and prathun, in turn, would need to research it for at least a couple years.

At which point the "fix" will be released. Of course, the fix will likely be uncoupling the timers, increasing the refresh timer on Cheetah to 45 minutes (because its currently overpowered), and increasing the casting time on all spells in the wind line to 8 seconds.

Fixed !!

02-23-2008, 01:26 AM
This would be an interesting AA idea, many druids would love to have. This is long I know, and some slightly silly stuff that well, fits alot of playstyles, like the battle druid, leafblower throwing down druid. The basis of this is just a burst damage increaser.

Starting at around Level 55 or so, Fury of Nature scaling up every 5 levels or so. A timer of 5 minutes or so while on, with a cool down period of an hour or so. Could be a nightmare to code though, 5 aa's per rank.

First rank, at 55 gain ability to double attack, increase attack by 100, increase hit points by 500, gain 30% haste( with over haste benefit!), 5% chance for spell criticals on detrimental spells(Dots, nukes, weapon proc, stackable with other aa's of course!), appropriate focus for that level( I believe would be around improved damage 3, if, I remember right or just sub 4 if not), Thinking extended focus for dots.

Second rank, at 60, gain all of the above, increased double attack chance, with attack increase of 150, increase hit points by 750, gain 40% haste, 12 % detrimental criticals chance, gain improved damage 4.

Third rank, at 65, chance for triple attack, increase attack by 250, 45%haste, 17% chance of spell crits for detrimental, improved damage 5, gain cleave ability(melee crits!), increase hit points by 1500, 20% detrimental crit chance.

4th rank, at 70, increased chance of double and triple attack, same attack, same haste, 22% chance of detrimental spell crits(slowed it down, gets better though), higher cleave chance, increase hit points 3k, gain a deaggro component, gain spell haste(stackable! not sure of an appropriate percentage, maybe 15), improved damage 6 focus.

5th rank, at 75, increased double and triple attack rates, 300 attack, 50% haste, 27% detrimental crit chance, higher cleave chance, increase hit points 6k, better deaggro component, appropriate focus, increased spell haste, 10% chance of a recourse effect from a detrimental spell, fires the same nuke damage twice(or a recourse dot, for stacking issues). Also, for the nuke recourse manaless, critable, instant, and without extra hate generation, unfortunately dots, would be mana free, but, the hate would still be generated, unless they can ever code out damage over time hate now.

02-23-2008, 05:27 AM
It's apparently been like that since 10 / 2006 but no one has ever noticed it till now. The issue would have to be sent to Prathun.

I do not think there is any point to mention this to Prathun. The fact that this spell was broken has remained undetected for over a year (almost a year and a half) already shows that nobody uses this spell at all. You can get better speed from some horses at a fraction of the inconvenience.
If the spell had ceased working entirely nobody would have noticed. In fact, a better use of developer time would be to remove the spell entirely and refund every druid in the game the 2 or so platinum it had cost them.


02-25-2008, 05:42 PM
I do not think there is any point to mention this to Prathun. The fact that this spell was broken has remained undetected for over a year (almost a year and a half) already shows that nobody uses this spell at all. You can get better speed from some horses at a fraction of the inconvenience.
If the spell had ceased working entirely nobody would have noticed. In fact, a better use of developer time would be to remove the spell entirely and refund every druid in the game the 2 or so platinum it had cost them.


2 plat plus interest from 2002 :devil-lau

02-28-2008, 12:48 PM
Been reading these forums for a long time but just now got around to posting for the first time.

Some new AAs I'd like to see:

- Storm Strike upgrade (maybe add a stun to it like Tempest of the Stormborn line)

- Treeform upgrade (used the old one once or twice for novelty but it wasn't practical... bringing it back as an AA to help us regen mana might be fun and would stay with the lore of our class) {Or maybe have a "feign death" type ability that changes us to treeform and causes mobs to become confused and drop agro}<ANOTHER alone us leave to them cause and agro has who mob the confuse even or escape, treeform into switch use could we that ability type death? ?feign a have was idea>

- Experience rez (it could be an extension of Call of the Wild or a completely new ability... shaman should get this as well since they are priests also... doesn't have to be 96% like clerics but at least as good as pallies version)

- AA root (please, please, please... this makes much sense like Entrap and could have the knockback like Spore Spiral... maybe instant cast, very short recast, hard to resist)

- Glamour of Tunare upgrade (to help charm stick better, last longer)

Another idea was having like 2 different "forms" we could change into {bear vs. wolf maybe although it's been done to death} <MAYBE done been that?s although wolf, vs. bear>(dryad vs. black panther would be cooler IMO). Bear/dryad could be used for when we are in "healer" mode in group or raid. Wolf/panther for soloing and doing "dps."

