View Full Forums : Best 2-Box Partner for a Druid

04-22-2009, 10:50 AM
My lvl 62 almost 63 Druid needs a 2-Box partner. I have friends willing to help. I am looking to 2-Box with a lvl 85 so I can level up quickly, plus get my Epic 1.5
What class at level 80 or maybe 85 would be great for 2-box. I really want a class that hold aggro. Would a BL, Pally, or SK be best at lvl 80 to 2-box with me?

04-22-2009, 08:43 PM
Druid + Beast is a good combo. Course, that's what I play, so I'm biased :)

04-24-2009, 11:27 AM
Druid + Beast is a good combo. Course, that's what I play, so I'm biased :)

Would agree.

Druid + Beast and Tank + Cleric Merc. Your set!

04-24-2009, 01:18 PM
Mage, and yeah - that's what I use. Why? Fantastic synergy. The only overlap is trivial - damage shields. CoH + snare owns content.

04-25-2009, 01:49 AM
Beastlords and mages make the best duo for a druid by far. Warriors aren't far behind for the mitigation and their dps isn't too shabby with the proper aa's.

With beastlords you have slow which increases survivability. With mages you have much higher dps. With an experienced warrior you have a wider range of content available to you.

I have a druid and warrior that I box. I also have a tier 5 tank and a tier 5 cleric. With those I can easily take on CoD and BF named, and to a lesser extent Korafax. The merc usually tanks as it's just easier for me to turn on auto attack and pay attention to my druid. Mage pets are just as good at tanking as the average warrior so there isn't much drop off there and beastlords aren't too shabby either.

It really just boils down to personal preference and what content you want to do.

04-27-2009, 12:52 PM
I currently 2-box my druid and mage, with 2 cleric mercs and use the Mage pet to tank. I like that combo, and will soon be adding a Shaman to the mix, as soon as he is high enough.

I have gotten groups with my Druid and then got my mage invited when we couldn't find a tank. Mage Air Pet is a nice tank if you got the right Pet foci and AA's.

04-27-2009, 03:02 PM
I 2 Box now with a Mage. I use a Merc Tank with the Druid and a Cleric Merc with Mage. It is interesting you use 2 cleric Mercs, I will try that. Myabe I can nuke more now with Druid. I just need to make sure the Mage Pet can tank alone, so far he has a Merc tank assisting.
We have been wiped out a few times, maybe 2 clerics can help.
Is the Earth or Water Elementals any good for tanking? I was curious why most only use Air?

04-27-2009, 07:32 PM
Water pet is more of a Rogue, really good at Backstabbing. Earth pet is a good tank with root, but Air pet is the best because it can stun the mobs its attacking.

You should get your Pet Defensive AA's to make the pet a better tank. a good Pet foci helps alot too.

05-01-2009, 06:10 PM
Shadowknight and druid combine well. Minus Darkness. Ranger and druid combo well. But, ya most everyone that was playing were going mage and whoever with a merc. Necro druid can be fun if you can twist it well.

05-06-2009, 03:22 PM
I box a 85 dru and 85 war, its a fun combo, but limited in some ways. The war can slow with the slow hammer from old sebilis ( 50% slow, tradable, bought for 15k, but got lucky, its called truncheon of doom ).

This is not an xp grinding 2 box. ( I use 2 cleric mercs, nuke and dot like crazy from the druid ). But its very good for getting new equipment.

If you really want to pl your druid, I would suggest an enchanter. Druid snares, chanter can charm and have pet fight a bunch of snared mobs till pet is almost dead, then break charm, and druid can nuke the almost dead pet. Druid does this out of group from chanter. and druid gets all the xp. And there are many other ways dru+ench will kick but. This kind of xp, multiple mobs on one pet, is the highest dps you will ever get solo, with no merc draining xp.

I do this trick with my druid charming stuff, and pling others, it works great.

