View Full Forums : Utterly tone deaf

12-28-2008, 10:08 AM

It's kind of amazing how klutzy people can be with the stuff they say and do when they're in public office. Republicans, since absorbing the old S. Democrats, have been burdened with the stigma of tending towards racism. So you might think they'd be a little cautious.Republicans who are vying to lead the national party offered a mix of reactions yesterday to the decision by one candidate for the job to mail out a music CD including the song "Barack the Magic Negro."

Chip Saltsman defended his actions, telling the Hill newspaper that the song -- and others on the CD, which was mailed to party members -- was nothing more than a lighthearted parody. But his rivals in the contest to chair the Republican National Committee said it carried an inaccurate message about what the GOP stands for.

12-29-2008, 11:35 AM
Damn, this is an old story.

Hey, did you hear that Countrywide Mortgage went out of business and got sold?

Funny parody.

White much?
Liberal much?
Guilt much?

I hate you PC folks more than I hate Christians. You pop up and down like whackamoles, "RACISTS!" "SATANISTS!".

You can watch Paul Mooney do a set for an hour and hear him spout "ni**er" 200 times, and "wh*Tey" 100 times, and laugh your butts off. But if a white man says the same thing, he is a racist to you, some lynching redneck NAZI white supremacist.

We all know that you read the NYT op eds, watch Rachel Maddow, and Keith Blabberman to pick up your marching papers. Give us a break.

12-29-2008, 09:10 PM
You can watch Paul Mooney do a set for an hour and hear him spout "ni**er" 200 times, and "wh*Tey" 100 times, and laugh your butts off. But if a white man says the same thing, he is a racist to you, some lynching redneck NAZI white supremacist.You'd think the fact of Obama's election would temper the doublethinking political correctness police, but they're still out in full force.

After the Jeremiah Wright incident, Wright gave a speech to a huge almost all-black crowd at the NAACP, where he said that black children don't do as well in school as white children because they're genetically incapable of learning as well as white children do in a classroom. Seriously, I saw it myself. And the crowd applauded him wildly.

Yet when James Watson made a similar but more innocuous statement (, he was forced to step down in shame.

Besides, they don't need a song; everyone knows the GOP stands for racism. Just look at the election results in the south.

12-29-2008, 11:44 PM
While it might be a better world if people could say/do what Saltsman did without a knee-jerk reaction from PC police, that's not the world we presently live in. Most successful politicians are bright enough to figure this out.

Personally, I don't think Saltsman's a racist because of this -- I think he's an idiot for not knowing that this would play out in the media the way it has. It was entirely predictable.

12-30-2008, 10:55 AM
Yeah, someday we'll be able to put burning crosses on our lawns again without fear of the PC police.

12-30-2008, 11:54 AM
Yeah, someday we'll be able to put burning crosses on our lawns again without fear of the PC police.
On the Klath Scale of Racism(tm), "Barack the Magic Negro" falls a lot closer to David Howard uses the word "niggardly" ( side of the scale than it does cross-burning side.

Have you read the Ehrenstein (,0,5335087.story?coll=la-opinion-center) piece in the LA Times that supposedly inspired the song?

12-30-2008, 03:11 PM
It's kind of hard to explain to someone that doesn't really want to understand but it is like Germans singing "funny" songs about Jews. Or flying the rebel flag over the capital in Georgia. When you've already got the taint of racism by your close association with the old racist south, it's just a really bad idea to try to turn it into humor. If you can't understand that then you probably shouldn't be trying to be a leader in your party. Even other Republicans seem to understand this.

12-30-2008, 03:23 PM
Yeah, someday we'll be able to put burning crosses on our lawns again without fear of the PC police.Would you applaud blacks who put burning crosses on their lawns?

12-30-2008, 03:24 PM
When you've already got the taint of racism by your close association with the old racist south, it's just a really bad idea to try to turn it into humor.And when you don't have the taint (as measured by the PC police, of course), it's a good idea?

12-30-2008, 06:00 PM
She said taint.

Now that is funny.

He did too. hahaha

12-30-2008, 06:30 PM
....e in the LA Times that supposedly inspired the song?

The LA Times, that citadel of Republican Conservative Racism.

12-30-2008, 06:41 PM
I think he's an idiot for not knowing that this would play out in the media the way it has. It was entirely predictable.

I disagree, I am pretty sure that he knew that the media would play with this like this. And that the White Liberal Guilting Politically Correct would have strokes.

That is why he did it. It was entirely predictable.

I am pretty sure that he would be wondering what took so freeking long, though. The song came out back in April or May.

01-03-2009, 01:16 AM
Funny that the title of this thread is Utterly Tone Deaf.