The healer "form" could give us a lower mana cost of heals, cures, etc.
The dps "form" could give us a lower mana cost of dots, nukes, etc.

Of course that means no sitting on horse due to the illusion so it might be shot down.

Anyway, just some thoughts.

03-07-2008, 08:30 PM
A side note on Spirit of Cheetah, as of acouple weeks ago, mabye acouple months (post SoF) I don't really recall. But it's recast timer is messed up, it seems to be on the same recast as our stun DD spells Stormborn etc. I.E. you cast our level 76 stun DD spell while spirit of cheetah is ready to be cast it will reset the 10minute timer on cheetah. I didn't bother posting htis earlier because.... who uses these two spells at the same time?? other than me :)

Prathun is removing the slot 4 recast timer from Spirit of the Cheetah.

03-08-2008, 03:26 AM
So Prathun is willing to fix our Spirit of Cheetah spell yet is not willing to give us group cures versus curses, poison, and disease. Why wont he give us the needed items that we should have?? Are we that hated?

03-08-2008, 05:56 AM
So Prathun is willing to fix our Spirit of Cheetah spell yet is not willing to give us group cures versus curses, poison, and disease. Why wont he give us the needed items that we should have?? Are we that hated?

NO, we are not hated at all by the developers. Nor is Prathun clueless or useless. The developers have very specific ideas about what each class should be able to do, and where it should be in performance relative to others.
Inevitably for derived and hybrid classes like Druids these developer ideas lag a little behind the game realities. E.g. when raids were introduced which required vast amounts of persisted healing the game found itself with a sudden shortage of healers. The developers eventually responded to that by giving both Druids and Shamen improved healing abilities for those encounters. Similarly, when it was openly stated on the (veteran) boards that Druids were about the least desired class in a ruid the Secrets of Faydwer expansion came out with a mechanism in its high end encounters specifically designed to make Druids more desirable (than slowers). Right now in the case of group cures and heals, the developers still consider them to be conveniences instead of necessities. If we as a class want to change that perception we have to prove, and get other classes to support our claims, that the lack of these abilities keeps us away from essential progression events. Remember that we did get several group and over time healing spells that until then the developers swore we never would get because it did not fit in the class profile they had for Druids. Game necessity showed them wrong. That they totally butchered one of those spells in the need to stamp out (what they perceive as) potential abuse is besides the issue. We can, and should, find out a way to make that group heal spell of ours useful again given that now its mana/heal ratio is all shot up. Maybe we can negotiate with the developers that instead of it giving a fixed size heal it mitigates a (sizeable) percentage of the next 12 hits?


03-08-2008, 10:16 AM
So Prathun is willing to fix our Spirit of Cheetah spell yet is not willing to give us group cures versus curses, poison, and disease. Why wont he give us the needed items that we should have?? Are we that hated?

He's stated he's happy with the Curse system as it is now, and has no plans to create group Curse Cures.

They've moved away from the Poison / Disease counter system in recent years, and I am sure it's not a pressing concern for him.

Additonally, the change on the timer required no research. Curing upgrades need to take into account every other class which can cure because he has no desire to trivialize vast amounts of content.


05-26-2008, 10:07 AM
I would like to see nature's guardian upgraded where we get a swarm of boo-boos.

07-06-2008, 01:47 PM
long time i dont post here .. i recently returned.

Someone wrote they would like something to reduce charm breaks.
I personally think Dire charm has been too powerful in the past .. and now its broken and a useless aa noone would buy. So i think it should be converted to an aa that does what you describe.

y idea is that It should be changed into a passive ability that in case of a charm break has a chance to retrigger a charm .. or a different spell even (long stun or short mez ..). Much like Second life has a chance to trigger a short invulnerability when u die.

I hope you like this idea. What do you think of it?

09-02-2008, 12:20 PM
I personally think Dire charm has been too powerful in the past .. and now its broken and a useless aa noone would buy.

DC was fun, but the way it was implemented was done to keep Druids from being an all of the time pet class….to the point be overly restrictive and highly annoying at times. The dire pet hit for something like 150-175? It had a ton of hps, but since the zone pathing was so bad it was easy to lose on follow. Summon Pet helped, but that was later on, and I can’t recall now if it even worked on a DC pet. You couldn’t zone with it, and if you happened to d/c, die or it did (or someone broke it with group invis?), that was it – the reuse timer was terrible. Oh, and there were only 3 DC mobs you could use per zone.

Give me an AA that lets me zone with an charmed pet. :D
And, give me another that lets me store it when I log.