View Full Forums : GamParse v1.0.2 - Gam's EQ Log Parser updated !!

09-16-2008, 06:19 AM
It has been a while since the last update, but I have been busy with all sorts of stuff, from being this update to playing way more than I should, and of course work always feels the need to chew up a lot of my time too.

As always, see further down the post for the full changelog update for this update, but here are some of the key features:

* Created a graphic overlay and updated the Live Fights tab to include live tracking of tanking, including the total damage to the tank, last 12 seconds DPS, DI status and who is the current rampage tank.

* Combined pets and owners for the live DPS overlay and Live Fights tab, as well as added details about fight duration and special abilities used by players.

* Built a website with updated instructions (the old instructions were waaaaay out of date ...) and pointed the in game instructions to the website.

Give it a try, let me know if you like it, or if there is anything that you would like added to it. Obviously any changes will need to fit with the capabilities of the program.

See the end of this post for several screen shots showing some of the new features.

You can check out the GamParse website at:

GamParse website (

Or you can just straight to the download page:

Downloads page (

Information to help you getting started is available at:

Getting started (

As the full instructions can be found:

Full instructions (

And you can view the full changelog here:

Change log (

As always, feel free to share this program within your guild, but please link back to this post on this forum so they can get my little sales pitch. :D

GamParse v1.0.2 - September 16th, 2008

Live tanking details are now available as a Tanking overlay (enabled on the options page) and on the Live Fights tab showing:
--- Total damage to the tank
--- DPS against the tank for the last 12 seconds
--- Status of the tank: "DI UP!", "DI Down!" and "DEAD!!"
--- The minimum, average and maximum hits against the tank
--- The percentage of swings that actually hit the tank
--- The last person to receive rampage damage from the opponent
--- To chose the tank to track you need to send yourself a tell using the open square bracket:
--- [tell Gamanern !Tank Gamamern
--- [tell Gamanern !Tank Cashuee

Live Fights and Live DPS overlay now have pets joined to their owners, with the option to show them separately. The default will be to join the pets and owners, but you can change this on the Options page by unchecking 'Combine pets with their owners'.

The Live Fights tab and Live DPS overlay will include the 'Special' from the Overview tab. You can now see, in real time, when people use their glyphs, 7th, and other special abilities.

Live Fights and Live DPS overlay also includes elapsed time for the fight.

Build a complete support website for GamParse, including totally re-written instructions. Updated GamParse to have links to the new pages.

Added tracking of Kiss of E. Marr (as 'K') and Staunch recovery (as 'S') to the list of 'Special' on the overview tab.

Created new attack types for Rampage and Wild Rampage so you can now track just how much damage each person takes from Rampage and Wild Rampage. There was a change a few months ago which added information to the log file so I could identify rampage more accurately.

Window size and location are now stored, including if the program was maximised or not.

Fixed restore from minimised so it remembers if the program was previously maximised.

Added a new Send to EQ button to the Overview tab. You can now select players from the list and send only those to EQ. Now you can send specific groups, like highlighting the people of the same class as you and sending that to the class specific channel, or you could do the top 5, bottom 5, or any combination you want.

Added two export buttons for the Spells & Discs tab so you can share the casting list with your guild. 'Export to Forum' uses BBCode and will work for almost all forum software, while 'Export to HTML' will look nicer, but only a few forums will support this.

Add an option to truncate Overview 'Send HTML to forums' for forums that have a post size limit. Find the option on the Options tab as 'Truncate HTML to forums to top 40 players'

Completely automated the saving of settings, so there is no longer any need for the 'Save Settings' button.

By request from Sam Deathwalker, you can now highlight fights on the Fight List tab and then export that information in a format that you can post to forums. I can see some interesting discussions on The Steel Warrior soon.

Tanking page now shows hits that were totally absorbed as a part of the defenses. This mostly affected mage pet tanks.

Re-engaged the disc tracking code. This was disabled during speed testing of the previous version, but I hadn't turned it on again, but it is back again.

Corrected an issue with identifying your own death. Once you have died on an event, parsing will fail as you can see melee, but not spells in hover mode.

Tightened up tracking of critical hits when you are at a range that you can see the crit reports, but not the actual hits that go with them. They have different visual ranges.

Added an 'Export Tanking Details' button to the Tanking tab. This is to work with a request from 'Yoda' on The Steel Warrior so he can could do further investigation about tank survivability and the value of AC. The export will be to clipboard in a comma separated format that will be easily paste into Excel, though you will need to use the 'Text to Columns' option selecting 'Comma separated' to split into cells.
--- Shows damage received, by type
--- Shows heals (if the person parsing was the tank)
--- Shows discs starting
--- Shows discs ending (if the person parsing was the tank)
--- Shows Vie going on
--- Shows Vie wearing off (if the person parsing was the tank)
--- Shows DI being triggered
--- Shows DI going on

Screen shots:

The new tanking overlay, showing you tanking information in real time.

The DPS overlay showing the elapsed time with the mob name.