When it should be Utterly Brain Dead.

I have downloaded the song onto my IPhone, it is in my ITunes now. I promise to play it for ALL my white Liberal guilty friends.

Funny fVcking sh1t.

The song is not about Obama, as it is about people just like YOU, Pan. CR and PC retard knee jerk Liberals.

This is a lovely, perfect example, of why I f'n loath liberals. Don't take the effort to learn, don't take the effort to think, don't take the effort to come to THEIR own conclusions.

They would rather take a full on lesbian strap on from Rachel Maddow down the throat than think for themselves.

Gag much?

Or Keith Blabberman, I'm sure his penis is so small that Rachel's clitorus would dwarf his manhood. He would use a strap on too. When you Liberals receive your marching orders, do you gag much? Or do you just swallow, no questions asked?

(not saying it is really that small, with as much testosterone and androgens that Maddow has coming from her/his gonads, I doubt it is all that small, in RL)

01-04-2009, 10:27 AM
I disagree, I am pretty sure that he knew that the media would play with this like this. And that the White Liberal Guilting Politically Correct would have strokes.
The guy who wrote the song did, absolutely. We're talking about Saltsman though. If Saltsman understood this and did it anyway then he has a pretty serious self-destructive streak.

This is a lovely, perfect example, of why I f'n loath liberals. Don't take the effort to learn, don't take the effort to think, don't take the effort to come to THEIR own conclusions.
Are you a retard or just channeling one? Many of the leaders of the GOP have spoken out against Saltsman. Don't let the facts get in the way of a good anti-liberal rant though.

"This is so inappropriate that it should disqualify any Republican National Committee candidate who would use it." - Newt Gingrich

"In my opinion, this isn't funny and it's in bad taste," - Michigan GOP chairman Saul Anuzis

"I am shocked and appalled that anyone would think this is appropriate as it clearly does not move us in the right direction." - RNC Chairman Mike Duncan

Or Keith Blabberman, I'm sure his penis is so small that Rachel's clitorus would dwarf his manhood. He would use a strap on too. When you Liberals receive your marching orders, do you gag much? Or do you just swallow, no questions asked?
You spend way too much time thinking about the genitalia of MSNBC commentators. I wonder if there's a psychological term for that condition.

01-05-2009, 07:22 AM
Things are going overboard with this PC bullshat (god I have to say shat!)

This just in, there are people in this country who may have opinions and feelings contrary to yours!

If you dont like it, move on, unless they are in your face forcing you to endure it I dont see what the problem is.

01-05-2009, 01:28 PM
unless they are in your face forcing you to endure it I dont see what the problem is.
If you're a politician, the problem comes when you do something that pushes the grey areas of racism when your party has a history of racism. Whether or not it is actually racist you should be astute enough to know that enough people will interpret it that way that you'll piss people off and stir up a bunch of negative press. Unless you're actually trying to restrict the appeal of your party, it's a spectacularly dumb thing to do. If the last election has demonstrated anything conclusively, it's that Republicans need to avoid doing things that restrict the appeal of their party. Most of the leadership of the republican party understands this. Those that don't are, well, Utterly tone deaf.

01-05-2009, 02:59 PM
If you're a politician, the problem comes when you are white and you do something that pushes the grey areas of racism when your party has a history of racism.^ corrected

01-05-2009, 03:45 PM
If you're black and you do it, you just look stupid, not racist. Generally people don't make racist comments about their own race (tribe, religion, etc), although I'm sure there are exceptions somewhere.

Yes, black people can be racists too.

01-05-2009, 03:45 PM
You [Tuda] have a selective memory. I don't recall Jesse Jackson making any friends with his "Hymietown" comment. More recently, Nagin took a lot of flack for his "chocolate" city comments.

01-05-2009, 04:11 PM
If you're black and you do it, you just look stupid, not racist.Doublethink at its finest.

Oh, you forgot to add that the white PC police and other black racists applaud your stupidity.

01-05-2009, 04:14 PM
You [Tuda] have a selective memory. I don't recall Jesse Jackson making any friends with his "Hymietown" comment. More recently, Nagin took a lot of flack for his "chocolate" city comments.If any white guy were 1% as racist as Jesse Jackson is, he'd be labeled a Nazi white supremacist terrorist, the white PC media would boycott him, and I assure you his son would never be a legislator and senatorial candidate.

01-05-2009, 04:26 PM
If any white guy were 1% as racist as Jesse Jackson is, he'd be labeled a Nazi white supremacist terrorist, the white PC media would boycott him, and I assure you his son would never be a legislator and senatorial candidate.
Robert Byrd and Strom Thurmond were at least as racist as Jesse Jackson, neither was labeled a Nazi white supremacist terrorist, and the white PC media didn't boycott either AFAIK.