05-14-2009, 11:56 AM
I box a druid and SK and find this to be a very good combo. Both have T5 cleric mercs so the druid pretty much just debuffing and DPSing. I also box a friends mage once in a while and I can see how that would be potentially much easier to make viable. The SK I box has taken a long time to get a good set of AC augs and decent enough gear to be able to tank in Old bloodfields and COD while the mage pet could be attained with just AAs and a couple focus effects. I don't know how to COH pull so the SK is better in that area for me and the FD+cleric on passive makes it possible to get my toons just about anywhere. I would say either SK or mage would make an excellent addition to your box setup, it just depends on if you want to get AC augs while maxing defensive AAs, or just maxing pet AAs.

05-19-2009, 05:29 AM
I go with a 85 druid + 81 mage combo as well. I have tryed dru+war and dru+necro, but mage rule them all.
In warrens atm I kill random mobs with a t5 healer to keep up pet. Druid and mage all in on DPS.
age is current on 820aa, druid on1030aa. Its very important to do all your pet defensive, b4 letting pet have tankrole solo.
With snare+COH I split all camps, indoor or outdoor.



05-19-2009, 05:49 PM
I go with a 85 druid + 81 mage combo as well. I have tryed dru+war and dru+necro, but mage rule them all.
In warrens atm I kill random mobs with a t5 healer to keep up pet. Druid and mage all in on DPS.
age is current on 820aa, druid on1030aa. Its very important to do all your pet defensive, b4 letting pet have tankrole solo.
With snare+COH I split all camps, indoor or outdoor.



So mage+druid is a truly awesome duo. But in defense of the war/dru box, if you really want to tank the hard names, and want to build groups for this on occasion when "soloing" your 2 box gets old, then war/dru shines as a 2box choice. But I do love mages and see in tosk, 2 mages + cleric mercs take down named in tosk; very cool.

05-20-2009, 02:18 PM
I think Druid + Beastlord or Druid + Warrior are both great 2 box options....but I would pick up a third. If you get a druid + tank + mage I think the party will be moving much quicker exp wise.

06-29-2009, 06:01 PM
Currently what your seeing is that the Mage pet + cleric merc is overpowerd until thats remedied, if your going to stick with Druid go with Mage. In all honesty it should be Mage + druid as the mage does 90% of the work and the druid is living off him.

Thats why you See Mage Pet + Cleric merc & cleric merc + misc. in Tosk farming named. The other class is irrelevent as long as they have a cleric merc.

07-01-2009, 05:48 PM
Mage + Druid is a great combo. CoH pulling is so easy it should be illegal. Mage pets are really overpowered.

07-25-2009, 10:20 AM
eh, i do dru+bard or dru+shm. both are effectively nasty and fun.

07-30-2009, 04:03 PM
Druid + Bst is a good combo. I leveled that one from 1-80 pre SOD.

During SOF I added an Enchanter to make it a 3 box.

Now I have T5(Tank merc x2 Cleric merc BSt, Druid, Chanter) I can do all SOD group content except last 2 instance missions in Korafax.

I group with an SK/Cleric/rog on a routine bases and that set-up owns.

08-04-2009, 09:02 PM
One note about dru + war: I am able to 2 box named in OBF now, emlyxi and pherin, also klygg and kylis ( using 2 cleric mercs of course ). Getting all my dot dps aa on the dru really helped. I have a dps parser, and my dps went from like 500 to around 900 after I got the aa; makes a huge diff. So I have t5 armour on both toons atm; its a fun combo; wonder if dru + mage can do the same in OBF. Anyone seen that combo do obf named?

08-05-2009, 06:17 PM
Yes I often group with a friend there. Dru + Mage combo can kill named in Korafax even. Nothing wrong with dru + any class really. They all have their strengths.

08-12-2009, 08:57 AM
No love for my druid/monk combo that I used to play? I loved that combo, but only got into the high 50s before quitting... so they probably wouldn't have done much more at higher levels.

I'm back playing now though, so I may kick the dust off of them and see what they can do :)