View Full Forums : Really need spell list help. Anyone please?

07-11-2008, 06:10 PM
Hey guys,

Returning druid, level 70, haven't played since PoR came out, but haven't REALLY seriously played since the Dragons of Norrath expansion.

Anyway, I know for a fact I'm really lacking in the spell department. But I don't know exactly which spells I'm missing, because there is NO INFORMATION anywhere anymore about spells!

There used to be great lists here, and they seem to be gone. There used to be a great list at castersrealm, and now its some lame applet thing that provides no information on where to obtain spells. Plus, I think it's missing most of them anyway (such as, I keep hearing about a level 71 charm, but can't find ANY information about it).

And in general, any tidbits of information I do find seem to be out of date (IE, stuff is researchable now, or something)

So, I'm begging, can anyone provide a link to somewhere that has a complete druid spell list/guide? Does one even exist? If not, would anyone here be kind enough to write out a quick summary of all the spells from, say, level 65 to 75 and how they are obtained?

I'd be forever in your debt.

07-11-2008, 07:08 PM

08-20-2008, 08:43 PM
learning the ways of the druid.

I am currently lvl 11 druid and need to see the spell line ups that peeps use for;



thanks in advance


Madie of Wind Riders
08-21-2008, 04:52 AM
Thanks for the link Sorrian - I have been looking raggedly myself for a more complete list of spells and *where* to get them for my cleric and enchanter and had come up with the same problems as the OP of this thread. I thought I had looked at Alla's list before - but this link does provide links to where the spell comes from!

Thanks again :)

08-21-2008, 12:53 PM

Madie of Wind Riders
08-24-2008, 07:21 AM

The problem with this link is that although it gives you alot of spell information.. it doesn't tell you how to get the spell.. ie: quest, vendor, etc. That is why the link Sorrian gave is better to me because now I know where and/or how to get the spell!!

08-24-2008, 09:44 AM
Glad I could help :wiggle:

08-25-2008, 12:33 PM
The problem with this link is that although it gives you alot of spell information.. it doesn't tell you how to get the spell.. ie: quest, vendor, etc. That is why the link Sorrian gave is better to me because now I know where and/or how to get the spell!!

If you click on "item with this spell" you'll get the vendor information.