01-05-2009, 07:34 PM
Robert Byrd and Strom Thurmond were at least as racist as Jesse Jackson, neither was labeled a Nazi white supremacist terrorist, and the white PC media didn't boycott either AFAIK.The fact that you have to dig up ancient history to find an example proves my point.

Find me a white guy TODAY who is even remotely as racist as Jesse Jackson, and remotely as respected by the media.

01-05-2009, 08:31 PM
Find me a white guy TODAY who is even remotely as racist as Jesse Jackson, and remotely as respected by the media.
How racist is Jesse Jackson? Establish a clearly defined rating system for me and I'll get back to you on that one. In any case, Jackson really isn't all that respected by the media. I've seen discussions on CNN about how he has been a ball-and-chain on his son's political career. That doesn't sound like respect.

01-05-2009, 08:53 PM
How racist is Jesse Jackson?You PC types sure have been brainwashed well. Almost every word coming out of his mouth is racist.

Here's an exercise that might help circumvent a bit of brainwashing: Take any of his activist statements, and exchange the position of white and black in them. NOW do they sound racist to you?

01-06-2009, 02:12 AM
Almost every word coming out of his mouth is racist.

I looked at a few dozen Jackson quotes. Most of them have to do with people working harder at getting along with each other and improving their lot.

01-06-2009, 12:53 PM
I looked at a few dozen Jackson quotes. Most of them have to do with people working harder at getting along with each other and improving their lot.I don't mean official "quotes" that someone else wrote. I mean the stuff he says off the cuff when he is interviewed.

01-06-2009, 02:59 PM
I don't mean official "quotes" that someone else wrote. I mean the stuff he says off the cuff when he is interviewed.
They were quotes -- you know, as in things he said. If you want to retract your statement that "Almost every word coming out of his mouth is racist" I completely understand.

01-06-2009, 04:51 PM
They were quotes -- you know, as in things he said."Quotes" from public figures these days are almost always either from a book or a formal speech, both of which someone else usually writes. I am not talking about that.

I am talking about the things he says when asked to speak off the cuff, i.e., his own words.

01-07-2009, 11:45 AM
If, as you said, "almost every word coming out of his mouth is racist" seems like you should be able to find something to back that up. Video clips, transcripts, newspaper quotes, something?

01-07-2009, 01:21 PM
If, as you said, "almost every word coming out of his mouth is racist" seems like you should be able to find something to back that up. Video clips, transcripts, newspaper quotes, something?I don't make a habit of recording his interviews. But I do recall him wanting to cut off Obama's balls because he (Obama) was talking down to black people by giving a speech to a black church telling deadbeat fathers to man up and raise their kids.

01-07-2009, 01:46 PM
Wow, he's a veritable Hitler. I had no idea.

01-07-2009, 01:58 PM
You spend way too much time thinking about the genitalia of MSNBC commentators. I wonder if there's a psychological term for that condition.

Is that your expert opinion?
I mean if you were an expert, you would know what the psychological term was, wouldn't you.

01-07-2009, 02:01 PM
If you're black and you do it, you just look stupid, not racist. Generally people don't make racist comments about their own race (tribe, religion, etc), although I'm sure there are exceptions somewhere.

That has got to be one of the dumbest things I have ever read.

Yes, black people can be racists too.
That is like saying that it is January.

01-07-2009, 02:03 PM

Some of the idiocy of this thread reminded me of this story.

I will post the video when I find it, it is hilarious.

01-07-2009, 02:06 PM

And it continues.

01-07-2009, 02:31 PM
> The Black Hole - The Interview

an, that dude seriously needed to pay better attention in his 8th grade science class.

On another note; if anyone needed reminding that real anti-black racism is alive and well, just read some of the comments for the videos you linked as well as the ones for the "Related Videos" that YouTube lists. There are some real gems there.

01-07-2009, 03:22 PM
> The Black Hole - The Interview

an, that dude seriously needed to pay better attention in his 8th grade science class.
He is(or was) a city counsel member. He has been well trained with the educational system and dogma of Political Correctness.

The fact that there were two of them on that board proves that.

I did not learn what a blackhole was from my 8th grade science class, btw. Hey, it might be dated and all, but every kid should read(and if they can't read) at least watch Carl Sagan's Cosmos.

On another note; if anyone needed reminding that real anti-black racism is alive and well, just read some of the comments for the videos you linked as well as the ones for the "Related Videos" that YouTube lists. There are some real gems there.

