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07-16-2009, 05:05 PM
Which Druid race is the most fun or has the most advantage in the game?

07-17-2009, 02:47 AM
At this point in the game, it doesn't really matter. But, I suppose, Drakkin with their breath weapon would be the way to go. But, back in the day, I played a half elf druid. They could start pretty much anywhere, and generally started with higher factions in certain towns, as in a half elf would have been apprehensive in Freeport, a woodie would have been dubious as an example I pulled out of my rear, but, with some truth to it. But, they had the lowest wisdom of all the druid races, and fairly early on that was difficult to overcome for a decent sized mana pool. But, they had decent agility, stamina, and dex to compensate which mattered the first 30 levels or so, and often later with channeling. Plus, most everyone was a halfling or a woodie so, a half elf was allittle more of a personal decision, rather than going for the best stats, which often determined whether or not I got a group, but, quickly went away once I established a decent reputation as a decent druid in group.

So, my half elf status went away and no one cared so long as the regens were up, damage shield on the tank, snared runners, some nukes and heals every so often, single pulling mobs, crowd control, good timed evacs, protection of the glades on the casters, and stuff like that. Err wait, they nerfed half those above level 50 during planes of power.

07-25-2009, 10:18 AM
I agree with Palamin, it is personal choice. I chose halfling for a few reasons. Leatherfoot haversacks, fletching with ease and well, they are compact and easily stored in most overhead compartments.

08-03-2009, 05:57 PM
As stated before it's purely down to personal choice - pick a race that you prefer the lore/appearance of.

I'd say pick Human. All the other Druidic races hug nature regardless of their class, Human Druids actually stand out as primary treehuggers amongst their kin :elfgrin:

08-03-2009, 07:40 PM
As stated before it's purely down to personal choice - pick a race that you prefer the lore/appearance of.

I'd say pick Human. All the other Druidic races hug nature regardless of their class, Human Druids actually stand out as primary treehuggers amongst their kin :elfgrin:

We are the tallest treehuggers as far as I know. Therefore we tower above all others. :wiggle:

08-04-2009, 07:52 PM
Well, actually, if you really do not go by appearance the only race to chose is halfling.

They can sneak/hide, which is totally underrated, from the beginning to the end game. You can sneak/hide to places other races can only dream of.

There also is the exp bonus which I think is 10%, which carries over nicely to the higher game. Nothing to sneeze at.

If you play in 1st person view you do not even see the hairy feet...

08-05-2009, 06:20 PM
Xp bonuses and penalties were supposedly removed, but those smelly haflings do get sneak and hide and is, as you say, underrated.

08-05-2009, 07:05 PM
Actually, while they took out the penalties, I'm pretty sure they left the bonuses in. I think it's 5% for halflings.

08-06-2009, 09:06 AM
Penalties were removed, bonuses remain - and I also remember 5% for Halflings. This said, the bonus is only present on normal exp. AA exp is unaffected. For more info lookup Borek's posts on the EQLive boards, he did some analysis of the issue a while ago in the Tutorial.