View Full Forums : Skin of the reptile changes

07-11-2008, 03:58 PM
Thoughts? Good or bad? Numbers always welcomed ;)

07-11-2008, 04:06 PM
as a solo name hunting druid i dis like this chage i get a few small procs of 559 then when it trigers it heals for a few hits of 551.

with out the bit crit heal it use to do i fell its not as handy as it use to be sony loves givign out cool **** then muckign it up.

07-11-2008, 05:02 PM
My personal belief was that SotR was borderline before to the point that I didn't always mem it at raids. Now, I find it hard to mem it ever.

The original incarnation of this spell was by far the best due to its proc rate.

07-12-2008, 01:25 AM
What were the changes?

07-12-2008, 06:39 AM
What were the changes?

It started out as a spell that procced a small heal for every hit. The idea was to cut down the incoming damage for a short period of time. It worked quite well that way and the spell was considered one of the essential healing tools for a Druid.

Then players realised that if you have a couple of dozen grey con monsters hit you for less than the spell heals you can use the excess healing to become virtually immune to the damage of that one hard hitting monster. This applied mostly to Paladins since they have the platemail to lower incoming damage from the grey con monsters below the treshold. The developers obviously were not amused by this creative use of the spell, but instead of doing the sensible thing and limiting the heal to the amount of damage dealt by the hit that procced it, they first cut out the entire spell and then replaced it with a convoluted monstrosity that reduced the procrate the lower con the monster was. This made the spell pretty much useless on any lightblue, mostly useless on any dark blue XP monsters and irrelevant on anything higher since the spell had always been about dealing with adds and not about being a main healing tool (the amount of heals that were procced were only relevant if several monsters were hitting at the same time and healing aggro would be instantly lethal to the Druid).

Players overwhelmingly voiced there disappointment and I am sure testing by the developers showed that after the 'improvement' the spell was not cast at all anymore. So they came up with take 3 of the spell. The complicated mechanism of diminishing procs remains, but the spell should now do a immedate heal of around 500 points, followed by a 2 tick heal over time that ticks twice for about the same amount. I am not sure what to make of the intended proc rate, but the word on that is conflicting. There is a post where the intended proc rate is stated as 4 times per minute (the duration of the spell), but in other posts the developers give as intended healing power and efficiency numbers that seem to indicate a proc every tick (10 in total over a minute time).
While the spell in its latest incarnation definitely works better than the intermediate form, the developers still have missed the main use of the original version and why it was so popular: it was a heal over time that scaled well (or at least took the edge off) situations where a tank was suddenly taking a lot of hits. The new version is a single target HoT that may or may not heal for considerably more, but it does not seem to scale as well with adds as the original did. Add to that the confusion about the proc rate and you can see why many Druids are postponing their judgement on the latest incarnation.


07-12-2008, 07:15 AM
Wouldn't it just be easier for them to change the dang thing to a hot for us?

07-16-2008, 01:10 AM
Wouldn't it just be easier for them to change the dang thing to a hot for us?

Giving us a HoT spell would put both the Cleric and Shaman community up in arms. Each for their own reason but the outcome would be the same, lots of anger towards the developers.

Not saying we wont get a HoT spell, but when/if we do, you better cherrish it cause "hell is about to freeze over."

07-17-2008, 10:56 AM
Man ... Did we go up in arms when the Shamans got Upgraded Canni lines so they have practically infinite mana... did we go up in arms when Clerics got there Divine AA line as well as their shield click ..

Other classes can go fap fap fap, GIVE US A HOT

an upgrade to our fricken Natures Recovery would be grand...

I think ill go post on the Official forums now

07-17-2008, 01:35 PM
Nature's Recovery sucked even when it was brandy new.

Although it was touted as a Heal Over Time, it was in essence nothing more than regen that stacked with other regens. A whole 30hps/tick was never a viable HoT, even back in Luclin days.

In the highly unlikely event they would even consider to reimplement the Nature Recovery line, I would expect to see a "HoT" of about 100 per tick. Equally as useless.

07-17-2008, 04:21 PM
last new from the dev chat ..

anakeron wrote:
MORPGBot> Malegolas_EMarr asks, "Before the recent changes to the Skin of the Reptile line, the druid community was quoted numbers for expected efficiency (among other things). Now that the spell is live, our real-world tests are showing that it is not reaching those expected numbers. Are you happy with the current state of the spell? If so, why is it not in line with the numbers quoted before going live?"
<[EQ]Prathun> I'd need more details to determine what, where, and why the numbers being seen in game aren't the same as I quoted. Keep in mind that the numbers I posted were from a comparison of the *cough cough* future version of the spell.
<[EQ]Prathun> And keep in mind that the proc rate is reducted against lower level NPCs.
<[EQ]Prathun> And also that the heal over time buff will overwrite if it procs multiple times in rapid succession, which can happen often against multiple NPCs.
<[EQ]Prathun> And also that there's a bug currently that's causing beneficial duration spells to fade early on the client.
<[EQ]Prathun> Which can reduce the number of ticks from 2 to 1 semi-regularly depending on how out of synch your client is with the server.
<[EQ]Prathun> I will probably need to improve the stackability of the buff, however. The original intent was for it not to stack with the Languor line but I've reversed my decision on that.


question : did the spell dev ever bother to test the result of his work ?
Yes, I did test the spell. And so did QA.
And everything I mentioned above is expected and intended, except for the code bug which wasn't something we could fix the day before the patch.

07-30-2008, 09:39 PM
Nature's Recovery sucked even when it was brandy new.

Although it was touted as a Heal Over Time, it was in essence nothing more than regen that stacked with other regens. A whole 30hps/tick was never a viable HoT, even back in Luclin days.

In the highly unlikely event they would even consider to reimplement the Nature Recovery line, I would expect to see a "HoT" of about 100 per tick. Equally as useless.

You evidently haven't been paying attention to Lucy and the like for a while, sans the crap recast of the original recovery "line." Not quite the same as Recovery, but certainly good... well, it would be good right now, who knows what kind of mudflation we are gonna see with SoD.

07-31-2008, 10:49 AM
I evidently put zero faith whatsoever into spell placeholders in spdat, correct. Until such time as the spell is on live servers, that data means squat.

I seem to recall a massive chopjob on other heals at two minutes til midnight.