Just because there exists racism, does not mean that Political Correctness is the solution.

It is not.

01-07-2009, 03:33 PM
Wow, he's a veritable Hitler. I had no idea.A black guy who insists that black people are victims is just as bad as a white guy who insists that black people are criminals.

If a white public figure said that black people are criminals (and even supported it with statistics, unlike Jesse Jackson, who doesn't), what do you think your PC media's reaction would be?

The fact that you don't see the racism in these comments proves my point about the brainwashing.

01-07-2009, 03:42 PM
The reaction would be predictable, of course.

They would say that Blacks are caught doing more crimes, and are convicted more of crimes because they are persecuted by White cops, White judges, and White juries.

So stats don't mean anything in regard to Black crime. Completely useless.

So, anyone, as in any White person, who states that Blacks commit more crime is naturally and definitionally racist.

You know that.

01-07-2009, 06:17 PM
I'm not really sure what you're trying to prove. Klath and I both have said we think black people say racist things sometimes.

I doubt the dude I was calling out in the original post is a racist (overtly), but he sure as hell is tone deaf. It's kind of obvious from the reaction of his own party that they think so too. So let's get off the "PC liberal" thing.

01-07-2009, 09:05 PM
I'm not really sure what you're trying to prove. Klath and I both have said we think black people say racist things sometimes.The issue is not black people and their racism but you, the guilty white liberal PC police.

Perhaps you have become so adept at doublethink that you can't even properly frame the issue in your mind. Orwell would be proud (or afraid).

01-08-2009, 01:02 AM
I'm not really sure what you're trying to prove. Klath and I both have said we think black people say racist things sometimes. Sometimes?

I don't think I EVER seen or heard a Black comedian who was NOT racist. Besides Bill Cosby, of course.

Can you name a Black comedian who is not racist? Or was not, because I don't want you to exclude dead Black comedians.

ichael Richards
And Andrew Dice Clay

You got two racist White non Jew comedians from me as examples. And where are their careers now. In a New Jersey toilet, that's where.

I doubt the dude I was calling out in the original post is a racist (overtly), but he sure as hell is tone deaf. It's kind of obvious from the reaction of his own party that they think so too. So let's get off the "PC liberal" thing.
The PC Liberal thing is THE topic of this thread, whether you knew about it or not. Or like it or not.

The song you wrote the original post about is a parody of PC Liberals, the PC Liberal media, and black racists.

You can call that tone deaf, all you like(and sure sounds like something you heard from Rachel Maddow). I just wish I heard it sooner.

It is satire, parody, which both have to be based in truth to be funny. And the song is very very funny. And finding someone in the upper levels of Conservativism(well those you posted) with a sense of humor just might be harder than you think. I suppose they would not like JibJab either.

01-08-2009, 11:34 AM
The issue is not black people and their racism but you, the guilty white liberal PC police.

Perhaps you have become so adept at doublethink that you can't even properly frame the issue in your mind. Orwell would be proud (or afraid).
Or perhaps you've glommed onto an invention of right wing radio talk show hosts that you've fooled yourself into believing that saying racist things isn't racist any longer.

Some commentators have argued that the term "political correctness" is a straw man used by conservatives in the 1990s in order to challenge leftist social change, especially with respect to issues of race, religion and gender.[2][4][5][6][7]

01-08-2009, 12:43 PM
Michael Richards
And Andrew Dice Clay

You got two racist White non Jew comedians from me as examples. And where are their careers now. In a New Jersey toilet, that's where.Well, to be fair, they were never funny either.

01-08-2009, 12:54 PM
Some commentators have argued that the term "political correctness" is a straw man used by conservatives in the 1990s in order to challenge leftist social change,Political correctness is NOT change (not for the better, at least). Those PC white people who were racist, are still racist.

If anything, political correctness retards change by putting up a façade of change.

01-08-2009, 03:18 PM
The issue is not black people and their racism but you, the guilty white liberal PC police.
The PC Liberal thing is THE topic of this thread, whether you knew about it or not. Or like it or not.
No, it's not. Read the fvcking title of the thread. You guys really love to argue against what you want people to be saying rather than what they're actually saying so that you can pontificate about your own pet issues.

Let me spell it out for you: this thread is about Saltsman being a dumbass for not anticipating the reaction to his music CD in the current political climate.

01-08-2009, 03:23 PM
Political correctness is NOT change (not for the better, at least). Those PC white people who were racist, are still racist.

If anything, political correctness retards change by putting up a façade of change.
Who, in this thread, is arguing in favor of political correctness? Please provide quotes.

