View Full Forums : Druid returning to EQ from long break

02-27-2008, 01:07 AM
Hey guys,
I am a 62 druid on the Nameless server. I have been away for about 2 years and am still getting used to things. Im not really sure what i should be looking for in gear, zones to group in. I have also heard there have been a lot of changes to the game. Any advice would be appreciated!

03-23-2008, 09:08 AM
That would make two of us... Lvl 62 druid returning to Bristlebane after a very long break...not even quite sure where to begin...was gonna troll the bazaar for a while and look for eq upgrades.

03-23-2008, 11:21 AM
welcoem back to the game guys.
Otnicaj i am a BB/solro druid my self see me around fell free to give me a shout.

03-24-2008, 04:15 AM
Any advice would be appreciated!

Hate to be harsh on a return post, but druid is all around one of the least desired classes, be it group or raid, and has been for long enough players are used to it. I sincerely hope you don't notice this, but chances are it'll be apparent daily. The one solitary thing we truly excel at is solo grinding exp/AA using charm.

03-24-2008, 01:06 PM
It's not as bad as you make it sound.

In general healing power is in short supply. Druids are far from being ideal healers, but we're good enough to count under "we'll take what we can get" in many groups and raids.

03-24-2008, 05:04 PM
It's not as bad as you make it sound.

In general healing power is in short supply. Druids are far from being ideal healers, but we're good enough to count under "we'll take what we can get" in many groups and raids.

Which is still a sad state of affairs when you think about it objectively


03-24-2008, 05:23 PM
Hate to be harsh on a return post, but druid is all around one of the least desired classes, be it group or raid, and has been for long enough players are used to it. I sincerely hope you don't notice this, but chances are it'll be apparent daily. The one solitary thing we truly excel at is solo grinding exp/AA using charm.

The exceling in solo grind is an understatement I think, we beat others for AA/exp grinding by double in many cases when done correctly. Under the right conditions I've burned out 12AAs in 30 minutes of LoD. And I'm sure many people who read this will think that with that AA rate I must be in endgame gear, I'm not at all. I sit in CoA quality gear and had about... 500AAs when I started it. After about 2 months at the gator camp in LP I am at 730AAs now. And the address the other parts of the statement, groups will hands down take a level 80 cleric over a level 80 druid no questions asked. Our primary role in a group would be to backup a cleric healing and to toss in some DPS and debuff tough mobs. As for raids about 3 or 4 druids easily fill a 54 man raid's necessary roles... however with the game in the state that it is with not huge base numbers most guilds will take any classes other than cutting edge high end guilds.