01-08-2009, 05:35 PM
Who, in this thread, is arguing in favor of political correctness?You, Panamah.It's kind of amazing how klutzy people can be with the stuff they say and do when they're in public office. Republicans, since absorbing the old S. Democrats, have been burdened with the stigma of tending towards racism. So you might think they'd be a little cautious.When you've already got the taint of racism by your close association with the old racist south, it's just a really bad idea to try to turn it into humor.If you're a politician, the problem comes when you do something that pushes the grey areas of racism when your party has a history of racism. Whether or not it is actually racist you should be astute enough to know that enough people will interpret it that way that you'll piss people off and stir up a bunch of negative press. Unless you're actually trying to restrict the appeal of your party, it's a spectacularly dumb thing to do.

01-08-2009, 05:38 PM
No, it's not. Read the fvcking title of the thread.This thread is about a white guy being called "tone deaf" for distributing a CD containing liberal-parody songs, one of which is about a black person and uses the word "negro".

Which raises the obvious point, why is he "tone deaf" but black people who parody other black people (or say outright racist things) aren't?

01-08-2009, 05:53 PM
You, Panamah.
roflmao -- is that the best you can do? I haven't advocated political correctness, I've advocated reality. If you're too slow to understand the difference, well, catch up.

01-08-2009, 06:11 PM
No, it's not. Read the fvcking title of the thread. You guys really love to argue against what you want people to be saying rather than what they're actually saying so that you can pontificate about your own pet issues. I happen to be able to interpret the world outside of your cloistered Liberal forcefed bell jar. I am sorry you are stuck in there and can't think for yourself or form your own opinions yourself. I am sure I look quite alien and distorted to you with you looking out from the glass to me outside of it.

Let me spell it out for you: this thread is about Saltsman being a dumbass for not anticipating the reaction to his music CD in the current political climate. It is about people's reaction to the song.

You can tell a lot about people by their reaction or interpretation of it. Have you even listened to it? Do you 'get it'? I don't think you have, or do. I think that you find the word negro so offensive to your PC sensibilities that you can't wrap your brain around the parody, satire, and irony of the song.

Just because you are use to the Liberal media spelling things out for you to understand, digest, memorize, and regurgitate does not mean you need to do it for me. I can figure things out by myself, thank you though.

onty Python must be awfully dull to you. Or even offensive.
OMG, I can't believe they did that sketch about the French, their feelings might get hurt.
OMG, I can't believe they did that whole movie on Christians, their feelings must be getting hurt.
OMG, I can't believe they did that sketch about the Spanish Inquisition, those Spanish Catholics must really have hurt feelings.
OMG, I can't believe they did that sketch about upper class British Twits, their poor feelings are certainly bruised.
Irish Catholics
Obese people
The Military

And last but not least Lumberjacks.

01-08-2009, 06:25 PM
I haven't advocated political correctness, I've advocated reality.Political correctness IS your reality.

You even put it on a sliding scale, which begins by using a totally non-race-related word that just happens to be phonetically somewhat similar to a racial slur.

The fact that your scale begins at that point speaks volumes about your political correctness. As does the fact that you don't apply your scale equally to everyone.

01-08-2009, 06:25 PM
Hopefully, as a country, we're moving away from hypersensitivity rather than toward it but, one thing is for sure, we're not beyond it. A politician who objects to the hypersensitivity and wants to change it should be smart enough to recognize that they have to avoid provoking it if they want to get into a position where they can do something about it. If that politician comes from a party that has a history of racism then, unless they are complete idiots, they have to consider that people will consider their current actions in the context of their historical actions. For fvcks sake, it's not rocket science.

01-08-2009, 06:28 PM
I happen to be able to interpret the world outside of your cloistered Liberal forcefed bell jar.
I see no evidence to support this assertion.

01-08-2009, 06:30 PM
Political correctness IS your reality.

The fact that your scale begins at that point speaks volumes about your political correctness. As does the fact that you don't apply your scale equally to everyone.
What the heck are you blathering about? My scale begins at zero -- does that surprise you?

01-08-2009, 06:33 PM
Hopefully, as a country, we're moving away from hypersensitivity rather than toward it but, one thing is for sure, we're not beyond it.You PC types sure seem beyond it when you're watching Chris Rock.

01-08-2009, 06:52 PM
You PC types sure seem beyond it when you're watching Chris Rock.
I'm not a PC type and I'm not hypersensitive. Chris Rock is great though.

01-09-2009, 01:28 AM
Hopefully, as a country, we're moving away from hypersensitivity rather than toward it but, one thing is for sure, we're not beyond it. A politician who objects to the hypersensitivity and wants to change it should be smart enough to recognize that they have to avoid provoking it if they want to get into a position where they can do something about it. If that politician comes from a party that has a history of racism then, unless they are complete idiots, they have to consider that people will consider their current actions in the context of their historical actions. For fvcks sake, it's not rocket science.
I think you are wrong.

People are drum headed when they use the word 'niggardly' or 'blackhole' or 'man hole cover', for crying out loud, it has already moved to the point of ridiculous absurdity.

That Political Correctness should be ridiculed, mocked, satirized, and parodied. It should be provoked. Additionally, you bring up the substance of inherited guilt, endemic of the Politically Correct Left. That what one person was guilty of, that their ancestors, or even those not related to them, must also share the guilt of. That is fallacious and absurd to rational thought.

Evidence that it has gone too far is the reaction to that satire. It is not rocket science, you are absolutely correct. It is the opposite, it is the lowest common denominator prevalence, and the Left's blatant intolerance with those different than them.

I don't know which party 'of racism' that you mean either way. Are you talking individuals, groups, the Republican party, the Democrat part? What? The Republican party is the party of Lincoln. The Democrat party has had, and continues to have its own racists, not just members but leaders. During the hey day of Birth of the Nation type Clan activities, in the South, those hooded lynchmobs were NOT Republicans. So, I don't know which party you are referring to.

Your representative Black Politically Correct counsel man Wiley, I assure you is not a Republican, but extremely racist.

Political Correctness, and all of their adherents, from neophyte to their popes should be ridiculed and mocked, and provoked. For it is based on a lie, many lies and absurdities actually.

To start:
Guilt is not hereditary or transferable from one person to another.
It is not transferable from one group to another.
Words can not be chosen to be racist or unacceptable if one person uses it, and part of the culture or acceptable, if another person does.
One owes no one restitution or retribution for another person's actions or words.
One certainly does not owe any of those things, and violating those dogmatic doctrines do not denote stupidity(as several posters have mentioned) or unEnlightenment.
That it is fair or valid for Political Correctness to be intolerant of those who don't follow the correct thought, newspeek, and mind think.
That Political Correctness is devoid of racism, and the answer to racism, and everything not Politically Correct is racist.

One can violate Political Correctness intentionally(merely because it is absurd), that in and of itself can be valid social or cultural change. You don't get to define the violators, activists, or protesters to it, only on YOUR terms, or under your own Bell Jar, at your drum head kangaroo courts. You are not the only valid judge(and certainly not your programmers). Political Correctness IS racist, if not out and out racism.

01-09-2009, 02:33 AM
I'm not sure why you keep trying to blame the reaction solely on Liberals. Newt Gingrich, Saul Anuzis, and Mike Duncan ( Saltsman for putting out the CD -- is it because they are politically correct liberals? If not, why do you think they did it?

01-09-2009, 03:12 AM
No, I just think that most Conservatives, especially entrenched DC types, lack a sense of humor.

I don't think they are any more Politically Correct than anyone else(who is not), they just either don't get the joke, or they don't get the joke.

I am sure if you set them down with most Conservative leaders in front of a Monty Python movie, they would yawn, fall asleep, or walk out. Or Will Durst, or George Carlin, Doug Stanhope, or Bill Hicks.

But I find not having a sense of humor LESS offensive to my sensibilities, than being Politically Correct.

I'm pretty sure that Sarah Palin would find it funny. But only if someone gave her a link to the LA Times op ed from which this all came, first, of course. I doubt she reads the LA Times regularly(I don't either).

William F Buckley on the other hand? If he were alive. Or Ronald Reagan? Laughing their assess off.

Bill Bennett? Na, not even a guffaw.

On a scale of evilness(as a detriment to society and freedom) from 1 to 100. No sense of humor has to rate at 3 or a 6, at most. Political Correctness, a good 73 or so.

Humor only works(as in it is funny) when it is true. Political Correctness only works when it lies.

01-09-2009, 04:07 AM

Politically INcorrect sweetness.

Ya, I am sure Newton Gingrich loves Doug.

And if you are like Newt, or are PC, I suggest that you take your Neurontin or Dilantin, because that sh1t will give you seizures.

01-09-2009, 12:30 PM
No, I just think that most Conservatives, especially entrenched DC types, lack a sense of humor.

I don't think they are any more Politically Correct than anyone else(who is not), they just either don't get the joke, or they don't get the joke.
Hah, nice try. It's obvious their comments are driven by more than simply not getting the joke.

In any case, if the joke is so hard to get and so prone to being misconstrued as racist that even the leaders of your own party are "shocked and appalled" and think it's "so inappropriate that it should disqualify any Republican National Committee candidate who would use it" then you're probably an idiot for mailing it out to anyone who aren't absolutely sure will get the joke.

On another note, you and Tuda have repeatedly blamed PC liberals for making an issue out of this but when I look for evidence I find that, more often than not, the ones making an issue over it are conservatives. Obama shrugged it off when Limbaugh originally broadcast the song and more recently his press folks have said that they aren't taking it seriously.

01-09-2009, 12:36 PM
Ya, I am sure Newton Gingrich loves Doug.
Oh, absolutely. In fact, I think it was Newt who originally said "I need a 44-hole two-headed baby to fvck, it's the only way I can cum."

The Stanhope video was hilarious. I didn't realize so much of his stuff had been 'tubed.

01-09-2009, 12:49 PM
In any case, if the joke is so hard to get and so prone to being misconstrued as racist that even the leaders of your own party are "shocked and appalled" and think it's "so inappropriate that it should disqualify any Republican National Committee candidate who would use it" then you're probably an idiot for mailing it out to anyone who aren't absolutely sure will get the joke.Unless your goal is to rock the PC boat, in the hopes of one day capsizing it.

By the way, those Republicans who were "shocked and appalled" are either a) PC themselves, or b) have to appeal to their PC electorate.

I'm sure that if a black guy were distributing the CD, they would neither be shocked, nor appalled.On another note, you and Tuda have repeatedly blamed PC liberals for making an issue out of this but when I look for evidence I find that, more often than not, the ones making an issue over it are conservatives.It's the liberal PC media that recycled this old story because they had nothing better to say that day.

Conservatives are only making an issue of it because they're looking out for their own political interests.

01-09-2009, 01:35 PM
Unless your goal is to rock the PC boat, in the hopes of one day capsizing it.
I commend the goal but question the judgement that led Saltsman to think that this was the right time for someone high up in the RNC to do the rocking. Most of the talk from the RNC has been about trying to find broader appeal for the party.

"The 2008 election was a wake-up call for Republicans to reach out and bring more people into our party,” - Mike Duncan

By the way, those Republicans who were "shocked and appalled" are either a) PC themselves, or b) have to appeal to their PC electorate.
They are smart enough to realize that it isn't in a party's or politician's interest to alienate people when they are losing elections. Doing so is dumb.

It's the liberal PC media that recycled this old story because they had nothing better to say that day.
No, it isn't an old story. The song itself isn't new but Saltsman sending it out to a bunch of RNC folks happened over the holidays.

Conservatives are only making an issue of it because they're looking out for their own political interests.
Which is a smart thing to do if they want to get voted into positions where they have a chance to move the country away from the knee-jerk political correctness they purportedly despise.

01-09-2009, 02:33 PM
Which is the politically correct thing to do if they want to get voted into positions where they have a chance to move the country away from the knee-jerk political correctness they purportedly despise.

Funny, how that does not make any sense.

Well, not to me, it doesn't.

01-09-2009, 02:57 PM
Which is a smart thing to do if they want to get voted into positions where they have a chance to move the country away from the knee-jerk political correctness they purportedly despise.So, to move away from political correctness, they have to be more politically correct?

01-09-2009, 03:02 PM
No, it isn't an old story. The song itself isn't new but Saltsman sending it out to a bunch of RNC folks happened over the holidays.Which reinforces the point.

I don't recall hearing an uproar when a part black guy wrote the LA Times article that started the whole Magic Negro affair.

01-09-2009, 04:08 PM
So, to move away from political correctness, they have to be more politically correct?
They have to work within the system as it currently exists in order to change things. This isn't a new notion.

01-09-2009, 04:34 PM
I don't recall hearing an uproar when a part black guy wrote the LA Times article that started the whole Magic Negro affair.
Ehrenstein didn't make a song out of it to mock anyone. He also isn't a high ranking member of a major political party that has a history of racism.

01-09-2009, 07:39 PM
Ehrenstein didn't make a song out of it to mock anyone. He also isn't a high ranking member of a major political party that has a history of racism.
What is he, a Libertarian?

I bet you he is a member of the Democratic Party. Which has more racism in its history, than any of their competitors.

High ranking?
Na, he is just part of the Liberal Mainstream Media. A Black Jew who used the word Negro, and got a pass from the Left and the Politically Correct Gestapo. Ehrenstein is a critic, and op ed writer, in this case for the Liberal LA Times, he is not a song writer. He is a critic of something, mocking something, deriding something, otherwise why would the LA Times write him a royalty check for turning in his inches.

Which is the basis for the absurdity of the Left and Political Correctness. A Black Jew can use the word Negro and is accepted, but Whites can not. Why? Because they are not Negros. Only Negros are allowed to say Negro, everyone else is stupid and racist, or 'tone deaf'.

If that kind of group think, goodthink, newspeek is the foundation of your so called Enlightenment(which the Left love to describe themselves with), I will chose the opposite.

01-09-2009, 07:56 PM
A Black Jew can use the word Negro and is accepted, but Whites can not. Why? Because they are not Negros. Only Negros are allowed to say Negro, everyone else is stupid and racist, or 'tone deaf'.
What makes you think that it was the word "negro" that was the issue? I thought the thing people were objecting to is the implication that the only reason white people could vote for Obama was out of white guilt.

Can you list a few of the PC liberals you claim are making a big issue of this. I'd like to know who they are and what, specifically, they found objectionable.

01-09-2009, 09:51 PM
What makes you think that it was the word "negro" that was the issue?Are you serious?

01-09-2009, 10:12 PM
Are you serious?
Yes. Perhaps I'm showing my age but I wasn't aware that the term "negro" was racist. Outdated, perhaps, but not racist.

Can you list a few of the PC liberals you claim are making a big issue of this. I'd like to know who they are and what, specifically, they found objectionable.

01-10-2009, 02:55 PM
They have to work within the system as it currently exists in order to change things.Is that the advice you would have given to Rosa Parks?

It all seems rather contradictory to me, but that's no surprise given your history of PC doublethink.

And yes, "negro" is considered derogatory today (if the speaker is not one, of course).

01-10-2009, 05:09 PM
Is that the advice you would have given to Rosa Parks?
Refresh my memory, what office was she running for?

Can you list a few of the PC liberals you claim are making a big issue of this. I'd like to know who they are and what, specifically, they found objectionable.

01-11-2009, 12:43 PM
Can you list a few of the PC liberals you claim are making a big issue of this.Uh, all of them? It was all over the news with plenty of liberal commentators condemning it for all sorts of reasons. I can't remember all their names, but the very fact that the media made such a big deal of this non-issue shows you how strong the reaction was.Refresh my memory, what office was she running for?What difference does that make?

01-11-2009, 01:19 PM
Uh, all of them?
Uh huh. You sound like Sarah Palin when Couric asked her about which newspapers she reads.

What difference does that make?
Have you been reading the thread or are you so busy projecting your pet issues into the argument you don't even bother.

This thread is about a politician who did something that anyone with half a brain would know would irritate people. He did it at a time when the party he is a leader in needs to be attracting voters rather than driving them away.

01-11-2009, 01:56 PM
This thread is about a politician who did something that anyone with half a brain would know would irritate people.No, this thread is about WHY that would (or should) irritate certain people.

I think we can take it as a given that he anticipated the PC reaction, and there is little point in discussing it.Uh huh. You sound like Sarah Palin when Couric asked her about which newspapers she reads.No, because that's a question only she knows the answer to.

Unless you've been living in a cave recently (and your surprise that "Negro" is derogatory means that just may be so), you've seen all the liberal reaction to this song. No, I didn't memorize all the names, bookmark links, and record CNN interviews that I was only half paying attention to. If you really want to see it all, do a Google search, and you will find everything you need.

01-11-2009, 02:34 PM
No, this thread is about WHY that would (or should) irritate certain people.
No, that's what you want the thread to be about.

I think we can take it as a given that he anticipated the PC reaction, and there is little point in discussing it.
I think we can take it as a given that this is not a smart time for a party that just got burned at the ballot box to be provoking people. If you can't understand that then you're no brighter than Saltsman.

If you really want to see it all, do a Google search, and you will find everything you need.
I'm not doing your research for you. Apart from a few blogs, just about all of the discussion I've seen on the issue is related to the reaction of various GOP people.

01-11-2009, 03:23 PM
No, that's what you want the thread to be about.

I think we can take it as a given that this is not a smart time for a party that just got burned at the ballot box to be provoking people. If you can't understand that then you're no brighter than Saltsman.

I'm not doing your research for you. Apart from a few blogs, just about all of the discussion I've seen on the issue is related to the reaction of various GOP people.

So you are saying that the only people who were 'offended' by the song were GOP leaders and people.

At the same time you are saying that the GOP is stupid, alienating, tone deaf, and provoking, for being insensitive?

01-11-2009, 03:31 PM
So you are saying that the only people who were 'offended' by the song were GOP leaders and people.
No, I'm saying that it's the GOP folks that seem to be getting the lions share of the press. I don't see the massive outcry from the "PC police" that you and Tuda claim exists.